require 'pubnub/configuration.rb' require 'pubnub/subscription.rb' require 'em-http-request' require 'httparty' require 'persistent_httparty' require 'timeout' module Pubnub class PubNubHTTParty include HTTParty default_timeout 310 def first_run? @first_run ? true : false end def send_request(path, options={}, &block) if @first_run.nil? @first_run = true else @first_run = false end self.class.get path, options end end class Client include Configuration attr_accessor :uuid, :cipher_key, :host, :query, :response, :timetoken, :url, :operation, :callback, :publish_key, :subscribe_key, :secret_key, :channel, :jsonp, :message, :ssl, :port attr_accessor :close_connection, :history_limit, :history_count, :history_start, :history_end, :history_reverse, :session_uuid, :last_timetoken, :origin, :error DEFAULT_CONNECT_CALLBACK = lambda { |msg| $ "CONNECTED: #{msg}" } DEFAULT_ERROR_CALLBACK = lambda { |msg| $log.error "AN ERROR OCCURRED: #{msg}" } def initialize(options = {}) $log = options[:logger] $log ='pubnub.log', 0, 100 * 1024 * 1024) unless $log @subscriptions = @subscription_request = nil @retry = true @retry_count = 0 @callback = options[:callback] @error_callback = options[:error_callback] @error_callback = DEFAULT_ERROR_CALLBACK unless @error_callback @connect_callback = options[:connect_callback] @connect_callback = DEFAULT_CONNECT_CALLBACK unless @connect_callback @cipher_key = options[:cipher_key] @publish_key = options[:publish_key] || DEFAULT_PUBLISH_KEY @subscribe_key = options[:subscribe_key] || DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_KEY @channel = options[:channel] || DEFAULT_CHANNEL @message = options[:message] @ssl = options[:ssl] @secret_key = options[:secret_key] @timetoken = options[:timetoken] @session_uuid = options[:uuid] || options[:session_uuid] || @history_count = options[:count] @history_start = options[:start] @history_end = options[:end] @history_reverse = options[:reverse] @port = options[:port] @url = options[:url] @origin = options[:origin] @origin = DEFAULT_ORIGIN unless @origin @query = options[:query] @http_sync = options[:http_sync] @max_retries = options[:max_retries] @max_retries = MAX_RETRIES unless @max_retries @non_subscribe_timeout = options[:non_subscribe_timeout] @non_subscribe_timeout = 5 unless @non_subscribe_timeout @reconnect_max_attempts = options[:reconnect_max_attempts] @reconnect_max_attempts = 60 unless @reconnect_max_attempts @reconnect_retry_interval = options[:reconnect_retry_interval] @reconnect_retry_interval = 5 unless @reconnect_retry_interval @reconnect_response_timeout = options[:reconnect_response_timeout] @reconnect_response_timeout = 5 unless @reconnect_response_timeout @sync_connection_sub = @sync_connection = @pause_subscribe = false end def publish(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'publish') verify_operation('publish', options) start_request options end def subscribe(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'subscribe') verify_operation('subscribe', options) 'YOU ARE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO THAT CHANNEL' if get_channels_for_subscription.include? options[:channel] $log.error 'YOU ARE ALREADY SUBSCRIBED TO THAT CHANNEL' if get_channels_for_subscription.include? options[:channel] start_request options end def presence(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'presence') verify_operation('presence', options) start_request options end def history(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'history') verify_operation('history', options) options[:params].merge!({:count => options[:count]}) options[:params].merge!({:start => options[:start]}) unless options[:start].nil? options[:params].merge!({:end => options[:end]}) unless options[:end].nil? options[:params].merge!({:reverse => 'true'}) if options[:reverse] start_request options end def leave(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'leave') verify_operation('leave', options) return false unless get_channels_for_subscription.include? options[:channel] remove_from_subscription options[:channel] if @subscriptions.empty? @timetoken = 0 @subscription_request.timetoken = 0 @subscribe_connection.close @wait_for_response = false end start_request options end alias_method :unsubscribe, :leave def here_now(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'here_now') verify_operation('here_now', options) start_request options end def time(options = {}, &block) options[:callback] = block if block_given? options = merge_options(options, 'time') verify_operation('time', options) start_request options end def subscription_running? @subscription_running end def active_subscriptions @subscription_request end private def remove_from_subscription(channel) @subscriptions.delete_if { |s| == channel.to_s } end def merge_options(options = {}, operation = '') options[:channel] = compile_channel_parameter(options[:channel],options[:channels]) if options[:channel] || options[:channels] return { :ssl => @ssl, :cipher_key => @cipher_key, :publish_key => @publish_key, :subscribe_key => @subscribe_key, :secret_key => @secret_key, :origin => @origin, :operation => operation, :params => { :uuid => @session_uuid }, :timetoken => @timetoken, :error_callback=> @error_callback }.merge(options) end def start_em_if_not_running do end unless EM.reactor_running? until EM.reactor_running? do end end def get_channels_for_subscription do |sub| end end def fire_subscriptions_callback_for(envelope) @subscriptions.each do |subscription| subscription.fire_callback_for envelope end end def start_request(options) request = unless options[:http_sync] start_em_if_not_running if %w(subscribe presence).include? request.operation options[:channel].split(',').each do |channel| @subscriptions << => channel, :callback => options[:callback], :error_callback => options[:error_callback]) unless get_channels_for_subscription.include? channel end @subscription_request = request unless @subscription_request if != get_channels_for_subscription.join(',') && @subscription_running @subscribe_connection.close @timetoken = 0 @subscription_request.timetoken = 0 @wait_for_response = false end = get_channels_for_subscription.join(',') @subscription_running = EM.add_periodic_timer(PERIODIC_TIMER) do unless @wait_for_response || get_channels_for_subscription.empty? @wait_for_response = true $log.debug 'SETTING CHANNELS' = get_channels_for_subscription.join(',') $log.debug 'SENDING SUBSCRIBE REQUEST' http = send_request(@subscription_request) http.callback do $log.debug 'GOT SUBSCRIBE RESPONSE' @wait_for_response = false if http.response_header.status.to_i == 200 if is_valid_json?(http.response) $log.debug 'GOT VALID JSON' @subscription_request.handle_response(http) $log.debug 'HANDLED RESPONSE' if is_update?(@subscription_request.timetoken) $log.debug 'TIMETOKEN UPDATED' @subscription_request.envelopes.each do |envelope| fire_subscriptions_callback_for envelope end else $log.debug 'TIMETOKEN NOT UPDATED' end end else if request.error_callback :error_init => true, :message => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json, :response => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json ) else fire_subscriptions_callback_for :error_init => true, :message => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json, :response => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json ) end end end http.errback do $log.error 'GOT SUBSCRIBE ERROR' [0, http.error] end end end unless @subscription_running else EM.next_tick do $log.debug 'SENDING OTHER REQUEST' http = send_request(request) http.errback do [0, http.error] end http.callback do $log.debug 'GOT OTHER RESPONSE' #byebug if http.response_header.status.to_i == 200 if is_valid_json?(http.response) request.handle_response(http) request.envelopes.each do |envelope| $log.debug 'CALLING PARAMETER CALLBACK' envelope end end else begin request.handle_response(http) request.envelopes.each do |envelope| if request.error_callback envelope else envelope end end rescue if request.error_callback :error_init => true, :message => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json, :response => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json ) else :error_init => true, :message => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json, :response => [0, "Bad server response: #{http.response_header.status.to_i}"].to_json ) end end end end end end else begin if @timetoken.to_i == 0 && request.operation == 'subscribe' time(:http_sync => true){|envelope| @timetoken = envelope.message.to_i } end begin if request.query.to_s.empty? if %w(subscribe presence).include? request.operation response = @sync_connection_sub.send_request(request.origin + request.path, :timeout => 370) else response = @sync_connection.send_request(request.origin + request.path, :timeout => @non_subscribe_timeout) end else if %w(subscribe presence).include? request.operation response = @sync_connection_sub.send_request(request.origin + request.path, :query => request.query, :timeout => 370) else response = @sync_connection.send_request(request.origin + request.path, :query => request.query, :timeout => @non_subscribe_timeout) end end rescue msg = 'ERROR SENDING REQUEST' :error_init => true, :message => [0, msg].to_s, :response => [0, msg].to_s ) @retries = 0 unless @retries @retries += 1 if @retries <= @max_retries return start_request options else msg = "ERROR SENDING REQUEST AFTER #{@retries} RETRIES" @retries = 0 return :error_init => true, :message => [0, msg].to_s, :response => [0, msg].to_s ) end end if @sync_connection_sub.first_run? 'SYNC CONNECTION ESTABLISHED' end if response.response.code.to_i == 200 if is_valid_json?(response.body) request.handle_response(response) @timetoken = request.timetoken if request.operation == 'leave' Subscription.remove_from_subscription end if !request.callback.nil? request.envelopes.each do |envelope| envelope end else if %w(publish leave here_now time).include? request.operation return request.envelopes[0] else return request.envelopes end end end else begin request.handle_response(response) if !request.callback.nil? request.envelopes.each do |envelope| envelope end else if %w(publish leave here_now time).include? request.operation return request.envelopes[0] else return request.envelopes end end rescue if request.error_callback :error_init => true, :message => [0, "Bad server response: #{response.response.code.to_i}"].to_json, :response => [0, "Bad server response: #{response.response.code.to_i}"].to_json ) else :error_init => true, :message => [0, "Bad server response: #{response.response.code.to_i}"].to_json, :response => [0, "Bad server response: #{response.response.code.to_i}"].to_json ) end end if @sync_retries @sync_retries += 1 else @sync_retries = 1 end if @sync_retries < @max_retries start_request options end end rescue Timeout::Error if request.error_callback [0, 'TIMEOUT'] else [0, 'TIMEOUT'] end end end end def send_request(request) if %w(subscribe presence).include? request.operation unless @subscribe_connection @subscribe_connection =, :connect_timeout => 370, :inactivity_timeout => 370) connection = @subscribe_connection.get :path => '/time/0', :keepalive => true, :query => request.query #EM.next_tick do connection.callback do EM.defer do 'ASYNC SUBSCRIBE CONNECTION' end end #end end @subscribe_connection.get :path => request.path, :query => request.query, :keepalive => true else unless @connection @connection = request.origin end @connection.get :path => request.path, :query => request.query, :keepalive => true end end def is_update?(timetoken) if @timetoken.to_i < timetoken.to_i @timetoken = timetoken else false end end def is_valid_json?(response) begin JSON.parse(response) valid = true rescue valid = false end valid end def verify_operation(operation, options) case operation when 'publish' raise(ArgumentError, 'publish() requires :channel, :message parameters and, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:channel] || options[:channels]) && (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) && options[:message] when 'subscribe' raise(ArgumentError, 'subscribe() requires :channel parameters and, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:channel] || options[:channels]) && (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) when 'presence' raise(ArgumentError, 'presence() requires :channel parameters and, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:channel] || options[:channels]) && (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) when 'time' raise(ArgumentError, 'time() require, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) when 'history' raise(ArgumentError, 'history() requires :channel, :count parameters and, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:channel] || options[:channels]) && (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) && options[:count] when 'here_now' raise(ArgumentError, 'here_now() requires :channel parameters and, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:channel] || options[:channels]) && (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) when 'leave' raise(ArgumentError, 'leave() requires :channel parameters and, if async, callback parameter or block given.') unless (options[:channel] || options[:channels]) && (options[:callback] || options[:block_given] || options[:http_sync]) end unless options[:callback].nil? raise('callback is invalid.') unless options[:callback].respond_to? 'call' end unless options[:error_callback].nil? raise('error_callback is invalid.') unless options[:error_callback].respond_to? 'call' end end def compile_channel_parameter(channel, channels) raise(ArgumentError, 'Can\'t handle both :channel and :channels parameters given.') if channel && channels channel = channels if channels channel = channel.to_s if channel.class == Symbol channel =! {|c| c.to_s}.join(',') if channel.class == Array return channel end end end