/* curb_easy.c - Curl easy mode * Copyright (c)2006 Ross Bamford. * Licensed under the Ruby License. See LICENSE for details. * * $Id: curb_easy.c 30 2006-12-09 12:30:24Z roscopeco $ */ #include "curb_easy.h" #include "curb_errors.h" #include "curb_postfield.h" #include "curb_upload.h" #include "curb_multi.h" #include #include extern VALUE mCurl; static VALUE idCall; static VALUE idJoin; static VALUE rbstrAmp; #ifdef RDOC_NEVER_DEFINED mCurl = rb_define_module("Curl"); #endif VALUE cCurlEasy; /* ================== CURL HANDLER FUNCS ==============*/ /* These handle both body and header data */ static size_t default_data_handler(char *stream, size_t size, size_t nmemb, VALUE out) { rb_str_buf_cat(out, stream, size * nmemb); return size * nmemb; } // size_t function( void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream); static size_t read_data_handler(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, ruby_curl_easy *rbce) { VALUE upload = rb_easy_get("upload"); size_t read_bytes = (size*nmemb); VALUE stream = ruby_curl_upload_stream_get(upload); if (rb_respond_to(stream, rb_intern("read"))) {//if (rb_respond_to(stream, rb_intern("to_s"))) { /* copy read_bytes from stream into ptr */ VALUE str = rb_funcall(stream, rb_intern("read"), 1, rb_int_new(read_bytes) ); if( str != Qnil ) { memcpy(ptr, RSTRING_PTR(str), RSTRING_LEN(str)); return RSTRING_LEN(str); } else { return 0; } } else { ruby_curl_upload *rbcu; VALUE str; size_t len; size_t remaining; char *str_ptr; Data_Get_Struct(upload, ruby_curl_upload, rbcu); str = rb_funcall(stream, rb_intern("to_s"), 0); len = RSTRING_LEN(str); remaining = len - rbcu->offset; str_ptr = RSTRING_PTR(str); if( remaining < read_bytes ) { if( remaining > 0 ) { memcpy(ptr, str_ptr+rbcu->offset, remaining); read_bytes = remaining; rbcu->offset += remaining; } return remaining; } else if( remaining > read_bytes ) { // read_bytes <= remaining - send what we can fit in the buffer(ptr) memcpy(ptr, str_ptr+rbcu->offset, read_bytes); rbcu->offset += read_bytes; } else { // they're equal memcpy(ptr, str_ptr+rbcu->offset, --read_bytes); rbcu->offset += read_bytes; } return read_bytes; } } static size_t proc_data_handler(char *stream, size_t size, size_t nmemb, VALUE proc) { VALUE procret; procret = rb_funcall(proc, idCall, 1, rb_str_new(stream, size * nmemb)); switch (rb_type(procret)) { case T_FIXNUM: return FIX2LONG(procret); case T_BIGNUM: return NUM2LONG(procret); default: rb_warn("Curl data handlers should return the number of bytes read as an Integer"); return size * nmemb; } } static int proc_progress_handler(VALUE proc, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow) { VALUE procret; procret = rb_funcall(proc, idCall, 4, rb_float_new(dltotal), rb_float_new(dlnow), rb_float_new(ultotal), rb_float_new(ulnow)); return(((procret == Qfalse) || (procret == Qnil)) ? -1 : 0); } static int proc_debug_handler(CURL *curl, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t data_len, VALUE proc) { rb_funcall(proc, idCall, 2, INT2FIX(type), rb_str_new(data, data_len)); return 0; } /* ================== MARK/FREE FUNC ==================*/ void curl_easy_mark(ruby_curl_easy *rbce) { rb_gc_mark(rbce->opts); if (!NIL_P(rbce->multi)) { rb_gc_mark(rbce->multi); } } static void ruby_curl_easy_free(ruby_curl_easy *rbce) { if (rbce->curl_headers) { curl_slist_free_all(rbce->curl_headers); } if (rbce->curl_ftp_commands) { curl_slist_free_all(rbce->curl_ftp_commands); } if (rbce->curl) { curl_easy_cleanup(rbce->curl); } } void curl_easy_free(ruby_curl_easy *rbce) { ruby_curl_easy_free(rbce); free(rbce); } /* ================= ALLOC METHODS ====================*/ static void ruby_curl_easy_zero(ruby_curl_easy *rbce) { rbce->opts = rb_hash_new(); rbce->curl_headers = NULL; rbce->curl_ftp_commands = NULL; /* various-typed opts */ rbce->local_port = 0; rbce->local_port_range = 0; rbce->proxy_port = 0; rbce->proxy_type = -1; rbce->http_auth_types = 0; rbce->proxy_auth_types = 0; rbce->max_redirs = -1; rbce->timeout = 0; rbce->connect_timeout = 0; rbce->dns_cache_timeout = 60; rbce->ftp_response_timeout = 0; rbce->ssl_version = -1; rbce->use_ssl = -1; rbce->ftp_filemethod = -1; /* bool opts */ rbce->proxy_tunnel = 0; rbce->fetch_file_time = 0; rbce->ssl_verify_peer = 1; rbce->ssl_verify_host = 1; rbce->header_in_body = 0; rbce->use_netrc = 0; rbce->follow_location = 0; rbce->unrestricted_auth = 0; rbce->verbose = 0; rbce->multipart_form_post = 0; rbce->enable_cookies = 0; } /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.new => #<Curl::Easy...> * Curl::Easy.new(url = nil) => #<Curl::Easy...> * Curl::Easy.new(url = nil) { |self| ... } => #<Curl::Easy...> * * Create a new Curl::Easy instance, optionally supplying the URL. * The block form allows further configuration to be supplied before * the instance is returned. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_new(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { CURLcode ecode; VALUE url, blk; VALUE new_curl; ruby_curl_easy *rbce; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01&", &url, &blk); rbce = ALLOC(ruby_curl_easy); /* handler */ rbce->curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!rbce->curl) { rb_raise(eCurlErrFailedInit, "Failed to initialize easy handle"); } rbce->multi = Qnil; ruby_curl_easy_zero(rbce); rb_easy_set("url", url); new_curl = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, curl_easy_mark, curl_easy_free, rbce); /* set the new_curl pointer to the curl handle */ ecode = curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, (void*)new_curl); if (ecode != CURLE_OK) { raise_curl_easy_error_exception(ecode); } if (blk != Qnil) { rb_funcall(blk, idCall, 1, new_curl); } return new_curl; } /* * call-seq: * easy.clone => #<easy clone> * easy.dup => #<easy clone> * * Clone this Curl::Easy instance, creating a new instance. * This method duplicates the underlying CURL* handle. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_clone(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce, *newrbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); newrbce = ALLOC(ruby_curl_easy); memcpy(newrbce, rbce, sizeof(ruby_curl_easy)); newrbce->curl = curl_easy_duphandle(rbce->curl); newrbce->curl_headers = NULL; newrbce->curl_ftp_commands = NULL; return Data_Wrap_Struct(cCurlEasy, curl_easy_mark, curl_easy_free, newrbce); } /* * call-seq: * easy.close => nil * * Close the Curl::Easy instance. Any open connections are closed * The easy handle is reinitialized. If a previous multi handle was * open it is set to nil and will be cleared after a GC. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_close(VALUE self) { CURLcode ecode; ruby_curl_easy *rbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); ruby_curl_easy_free(rbce); /* reinit the handle */ rbce->curl = curl_easy_init(); if (!rbce->curl) { rb_raise(eCurlErrFailedInit, "Failed to initialize easy handle"); } rbce->multi = Qnil; ruby_curl_easy_zero(rbce); /* give the new curl handle a reference back to the ruby object */ ecode = curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, (void*)self); if (ecode != CURLE_OK) { raise_curl_easy_error_exception(ecode); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * easy.reset => Hash * * Reset the Curl::Easy instance, clears out all settings. * * from http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_reset.html * Re-initializes all options previously set on a specified CURL handle to the default values. This puts back the handle to the same state as it was in when it was just created with curl_easy_init(3). * It does not change the following information kept in the handle: live connections, the Session ID cache, the DNS cache, the cookies and shares. * * The return value contains all settings stored. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_reset(VALUE self) { CURLcode ecode; ruby_curl_easy *rbce; VALUE opts_dup; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); opts_dup = rb_funcall(rbce->opts, rb_intern("dup"), 0); curl_easy_reset(rbce->curl); ruby_curl_easy_zero(rbce); /* rest clobbers the private setting, so reset it to self */ ecode = curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, (void*)self); if (ecode != CURLE_OK) { raise_curl_easy_error_exception(ecode); } return opts_dup; } /* ================ OBJ ATTRIBUTES ==================*/ /* * call-seq: * easy.url = "http://some.url/" => "http://some.url/" * * Set the URL for subsequent calls to +perform+. It is acceptable * (and even recommended) to reuse Curl::Easy instances by reassigning * the URL between calls to +perform+. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_url_set(VALUE self, VALUE url) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, url); } /* * call-seq: * easy.url => string * * Obtain the URL that will be used by subsequent calls to +perform+. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_url_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, url); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_url = string => string * * Set the URL of the HTTP proxy to use for subsequent calls to +perform+. * The URL should specify the the host name or dotted IP address. To specify * port number in this string, append :[port] to the end of the host name. * The proxy string may be prefixed with [protocol]:// since any such prefix * will be ignored. The proxy's port number may optionally be specified with * the separate option proxy_port . * * When you tell the library to use an HTTP proxy, libcurl will transparently * convert operations to HTTP even if you specify an FTP URL etc. This may have * an impact on what other features of the library you can use, such as * FTP specifics that don't work unless you tunnel through the HTTP proxy. Such * tunneling is activated with proxy_tunnel = true. * * libcurl respects the environment variables *http_proxy*, *ftp_proxy*, * *all_proxy* etc, if any of those is set. The proxy_url option does however * override any possibly set environment variables. * * Starting with libcurl 7.14.1, the proxy host string given in environment * variables can be specified the exact same way as the proxy can be set with * proxy_url, including protocol prefix (http://) and embedded user + password. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_url_set(VALUE self, VALUE proxy_url) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_url); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_url => string * * Obtain the HTTP Proxy URL that will be used by subsequent calls to +perform+. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_url_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_url); } /* * call-seq: * easy.headers = "Header: val" => "Header: val" * easy.headers = {"Header" => "val" ..., "Header" => "val"} => {"Header: val", ...} * easy.headers = ["Header: val" ..., "Header: val"] => ["Header: val", ...] * * Set custom HTTP headers for following requests. This can be used to add * custom headers, or override standard headers used by libcurl. It defaults to a * Hash. * * For example to set a standard or custom header: * * easy.headers["MyHeader"] = "myval" * * To remove a standard header (this is useful when removing libcurls default * 'Expect: 100-Continue' header when using HTTP form posts): * * easy.headers["Expect:"] = '' * * Anything passed to libcurl as a header will be converted to a string during * the perform step. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_headers_set(VALUE self, VALUE headers) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, headers); } /* * call-seq: * easy.headers => Hash, Array or Str * * Obtain the custom HTTP headers for following requests. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_headers_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; VALUE headers; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); headers = rb_easy_get("headers");//rb_hash_aref(rbce->opts, rb_intern("headers")); if (headers == Qnil) { headers = rb_easy_set("headers", rb_hash_new()); } return headers; } /* * call-seq: * easy.interface = string => string * * Set the interface name to use as the outgoing network interface. * The name can be an interface name, an IP address or a host name. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_interface_set(VALUE self, VALUE interface_hm) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, interface_hm); } /* * call-seq: * easy.interface => string * * Obtain the interface name that is used as the outgoing network interface. * The name can be an interface name, an IP address or a host name. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_interface_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, interface_hm); } /* * call-seq: * easy.userpwd = string => string * * Set the username/password string to use for subsequent calls to +perform+. * The supplied string should have the form "username:password" */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_userpwd_set(VALUE self, VALUE userpwd) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, userpwd); } /* * call-seq: * easy.userpwd => string * * Obtain the username/password string that will be used for subsequent * calls to +perform+. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_userpwd_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, userpwd); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxypwd = string => string * * Set the username/password string to use for proxy connection during * subsequent calls to +perform+. The supplied string should have the * form "username:password" */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxypwd_set(VALUE self, VALUE proxypwd) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxypwd); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxypwd => string * * Obtain the username/password string that will be used for proxy * connection during subsequent calls to +perform+. The supplied string * should have the form "username:password" */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxypwd_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxypwd); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cookies = "name1=content1; name2=content2;" => string * * Set cookies to be sent by this Curl::Easy instance. The format of the string should * be NAME=CONTENTS, where NAME is the cookie name and CONTENTS is what the cookie should contain. * Set multiple cookies in one string like this: "name1=content1; name2=content2;" etc. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cookies_set(VALUE self, VALUE cookies) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cookies); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cookies => "name1=content1; name2=content2;" * * Obtain the cookies for this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cookies_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cookies); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cookiefile = string => string * * Set a file that contains cookies to be sent in subsequent requests by this Curl::Easy instance. * * *Note* that you must set enable_cookies true to enable the cookie * engine, or this option will be ignored. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cookiefile_set(VALUE self, VALUE cookiefile) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cookiefile); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cookiefile => string * * Obtain the cookiefile file for this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cookiefile_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cookiefile); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cookiejar = string => string * * Set a cookiejar file to use for this Curl::Easy instance. * Cookies from the response will be written into this file. * * *Note* that you must set enable_cookies true to enable the cookie * engine, or this option will be ignored. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cookiejar_set(VALUE self, VALUE cookiejar) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cookiejar); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cookiejar => string * * Obtain the cookiejar file to use for this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cookiejar_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cookiejar); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cert = string => "" * * Set a cert file to use for this Curl::Easy instance. This file * will be used to validate SSL connections. * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cert_set(VALUE self, VALUE cert) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cert); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cert => string * * Obtain the cert file to use for this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cert_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cert); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cert_key = "cert_key.file" => "" * * Set a cert key to use for this Curl::Easy instance. This file * will be used to validate SSL certificates. * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cert_key_set(VALUE self, VALUE cert_key) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cert_key); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cert_key => "cert_key.file" * * Obtain the cert key file to use for this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cert_key_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cert_key); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cacert = string => "" * * Set a cacert bundle to use for this Curl::Easy instance. This file * will be used to validate SSL certificates. * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cacert_set(VALUE self, VALUE cacert) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cacert); } /* * call-seq: * easy.cacert => string * * Obtain the cacert file to use for this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cacert_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, cacert); } /* * call-seq: * easy.certpassword = string => "" * * Set a password used to open the specified cert */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_certpassword_set(VALUE self, VALUE certpassword) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, certpassword); } /* * call-seq: * easy.certtype = "PEM|DER" => "" * * Set a cert type to use for this Curl::Easy instance. * Default is PEM * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_certtype_set(VALUE self, VALUE certtype) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, certtype); } /* * call-seq: * easy.certtype => string * * Obtain the cert type used for this Curl::Easy instance */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_certtype_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, certtype); } /* * call-seq: * easy.encoding = string => string * * Set the accepted encoding types, curl will handle all of the decompression * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_encoding_set(VALUE self, VALUE encoding) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, encoding); } /* * call-seq: * easy.encoding => string * * Get the set encoding types * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_encoding_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, encoding); } /* * call-seq: * easy.useragent = "Ruby/Curb" => "" * * Set the user agent string for this Curl::Easy instance * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_useragent_set(VALUE self, VALUE useragent) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, useragent); } /* * call-seq: * easy.useragent => "Ruby/Curb" * * Obtain the user agent string used for this Curl::Easy instance */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_useragent_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, useragent); } /* * call-seq: * easy.post_body = "some=form%20data&to=send" => string or nil * * Sets the POST body of this Curl::Easy instance. This is expected to be * URL encoded; no additional processing or encoding is done on the string. * The content-type header will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. * * This is handy if you want to perform a POST against a Curl::Multi instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_post_body_set(VALUE self, VALUE post_body) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; char *data; long len; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl = rbce->curl; if ( post_body == Qnil ) { //rbce->postdata_buffer = Qnil; rb_easy_del("postdata_buffer"); } else { data = StringValuePtr(post_body); len = RSTRING_LEN(post_body); // Store the string, since it has to hang around for the duration of the // request. See CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS in the libcurl docs. //rbce->postdata_buffer = post_body; rb_easy_set("postdata_buffer", post_body); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, len); return post_body; } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * easy.post_body => string or nil * * Obtain the POST body used in this Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_post_body_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, postdata_buffer); } /* * call-seq: * easy.put_data = data => "" * * Points this Curl::Easy instance to data to be uploaded via PUT. This * sets the request to a PUT type request - useful if you want to PUT via * a multi handle. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_put_data_set(VALUE self, VALUE data) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; VALUE upload; VALUE headers; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); upload = ruby_curl_upload_new(cCurlUpload); ruby_curl_upload_stream_set(upload,data); curl = rbce->curl; rb_easy_set("upload", upload); /* keep the upload object alive as long as the easy handle is active or until the upload is complete or terminated... */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY,0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, (curl_read_callback)read_data_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, rbce); /* * we need to set specific headers for the PUT to work... so * convert the internal headers structure to a HASH if one is set */ if (!rb_easy_nil("headers")) { if (rb_easy_type_check("headers", T_ARRAY) || rb_easy_type_check("headers", T_STRING)) { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Must set headers as a HASH to modify the headers in an PUT request"); } } headers = rb_easy_get("headers"); if( headers == Qnil ) { headers = rb_hash_new(); } if (rb_respond_to(data, rb_intern("read"))) { VALUE stat = rb_funcall(data, rb_intern("stat"), 0); if( stat ) { VALUE size; if( rb_hash_aref(headers, rb_str_new2("Expect")) == Qnil ) { rb_hash_aset(headers, rb_str_new2("Expect"), rb_str_new2("")); } size = rb_funcall(stat, rb_intern("size"), 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, FIX2INT(size)); } else if( rb_hash_aref(headers, rb_str_new2("Transfer-Encoding")) == Qnil ) { rb_hash_aset(headers, rb_str_new2("Transfer-Encoding"), rb_str_new2("chunked")); } } else if (rb_respond_to(data, rb_intern("to_s"))) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, RSTRING_LEN(data)); if( rb_hash_aref(headers, rb_str_new2("Expect")) == Qnil ) { rb_hash_aset(headers, rb_str_new2("Expect"), rb_str_new2("")); } } else { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "PUT data must respond to read or to_s"); } rb_easy_set("headers",headers); // if we made it this far, all should be well. return data; } /* * call-seq: * easy.ftp_commands = ["CWD /", "MKD directory"] => ["CWD /", ...] * * Explicitly sets the list of commands to execute on the FTP server when calling perform */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_commands_set(VALUE self, VALUE ftp_commands) { CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ftp_commands); } /* * call-seq * easy.ftp_commands => array or nil */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_commands_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ftp_commands); } /* ================== IMMED ATTRS ==================*/ /* * call-seq: * easy.local_port = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the local port that will be used for the following +perform+ calls. * * Passing +nil+ will return to the default behaviour (no local port * preference). * * This option is ignored if compiled against libcurl < 7.15.2. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_local_port_set(VALUE self, VALUE local_port) { CURB_IMMED_PORT_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, local_port, "port"); } /* * call-seq: * easy.local_port => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the local port that will be used for the following +perform+ calls. * * This option is ignored if compiled against libcurl < 7.15.2. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_local_port_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_PORT_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, local_port); } /* * call-seq: * easy.local_port_range = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the local port range that will be used for the following +perform+ * calls. This is a number (between 0 and 65535) that determines how far * libcurl may deviate from the supplied +local_port+ in order to find * an available port. * * If you set +local_port+ it's also recommended that you set this, since * it is fairly likely that your specified port will be unavailable. * * This option is ignored if compiled against libcurl < 7.15.2. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_local_port_range_set(VALUE self, VALUE local_port_range) { CURB_IMMED_PORT_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, local_port_range, "port range"); } /* * call-seq: * easy.local_port_range => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the local port range that will be used for the following +perform+ * calls. * * This option is ignored if compiled against libcurl < 7.15.2. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_local_port_range_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_PORT_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, local_port_range); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_port = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the proxy port that will be used for the following +perform+ calls. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_port_set(VALUE self, VALUE proxy_port) { CURB_IMMED_PORT_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_port, "port"); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_port => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the proxy port that will be used for the following +perform+ calls. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_port_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_PORT_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_port); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_type = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the proxy type that will be used for the following +perform+ calls. * This should be one of the Curl::CURLPROXY constants. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_type_set(VALUE self, VALUE proxy_type) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_type, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_type => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the proxy type that will be used for the following +perform+ calls. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_type_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_type, -1); } #if defined(HAVE_CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE) #define CURL_HTTPAUTH_STR_TO_NUM(node) \ (!strncmp("basic",node,5)) ? CURLAUTH_BASIC : \ (!strncmp("digest_ie",node,9)) ? CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE : \ (!strncmp("digest",node,6)) ? CURLAUTH_DIGEST : \ (!strncmp("gssnegotiate",node,12)) ? CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE : \ (!strncmp("ntlm",node,4)) ? CURLAUTH_NTLM : \ (!strncmp("any",node,3)) ? CURLAUTH_ANY : \ (!strncmp("anysafe",node,7)) ? CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE : 0 #else #define CURL_HTTPAUTH_STR_TO_NUM(node) \ (!strncmp("basic",node,5)) ? CURLAUTH_BASIC : \ (!strncmp("digest",node,6)) ? CURLAUTH_DIGEST : \ (!strncmp("gssnegotiate",node,12)) ? CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE : \ (!strncmp("ntlm",node,4)) ? CURLAUTH_NTLM : \ (!strncmp("any",node,3)) ? CURLAUTH_ANY : \ (!strncmp("anysafe",node,7)) ? CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE : 0 #endif /* * call-seq: * easy.http_auth_types = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * easy.http_auth_types = [:basic,:digest,:digest_ie,:gssnegotiate, :ntlm, :any, :anysafe] * * Set the HTTP authentication types that may be used for the following * +perform+ calls. This is a bitmap made by ORing together the * Curl::CURLAUTH constants. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_http_auth_types_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {//VALUE self, VALUE http_auth_types) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; VALUE args_ary; int i, len; char* node = NULL; long mask = 0x000000; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "*", &args_ary); Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); len = RARRAY_LEN(args_ary); if (len == 1 && (TYPE(rb_ary_entry(args_ary,0)) == T_FIXNUM || rb_ary_entry(args_ary,0) == Qnil)) { if (rb_ary_entry(args_ary,0) == Qnil) { rbce->http_auth_types = 0; } else { rbce->http_auth_types = NUM2INT(rb_ary_entry(args_ary,0)); } } else { // we could have multiple values, but they should be symbols node = RSTRING_PTR(rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(args_ary,0),rb_intern("to_s"),0)); mask = CURL_HTTPAUTH_STR_TO_NUM(node); for( i = 1; i < len; ++i ) { node = RSTRING_PTR(rb_funcall(rb_ary_entry(args_ary,i),rb_intern("to_s"),0)); mask |= CURL_HTTPAUTH_STR_TO_NUM(node); } rbce->http_auth_types = mask; } return INT2NUM(rbce->http_auth_types); } /* * call-seq: * easy.http_auth_types => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the HTTP authentication types that may be used for the following * +perform+ calls. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_http_auth_types_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, http_auth_types, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_auth_types = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the proxy authentication types that may be used for the following * +perform+ calls. This is a bitmap made by ORing together the * Curl::CURLAUTH constants. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_auth_types_set(VALUE self, VALUE proxy_auth_types) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_auth_types, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_auth_types => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the proxy authentication types that may be used for the following * +perform+ calls. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_auth_types_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_auth_types, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.max_redirects = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the maximum number of redirections to follow in the following +perform+ * calls. Set to nil or -1 allow an infinite number (the default). Setting this * option only makes sense if +follow_location+ is also set true. * * With libcurl >= 7.15.1, setting this to 0 will cause libcurl to refuse any * redirect. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_max_redirects_set(VALUE self, VALUE max_redirs) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, max_redirs, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.max_redirects => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the maximum number of redirections to follow in the following * +perform+ calls. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_max_redirects_get(VALUE self) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, max_redirs, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.timeout = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the maximum time in seconds that you allow the libcurl transfer * operation to take. Normally, name lookups can take a considerable time * and limiting operations to less than a few minutes risk aborting * perfectly normal operations. * * Set to nil (or zero) to disable timeout (it will then only timeout * on the system's internal timeouts). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_timeout_set(VALUE self, VALUE timeout) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, timeout, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.timeout => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the maximum time in seconds that you allow the libcurl transfer * operation to take. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_timeout_get(VALUE self, VALUE timeout) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, timeout, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.connect_timeout = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the maximum time in seconds that you allow the connection to the * server to take. This only limits the connection phase, once it has * connected, this option is of no more use. * * Set to nil (or zero) to disable connection timeout (it will then only * timeout on the system's internal timeouts). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_connect_timeout_set(VALUE self, VALUE connect_timeout) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, connect_timeout, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.connect_timeout => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the maximum time in seconds that you allow the connection to the * server to take. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_connect_timeout_get(VALUE self, VALUE connect_timeout) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, connect_timeout, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.dns_cache_timeout = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set the dns cache timeout in seconds. Name resolves will be kept in * memory for this number of seconds. Set to zero (0) to completely disable * caching, or set to nil (or -1) to make the cached entries remain forever. * By default, libcurl caches this info for 60 seconds. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_dns_cache_timeout_set(VALUE self, VALUE dns_cache_timeout) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, dns_cache_timeout, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.dns_cache_timeout => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the dns cache timeout in seconds. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_dns_cache_timeout_get(VALUE self, VALUE dns_cache_timeout) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, dns_cache_timeout, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ftp_response_timeout = fixnum or nil => fixnum or nil * * Set a timeout period (in seconds) on the amount of time that the server * is allowed to take in order to generate a response message for a command * before the session is considered hung. While curl is waiting for a * response, this value overrides +timeout+. It is recommended that if used * in conjunction with +timeout+, you set +ftp_response_timeout+ to a value * smaller than +timeout+. * * Ignored if libcurl version is < 7.10.8. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_response_timeout_set(VALUE self, VALUE ftp_response_timeout) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ftp_response_timeout, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ftp_response_timeout => fixnum or nil * * Obtain the maximum time that libcurl will wait for FTP command responses. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_response_timeout_get(VALUE self, VALUE ftp_response_timeout) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ftp_response_timeout, 0); } /* * call-seq: * easy.username = string => string * * Set the HTTP Authentication username. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_username_set(VALUE self, VALUE username) { #if HAVE_CURLOPT_USERNAME CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, username); #else return Qnil; #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.username => string * * Get the current username */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_username_get(VALUE self, VALUE username) { #if HAVE_CURLOPT_USERNAME CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, username); #else return Qnil; #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.password = string => string * * Set the HTTP Authentication password. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_password_set(VALUE self, VALUE password) { #if HAVE_CURLOPT_PASSWORD CURB_OBJECT_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, password); #else return Qnil; #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.password => string * * Get the current password */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_password_get(VALUE self, VALUE password) { #if HAVE_CURLOPT_PASSWORD CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, password); #else return Qnil; #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_version = value => fixnum or nil * * Sets the version of SSL/TLS that libcurl will attempt to use. Valid * options are Curl::CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1, Curl::CURL_SSLVERSION::SSLv2, * Curl::CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3 and Curl::CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_version_set(VALUE self, VALUE ssl_version) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ssl_version, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_version => fixnum * * Get the version of SSL/TLS that libcurl will attempt to use. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_version_get(VALUE self, VALUE ssl_version) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ssl_version, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.use_ssl = value => fixnum or nil * * Ensure libcurl uses SSL for FTP connections. Valid options are Curl::CURL_USESSL_NONE, * Curl::CURL_USESSL_TRY, Curl::CURL_USESSL_CONTROL, and Curl::CURL_USESSL_ALL. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_use_ssl_set(VALUE self, VALUE use_ssl) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, use_ssl, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.use_ssl => fixnum * * Get the desired level for using SSL on FTP connections. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_use_ssl_get(VALUE self, VALUE use_ssl) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, use_ssl, -1); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ftp_filemethod = value => fixnum or nil * * Controls how libcurl reaches files on the server. Valid options are Curl::CURL_MULTICWD, * Curl::CURL_NOCWD, and Curl::CURL_SINGLECWD (see libcurl docs for CURLOPT_FTP_METHOD). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_filemethod_set(VALUE self, VALUE ftp_filemethod) { CURB_IMMED_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ftp_filemethod, -1); } /* * call-seq * easy.ftp_filemethod => fixnum * * Get the configuration for how libcurl will reach files on the server. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_filemethod_get(VALUE self, VALUE ftp_filemethod) { CURB_IMMED_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ftp_filemethod, -1); } /* ================== BOOL ATTRS ===================*/ /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_tunnel = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will use proxy tunneling. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_tunnel_set(VALUE self, VALUE proxy_tunnel) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_tunnel); } /* * call-seq: * easy.proxy_tunnel? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will use proxy tunneling. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_proxy_tunnel_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, proxy_tunnel); } /* * call-seq: * easy.fetch_file_time = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will fetch remote file * times, if available. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_fetch_file_time_set(VALUE self, VALUE fetch_file_time) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, fetch_file_time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.fetch_file_time? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will fetch remote file * times, if available. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_fetch_file_time_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, fetch_file_time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_verify_peer = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will verify the SSL peer * certificate. When true (the default), and the verification fails to * prove that the certificate is authentic, the connection fails. When * false, the connection succeeds regardless. * * Authenticating the certificate is not by itself very useful. You * typically want to ensure that the server, as authentically identified * by its certificate, is the server you mean to be talking to. * The ssl_verify_host? options controls that. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_peer_set(VALUE self, VALUE ssl_verify_peer) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ssl_verify_peer); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_verify_peer? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will verify the SSL peer * certificate. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_peer_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ssl_verify_peer); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_verify_host = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will verify that the server cert * is for the server it is known as. When true (the default) the server * certificate must indicate that the server is the server to which you * meant to connect, or the connection fails. When false, the connection * will succeed regardless of the names in the certificate. * * this option controls is of the identity that the server claims. * The server could be lying. To control lying, see ssl_verify_peer? . */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_host_set(VALUE self, VALUE ssl_verify_host) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ssl_verify_host); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_verify_host? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will verify that the server cert * is for the server it is known as. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_host_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, ssl_verify_host); } /* * call-seq: * easy.header_in_body = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will return HTTP headers * combined with body data. If this option is set true, both header * and body data will go to +body_str+ (or the configured +on_body+ handler). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_header_in_body_set(VALUE self, VALUE header_in_body) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, header_in_body); } /* * call-seq: * easy.header_in_body? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will verify the SSL peer * certificate. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_header_in_body_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, header_in_body); } /* * call-seq: * easy.use_netrc = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will use data from the user's * .netrc file for FTP connections. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_use_netrc_set(VALUE self, VALUE use_netrc) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, use_netrc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.use_netrc? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will use data from the user's * .netrc file for FTP connections. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_use_netrc_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, use_netrc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.follow_location = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance will follow Location: headers * in HTTP responses. Redirects will only be followed to the extent * specified by +max_redirects+. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_follow_location_set(VALUE self, VALUE follow_location) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, follow_location); } /* * call-seq: * easy.follow_location? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance will follow Location: headers * in HTTP responses. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_follow_location_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, follow_location); } /* * call-seq: * easy.unrestricted_auth = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance may use any HTTP authentication * method available when necessary. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_unrestricted_auth_set(VALUE self, VALUE unrestricted_auth) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, unrestricted_auth); } /* * call-seq: * easy.unrestricted_auth? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance may use any HTTP authentication * method available when necessary. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_unrestricted_auth_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, unrestricted_auth); } /* * call-seq: * easy.verbose = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance gives verbose output to STDERR * during transfers. Ignored if this instance has an on_debug handler. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_verbose_set(VALUE self, VALUE verbose) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, verbose); } /* * call-seq: * easy.verbose? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance gives verbose output to STDERR * during transfers. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_verbose_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, verbose); } /* * call-seq: * easy.multipart_form_post = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether this Curl instance uses multipart/formdata content * type for HTTP POST requests. If this is false (the default), then the * application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type is used for the form * data. * * If this is set true, you must pass one or more PostField instances * to the http_post method - no support for posting multipart forms from * a string is provided. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_multipart_form_post_set(VALUE self, VALUE multipart_form_post) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, multipart_form_post); } /* * call-seq: * easy.multipart_form_post? => boolean * * Determine whether this Curl instance uses multipart/formdata content * type for HTTP POST requests. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_multipart_form_post_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, multipart_form_post); } /* * call-seq: * easy.enable_cookies = boolean => boolean * * Configure whether the libcurl cookie engine is enabled for this Curl::Easy * instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_enable_cookies_set(VALUE self, VALUE enable_cookies) { CURB_BOOLEAN_SETTER(ruby_curl_easy, enable_cookies); } /* * call-seq: * easy.enable_cookies? => boolean * * Determine whether the libcurl cookie engine is enabled for this * Curl::Easy instance. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_enable_cookies_q(VALUE self) { CURB_BOOLEAN_GETTER(ruby_curl_easy, enable_cookies); } /* ================= EVENT PROCS ================== */ /* * call-seq: * easy.on_body { |body_data| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_body+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_body+ handler is called for each chunk of response body passed back * by libcurl during +perform+. It should perform any processing necessary, * and return the actual number of bytes handled. Normally, this will * equal the length of the data string, and CURL will continue processing. * If the returned length does not equal the input length, CURL will abort * the processing with a Curl::Err::AbortedByCallbackError. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_body_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, body_proc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.on_success { |easy| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_success+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_success+ handler is called when the request is finished with a * status of 20x */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_success_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, success_proc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.on_failure {|easy,code| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_failure+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_failure+ handler is called when the request is finished with a * status of 50x */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_failure_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, failure_proc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.on_complete {|easy| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_complete+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_complete+ handler is called when the request is finished. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_complete_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, complete_proc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.on_header { |header_data| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_header+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_header+ handler is called for each chunk of response header passed * back by libcurl during +perform+. The semantics are the same as for the * block supplied to +on_body+. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_header_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, header_proc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.on_progress { |dl_total, dl_now, ul_total, ul_now| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_progress+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_progress+ handler is called regularly by libcurl (approximately once * per second) during transfers to allow the application to receive progress * information. There is no guarantee that the reported progress will change * between calls. * * The result of the block call determines whether libcurl continues the transfer. * Returning a non-true value (i.e. nil or false) will cause the transfer to abort, * throwing a Curl::Err::AbortedByCallbackError. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_progress_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, progress_proc); } /* * call-seq: * easy.on_debug { |type, data| ... } => <old handler> * * Assign or remove the +on_debug+ handler for this Curl::Easy instance. * To remove a previously-supplied handler, call this method with no * attached block. * * The +on_debug+ handler, if configured, will receive detailed information * from libcurl during the perform call. This can be useful for debugging. * Setting a debug handler overrides libcurl's internal handler, disabling * any output from +verbose+, if set. * * The type argument will match one of the Curl::Easy::CURLINFO_XXXX * constants, and specifies the kind of information contained in the * data. The data is passed as a String. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_on_debug_set(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { CURB_HANDLER_PROC_HSETTER(ruby_curl_easy, debug_proc); } /* =================== PERFORM =====================*/ /*********************************************** * This is an rb_iterate callback used to set up http headers. */ static VALUE cb_each_http_header(VALUE header, struct curl_slist **list) { VALUE header_str = Qnil; //rb_p(header); if (rb_type(header) == T_ARRAY) { // we're processing a hash, header is [name, val] VALUE name, value; name = rb_obj_as_string(rb_ary_entry(header, 0)); value = rb_obj_as_string(rb_ary_entry(header, 1)); // This is a bit inefficient, but we don't want to be modifying // the actual values in the original hash. header_str = rb_str_plus(name, rb_str_new2(": ")); header_str = rb_str_plus(header_str, value); } else { header_str = rb_obj_as_string(header); } //rb_p(header_str); *list = curl_slist_append(*list, StringValuePtr(header_str)); return header_str; } /*********************************************** * This is an rb_iterate callback used to set up ftp commands. */ static VALUE cb_each_ftp_command(VALUE ftp_command, struct curl_slist **list) { VALUE ftp_command_string = rb_obj_as_string(ftp_command); *list = curl_slist_append(*list, StringValuePtr(ftp_command)); return ftp_command_string; } /*********************************************** * * Setup a connection * * Always returns Qtrue, rb_raise on error. */ VALUE ruby_curl_easy_setup( ruby_curl_easy *rbce ) { // TODO this could do with a bit of refactoring... CURL *curl; VALUE url, _url = rb_easy_get("url"); struct curl_slist **hdrs = &(rbce->curl_headers); struct curl_slist **cmds = &(rbce->curl_ftp_commands); curl = rbce->curl; if (_url == Qnil) { rb_raise(eCurlErrError, "No URL supplied"); } url = rb_check_string_type(_url); // Need to configure the handler as per settings in rbce curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, StringValuePtr(url)); // network stuff and auth if (!rb_easy_nil("interface_hm")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, rb_easy_get_str("interface_hm")); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, NULL); } #if HAVE_CURLOPT_USERNAME == 1 && HAVE_CURLOPT_PASSWORD == 1 if (!rb_easy_nil("username")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, rb_easy_get_str("username")); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERNAME, NULL); } if (!rb_easy_nil("password")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, rb_easy_get_str("password")); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, NULL); } #endif if (!rb_easy_nil("userpwd")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, rb_easy_get_str("userpwd")); #if HAVE_CURLOPT_USERNAME == 1 } else if (rb_easy_nil("username") && rb_easy_nil("password")) { /* don't set this even to NULL if we have set username and password */ #else } else { #endif curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, NULL); } if (!rb_easy_nil("proxy_url")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, rb_easy_get_str("proxy_url")); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, NULL); } if (!rb_easy_nil("proxypwd")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, rb_easy_get_str("proxy_pwd")); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, NULL); } // body/header procs if (!rb_easy_nil("body_proc")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, (curl_write_callback)&proc_data_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, rb_easy_get("body_proc"));//rbce->body_proc); /* clear out the body_data if it was set */ rb_easy_del("body_data"); } else { VALUE body_buffer = rb_easy_set("body_data", rb_str_buf_new(32768)); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, (curl_write_callback)&default_data_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, body_buffer); } if (!rb_easy_nil("header_proc")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, (curl_write_callback)&proc_data_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, rb_easy_get("header_proc")); /* clear out the header_data if it was set */ rb_easy_del("header_data"); } else { VALUE header_buffer = rb_easy_set("header_data", rb_str_buf_new(16384)); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, (curl_write_callback)&default_data_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, header_buffer); } /* encoding */ if (!rb_easy_nil("encoding")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, rb_easy_get_str("encoding")); } // progress and debug procs if (!rb_easy_nil("progress_proc")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, (curl_progress_callback)&proc_progress_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, rb_easy_get("progress_proc")); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1); } if (!rb_easy_nil("debug_proc")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, (curl_debug_callback)&proc_debug_handler); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, rb_easy_get("debug_proc")); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); } else { // have to remove handler to re-enable standard verbosity curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, rbce->verbose); } /* general opts */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, rbce->header_in_body); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, rbce->follow_location); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, rbce->max_redirs); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, rbce->proxy_tunnel); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FILETIME, rbce->fetch_file_time); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, rbce->ssl_verify_peer); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, rbce->ssl_verify_peer); if ((rbce->use_netrc != Qnil) && (rbce->use_netrc != Qfalse)) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, CURL_NETRC_OPTIONAL); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, CURL_NETRC_IGNORED); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH, rbce->unrestricted_auth); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, rbce->timeout); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, rbce->connect_timeout); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT, rbce->dns_cache_timeout); #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070a08 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FTP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, rbce->ftp_response_timeout); #else if (rbce->ftp_response_timeout > 0) { rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support ftp_response_timeout"); } #endif // Set up localport / proxy port // FIXME these won't get returned to default if they're unset Ruby if (rbce->proxy_port > 0) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, rbce->proxy_port); } if (rbce->local_port > 0) { #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070f02 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_LOCALPORT, rbce->local_port); if (rbce->local_port_range > 0) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGE, rbce->local_port_range); } #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support local_port"); #endif } if (rbce->proxy_type != -1) { #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070a00 if (rbce->proxy_type == -2) { rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support the selected proxy type"); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, rbce->proxy_type); } } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, CURLPROXY_HTTP); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support proxy_type"); #endif } if (rbce->http_auth_types > 0) { #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070a06 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, rbce->http_auth_types); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support http_auth_types"); #endif } if (rbce->proxy_auth_types > 0) { #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070a07 curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, rbce->proxy_auth_types); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support proxy_auth_types"); #endif } /* Set up HTTP cookie handling if necessary FIXME this may not get disabled if it's enabled, the disabled again from ruby. */ if (rbce->enable_cookies) { if (!rb_easy_nil("cookiejar")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, rb_easy_get_str("cookiejar")); } if (!rb_easy_nil("cookiefile")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, rb_easy_get_str("cookiefile")); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ""); /* "" = magic to just enable */ } } if (!rb_easy_nil("cookies")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, rb_easy_get_str("cookies")); } /* Set up HTTPS cert handling if necessary */ if (!rb_easy_nil("cert")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, rb_easy_get_str("certtype")); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, rb_easy_get_str("cert")); if (!rb_easy_nil("certpassword")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, rb_easy_get_str("certpassword")); } if (!rb_easy_nil("cert_key")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, rb_easy_get_str("cert_key")); } } if (!rb_easy_nil("cacert")) { #ifdef HAVE_CURL_CONFIG_CA curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, CURL_CONFIG_CA); #else curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "/usr/local/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt"); #endif } #ifdef CURL_VERSION_SSL if (rbce->ssl_version > 0) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, rbce->ssl_version); } if (rbce->use_ssl > 0) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURB_FTPSSL, rbce->use_ssl); } #else if (rbce->ssl_version > 0 || rbce->use_ssl > 0) { rb_warn("libcurl is not configured with SSL support"); } #endif if (rbce->ftp_filemethod > 0) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD, rbce->ftp_filemethod); } /* Set the user-agent string if specified */ if (!rb_easy_nil("useragent")) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, rb_easy_get_str("useragent")); } /* Setup HTTP headers if necessary */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, NULL); // XXX: maybe we shouldn't be clearing this? if (!rb_easy_nil("headers")) { if (rb_easy_type_check("headers", T_ARRAY) || rb_easy_type_check("headers", T_HASH)) { rb_iterate(rb_each, rb_easy_get("headers"), cb_each_http_header, (VALUE)hdrs); } else { VALUE headers_str = rb_obj_as_string(rb_easy_get("headers")); *hdrs = curl_slist_append(*hdrs, StringValuePtr(headers_str)); } if (*hdrs) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, *hdrs); } } /* Setup FTP commands if necessary */ if (!rb_easy_nil("ftp_commands")) { if (rb_easy_type_check("ftp_commands", T_ARRAY)) { rb_iterate(rb_each, rb_easy_get("ftp_commands"), cb_each_ftp_command, (VALUE)cmds); } if (*cmds) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_QUOTE, *cmds); } } return Qnil; } /*********************************************** * * Clean up a connection * * Always returns Qtrue. */ VALUE ruby_curl_easy_cleanup( VALUE self, ruby_curl_easy *rbce ) { CURL *curl = rbce->curl; struct curl_slist *headers = rbce->curl_headers; // Free everything up if (headers) { curl_slist_free_all(headers); rbce->curl_headers = NULL; } struct curl_slist *ftp_commands = rbce->curl_ftp_commands; if (ftp_commands) { curl_slist_free_all(ftp_commands); rbce->curl_ftp_commands = NULL; } // clean up a PUT request's curl options. if (!rb_easy_nil("upload")) { rb_easy_del("upload"); // set the upload object to Qnil to let the GC clean up curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE, 0); } return Qnil; } /*********************************************** * * This is the main worker for the perform methods (get, post, head, put). * It's not surfaced as a Ruby method - instead, the individual request * methods are responsible for setting up stuff specific to that type, * then calling this to handle common stuff and do the perform. * * Always returns Qtrue, rb_raise on error. * */ static VALUE handle_perform(VALUE self, ruby_curl_easy *rbce) { VALUE ret; /* reuse existing multi handle for this easy handle */ if (NIL_P(rbce->multi)) { rbce->multi = ruby_curl_multi_new(cCurlMulti); } rb_funcall(rbce->multi, rb_intern("add"), 1, self ); ret = rb_funcall(rbce->multi, rb_intern("perform"), 0); /* check for errors in the easy response and raise exceptions if anything went wrong and their is no on_failure handler */ if (rbce->last_result != 0 && rb_easy_nil("failure_proc")) { raise_curl_easy_error_exception(rbce->last_result); } return ret; } /* * call-seq: * easy.http_get => true * * GET the currently configured URL using the current options set for * this Curl::Easy instance. This method always returns true, or raises * an exception (defined under Curl::Err) on error. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl = rbce->curl; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); return handle_perform(self,rbce); } /* * Common implementation of easy.http(verb) and easy.http_delete */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb_str(VALUE self, char *verb) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; VALUE retval; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl = rbce->curl; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, verb); retval = handle_perform(self,rbce); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL); return retval; } /* * call-seq: * easy.http_delete * * DELETE the currently configured URL using the current options set for * this Curl::Easy instance. This method always returns true, or raises * an exception (defined under Curl::Err) on error. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_delete(VALUE self) { return ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb_str(self, "DELETE"); } /* * call-seq: * easy.http(verb) * * Send an HTTP request with method set to verb, using the current options set for this Curl::Easy instance. * This method always returns true or raises an exception (defined under Curl::Err) on error. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb(VALUE self, VALUE verb) { return ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb_str(self, RSTRING_PTR(verb)); } /* * call-seq: * easy.perform => true * * Transfer the currently configured URL using the options set for this * Curl::Easy instance. If this is an HTTP URL, it will be transferred via * the GET or HEAD request method. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); return handle_perform(self,rbce); } /* * call-seq: * easy.http_post("url=encoded%20form%20data;and=so%20on") => true * easy.http_post("url=encoded%20form%20data", "and=so%20on", ...) => true * easy.http_post("url=encoded%20form%20data", Curl::PostField, "and=so%20on", ...) => true * easy.http_post(Curl::PostField, Curl::PostField ..., Curl::PostField) => true * * POST the specified formdata to the currently configured URL using * the current options set for this Curl::Easy instance. This method * always returns true, or raises an exception (defined under * Curl::Err) on error. * * The Content-type of the POST is determined by the current setting * of multipart_form_post? , according to the following rules: * * When false (the default): the form will be POSTed with a * content-type of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', and any of the * four calling forms may be used. * * When true: the form will be POSTed with a content-type of * 'multipart/formdata'. Only the last calling form may be used, * i.e. only PostField instances may be POSTed. In this mode, * individual fields' content-types are recognised, and file upload * fields are supported. * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_post(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; int i; VALUE args_ary; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "*", &args_ary); Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl = rbce->curl; if (rbce->multipart_form_post) { VALUE ret; struct curl_httppost *first = NULL, *last = NULL; // Make the multipart form for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (rb_obj_is_instance_of(argv[i], cCurlPostField)) { append_to_form(argv[i], &first, &last); } else { rb_raise(eCurlErrInvalidPostField, "You must use PostFields only with multipart form posts"); return Qnil; } } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POST, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, first); ret = handle_perform(self,rbce); curl_formfree(first); return ret; } else { VALUE post_body = Qnil; /* TODO: check for PostField.file and raise error before to_s fails */ if ((post_body = rb_funcall(args_ary, idJoin, 1, rbstrAmp)) == Qnil) { rb_raise(eCurlErrError, "Failed to join arguments"); return Qnil; } else { /* if the function call above returns an empty string because no additional arguments were passed this makes sure a previously set easy.post_body = "arg=foo&bar=bin" will be honored */ if( post_body != Qnil && rb_type(post_body) == T_STRING && RSTRING_LEN(post_body) > 0 ) { ruby_curl_easy_post_body_set(self, post_body); } /* if post body is not defined, set it so we enable POST header, even though the request body is empty */ if( rb_easy_nil("postdata_buffer") ) { ruby_curl_easy_post_body_set(self, post_body); } return handle_perform(self,rbce); } } } /* * call-seq: * easy.http_head => true * * Request headers from the currently configured URL using the HEAD * method and current options set for this Curl::Easy instance. This * method always returns true, or raises an exception (defined under * Curl::Err) on error. * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_head(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; VALUE ret; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl = rbce->curl; curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); ret = handle_perform(self,rbce); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0); return ret; } /* *call-seq: * easy = Curl::Easy.new("url") do|c| * c.head = true * end * easy.perform */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_set_head_option(VALUE self, VALUE onoff) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); if( onoff == Qtrue ) { curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); } else { curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0); } return onoff; } /* *call-seq: * * easy = Curl::Easy.new("url") * easy.version = Curl::HTTP_1_1 * easy.version = Curl::HTTP_1_0 * easy.version = Curl::HTTP_NONE * */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_set_version(VALUE self, VALUE version) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; //fprintf(stderr,"CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1: %d, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0: %d, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE: %d\n", CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE); Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, FIX2INT(version)); return version; } /* * call-seq: * * easy = Curl::Easy.new * easy.nosignal = true */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_set_nosignal(VALUE self, VALUE onoff) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, (Qtrue == onoff) ? 1 : 0); return onoff; } /* *call-seq: * easy = Curl::Easy.new("url") do|c| * c.delete = true * end * easy.perform */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_set_delete_option(VALUE self, VALUE onoff) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); if( onoff == Qtrue ) { curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE"); } else { curl_easy_setopt(rbce->curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL); } return onoff; } /* * call-seq: * easy.http_put(data) => true * * PUT the supplied data to the currently configured URL using the * current options set for this Curl::Easy instance. This method always * returns true, or raises an exception (defined under Curl::Err) on error. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_perform_put(VALUE self, VALUE data) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; CURL *curl; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl = rbce->curl; ruby_curl_easy_put_data_set(self, data); return handle_perform(self, rbce); } /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.http_put(url, data) {|c| ... } * * see easy.http_put */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_put(VALUE klass, VALUE url, VALUE data) { VALUE c = ruby_curl_easy_new(1, &url, klass); ruby_curl_easy_perform_put(c, data); return c; } /* =================== DATA FUNCS =============== */ /* * call-seq: * easy.body_str => "response body" * * Return the response body from the previous call to +perform+. This * is populated by the default +on_body+ handler - if you supply * your own body handler, this string will be empty. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_body_str_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, body_data); } /* * call-seq: * easy.header_str => "response header" * * Return the response header from the previous call to +perform+. This * is populated by the default +on_header+ handler - if you supply * your own header handler, this string will be empty. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_header_str_get(VALUE self) { CURB_OBJECT_HGETTER(ruby_curl_easy, header_data); } /* ============== LASTCONN INFO FUNCS ============ */ /* * call-seq: * easy.last_effective_url => "http://some.url" or nil * * Retrieve the last effective URL used by this instance. * This is the URL used in the last +perform+ call, * and may differ from the value of easy.url. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_last_effective_url_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; char* url; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &url); if (url && url[0]) { // curl returns empty string if none return rb_str_new2(url); } else { return Qnil; } } /* * call-seq: * easy.response_code => fixnum * * Retrieve the last received HTTP or FTP code. This will be zero * if no server response code has been received. Note that a proxy's * CONNECT response should be read with +http_connect_code+ * and not this method. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_response_code_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long code; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code); #else // old libcurl curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &code); #endif return LONG2NUM(code); } #if defined(HAVE_CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP) /* * call-seq: * easy.primary_ip => "xx.xx.xx.xx" or nil * * Retrieve the resolved IP of the most recent connection * done with this curl handle. This string may be IPv6 if * that's enabled. This feature requires curl 7.19.x and above */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_primary_ip_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; char* ip; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP, &ip); if (ip && ip[0]) { // curl returns empty string if none return rb_str_new2(ip); } else { return Qnil; } } #endif /* * call-seq: * easy.http_connect_code => fixnum * * Retrieve the last received proxy response code to a CONNECT request. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_http_connect_code_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long code; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE, &code); return LONG2NUM(code); } /* * call-seq: * easy.file_time => fixnum * * Retrieve the remote time of the retrieved document (in number of * seconds since 1 jan 1970 in the GMT/UTC time zone). If you get -1, * it can be because of many reasons (unknown, the server hides it * or the server doesn't support the command that tells document time * etc) and the time of the document is unknown. * * Note that you must tell the server to collect this information * before the transfer is made, by setting +fetch_file_time?+ to true, * or you will unconditionally get a -1 back. * * This requires libcurl 7.5 or higher - otherwise -1 is unconditionally * returned. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_file_time_get(VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_FILETIME ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_FILETIME, &time); return LONG2NUM(time); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support file_time"); return INT2FIX(0); #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.total_time => float * * Retrieve the total time in seconds for the previous transfer, * including name resolving, TCP connect etc. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_total_time_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME, &time); return rb_float_new(time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.name_lookup_time => float * * Retrieve the time, in seconds, it took from the start until the * name resolving was completed. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_name_lookup_time_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME, &time); return rb_float_new(time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.connect_time => float * * Retrieve the time, in seconds, it took from the start until the * connect to the remote host (or proxy) was completed. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_connect_time_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME, &time); return rb_float_new(time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.pre_transfer_time => float * * Retrieve the time, in seconds, it took from the start until the * file transfer is just about to begin. This includes all pre-transfer * commands and negotiations that are specific to the particular protocol(s) * involved. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_pre_transfer_time_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME, &time); return rb_float_new(time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.start_transfer_time => float * * Retrieve the time, in seconds, it took from the start until the first byte * is just about to be transferred. This includes the +pre_transfer_time+ and * also the time the server needs to calculate the result. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_start_transfer_time_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME, &time); return rb_float_new(time); } /* * call-seq: * easy.redirect_time => float * * Retrieve the total time, in seconds, it took for all redirection steps * include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before final * transaction was started. +redirect_time+ contains the complete * execution time for multiple redirections. * * Requires libcurl 7.9.7 or higher, otherwise -1 is always returned. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_redirect_time_get(VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double time; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME, &time); return rb_float_new(time); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support redirect_time"); return rb_float_new(-1); #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.redirect_count => integer * * Retrieve the total number of redirections that were actually followed. * * Requires libcurl 7.9.7 or higher, otherwise -1 is always returned. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_redirect_count_get(VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long count; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT, &count); return LONG2NUM(count); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support redirect_count"); return INT2FIX(-1); #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.uploaded_bytes => float * * Retrieve the total amount of bytes that were uploaded in the * preceeding transfer. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_uploaded_bytes_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD, &bytes); return rb_float_new(bytes); } /* * call-seq: * easy.downloaded_bytes => float * * Retrieve the total amount of bytes that were downloaded in the * preceeding transfer. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_downloaded_bytes_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &bytes); return rb_float_new(bytes); } /* * call-seq: * easy.upload_speed => float * * Retrieve the average upload speed that curl measured for the * preceeding complete upload. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_upload_speed_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD, &bytes); return rb_float_new(bytes); } /* * call-seq: * easy.download_speed => float * * Retrieve the average download speed that curl measured for * the preceeding complete download. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_download_speed_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD, &bytes); return rb_float_new(bytes); } /* * call-seq: * easy.header_size => fixnum * * Retrieve the total size of all the headers received in the * preceeding transfer. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_header_size_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long size; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE, &size); return LONG2NUM(size); } /* * call-seq: * easy.request_size => fixnum * * Retrieve the total size of the issued requests. This is so far * only for HTTP requests. Note that this may be more than one request * if +follow_location?+ is true. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_request_size_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long size; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE, &size); return LONG2NUM(size); } /* * call-seq: * easy.ssl_verify_result => integer * * Retrieve the result of the certification verification that was requested * (by setting +ssl_verify_peer?+ to +true+). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_result_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long result; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT, &result); return LONG2NUM(result); } /* TODO CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES Pass the address of a 'struct curl_slist *' to receive a linked-list of OpenSSL crypto-engines supported. Note that engines are normally implemented in separate dynamic libraries. Hence not all the returned engines may be available at run-time. NOTE: you must call curl_slist_free_all(3) on the list pointer once you're done with it, as libcurl will not free the data for you. (Added in 7.12.3) */ /* * call-seq: * easy.downloaded_content_length => float * * Retrieve the content-length of the download. This is the value read * from the Content-Length: field. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_downloaded_content_length_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, &bytes); return rb_float_new(bytes); } /* * call-seq: * easy.uploaded_content_length => float * * Retrieve the content-length of the upload. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_uploaded_content_length_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; double bytes; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD, &bytes); return rb_float_new(bytes); } /* * call-seq: * easy.content_type => "content/type" or nil * * Retrieve the content-type of the downloaded object. This is the value read * from the Content-Type: field. If you get +nil+, it means that the server * didn't send a valid Content-Type header or that the protocol used doesn't * support this. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_content_type_get(VALUE self) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; char* type; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE, &type); if (type && type[0]) { // curl returns empty string if none return rb_str_new2(type); } else { return Qnil; } } /* NOT REQUIRED? CURLINFO_PRIVATE Pass a pointer to a 'char *' to receive the pointer to the private data associated with the curl handle (set with the CURLOPT_PRIVATE option to curl_easy_setopt(3)). (Added in 7.10.3) */ /* TODO these will need constants setting up too for checking the bits. * * Alternatively, could return an object that wraps the long, and has * question methods to query the auth types. Could return long from to_i(nt) * CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL Pass a pointer to a long to receive a bitmask indicating the authentication method(s) available. The meaning of the bits is explained in the CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH option for curl_easy_setopt(3). (Added in 7.10.8) CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL Pass a pointer to a long to receive a bitmask indicating the authentication method(s) available for your proxy authentication. (Added in 7.10.8) */ /* * call-seq: * easy.os_errno => integer * * Retrieve the errno variable from a connect failure (requires * libcurl 7.12.2 or higher, otherwise 0 is always returned). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_os_errno_get(VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long result; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO, &result); return LONG2NUM(result); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support os_errno"); return INT2FIX(0); #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.num_connects => integer * * Retrieve the number of new connections libcurl had to create to achieve * the previous transfer (only the successful connects are counted). * Combined with +redirect_count+ you are able to know how many times libcurl * successfully reused existing connection(s) or not. * * See the Connection Options of curl_easy_setopt(3) to see how libcurl tries * to make persistent connections to save time. * * (requires libcurl 7.12.3 or higher, otherwise -1 is always returned). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_num_connects_get(VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS ruby_curl_easy *rbce; long result; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS, &result); return LONG2NUM(result); #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support num_connects"); return INT2FIX(-1); #endif } /* TODO this needs to be implemented. CURLINFO_COOKIELIST Pass a pointer to a 'struct curl_slist *' to receive a linked-list of all cookies cURL knows (expired ones, too). Don't forget to curl_slist_free_all(3) the list after it has been used. If there are no cookies (cookies for the handle have not been enabled or simply none have been received) 'struct curl_slist *' will be set to point to NULL. (Added in 7.14.1) */ /* TODO this needs to be implemented. Could probably support CONNECT_ONLY by having this * return an open Socket or something. * CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET Pass a pointer to a long to receive the last socket used by this curl session. If the socket is no longer valid, -1 is returned. When you finish working with the socket, you must call curl_easy_cleanup() as usual and let libcurl close the socket and cleanup other resources associated with the handle. This is typically used in combination with CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY. (Added in 7.15.2) */ /* * call-seq: * easy.ftp_entry_path => "C:\ftp\root\" or nil * * Retrieve the path of the entry path. That is the initial path libcurl ended * up in when logging on to the remote FTP server. This returns +nil+ if * something is wrong. * * (requires libcurl 7.15.4 or higher, otherwise +nil+ is always returned). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_ftp_entry_path_get(VALUE self) { #ifdef HAVE_CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH ruby_curl_easy *rbce; char* path = NULL; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); curl_easy_getinfo(rbce->curl, CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH, &path); if (path && path[0]) { // curl returns NULL or empty string if none return rb_str_new2(path); } else { return Qnil; } #else rb_warn("Installed libcurl is too old to support num_connects"); return Qnil; #endif } /* * call-seq: * easy.inspect => "#" */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_inspect(VALUE self) { char buf[64]; ruby_curl_easy *rbce; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); /* if we don't have a url set... we'll crash... */ if( !rb_easy_nil("url") && rb_easy_type_check("url", T_STRING)) { VALUE url = rb_easy_get("url"); size_t len = 13+((RSTRING_LEN(url) > 50) ? 50 : RSTRING_LEN(url)); /* "#" */ memcpy(buf,"# "some%20text" * * Convert the given input string to a URL encoded string and return * the result. All input characters that are not a-z, A-Z or 0-9 are * converted to their "URL escaped" version (%NN where NN is a * two-digit hexadecimal number). */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_escape(VALUE self, VALUE svalue) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; char *result; VALUE rresult; VALUE str = svalue; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); /* NOTE: make sure the value is a string, if not call to_s */ if( rb_type(str) != T_STRING ) { str = rb_funcall(str,rb_intern("to_s"),0); } #if (LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070f04) result = (char*)curl_easy_escape(rbce->curl, StringValuePtr(str), RSTRING_LEN(str)); #else result = (char*)curl_escape(StringValuePtr(str), RSTRING_LEN(str)); #endif rresult = rb_str_new2(result); curl_free(result); return rresult; } /* * call-seq: * easy.unescape("some%20text") => "some text" * * Convert the given URL encoded input string to a "plain string" and return * the result. All input characters that are URL encoded (%XX where XX is a * two-digit hexadecimal number) are converted to their binary versions. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_unescape(VALUE self, VALUE str) { ruby_curl_easy *rbce; int rlen; char *result; VALUE rresult; Data_Get_Struct(self, ruby_curl_easy, rbce); #if (LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x070f04) result = (char*)curl_easy_unescape(rbce->curl, StringValuePtr(str), RSTRING_LEN(str), &rlen); #else result = (char*)curl_unescape(StringValuePtr(str), RSTRING_LEN(str)); rlen = strlen(result); #endif rresult = rb_str_new(result, rlen); curl_free(result); return rresult; } /* ================= CLASS METHODS ==================*/ /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.perform(url) { |easy| ... } => #<Curl::Easy...> * * Convenience method that creates a new Curl::Easy instance with * the specified URL and calls the general +perform+ method, before returning * the new instance. For HTTP URLs, this is equivalent to calling +http_get+. * * If a block is supplied, the new instance will be yielded just prior to * the +http_get+ call. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_class_perform(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE c = ruby_curl_easy_new(argc, argv, klass); if (rb_block_given_p()) { rb_yield(c); } ruby_curl_easy_perform(c); return c; } /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.http_get(url) { |easy| ... } => #<Curl::Easy...> * * Convenience method that creates a new Curl::Easy instance with * the specified URL and calls +http_get+, before returning the new instance. * * If a block is supplied, the new instance will be yielded just prior to * the +http_get+ call. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_get(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE c = ruby_curl_easy_new(argc, argv, klass); ruby_curl_easy_perform_get(c); return c; } /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.http_delete(url) { |easy| ... } => #<Curl::Easy...> * * Convenience method that creates a new Curl::Easy instance with * the specified URL and calls +http_delete+, before returning the new instance. * * If a block is supplied, the new instance will be yielded just prior to * the +http_delete+ call. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_delete(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE c = ruby_curl_easy_new(argc, argv, klass); ruby_curl_easy_perform_delete(c); return c; } /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.http_head(url) { |easy| ... } => #<Curl::Easy...> * * Convenience method that creates a new Curl::Easy instance with * the specified URL and calls +http_head+, before returning the new instance. * * If a block is supplied, the new instance will be yielded just prior to * the +http_head+ call. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_head(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE c = ruby_curl_easy_new(argc, argv, klass); ruby_curl_easy_perform_head(c); return c; } // TODO: add convenience method for http_post /* * call-seq: * Curl::Easy.http_post(url, "some=urlencoded%20form%20data&and=so%20on") => true * Curl::Easy.http_post(url, "some=urlencoded%20form%20data", "and=so%20on", ...) => true * Curl::Easy.http_post(url, "some=urlencoded%20form%20data", Curl::PostField, "and=so%20on", ...) => true * Curl::Easy.http_post(url, Curl::PostField, Curl::PostField ..., Curl::PostField) => true * * POST the specified formdata to the currently configured URL using * the current options set for this Curl::Easy instance. This method * always returns true, or raises an exception (defined under * Curl::Err) on error. * * If you wish to use multipart form encoding, you'll need to supply a block * in order to set multipart_form_post true. See #http_post for more * information. */ static VALUE ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_post(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE klass) { VALUE url, fields; VALUE c; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1*", &url, &fields); c = ruby_curl_easy_new(1, &url, klass); if (argc > 1) { ruby_curl_easy_perform_post(argc - 1, &argv[1], c); } else { ruby_curl_easy_perform_post(0, NULL, c); } return c; } /* =================== INIT LIB =====================*/ void init_curb_easy() { idCall = rb_intern("call"); idJoin = rb_intern("join"); rbstrAmp = rb_str_new2("&"); rb_global_variable(&rbstrAmp); cCurlEasy = rb_define_class_under(mCurl, "Easy", rb_cObject); /* Class methods */ rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "new", ruby_curl_easy_new, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "perform", ruby_curl_easy_class_perform, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "http_delete", ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_delete, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "http_get", ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_get, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "http_post", ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_post, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "http_head", ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_head, -1); rb_define_singleton_method(cCurlEasy, "http_put", ruby_curl_easy_class_perform_put, 2); /* Attributes for config next perform */ rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "url=", ruby_curl_easy_url_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "url", ruby_curl_easy_url_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_url=", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_url_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_url", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_url_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "headers=", ruby_curl_easy_headers_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "headers", ruby_curl_easy_headers_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "interface=", ruby_curl_easy_interface_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "interface", ruby_curl_easy_interface_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "userpwd=", ruby_curl_easy_userpwd_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "userpwd", ruby_curl_easy_userpwd_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxypwd=", ruby_curl_easy_proxypwd_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxypwd", ruby_curl_easy_proxypwd_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cookies=", ruby_curl_easy_cookies_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cookies", ruby_curl_easy_cookies_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cookiefile=", ruby_curl_easy_cookiefile_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cookiefile", ruby_curl_easy_cookiefile_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cookiejar=", ruby_curl_easy_cookiejar_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cookiejar", ruby_curl_easy_cookiejar_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cert=", ruby_curl_easy_cert_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cert", ruby_curl_easy_cert_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cert_key=", ruby_curl_easy_cert_key_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cert_key", ruby_curl_easy_cert_key_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cacert=", ruby_curl_easy_cacert_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "cacert", ruby_curl_easy_cacert_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "certpassword=", ruby_curl_easy_certpassword_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "certtype=", ruby_curl_easy_certtype_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "certtype", ruby_curl_easy_certtype_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "encoding=", ruby_curl_easy_encoding_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "encoding", ruby_curl_easy_encoding_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "useragent=", ruby_curl_easy_useragent_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "useragent", ruby_curl_easy_useragent_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "post_body=", ruby_curl_easy_post_body_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "post_body", ruby_curl_easy_post_body_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "put_data=", ruby_curl_easy_put_data_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_commands=", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_commands_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_commands", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_commands_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "local_port=", ruby_curl_easy_local_port_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "local_port", ruby_curl_easy_local_port_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "local_port_range=", ruby_curl_easy_local_port_range_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "local_port_range", ruby_curl_easy_local_port_range_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_port=", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_port_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_port", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_port_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_type=", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_type_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_type", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_type_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_auth_types=", ruby_curl_easy_http_auth_types_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_auth_types", ruby_curl_easy_http_auth_types_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_auth_types=", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_auth_types_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_auth_types", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_auth_types_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "max_redirects=", ruby_curl_easy_max_redirects_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "max_redirects", ruby_curl_easy_max_redirects_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "timeout=", ruby_curl_easy_timeout_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "timeout", ruby_curl_easy_timeout_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "connect_timeout=", ruby_curl_easy_connect_timeout_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "connect_timeout", ruby_curl_easy_connect_timeout_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "dns_cache_timeout=", ruby_curl_easy_dns_cache_timeout_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "dns_cache_timeout", ruby_curl_easy_dns_cache_timeout_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_response_timeout=", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_response_timeout_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_response_timeout", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_response_timeout_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_version=", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_version_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_version", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_version_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "use_ssl=", ruby_curl_easy_use_ssl_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "use_ssl", ruby_curl_easy_use_ssl_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_filemethod=", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_filemethod_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_filemethod", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_filemethod_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "username=", ruby_curl_easy_username_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "username", ruby_curl_easy_username_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "password=", ruby_curl_easy_password_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "password", ruby_curl_easy_password_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_tunnel=", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_tunnel_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "proxy_tunnel?", ruby_curl_easy_proxy_tunnel_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "fetch_file_time=", ruby_curl_easy_fetch_file_time_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "fetch_file_time?", ruby_curl_easy_fetch_file_time_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_verify_peer=", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_peer_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_verify_peer?", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_peer_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_verify_host=", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_host_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_verify_host?", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_host_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "header_in_body=", ruby_curl_easy_header_in_body_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "header_in_body?", ruby_curl_easy_header_in_body_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "use_netrc=", ruby_curl_easy_use_netrc_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "use_netrc?", ruby_curl_easy_use_netrc_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "follow_location=", ruby_curl_easy_follow_location_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "follow_location?", ruby_curl_easy_follow_location_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "unrestricted_auth=", ruby_curl_easy_unrestricted_auth_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "unrestricted_auth?", ruby_curl_easy_unrestricted_auth_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "verbose=", ruby_curl_easy_verbose_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "verbose?", ruby_curl_easy_verbose_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "multipart_form_post=", ruby_curl_easy_multipart_form_post_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "multipart_form_post?", ruby_curl_easy_multipart_form_post_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "enable_cookies=", ruby_curl_easy_enable_cookies_set, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "enable_cookies?", ruby_curl_easy_enable_cookies_q, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_body", ruby_curl_easy_on_body_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_header", ruby_curl_easy_on_header_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_progress", ruby_curl_easy_on_progress_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_debug", ruby_curl_easy_on_debug_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_success", ruby_curl_easy_on_success_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_failure", ruby_curl_easy_on_failure_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "on_complete", ruby_curl_easy_on_complete_set, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "perform", ruby_curl_easy_perform, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http", ruby_curl_easy_perform_verb, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_delete", ruby_curl_easy_perform_delete, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_get", ruby_curl_easy_perform_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_post", ruby_curl_easy_perform_post, -1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_head", ruby_curl_easy_perform_head, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_put", ruby_curl_easy_perform_put, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "head=", ruby_curl_easy_set_head_option, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "delete=", ruby_curl_easy_set_delete_option, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "version=", ruby_curl_easy_set_version, 1); rb_define_const(mCurl, "HTTP_1_1", LONG2NUM(CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1)); rb_define_const(mCurl, "HTTP_1_0", LONG2NUM(CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0)); rb_define_const(mCurl, "HTTP_NONE", LONG2NUM(CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE)); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "nosignal=", ruby_curl_easy_set_nosignal, 1); /* Post-perform info methods */ rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "body_str", ruby_curl_easy_body_str_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "header_str", ruby_curl_easy_header_str_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "last_effective_url", ruby_curl_easy_last_effective_url_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "response_code", ruby_curl_easy_response_code_get, 0); #if defined(HAVE_CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP) rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "primary_ip", ruby_curl_easy_primary_ip_get, 0); #endif rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "http_connect_code", ruby_curl_easy_http_connect_code_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "file_time", ruby_curl_easy_file_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "total_time", ruby_curl_easy_total_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "name_lookup_time", ruby_curl_easy_name_lookup_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "connect_time", ruby_curl_easy_connect_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "pre_transfer_time", ruby_curl_easy_pre_transfer_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "start_transfer_time", ruby_curl_easy_start_transfer_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "redirect_time", ruby_curl_easy_redirect_time_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "redirect_count", ruby_curl_easy_redirect_count_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "downloaded_bytes", ruby_curl_easy_downloaded_bytes_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "uploaded_bytes", ruby_curl_easy_uploaded_bytes_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "download_speed", ruby_curl_easy_download_speed_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "upload_speed", ruby_curl_easy_upload_speed_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "header_size", ruby_curl_easy_header_size_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "request_size", ruby_curl_easy_request_size_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ssl_verify_result", ruby_curl_easy_ssl_verify_result_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "downloaded_content_length", ruby_curl_easy_downloaded_content_length_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "uploaded_content_length", ruby_curl_easy_uploaded_content_length_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "content_type", ruby_curl_easy_content_type_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "os_errno", ruby_curl_easy_os_errno_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "num_connects", ruby_curl_easy_num_connects_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "ftp_entry_path", ruby_curl_easy_ftp_entry_path_get, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "close", ruby_curl_easy_close, 0); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "reset", ruby_curl_easy_reset, 0); /* Curl utils */ rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "escape", ruby_curl_easy_escape, 1); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "unescape", ruby_curl_easy_unescape, 1); /* Runtime support */ rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "clone", ruby_curl_easy_clone, 0); rb_define_alias(cCurlEasy, "dup", "clone"); rb_define_method(cCurlEasy, "inspect", ruby_curl_easy_inspect, 0); }