require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), "spec_helper") describe "class_table_inheritance plugin" do before do @db = Sequel.mock(:autoid=>proc{|sql| 1}) def @db.schema(table, opts={}) {:employees=>[[:id, {:primary_key=>true, :type=>:integer}], [:name, {:type=>:string}], [:kind, {:type=>:string}]], :managers=>[[:id, {:type=>:integer}], [:num_staff, {:type=>:integer}]], :executives=>[[:id, {:type=>:integer}], [:num_managers, {:type=>:integer}]], :staff=>[[:id, {:type=>:integer}], [:manager_id, {:type=>:integer}]], }[table.is_a?(Sequel::Dataset) ? table.first_source_table : table] end @db.extend_datasets do def columns {[:employees]=>[:id, :name, :kind], [:managers]=>[:id, :num_staff], [:executives]=>[:id, :num_managers], [:staff]=>[:id, :manager_id], [:employees, :managers]=>[:id, :name, :kind, :num_staff], [:employees, :managers, :executives]=>[:id, :name, :kind, :num_staff, :num_managers], [:employees, :staff]=>[:id, :name, :kind, :manager_id], }[opts[:from] + (opts[:join] || []).map{|x| x.table}] end end class ::Employee < Sequel::Model(@db) def _refresh(x); @values[:id] = 1 end def self.columns dataset.columns end plugin :class_table_inheritance, :key=>:kind, :table_map=>{:Staff=>:staff} end class ::Manager < Employee one_to_many :staff_members, :class=>:Staff end class ::Executive < Manager end class ::Staff < Employee many_to_one :manager end @ds = Employee.dataset @db.sqls end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Executive) Object.send(:remove_const, :Manager) Object.send(:remove_const, :Staff) Object.send(:remove_const, :Employee) end specify "should have simple_table = nil for subclasses" do Employee.simple_table.should == "employees" Manager.simple_table.should == nil Executive.simple_table.should == nil Staff.simple_table.should == nil end specify "should use a joined dataset in subclasses" do Employee.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM employees' Manager.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN managers USING (id)' Executive.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN managers USING (id) INNER JOIN executives USING (id)' Staff.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN staff USING (id)' end it "should return rows with the correct class based on the polymorphic_key value" do @ds._fetch = [{:kind=>'Employee'}, {:kind=>'Manager'}, {:kind=>'Executive'}, {:kind=>'Staff'}] Employee.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [Employee, Manager, Executive, Staff] end it "should return rows with the correct class based on the polymorphic_key value for subclasses" do Manager.dataset._fetch = [{:kind=>'Manager'}, {:kind=>'Executive'}] Manager.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [Manager, Executive] end it "should return rows with the current class if cti_key is nil" do Employee.plugin(:class_table_inheritance) @ds._fetch = [{:kind=>'Employee'}, {:kind=>'Manager'}, {:kind=>'Executive'}, {:kind=>'Staff'}] Employee.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [Employee, Employee, Employee, Employee] end it "should return rows with the current class if cti_key is nil in subclasses" do Employee.plugin(:class_table_inheritance) Object.send(:remove_const, :Executive) Object.send(:remove_const, :Manager) class ::Manager < Employee; end class ::Executive < Manager; end Manager.dataset._fetch = [{:kind=>'Manager'}, {:kind=>'Executive'}] Manager.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [Manager, Manager] end it "should fallback to the main class if the given class does not exist" do @ds._fetch = [{:kind=>'Employee'}, {:kind=>'Manager'}, {:kind=>'Blah'}, {:kind=>'Staff'}] Employee.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [Employee, Manager, Employee, Staff] end it "should fallback to the main class if the given class does not exist in subclasses" do Manager.dataset._fetch = [{:kind=>'Manager'}, {:kind=>'Executive'}, {:kind=>'Blah'}] Manager.all.collect{|x| x.class}.should == [Manager, Executive, Manager] end it "should add a before_create hook that sets the model class name for the key" do Employee.create @db.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO employees (kind) VALUES ('Employee')"] end it "should add a before_create hook that sets the model class name for the key in subclasses" do Executive.create @db.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO employees (kind) VALUES ('Executive')", "INSERT INTO managers (id) VALUES (1)", "INSERT INTO executives (id) VALUES (1)"] end it "should ignore existing cti_key value" do Employee.create(:kind=>'Manager') @db.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO employees (kind) VALUES ('Employee')"] end it "should ignore existing cti_key value in subclasses" do Manager.create(:kind=>'Executive') @db.sqls.should == ["INSERT INTO employees (kind) VALUES ('Manager')", "INSERT INTO managers (id) VALUES (1)"] end it "should raise an error if attempting to create an anonymous subclass" do proc{}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end it "should allow specifying a map of names to tables to override implicit mapping" do Manager.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN managers USING (id)' Staff.dataset.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN staff USING (id)' end it "should lazily load attributes for columns in subclass tables" do Manager.instance_dataset._fetch = Manager.dataset._fetch = {:id=>1, :name=>'J', :kind=>'Executive', :num_staff=>2} m = Manager[1] @db.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN managers USING (id) WHERE (id = 1) LIMIT 1'] Executive.instance_dataset._fetch = Executive.dataset._fetch = {:num_managers=>3} m.num_managers.should == 3 @db.sqls.should == ['SELECT num_managers FROM employees INNER JOIN managers USING (id) INNER JOIN executives USING (id) WHERE (id = 1) LIMIT 1'] m.values.should == {:id=>1, :name=>'J', :kind=>'Executive', :num_staff=>2, :num_managers=>3} end it "should include schema for columns for tables for ancestor classes" do Employee.db_schema.should == {:id=>{:primary_key=>true, :type=>:integer}, :name=>{:type=>:string}, :kind=>{:type=>:string}} Manager.db_schema.should == {:id=>{:primary_key=>true, :type=>:integer}, :name=>{:type=>:string}, :kind=>{:type=>:string}, :num_staff=>{:type=>:integer}} Executive.db_schema.should == {:id=>{:primary_key=>true, :type=>:integer}, :name=>{:type=>:string}, :kind=>{:type=>:string}, :num_staff=>{:type=>:integer}, :num_managers=>{:type=>:integer}} Staff.db_schema.should == {:id=>{:primary_key=>true, :type=>:integer}, :name=>{:type=>:string}, :kind=>{:type=>:string}, :manager_id=>{:type=>:integer}} end it "should use the correct primary key (which should have the same name in all subclasses)" do [Employee, Manager, Executive, Staff].each{|c| c.primary_key.should == :id} end it "should have table_name return the table name of the most specific table" do Employee.table_name.should == :employees Manager.table_name.should == :managers Executive.table_name.should == :executives Staff.table_name.should == :staff end it "should delete the correct rows from all tables when deleting" do Executive.load(:id=>1).delete @db.sqls.should == ["DELETE FROM executives WHERE (id = 1)", "DELETE FROM managers WHERE (id = 1)", "DELETE FROM employees WHERE (id = 1)"] end it "should not allow deletion of frozen object" do o = Executive.load(:id=>1) o.freeze proc{o.delete}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) @db.sqls.should == [] end it "should insert the correct rows into all tables when inserting" do Executive.create(:num_managers=>3, :num_staff=>2, :name=>'E') sqls = @db.sqls sqls.length.should == 3 sqls[0].should =~ /INSERT INTO employees \((name|kind), (name|kind)\) VALUES \('(E|Executive)', '(E|Executive)'\)/ sqls[1].should =~ /INSERT INTO managers \((num_staff|id), (num_staff|id)\) VALUES \([12], [12]\)/ sqls[2].should =~ /INSERT INTO executives \((num_managers|id), (num_managers|id)\) VALUES \([13], [13]\)/ end it "should insert the correct rows into all tables with a given primary key" do e =>3, :num_staff=>2, :name=>'E') = 2 sqls = @db.sqls sqls.length.should == 3 sqls[0].should =~ /INSERT INTO employees \((name|kind|id), (name|kind|id), (name|kind|id)\) VALUES \(('E'|'Executive'|2), ('E'|'Executive'|2), ('E'|'Executive'|2)\)/ sqls[1].should =~ /INSERT INTO managers \((num_staff|id), (num_staff|id)\) VALUES \(2, 2\)/ sqls[2].should =~ /INSERT INTO executives \((num_managers|id), (num_managers|id)\) VALUES \([23], [23]\)/ end it "should update the correct rows in all tables when updating" do Executive.load(:id=>2).update(:num_managers=>3, :num_staff=>2, :name=>'E') @db.sqls.should == ["UPDATE employees SET name = 'E' WHERE (id = 2)", "UPDATE managers SET num_staff = 2 WHERE (id = 2)", "UPDATE executives SET num_managers = 3 WHERE (id = 2)"] end it "should handle many_to_one relationships correctly" do Manager.dataset._fetch = {:id=>3, :name=>'E', :kind=>'Executive', :num_managers=>3} Staff.load(:manager_id=>3).manager.should == Executive.load(:id=>3, :name=>'E', :kind=>'Executive', :num_managers=>3) @db.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN managers USING (id) WHERE ( = 3) LIMIT 1'] end it "should handle one_to_many relationships correctly" do Staff.dataset._fetch = {:id=>1, :name=>'S', :kind=>'Staff', :manager_id=>3} Executive.load(:id=>3).staff_members.should == [Staff.load(:id=>1, :name=>'S', :kind=>'Staff', :manager_id=>3)] @db.sqls.should == ['SELECT * FROM employees INNER JOIN staff USING (id) WHERE (staff.manager_id = 3)'] end end