require 'json' require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe NewspaperWorks::TextExtraction::AltoReader do let(:fixture_path) do File.join( NewspaperWorks::GEM_PATH, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'files' ) end let(:minimal_path) { File.join(fixture_path, 'minimal-alto.xml') } let(:ndnp_alto_path) { File.join(fixture_path, 'ndnp-alto-sample.xml') } let(:minimal) { } let(:reader_minimal) { } let(:reader_minimal_path) { } let(:reader_ndnp) { } describe "reads alto" do it "loads ALTO source" do expect(reader_minimal_path.source).to eq reader_minimal.source expect(reader_minimal_path.source.size).to eq 1383 expect(reader_ndnp.source.size).to eq 1_050_876 end it "loads document stream" do expect(reader_minimal_path.doc_stream).to be_kind_of Nokogiri::XML::SAX::Document expect(reader_minimal_path.doc_stream).to respond_to :text expect(reader_minimal_path.doc_stream).to respond_to :words end end describe "outputs text derivative formats" do it "outputs plain text" do # try simple flat text input expect(reader_minimal.text).to eq "This is only a test." expect(reader_minimal.text).to eq reader_minimal.doc_stream.text # try more complex input expect(reader_ndnp.text.size).to eq 30_519 end it "passes args to WordCoordsBuilder and receives output" do parsed = JSON.parse(reader_minimal.json) expect(parsed['coords'].length).to be > 1 parsed = JSON.parse(reader_ndnp.json) expect(parsed['coords'].size).to eq 2_125 end end end