Vertica History for <%= @model %> <%= @id %> - Total: <%= @total_records %> records found

Select New Attributes you want to see in the table for the history of the records in vertica

<%= render partial: 'select_attributes', locals: { action_button: 'Change Attributes'} %> <%= render partial: 'filters' %>

<% @columns.each do |col| %> <% end %> <% @history.each do |data| %> <% @columns.each do |col| %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= paginate @history %>
<% if params[:order_by] == col+' desc' %> <%= link_to col.camelize, vertica_history_view_history_path(order_by: (col + ' asc'), columns: @columns) %> <%= '▲' %> <% else %> <%= link_to col.camelize, vertica_history_view_history_path(order_by: (col + ' desc'), columns: @columns) %> <%= '▼' if params[:order_by] == col+' asc' %> <% end %>
<%= data[col.to_sym] %>