require "spec_helper" describe "shared pages" do subject {page} let(:user) { Factory(:user) } before do visit adminpanel.signin_path valid_signin(user) end context "when visiting" do describe "index" do let(:product) { Factory(:product) } before do visit adminpanel.products_path end it { should have_link(Adminpanel::Product.display_name, adminpanel.new_product_path)} it { should have_link("i", adminpanel.product_path(product)) } it { should have_link("i", adminpanel.edit_product_path(product)) } end describe "new" do let(:category){ Factory(:category) } before do = 1 #to force instantiation and id. visit adminpanel.new_product_path end it { should have_title(I18n.t("action.create") + " " + Adminpanel::Product.display_name) } describe "with invalid information" do before { find("form#new_resource").submit_form! } it { should have_title(I18n.t("action.create") + " " + Adminpanel::Product.display_name) } it { should have_selector("div#alerts") } end describe "with valid information" do before do fill_in "product_name", :with => "product name" fill_in "product_price", :with => "855.5" find(:css, "#product_category_ids_[value='1']").set(true) find(:xpath, "//input[@id='description-field']").set "
a little longer text
" find("form#new_resource").submit_form! end it { should have_content(I18n.t("action.save_success"))} it { Adminpanel::Categorization.count.should equal(1)} end end describe "edit" do let(:category){ Factory(:category) } let(:product){ Factory(:product) } before do = 1 #to force instantiation and id. product.category_ids = ["1"] visit adminpanel.edit_product_path(product) end it { should have_title(I18n.t("action.update") + " " + Adminpanel::Product.display_name) } describe "with invalid information" do before do fill_in "product_name", :with => "" fill_in "product_price", :with => "" find("form#edit_resource").submit_form! end it { should have_title(I18n.t("action.update") + " " + Adminpanel::Product.display_name) } it { should have_selector("div#alerts") } end describe "with same information" do before do find("form#edit_resource").submit_form! end it { should have_content(I18n.t("action.save_success"))} end describe "with valid information" do before do find(:css, "#product_category_ids_[value='1']").set(true) fill_in "product_name", :with => "product name" fill_in "product_price", :with => "855.5" find(:xpath, "//input[@id='description-field']").set "a little longer text
" find("form#edit_resource").submit_form! end it { should have_content(I18n.t("action.save_success"))} end end describe "show" do let(:product) { Factory(:product) } let(:image) { Factory(:image_resource) } before do image.foreign_key = visit adminpanel.product_path(product) end it { page.should have_selector("div", :text => } it { page.should have_selector("div", :text => product.price) } it { page.should have_selector("div", :text => product.description) } it { should have_content("#{I18n.t("Gallery")}: #{Adminpanel::Product.display_name}")} it { should have_link("i", adminpanel.edit_product_path(product)) } end end end