require 'English' require 'spec_helper' require 'rspec/example_steps' describe GitPrettyAccept::App do let!(:project_path) { FileUtils.pwd } let(:tmp_path) { "tmp/git_pretty_accept" } let(:remote_path) { "#{tmp_path}/remote" } let(:our_path) { "#{tmp_path}/our" } let(:their_path) { "#{tmp_path}/their" } let(:pr_branch) { 'pr_branch' } before do FileUtils.rm_rf tmp_path end Steps "I can accept a pull request... prettily" do our = nil Given 'I have a local repo tracking a remote repo' do Git.init remote_path, bare: true # Add initial commit. Otherwise, `our.branch(pr_branch)` # below won't be able to create a new branch. Git.clone remote_path, our_path our ="#{our_path}/readme.txt", 'w') { |f| f.write('readme') } our.add all: true our.commit 'Add readme' our.push end And 'I have a PR_BRANCH that is not up-to-date with master' do Git.clone remote_path, their_path their ="#{their_path}/readme.txt", 'w') { |f| f.write('updated readme') } their.add all: true their.commit 'Update readme' their.push our.branch(pr_branch).checkout"#{our_path}/changelog.txt", 'w') { |f| f.write('changelog') } our.add all: true our.commit 'Add changelog' our.push our.remote('origin'), pr_branch end And 'the current branch is master' do our.branch('master').checkout end When 'I run `git pretty-accept PR_BRANCH`' do do `bundle exec #{project_path}/bin/git-pretty-accept --no-edit #{pr_branch}` expect($CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus).to eq(0) end end Then 'it should rebase the PR_BRANCH before merging to master' do expect(our.log.size).to eq(4) expect(our.log[0].message).to eq("Merge branch 'pr_branch'") expect(our.log[0].parents.size).to eq(2) expect(our.log[1].message).to eq('Update readme') expect(our.log[1].parents.size).to eq(1) expect(our.log[2].message).to eq('Add changelog') expect(our.log[2].parents.size).to eq(1) expect(our.log[3].message).to eq('Add readme') expect(our.log[3].parents.size).to eq(0) end And 'it should push the PR_BRANCH commits' do expect(our.branches['origin/master'].gcommit.message) .to eq("Merge branch 'pr_branch'") end And 'it should delete the local PR_BRANCH' do expect(our.branches[pr_branch]).to be_nil end And 'it should delete the remote PR_BRANCH' do expect(our.branches["origin/#{pr_branch}"]).to be_nil end end Steps "should not allow master to be accepted as a PR branch" do Given 'I have a local repo' do Git.init(our_path) end When 'I run `git pretty-accept master`' do command = "bundle exec #{project_path}/bin/git-pretty-accept --no-edit master" do @result = system(command, err: '/tmp/err.log') end end Then 'I should be informed that master cannot be accepted as a PR branch' do expect(@result).to be_false expect('/tmp/err.log')).to include( 'trying to accept master as a pull request branch') end end end