require 'helper' require 'faraday_middleware/request/oauth' require 'uri' require 'forwardable' describe FaradayMiddleware::OAuth do def auth_header(env) env[:request_headers]['Authorization'] end def auth_values(env) if auth = auth_header(env) raise "invalid header: #{auth.inspect}" unless auth.sub!('OAuth ', '') Hash[*auth.split(/, |=/)] end end def perform(oauth_options = {}, headers = {}, params = {}) env = { :url => URI(''), :request_headers =>, :request => {}, :body => params } unless oauth_options.is_a? Hash and oauth_options.empty? env[:request][:oauth] = oauth_options end app = make_app end def make_app{|env| env}, *Array(options)) end context "invalid options" do let(:options) { nil } it "should error out" do expect { make_app }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "empty options" do let(:options) { [{}] } it "should sign request" do auth = auth_values(perform) expected_keys = %w[ oauth_nonce oauth_signature oauth_signature_method oauth_timestamp oauth_version ] auth.keys.should =~ expected_keys end end context "configured with consumer and token" do let(:options) do [{ :consumer_key => 'CKEY', :consumer_secret => 'CSECRET', :token => 'TOKEN', :token_secret => 'TSECRET' }] end it "adds auth info to the header" do auth = auth_values(perform) expected_keys = %w[ oauth_consumer_key oauth_nonce oauth_signature oauth_signature_method oauth_timestamp oauth_token oauth_version ] auth.keys.should =~ expected_keys auth['oauth_version'].should eq(%("1.0")) auth['oauth_signature_method'].should eq(%("HMAC-SHA1")) auth['oauth_consumer_key'].should eq(%("CKEY")) auth['oauth_token'].should eq(%("TOKEN")) end it "doesn't override existing header" do request = perform({}, "Authorization" => "iz me!") auth_header(request).should eq("iz me!") end it "can override oauth options per-request" do auth = auth_values(perform(:consumer_key => 'CKEY2')) auth['oauth_consumer_key'].should eq(%("CKEY2")) auth['oauth_token'].should eq(%("TOKEN")) end it "can turn off oauth signing per-request" do auth_header(perform(false)).should be_nil end end context "configured without token" do let(:options) { [{ :consumer_key => 'CKEY', :consumer_secret => 'CSECRET' }] } it "adds auth info to the header" do auth = auth_values(perform) auth.should include('oauth_consumer_key') auth.should_not include('oauth_token') end end context "handling body parameters" do let(:options) { [{ :consumer_key => 'CKEY', :consumer_secret => 'CSECRET', :nonce => '547fed103e122eecf84c080843eedfe6', :timestamp => '1286830180'}] } let(:value) { {'foo' => 'bar'} } let(:type_json) { {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} } let(:type_form) { {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'} } extend Forwardable query_method = :build_nested_query query_module = ::Faraday::Utils.respond_to?(query_method) ? 'Faraday::Utils' : 'Rack::Utils' def_delegator query_module, query_method it "does not include the body for JSON" do auth_header_with = auth_header(perform({}, type_json, '{"foo":"bar"}')) auth_header_without = auth_header(perform({}, type_json, {})) auth_header_with.should == auth_header_without end it "includes the body parameters with form Content-Type" do auth_header_with = auth_header(perform({}, type_form, {})) auth_header_without = auth_header(perform({}, type_form, value)) auth_header_with.should_not == auth_header_without end it "includes the body parameters with an unspecified Content-Type" do auth_header_with = auth_header(perform({}, {}, value)) auth_header_without = auth_header(perform({}, type_form, value)) auth_header_with.should == auth_header_without end it "includes the body parameters for form type with string body" do # simulates the behavior of Faraday::MiddleWare::UrlEncoded value = { 'foo' => ['bar', 'baz', 'wat'] } auth_header_hash = auth_header(perform({}, type_form, value)) auth_header_string = auth_header(perform({}, type_form, build_nested_query(value))) auth_header_string.should == auth_header_hash end end end