require 'spec_helper' require 'observed/observer' require 'observed/observer_helpers/timer' require 'observed/configurable' describe describe Observed::ObserverHelpers::Timer do before { subject.configure system: sys, logger: logger } let(:sys) { sys = stub('system') sys.stubs(:now).returns(before).then.returns(after) sys } let(:before) { } let(:after) { + 1 } let(:logger) { mock('logger') } context 'when included to the new Observer implementation class' do subject { klass = do include Observed::ObserverHelpers::Timer include Observed::Configurable include Observed::Logging def observe(data) [tag, data] end end } it 'returns the result instead of reporting it via the system' do data = ['test.success', {status: :success, result: 'the result', elapsed_time: after - before }] expect( subject.time_and_report(tag: 'test', timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do 'the result' end ).to eq(data) end end context 'when its logging enabled' do subject { klass = do include Observed::ObserverHelpers::Timer include Observed::Configurable include Observed::Logging end } describe 'its `time` method' do context 'when missing :timeout_in_seconds parameter' do it 'fails' do expect { subject.time({}) do fail 'This block should not be called' end }.to raise_error(/The key `:timeout_in_seconds` must be exist in the options/) end end context 'with correct parameters' do context 'given the block which does not time out' do it 'returns the result containing its status, value, elapsed time' do expect( subject.time({timeout_in_seconds: 1.0}) do 'test_value' end ).to eq(status: :success, result: 'test_value', elapsed_time: after - before) end context 'given the block which does time out' do it 'returns the result containing its status, flag, message while logging the error' do logger.expects(:debug).once expect( subject.time(timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do raise Timeout::Error end ).to eq(status: :error, timed_out: true, error: {message: 'Timed out.'}) end end context 'given the block which fails' do it 'returns the result containing its status, message while logging the error' do logger.expects(:error).once expect( subject.time(timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do raise RuntimeError, 'The error message' end ).to eq(status: :error, error: {message: 'The error message'}) end end end end end end context 'when its logging disabled' do subject { klass = do include Observed::ObserverHelpers::Timer include Observed::Configurable end } describe 'its `time` method' do context 'with correct parameters' do context 'given the block which does time out' do it 'returns the result containing its status, flag, message while not logging the error' do logger.expects(:debug).never expect( subject.time(timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do raise Timeout::Error end ).to eq(status: :error, error: {message: 'Timed out.'}, timed_out: true) end end context 'given the block which fails' do it 'returns the result containing its status, message while not logging the error' do logger.expects(:error).never expect( subject.time(timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do raise StandardError, 'The error message' end ).to eq(status: :error, error: {message: 'The error message'}) end end end end describe 'its `time_and_report` method' do context 'when :tag parameter is not given' do it 'fails' do expect { subject.time_and_report(timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do 'the result' end }.to raise_error end end context 'when :tag parameter is given' do it 'reports the result of `time`' do data = ['test.success', {status: :success, result: 'the result', elapsed_time: after - before }] sys.expects(:report).with(*data).once expect( subject.time_and_report(tag: 'test', timeout_in_seconds: 1.0) do 'the result' end ).to eq(data) end end end end end