# Hunspell [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/hunspell.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/hunspell) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/segabor/Hunspell.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/segabor/Hunspell) Ruby interface to hunspell spell checker Copyright 2007, Gabor SEBESTYEN ## WHAT IS THIS? Hunspell is an simple native Ruby interface to the famous [Hunspell](http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/) spell checker library which is part of [OpenOffice](http://openoffice.org/) and Mozilla products. With this bundle you can start to develop your own AJAX based spell checker service for Ruby on Rails. ## REQUIREMENTS Before installing Hunspell ensure you have the following components already installed: - Ruby >= 1.8 - rubygems - hunspell native library >= 1.3 (libhunspell-1.3) - dictionary files: download from [LibreOffice](http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/dictionaries/tree/) or [OpenOffice](http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries) websites. ## INSTALLATION The best way to get Hunspell is to use gem package manager ```sh gem install hunspell ``` NOTE: if install fails on newer OSX versions, try this command ```sh sudo ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install hunspell ``` If you want to build Hunspell from scratch grab the source from [here](https://github.com/segabor/Hunspell) and execute the following command ```sh ruby extconf.rb && make ``` FreeBSD gotcha: hunspell spell checker package does not deploy its header files. Run gem or ruby command with an extra option: ```sh gem install hunspell -- --with-include-dir= ``` or ```sh ruby extconf.rb --with-include-dir= && make ``` Replace _incdir_ with the path pointing to hunspell includes. ## FIRST STEPS Here's a basic example how to use Hunspell. Cut it and run in ruby. ### example.rb ```rb require "rubygems" # import gem package manager gem "hunspell" # load Hunspell module require "Hunspell" # inject Hunspell class to Ruby namespace # instantiate Hunspell with Hungarian affix and dictionary files # sp = Hunspell.new("hu_HU.aff", "hu_HU.dic") # spell check Hungarian word 'ablak' (window) => true # puts "Is 'ablak' correct? #{sp.spellcheck('ablak')}" # get suggestions for mispelled word 'paprika' # => ["kaprica", "patrica", "paprika", "papcica", # "papráca", "papruca", "paprima", "paprikáz", # "paprikása", "paprikás", "Papradnó" # ] # puts "Suggestions for 'paprica': " + sp.suggest("paprica").inspect ``` **Note** you might run this example with -Ke ruby option if you want to see accented letters instead of backslash prefixed utf codes. ## FEEDBACK Any help or report are warmly appreciated. Please visit the project's homepage at https://github.com/segabor/Hunspell and open an issue. ## DISCLAIMER This software is at an early stage. Use at own your risk! No warranty.