--- en: command_builder: name: 'dg' description: 'Control DeployGate from your terminal.' login: description: 'Log in to DeployGate' terminal: 'Login in terminal' deploy: description: 'Build and upload a new build' message: 'Build description message' user: 'User or organization name of app owner' distribution_key: 'If you also want to update distribution page, set the last part of the URL of the page' configuration: 'Set Xcode build configuration (iOS app only)' scheme: 'Set Xcode build scheme (iOS app only)' open: 'Open a browser after the build uploaded (OS X only)' disable_notify: 'Disable email notification (iOS app only)' add_devices: description: 'Register devices to your Apple Developer account and refresh your provisioning profile. (iOS only) By default, it automatically finds new devices added to your application on DeployGate and ask you which device to register. You can also specify which device to register via command line options.' user: 'Owner user or organization name' udid: 'UDID to be registered' device_name: 'Device name to be registered' distribution_key: 'If you also want to update distribution page, set the last part of the URL of the page' server: description: 'Start the add-devices server. When added new device automatically run add-devices command.' connecting: 'Connecting...' start: 'Start add-devices server. Use Ctrl-C to stop.' start_build: 'New device has been added. Start add-devices command.' finish_build: 'add-devices completed successfully.' logout: description: 'Log out current session' config: description: "Configure login session of `dg` command. Usually, the session automatically created on the installation process so you don't need to use this command." json: 'Set output format to JSON' name: 'DeployGate user name' token: 'DeployGate API token' error_handling: message: 'Error: %{message}' agree: 'Do you want to this error report to DeployGate? (y/n) ' thanks: 'Thank you feedback! We will improve based on it.' show_update_message: | ################################################################# # %{gem_name} %{latest_version} is available. You are on %{current_version}. # It is recommended to use the latest version. # You can update it by running 'gem update %{gem_name}'. ################################################################# not_internet_connection_error: 'Error: Not internet connection. Please by connecting to the internet' commands: deploy: build: print_no_target: | No deploy target found. Please run dg on the root directory of Android/iOS project or specify .apk/.ipa file to deploy. print_no_install_xcode: 'Unable to locate Xcode. Please make sure to have Xcode installed on your machine' select_method: title: 'Please select a export method' push: upload: loading: 'Uploading to %{owner}..' upload_error: 'failed' upload_success: done: 'done' data_message: | Name: %{application_name} Owner: %{owner_name} Package: %{package_name} Revision: %{revision} URL: %{web_url} add_devices: input_udid: 'Enter UDID: ' input_device_name: 'Set device name: ' device_register_confirm: 'A device will be registered as the contents above. Is it OK? (y/n) ' select_devices: device_info: 'Device [%{device}]' agree: 'Do you want to add this device? (y/n) ' success_registered_device: 'Device [%{device}] successfully registered.' not_device: 'No device found to be registered' ios_only_command: 'This command is only for iOS project' unknown_application: data: | Owner: %{owner} Bundle identifier: %{bundle_id} message: 'Application is not registered on DeployGate' unknown_user: 'The specified user does not exist on DeployGate.' config: print_login_failed: message: 'Login failed' note: 'Please check your user name and API token.' print_not_login: message: 'No user logged in' note: | Please login to DeployGate by running: $ dg login print_login_user: 'User name: %{name}' login: start_login_or_create_account: welcome: 'Welcome to DeployGate!' email: 'Email: ' check_account: 'Checking for your account...' input_password: 'Password: ' start: login_error: | Could not log in to DeployGate. Please try again. success: 'Hello %{name}!' create_account: prompt: "Looks new to DeployGate. Let's set up your account, just choose your user name and password." creating: 'Creating your account... ' error: | Could not create your account. Please try again. success: 'done! Your account has been set up successfully.' input_new_account_name: input_user_name: 'Username: ' checking: 'Checking for availability... ' already_used_user_name: 'Sorry, %{user_name} was already taken. Please try again.' success: 'Good, %{user_name} is available.' input_new_account_password: input_password: 'Password: ' input_same_password: 'Type the same password: ' error: "Passwords didn't match. Please type again." check_terms: terms_url: 'Terms of Service: https://deploygate.com/terms' privacy_url: 'Privacy Policy: https://deploygate.com/terms/privacy' note: "DeployGate properly manages your account information under GDPR, Japan's Personal Information Protection Act and our Privacy Policy." text: 'I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (y/n) ' error: 'You must agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.' logout: success: | Logout success! Goodbye! :) xcode: export: create_provisioning: created: 'App ID %{identifier} was created' error: failed_to_create: app_id: 'Error: Failed to create App ID' provisioning_profile: 'Error: Failed to create provisioning profile' select_teams: prompt: 'Please select a team' choice: '%{team_name} %{team_id}' check_local_certificates: not_local_install_certificate: error_message: 'Error: No applicable iPhone Distribution certificate found on your Mac.' note: | No "iPhone Distribution" certificate and/or corresponding private key installed locally. To sign your application code, make sure you have installed them and available in your Keychain. See also: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingCertificates/MaintainingCertificates.html conflict_certificate: error_message: 'Error: Too many certificates found.' note: | You have more than one "iPhone Distribution" certificate installed on your Mac. Please remove other unnecessary certificates from your Keychain. clean_provisioning_profiles: start: 'Cleaning local Provisioning Profiles...' delete: 'Delete %{path}' finish: 'Finish cleaning local Provisionig Profiles' analyze: target_bundle_identifier: prompt: | Please input your app bundle identifier Example: com.example.ios ask: 'Enter your app bundle identifier: ' ios: build: error: use_xcode: 'Current Xcode used to build: %{use_xcode_path} (via xcode-select)' member_center: input_email: prompt: | Please enter your email and password for Apple Developer Center to set up/download provisioning profile automatically so you can export the app without any extra steps. Note: Your password will be stored to your Keychain and never be sent to DeployGate. email: 'Email: ' provisioning_profile: not_installed_certificate_error: 'No iPhone Distribution Certificate associated with private key was found in local Keychain' not_exist_uuid_provisioning_profile_error: 'No provisioning profile found for the specified UUID (%{uuid})'