require 'spec_helper' describe MethodSource do describe "source_location (testing 1.8 implementation)" do it 'should return correct source_location for a method' do expect(method(:hello).source_location.first).to match(/spec_helper/) end it 'should not raise for immediate instance methods' do [Symbol, Integer, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass].each do |immediate_class| expect do immediate_class.instance_method(:to_s).source_location end.not_to raise_error end end it 'should not raise for immediate methods' do [:a, 1, true, false, nil].each do |immediate| expect do immediate.method(:to_s).source_location end.not_to raise_error end end end before do @hello_module_source = " def hello; :hello_module; end\n" @hello_singleton_source = "def $o.hello; :hello_singleton; end\n" @hello_source = "def hello; :hello; end\n" @hello_comment = "# A comment for hello\n# It spans two lines and is indented by 2 spaces\n" @lambda_comment = "# This is a comment for MyLambda\n" @module_comment = "# This is a comment for module\n" @class_comment = "# This is a comment for class\n" @lambda_source = "MyLambda = lambda { :lambda }\n" @proc_source = "MyProc = { :proc }\n" @hello_instance_evaled_source = " def hello_\#{name}(*args)\n send_mesg(:\#{name}, *args)\n end\n" @hello_instance_evaled_source_2 = " def \#{name}_two()\n if 40 + 4\n 45\n end\n end\n" @hello_class_evaled_source = " def hello_\#{name}(*args)\n send_mesg(:\#{name}, *args)\n end\n" @hi_module_evaled_source = " def hi_\#{name}\n @var = \#{name}\n end\n" end it 'should define methods on Method and UnboundMethod and Proc' do expect(Method.method_defined?(:source)).to be_truthy expect(UnboundMethod.method_defined?(:source)).to be_truthy expect(Proc.method_defined?(:source)).to be_truthy end describe "Methods" do it 'should return source for method' do expect(method(:hello).source).to eq(@hello_source) end it 'should return source for a method defined in a module' do expect(M.instance_method(:hello).source).to eq(@hello_module_source) end it 'should return source for a singleton method as an instance method' do expect(class << $o self end.instance_method(:hello).source).to eq(@hello_singleton_source) end it 'should return source for a singleton method' do expect($o.method(:hello).source).to eq(@hello_singleton_source) end it 'should return a comment for method' do expect(method(:hello).comment).to eq(@hello_comment) end # These tests fail because of unless defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" it 'should return source for an *_evaled method' do expect(M.method(:hello_name).source).to eq(@hello_instance_evaled_source) expect(M.method(:name_two).source).to eq(@hello_instance_evaled_source_2) expect(M.instance_method(:hello_name).source).to eq(@hello_class_evaled_source) expect(M.instance_method(:hi_name).source).to eq(@hi_module_evaled_source) end end it "should raise error for evaled methods that do not pass __FILE__ and __LINE__ + 1 as its arguments" do expect do M.instance_method(:name_three).source raise_error(MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError) end if !is_rbx? it 'should raise for C methods' do expect do method(:puts).source raise_error(MethodSource::SourceNotFoundError) end end end # if RUBY_VERSION =~ /1.9/ || is_rbx? describe "Lambdas and Procs" do it 'should return source for proc' do expect(MyProc.source).to eq(@proc_source) end it 'should return an empty string if there is no comment' do expect(MyProc.comment).to eq('') end it 'should return source for lambda' do expect(MyLambda.source).to eq(@lambda_source) end it 'should return comment for lambda' do expect(MyLambda.comment).to eq(@lambda_comment) end it 'should return comment for module' do expect(M.instance_method(:hello).module_comment).to eq(@module_comment) end it 'should return comment for class' do expect(C.method(:hello).class_comment).to eq(@class_comment) end it 'should return comment for class instance' do expect( eq(@class_comment) end end # end describe "Comment tests" do before do @comment1 = "# a\n# b\n" @comment2 = "# a\n# b\n" @comment3 = "# a\n#\n# b\n" @comment4 = "# a\n# b\n" @comment5 = "# a\n# b\n# c\n# d\n" end it "should correctly extract multi-line comments" do expect(method(:comment_test1).comment).to eq(@comment1) end it "should correctly strip leading whitespace before comments" do expect(method(:comment_test2).comment).to eq(@comment2) end it "should keep empty comment lines" do expect(method(:comment_test3).comment).to eq(@comment3) end it "should ignore blank lines between comments" do expect(method(:comment_test4).comment).to eq(@comment4) end it "should align all comments to same indent level" do expect(method(:comment_test5).comment).to eq(@comment5) end end end