class LocalAuthority < ActiveRecord::Base # TODO we should add an index on this join table and remove the uniq query has_and_belongs_to_many :domain_terms, -> { uniq } has_many :local_authority_entries def self.harvest_rdf(name, sources, opts = {}) return unless self.where(name: name).empty? authority = self.create(name: name) format = opts.fetch(:format, :ntriples) predicate = opts.fetch(:predicate, ::RDF::SKOS.prefLabel) entries = [] sources.each do |uri|, format: format) do |reader| reader.each_statement do |statement| if statement.predicate == predicate entries << authority, label: statement.object.to_s, uri: statement.subject.to_s) end end end end if LocalAuthorityEntry.respond_to? :import LocalAuthorityEntry.import entries else entries.each { |e|! } end end def self.harvest_tsv(name, sources, opts = {}) return unless self.where(name: name).empty? authority = self.create(name: name) prefix = opts.fetch(:prefix, "") entries = [] sources.each do |uri| open(uri) do |f| f.each_line do |tsv| fields = tsv.split(/\t/) entries << authority, uri: "#{prefix}#{fields[0]}/", label: fields[2]) end end end if LocalAuthorityEntry.respond_to? :import LocalAuthorityEntry.import entries else entries.each { |e|! } end end def self.register_vocabulary(model, term, name) authority = self.find_by_name(name) return if authority.blank? model = model.to_s.sub(/RdfDatastream$/, '').underscore.pluralize domain_term = DomainTerm.find_or_create_by(model: model, term: term) return if domain_term.local_authorities.include? authority domain_term.local_authorities << authority end def self.entries_by_term(model, term, query) return if query.empty? lowQuery = query.downcase hits = [] # move lc_subject into it's own table since being part of the usual structure caused it to be too slow. # When/if we move to having multiple dictionaries for subject we will need to also do a check for the appropriate dictionary. if (term == 'subject' && model == 'generic_files') # and local_authoritiy = lc_subject sql = SubjectLocalAuthorityEntry.where("lowerLabel like ?", "#{lowQuery}%").select("label, uri").limit(25).to_sql SubjectLocalAuthorityEntry.find_by_sql(sql).each do |hit| hits << {uri: hit.uri, label: hit.label} end else dterm = DomainTerm.where(model: model, term: term).first if dterm authorities = dterm.local_authorities.collect(&:id).uniq sql = LocalAuthorityEntry.where("local_authority_id in (?)", authorities).where("lower(label) like ?", "#{lowQuery}%").select("label, uri").limit(25).to_sql LocalAuthorityEntry.find_by_sql(sql).each do |hit| hits << {uri: hit.uri, label: hit.label} end end end return hits end end