# Active Delivery Framework providing an entrypoint (single _interface_) for all types of notifications: mailers, push notifications, whatever you want. ## Usage _Delivery_ class is used to trigger notifications. It describes how to notify a user (e.g. via email or via push notification or both): ```ruby class PostsDelivery < ActiveDelivery::Base # in most cases you don't have to specify anything in this class, # 'cause default transport-level classes (such as mailers) end ``` It acts like a proxy in front of the different delivery channels (i.e. mailers, notifiers). That means that calling a method on delivery class invokes the same method on the corresponding class, e.g.: ```ruby PostsDelivery.notify(:published, user, post) # under the hood it calls PostsMailer.published(user, post).deliver_later # and if you have a notifier (or anything else) PostsNotifier.published(user, post).notify_later ``` P.S. Naming ("delivery") is inspired by Basecamp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1jOWu7woKM. Delivery also supports _parameterized_ calling: ```ruby PostsDelivery.with(user: user).notify(:published, post) ``` The parameters could be accessed through `params` instance method (e.g. to implement guard-like logic). **NOTE**: When params are presents the parametrized mailer is used, i.e.: ```ruby PostsMailer.with(user: user).published(post) ``` See [Rails docs](https://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionMailer/Parameterized.html) for more information on parameterized mailers. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/palkan/active_delivery. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).