#= require jquery-ui/draggable #= require jquery-ui/sortable # window.Alchemy = {} if typeof (window.Alchemy) is "undefined" $.extend Alchemy, SortableElements: (page_id, form_token, selector = '#element_area .sortable_cell') -> getTinymceIDs = (ui) -> ids = [] $textareas = ui.item.find('textarea.default_tinymce, textarea.custom_tinymce') $($textareas).each -> id = this.id.replace(/tinymce_/, '') ids.push parseInt(id, 10) return ids $(selector).sortable items: "div.element_editor" handle: ".element_handle" axis: "y" placeholder: "droppable_element_placeholder" forcePlaceholderSize: true dropOnEmpty: true opacity: 0.5 cursor: "move" tolerance: "pointer" update: (event, ui) -> ids = $.map $(this).children(), (child) -> $(child).attr "data-element-id" params_string = "" cell_id = $(this).attr("data-cell-id") # Is the trash window open? if Alchemy.TrashWindow.current # update the trash icon if $("#trash_items div.element_editor").not(".dragged").length is 0 $("#element_trash_button .icon").removeClass "full" $(event.target).css "cursor", "progress" params_string = "page_id=" + page_id + "&authenticity_token=" + encodeURIComponent(form_token) + "&" + $.param(element_ids: ids) params_string += "&cell_id=" + cell_id if cell_id $.ajax url: Alchemy.routes.order_admin_elements_path type: "POST" data: params_string complete: -> $(event.target).css "cursor", "auto" Alchemy.TrashWindow.refresh page_id start: (event, ui) -> Alchemy.Tinymce.remove getTinymceIDs(ui) stop: (event, ui) -> Alchemy.Tinymce.init getTinymceIDs(ui) SortableContents: (selector, token) -> $(selector).sortable items: "div.dragable_picture" handle: "div.picture_handle" opacity: 0.5 cursor: "move" tolerance: "pointer" containment: "parent" update: (event, ui) -> ids = $.map $(this).children("div.dragable_picture"), (child) -> child.id.replace /essence_picture_/, "" $(event.originalTarget).css "cursor", "progress" $.ajax url: Alchemy.routes.order_admin_contents_path type: "POST" data: "authenticity_token=" + encodeURIComponent(token) + "&" + $.param(content_ids: ids) complete: -> $(event.originalTarget).css "cursor", "move" DraggableTrashItems: (items_n_cells) -> $("#trash_items div.draggable").each -> cell_classes = "" cell_names = items_n_cells[@id] $.each cell_names, (i) -> cell_classes += "." + this + "_cell" + ", " $(this).draggable helper: "clone" iframeFix: "iframe#alchemy_preview_window" connectToSortable: cell_classes.replace(/,.$/, "") start: (event, ui) -> $(this).hide().addClass "dragged" ui.helper.css width: "300px" stop: -> $(this).show().removeClass "dragged"