module Birdwatcher module Modules module Users class SocialGraph < Birdwatcher::Module self.meta = { :name => "Social Graph", :description => "Graphs the social relations between users", :author => "Michael Henriksen ", :options => { "DEST" => { :value => nil, :description => "Destination file", :required => true }, "USERS" => { :value => nil, :description => "Space-separated list of screen names (all users if empty)", :required => false }, "MIN_WEIGHT" => { :value => 10, :description => "Percentage of the highest edge weight to be considered minimum edge weight", :required => true }, "FORMAT" => { :value => "png", :description => "Destination file format (any format supported by Graphviz)", :required => true } } } def <<-INFO The Social Graph module generates an undirected graph between users in the currently active workspace. The edges between users will be weighted by simply counting the amount of times they mutually mention each other in statuses. The module can identify social clusters within the collection of users. The generated graph is in PNG format. INFO end def run if !GraphViz::Constants::FORMATS.include?(option_setting("FORMAT")) error("Unsupported format: #{option_setting('FORMAT').bold}") return false end if screen_names = option_setting("USERS") users = current_workspace.users_dataset .where("screen_name IN ?", screen_names.split(" ").map(&:strip)) .order(:screen_name) else users = current_workspace.users_dataset.order(:screen_name) end if users.empty? error("There are no users to process") return false end graph =, :type => :graph, :use => "sfdp", :overlap => "prism", :splines => "curved") edge_weights = {} highest_edge_weight = 0 nodes = {} users.each do |user| task("Calculating social graph for #{user.screen_name.bold}...") do users.each do |other_user| next if == edge_weights[user.screen_name] ||= {} edge_weights[other_user.screen_name] ||= {} next if (edge_weights[user.screen_name].key?(other_user.screen_name) && edge_weights[other_user.screen_name].key?(user.screen_name)) edge_weights[user.screen_name][other_user.screen_name] = user.statuses_dataset.where("text LIKE ?", "%#{other_user.screen_name}%").count edge_weights[other_user.screen_name][user.screen_name] = other_user.statuses_dataset.where("text LIKE ?", "%#{user.screen_name}%").count total_edge_weight = edge_weights[user.screen_name][other_user.screen_name] + edge_weights[other_user.screen_name][user.screen_name] highest_edge_weight = total_edge_weight if (total_edge_weight > highest_edge_weight) end end end task("Generating social graph...") do edge_weights.each_pair do |user, user_graph| user_graph.each_pair do |other_user, edge_weight| total_edge_weight = edge_weight + edge_weights[other_user][user] percentage = (total_edge_weight.to_f / highest_edge_weight.to_f * 100).to_i if percentage >= option_setting("MIN_WEIGHT").to_i nodes[user] ||= graph.add_nodes(user) nodes[other_user] ||= graph.add_nodes(other_user) case percentage when 0..25 pen_width = 1 when 26..50 pen_width = 2 when 51..75 pen_width = 4 when 76..100 pen_width = 5 end graph.add_edges(nodes[user], nodes[other_user], :weight => total_edge_weight, :penwidth => pen_width, :color => "lightblue", :fontcolor => "cornflowerblue", :label => total_edge_weight.to_s) edge_weights[other_user].delete(user) end end end end task("Outputting graph...") do graph.output(option_setting("FORMAT") => option_setting("DEST")) end info("Graph written to #{option_setting('DEST').bold}") end end end end end