declare module "child_process" { import * as events from "events"; import * as net from "net"; import { Writable, Readable, Stream, Pipe } from "stream"; type Serializable = string | object | number | boolean; type SendHandle = net.Socket | net.Server; interface ChildProcess extends events.EventEmitter { stdin: Writable | null; stdout: Readable | null; stderr: Readable | null; readonly channel?: Pipe | null; readonly stdio: [ Writable | null, // stdin Readable | null, // stdout Readable | null, // stderr Readable | Writable | null | undefined, // extra Readable | Writable | null | undefined // extra ]; readonly killed: boolean; readonly pid: number; readonly connected: boolean; kill(signal?: NodeJS.Signals | number): boolean; send(message: Serializable, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean; send(message: Serializable, sendHandle?: SendHandle, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean; send(message: Serializable, sendHandle?: SendHandle, options?: MessageOptions, callback?: (error: Error | null) => void): boolean; disconnect(): void; unref(): void; ref(): void; /** * events.EventEmitter * 1. close * 2. disconnect * 3. error * 4. exit * 5. message */ addListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; addListener(event: "close", listener: (code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals) => void): this; addListener(event: "disconnect", listener: () => void): this; addListener(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this; addListener(event: "exit", listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this; addListener(event: "message", listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this; emit(event: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean; emit(event: "close", code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals): boolean; emit(event: "disconnect"): boolean; emit(event: "error", err: Error): boolean; emit(event: "exit", code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null): boolean; emit(event: "message", message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle): boolean; on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; on(event: "close", listener: (code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals) => void): this; on(event: "disconnect", listener: () => void): this; on(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this; on(event: "exit", listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this; on(event: "message", listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this; once(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; once(event: "close", listener: (code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals) => void): this; once(event: "disconnect", listener: () => void): this; once(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this; once(event: "exit", listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this; once(event: "message", listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this; prependListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependListener(event: "close", listener: (code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals) => void): this; prependListener(event: "disconnect", listener: () => void): this; prependListener(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this; prependListener(event: "exit", listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this; prependListener(event: "message", listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "close", listener: (code: number, signal: NodeJS.Signals) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "disconnect", listener: () => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "error", listener: (err: Error) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "exit", listener: (code: number | null, signal: NodeJS.Signals | null) => void): this; prependOnceListener(event: "message", listener: (message: Serializable, sendHandle: SendHandle) => void): this; } // return this object when stdio option is undefined or not specified interface ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams extends ChildProcess { stdin: Writable; stdout: Readable; stderr: Readable; readonly stdio: [ Writable, // stdin Readable, // stdout Readable, // stderr Readable | Writable | null | undefined, // extra, no modification Readable | Writable | null | undefined // extra, no modification ]; } // return this object when stdio option is a tuple of 3 interface ChildProcessByStdio< I extends null | Writable, O extends null | Readable, E extends null | Readable, > extends ChildProcess { stdin: I; stdout: O; stderr: E; readonly stdio: [ I, O, E, Readable | Writable | null | undefined, // extra, no modification Readable | Writable | null | undefined // extra, no modification ]; } interface MessageOptions { keepOpen?: boolean; } type StdioOptions = "pipe" | "ignore" | "inherit" | Array<("pipe" | "ipc" | "ignore" | "inherit" | Stream | number | null | undefined)>; type SerializationType = 'json' | 'advanced'; interface MessagingOptions { /** * Specify the kind of serialization used for sending messages between processes. * @default 'json' */ serialization?: SerializationType; } interface ProcessEnvOptions { uid?: number; gid?: number; cwd?: string; env?: NodeJS.Dict; } interface CommonOptions extends ProcessEnvOptions { /** * @default true */ windowsHide?: boolean; /** * @default 0 */ timeout?: number; } interface CommonSpawnOptions extends CommonOptions, MessagingOptions { argv0?: string; stdio?: StdioOptions; shell?: boolean | string; windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean; } interface SpawnOptions extends CommonSpawnOptions { detached?: boolean; } interface SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio extends SpawnOptions { stdio?: 'pipe' | Array; } type StdioNull = 'inherit' | 'ignore' | Stream; type StdioPipe = undefined | null | 'pipe'; interface SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple< Stdin extends StdioNull | StdioPipe, Stdout extends StdioNull | StdioPipe, Stderr extends StdioNull | StdioPipe, > extends SpawnOptions { stdio: [Stdin, Stdout, Stderr]; } // overloads of spawn without 'args' function spawn(command: string, options?: SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio): ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn(command: string, options: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess; // overloads of spawn with 'args' function spawn(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: SpawnOptionsWithoutStdio): ChildProcessWithoutNullStreams; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn( command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptionsWithStdioTuple, ): ChildProcessByStdio; function spawn(command: string, args: ReadonlyArray, options: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess; interface ExecOptions extends CommonOptions { shell?: string; maxBuffer?: number; killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number; } interface ExecOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecOptions { encoding: BufferEncoding; } interface ExecOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecOptions { encoding: string | null; // specify `null`. } interface ExecException extends Error { cmd?: string; killed?: boolean; code?: number; signal?: NodeJS.Signals; } // no `options` definitely means stdout/stderr are `string`. function exec(command: string, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; // `options` with `"buffer"` or `null` for `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `Buffer`. function exec(command: string, options: { encoding: "buffer" | null } & ExecOptions, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void): ChildProcess; // `options` with well known `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`. function exec(command: string, options: { encoding: BufferEncoding } & ExecOptions, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; // `options` with an `encoding` whose type is `string` means stdout/stderr could either be `Buffer` or `string`. // There is no guarantee the `encoding` is unknown as `string` is a superset of `BufferEncoding`. function exec(command: string, options: { encoding: string } & ExecOptions, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void): ChildProcess; // `options` without an `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`. function exec(command: string, options: ExecOptions, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; // fallback if nothing else matches. Worst case is always `string | Buffer`. function exec( command: string, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecOptions) | undefined | null, callback?: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void, ): ChildProcess; interface PromiseWithChild extends Promise { child: ChildProcess; } // NOTE: This namespace provides design-time support for util.promisify. Exported members do not exist at runtime. namespace exec { function __promisify__(command: string): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(command: string, options: { encoding: "buffer" | null } & ExecOptions): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer }>; function __promisify__(command: string, options: { encoding: BufferEncoding } & ExecOptions): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(command: string, options: ExecOptions): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(command: string, options?: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecOptions) | null): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }>; } interface ExecFileOptions extends CommonOptions { maxBuffer?: number; killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number; windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean; shell?: boolean | string; } interface ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecFileOptions { encoding: BufferEncoding; } interface ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecFileOptions { encoding: 'buffer' | null; } interface ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding extends ExecFileOptions { encoding: string; } function execFile(file: string): ChildProcess; function execFile(file: string, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null): ChildProcess; function execFile(file: string, args?: ReadonlyArray | null): ChildProcess; function execFile(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null): ChildProcess; // no `options` definitely means stdout/stderr are `string`. function execFile(file: string, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; function execFile(file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; // `options` with `"buffer"` or `null` for `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `Buffer`. function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void): ChildProcess; function execFile( file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) => void, ): ChildProcess; // `options` with well known `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`. function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; function execFile( file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void, ): ChildProcess; // `options` with an `encoding` whose type is `string` means stdout/stderr could either be `Buffer` or `string`. // There is no guarantee the `encoding` is unknown as `string` is a superset of `BufferEncoding`. function execFile( file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void, ): ChildProcess; function execFile( file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void, ): ChildProcess; // `options` without an `encoding` means stdout/stderr are definitely `string`. function execFile(file: string, options: ExecFileOptions, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void): ChildProcess; function execFile( file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptions, callback: (error: ExecException | null, stdout: string, stderr: string) => void ): ChildProcess; // fallback if nothing else matches. Worst case is always `string | Buffer`. function execFile( file: string, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null, callback: ((error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void) | undefined | null, ): ChildProcess; function execFile( file: string, args: ReadonlyArray | undefined | null, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null, callback: ((error: ExecException | null, stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer) => void) | undefined | null, ): ChildProcess; // NOTE: This namespace provides design-time support for util.promisify. Exported members do not exist at runtime. namespace execFile { function __promisify__(file: string): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(file: string, args: string[] | undefined | null): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer }>; function __promisify__(file: string, args: string[] | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer }>; function __promisify__(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(file: string, args: string[] | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(file: string, options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }>; function __promisify__(file: string, args: string[] | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptionsWithOtherEncoding): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }>; function __promisify__(file: string, options: ExecFileOptions): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(file: string, args: string[] | undefined | null, options: ExecFileOptions): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string, stderr: string }>; function __promisify__(file: string, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }>; function __promisify__( file: string, args: string[] | undefined | null, options: ({ encoding?: string | null } & ExecFileOptions) | undefined | null, ): PromiseWithChild<{ stdout: string | Buffer, stderr: string | Buffer }>; } interface ForkOptions extends ProcessEnvOptions, MessagingOptions { execPath?: string; execArgv?: string[]; silent?: boolean; stdio?: StdioOptions; detached?: boolean; windowsVerbatimArguments?: boolean; } function fork(modulePath: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: ForkOptions): ChildProcess; interface SpawnSyncOptions extends CommonSpawnOptions { input?: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView; killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number; maxBuffer?: number; encoding?: string; } interface SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends SpawnSyncOptions { encoding: BufferEncoding; } interface SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends SpawnSyncOptions { encoding: string; // specify `null`. } interface SpawnSyncReturns { pid: number; output: string[]; stdout: T; stderr: T; status: number | null; signal: NodeJS.Signals | null; error?: Error; } function spawnSync(command: string): SpawnSyncReturns; function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns; function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns; function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns; function spawnSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns; function spawnSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns; function spawnSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns; interface ExecSyncOptions extends CommonOptions { input?: string | Uint8Array; stdio?: StdioOptions; shell?: string; killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number; maxBuffer?: number; encoding?: string; } interface ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecSyncOptions { encoding: BufferEncoding; } interface ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecSyncOptions { encoding: string; // specify `null`. } function execSync(command: string): Buffer; function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string; function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer; function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptions): Buffer; interface ExecFileSyncOptions extends CommonOptions { input?: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView; stdio?: StdioOptions; killSignal?: NodeJS.Signals | number; maxBuffer?: number; encoding?: string; shell?: boolean | string; } interface ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecFileSyncOptions { encoding: BufferEncoding; } interface ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecFileSyncOptions { encoding: string; // specify `null`. } function execFileSync(command: string): Buffer; function execFileSync(command: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string; function execFileSync(command: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer; function execFileSync(command: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): Buffer; function execFileSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string; function execFileSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer; function execFileSync(command: string, args?: ReadonlyArray, options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): Buffer; }