require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe Asciidoctor::Standoc do it "processes open blocks" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} -- x y z -- INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections><p id="_">x</p> <p id="_">y</p> <p id="_">z</p></sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes stem blocks" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [stem] ++++ r = 1 % r = 1 % ++++ [stem] ++++ <mml:math><mml:msub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:m=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi mathvariant="bold-italic">F</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:mrow> <mml:mrow> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Α</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:mrow> </mml:msub> </mml:math> ++++ INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <formula id="_"> <stem type="AsciiMath">r = 1 % r = 1 %</stem> </formula> <formula id="_"> <stem type="MathML"><math xmlns=""><msub> <mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">F</mi> </mrow> </mrow> <mrow> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Α</mi> </mrow> </mrow> </msub> </math></stem> </stem> </formula> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "ignores review blocks unless document is in draft mode" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [[foreword]] .Foreword Foreword [reviewer=ISO,date=20170101,from=foreword,to=foreword] **** A Foreword shall appear in each document. The generic text is shown here. It does not contain requirements, recommendations or permissions. For further information on the Foreword, see *ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016, Clause 12.* **** INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections><p id="foreword">Foreword</p> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes review blocks if document is in draft mode" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :novalid: :draft: 1.2 [[foreword]] .Foreword Foreword [reviewer=ISO,date=20170101,from=foreword,to=foreword] **** A Foreword shall appear in each document. The generic text is shown here. It does not contain requirements, recommendations or permissions. For further information on the Foreword, see *ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016, Clause 12.* **** INPUT <standard-document xmlns=""> <bibdata type="article"> <title language="en" format="text/plain">Document title</title> <version> <draft>1.2</draft> </version> <language>en</language> <script>Latn</script> <status format="plain">published</status> <copyright> <from>#{}</from> </copyright> <editorialgroup> <technical-committee/> </editorialgroup> </bibdata> <sections><p id="foreword">Foreword</p> <review reviewer="ISO" id="_" date="20170101T00:00:00Z" from="foreword" to="foreword"><p id="_">A Foreword shall appear in each document. The generic text is shown here. It does not contain requirements, recommendations or permissions.</p> <p id="_">For further information on the Foreword, see <strong>ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, 2016, Clause 12.</strong></p></review></sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes term notes" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term1 NOTE: This is a note INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <terms id="_" obligation="normative"> <title>Terms and definitions</title> <term id="_"> <preferred>Term1</preferred> <termnote id="_"> <p id="_">This is a note</p> </termnote> </term> </terms> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes notes" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} NOTE: This is a note == Clause 1 NOTE: This is a note INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <preface><foreword obligation="informative"> <title>Foreword</title> <note id="_"> <p id="_">This is a note</p> </note> </foreword></preface><sections> <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"> <title>Clause 1</title> <note id="_"> <p id="_">This is a note</p> </note> </clause></sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes literals" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} .... <LITERAL> .... INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <figure id="_"> <pre id="_"><LITERAL></pre> </figure> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes simple admonitions with Asciidoc names" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} CAUTION: Only use paddy or parboiled rice for the determination of husked rice yield. INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <admonition id="_" type="caution"> <p id="_">Only use paddy or parboiled rice for the determination of husked rice yield.</p> </admonition> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes complex admonitions with non-Asciidoc names" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [CAUTION,type=Safety Precautions] .Safety Precautions ==== While werewolves are hardy community members, keep in mind the following dietary concerns: . They are allergic to cinnamon. . More than two glasses of orange juice in 24 hours makes them howl in harmony with alarms and sirens. . Celery makes them sad. ==== INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <admonition id="_" type="safety precautions"><p id="_">While werewolves are hardy community members, keep in mind the following dietary concerns:</p> <ol id="_" type="arabic"> <li> <p id="_">They are allergic to cinnamon.</p> </li> <li> <p id="_">More than two glasses of orange juice in 24 hours makes them howl in harmony with alarms and sirens.</p> </li> <li> <p id="_">Celery makes them sad.</p> </li> </ol></admonition> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes term examples" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term1 [example] This is an example INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <terms id="_" obligation="normative"> <title>Terms and definitions</title> <term id="_"> <preferred>Term1</preferred> <termexample id="_"> <p id="_">This is an example</p> </termexample> </term> </terms> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes examples" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [example] ==== This is an example Amen ==== INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <example id="_"><p id="_">This is an example</p> <p id="_">Amen</p></example> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes preambles" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} This is a preamble == Section 1 INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <preface><foreword obligation="informative"> <title>Foreword</title> <p id="_">This is a preamble</p> </foreword></preface><sections> <clause id="_" inline-header="false" obligation="normative"> <title>Section 1</title> </clause></sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes images" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} .Split-it-right sample divider image::spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[] INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <figure id="_"> <name>Split-it-right sample divider</name> <image src="spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_" imagetype="PNG" height="auto" width="auto"/> </figure> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "accepts width and height attributes on images" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [height=4,width=3] image::spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[] INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <figure id="_"> <image src="spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_" imagetype="PNG" height="4" width="3"/> </figure> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "accepts auto for width and height attributes on images" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [height=4,width=auto] image::spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[] INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <figure id="_"> <image src="spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_" imagetype="PNG" height="4" width="auto"/> </figure> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes inline images with width and height attributes on images" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} Hello image:spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[alt, 4, 3], how are you? INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <p id="_">Hello <image src="spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png" id="_" imagetype="PNG" height="3" width="4"/>, how are you?</p> </figure> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes images as datauri" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to include '<image src="data:image/png;base64' = Document title Author :docfile: test.adoc :nodoc: :novalid: :no-isobib: :data-uri-image: .Split-it-right sample divider image::spec/examples/rice_images/rice_image1.png[] INPUT end it "accepts alignment attribute on paragraphs" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [align=right] This para is right-aligned. INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <p align="right" id="_">This para is right-aligned.</p> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes blockquotes" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [quote, ISO, "ISO7301,section 1"] ____ Block quotation ____ INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <quote id="_"> <source type="inline" bibitemid="ISO7301" citeas=""><locality type="section"><referenceFrom>1</referenceFrom></locality></source> <author>ISO</author> <p id="_">Block quotation</p> </quote> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes source code" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} .Caption [source,ruby] -- puts "Hello, world." %w{a b c}.each do |x| puts x end -- INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <sourcecode id="_"><name>Caption</name>puts "Hello, world." %w{a b c}.each do |x| puts x end</sourcecode> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes callouts" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} [source,ruby] -- puts "Hello, world." <1> %w{a b c}.each do |x| puts x <2> end -- <1> This is one callout <2> This is another callout INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections><sourcecode id="_">puts "Hello, world." <callout target="_">1</callout> %w{a b c}.each do |x| puts x <callout target="_">2</callout> end<annotation id="_"> <p id="_">This is one callout</p> </annotation><annotation id="_"> <p id="_">This is another callout</p> </annotation></sourcecode> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes unmodified term sources" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term1 [.source] <<ISO2191,section=1>> INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <terms id="_" obligation="normative"> <title>Terms and definitions</title> <term id="_"> <preferred>Term1</preferred> <termsource status="identical"> <origin bibitemid="ISO2191" type="inline" citeas=""><locality type="section"><referenceFrom>1</referenceFrom></locality></origin> </termsource> </term> </terms> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end it "processes modified term sources" do expect(strip_guid(Asciidoctor.convert(<<~"INPUT", backend: :standoc, header_footer: true))).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" #{ASCIIDOC_BLANK_HDR} == Terms and Definitions === Term1 [.source] <<ISO2191,section=1>>, with adjustments INPUT #{BLANK_HDR} <sections> <terms id="_" obligation="normative"> <title>Terms and definitions</title> <term id="_"> <preferred>Term1</preferred> <termsource status="modified"> <origin bibitemid="ISO2191" type="inline" citeas=""><locality type="section"><referenceFrom>1</referenceFrom></locality></origin> <modification> <p id="_">with adjustments</p> </modification> </termsource> </term> </terms> </sections> </standard-document> OUTPUT end end