# Space [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/space.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/svenfuchs/space) Here's a screenshot of my setup (iterm, tmux, vim, space) for working on [travis](http://github.com/travis-ci). ![tmux based travis workspace](http://img.skitch.com/20120410-d4qk8ce75h6x7i7g7i2cbtjnn8.png) The thing on the right side is an iterm split pane running space. The main screen is take by a tmux session that has a vim and a zsh pane. (I use an iterm pane for space so that I can switch between tmux windows but keep the space view.) The space view gives an overview of: * current branch * current commit * bundler local flag * git status (clean, dirty, ahead) * bundle status (`bundle check`) * dependencies One can easily see that: * repos 1-5 are using the bundler local flag, while 6-7 are using remote references * repos 4, 6, 7 have dirty working directories * repo 6 is 1 commit ahead of origin * the bundle in repo 7 is not installed Space checks for each dependency listed in a repo's Gemfile if the bundle is locked to the hash that is currently checked out locally and display that status information. Also note that the repo numbers are referring to the tmux windows where possible. This screencast is from a very early version but still mostly valid. It also demonstrates how screen can be used to run commands on multiple repositories at once: [![screencast](http://img.skitch.com/20120410-gyiprdiy8jyhwwp3pd4gafk3tu.png)](www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfYZysobsYo) This is what the `~/.space/travis.yml` file for this setup looks like: base_dir: ~/Development/projects/travis repositories: - travis-ci - travis-hub - travis-listener - travis-core - travis-support - travis-worker - travis-build