# `runger_release_assistant` This is a CLI tool that I (David Runger) use to automate the release of new gem versions via git/GitHub and (optionally) via RubyGems. **I do not recommend this gem for general use.** <!--ts--> * [runger_release_assistant](#runger_release_assistant) * [Not recommended for general use!](#not-recommended-for-general-use) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Installation](#installation) * [Global installation](#global-installation) * [Installation in a specific project](#installation-in-a-specific-project) * [Create a binstub](#create-a-binstub) * [Basic usage](#basic-usage) * [Available options and examples](#available-options-and-examples) * [Config](#config) * [Using with RubyGems](#using-with-rubygems) * [Development](#development) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [License](#license) <!-- Created by https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc --> <!-- Added by: david, at: Tue Jul 23 12:46:01 AM CDT 2024 --> <!--te--> ## Not recommended for general use! This gem is somewhat customized and built specifically for my (David Runger's) custom and idiosyncratic workflow. For example, after releasing, this gem will automatically execute a `safe` command, if one is present on the machine. You might not want this behavior (if you have a `safe` command that you _don't_ want to be invoked after a release). Realistically speaking, though, this gem actually probably could be used by anyone, since most of this gem's functionality actually is built in a generalized way that I think won't conflict with most other people's workflows, but, still, I'm guessing that there are other, better tools available, anyway, and, so, on net, I just wouldn't recommend that others use this gem. ## Dependencies This gem assumes that you have `git` installed. ## Installation ### Global installation ``` gem install runger_release_assistant ``` Then you can execute `release` anywhere on your machine. ### Installation in a specific project Add `runger_release_assistant` to your `Gemfile`: ```rb group :development do gem 'runger_release_assistant', require: false end ``` Then, you can execute `bundle exec release`. #### Create a binstub When using bundler, you can create a binstub via: ``` bundle binstubs runger_release_assistant ``` Then, you can execute `bin/release`. ## Basic usage If installed globally: ``` $ release [options] ``` If installed via bundler without a binstub: ``` $ bundle exec release [options] ``` If installed via bundler with a binstub: ``` $ bin/release [options] ``` ### Available options and examples After installing, execute `release --help` to see usage examples and available options. ``` $ release --help Usage: release [options] Example: release release --type minor release -t patch -t, --type Release type (major, minor, or patch) -d, --debug print debugging info -s, --show-system-output show system output -i, --init create a `.release_assistant.yml` config file -v, --version print the version -h, --help print this help information ``` ## Config You can create a configuration file with `release --init`. Here is an example: ```yml --- git: true rubygems: false primary_branch: main ``` The above example (more or less) illustrates the default values, so you don't need to create a config file, if those are the values that you want. Regarding the `primary_branch` option, `runger_release_assistant` will automatically detect as the "primary branch" any one of the following: `main`, `master`, or `trunk`. So, if one of those is the name of your primary branch, and if you also want `git: true` and `rubygems: false`, then you don't need to create a config file. ## Using with RubyGems By default, `runger_release_assistant` assumes that you only want to "release" your gem via GitHub. If you'd also like to release the gem via RubyGems, then create a `.release_assistant.yml` file by executing `release --init`. Within that file, modify the default `rubygems: false` option to `rubygems: true`. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/davidrunger/runger_release_assistant. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).