require 'spec_helper' describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do describe "ClassMethods" do subject { described_class } describe "::from_path" do let(:cookbook_path) { fixtures_path.join("example_cookbook") } it "returns an instance of Ridley::Chef::Cookbook" do subject.from_path(cookbook_path).should be_a(described_class) end it "has a cookbook_name attribute set to the value of the 'name' attribute in the metadata" do subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name.should eql("example_cookbook") end it "sets the cookbook_name attribute to the value of the :name option if given" do subject.from_path(cookbook_path, name: "rspec_tester").cookbook_name.should eql("rspec_tester") end context "given a path that does not contain a metadata file" do it "raises an IOError" do lambda { subject.from_path(Dir.mktmpdir) }.should raise_error(IOError) end end context "when the metadata does not contain a value for name and no value for :name option was given" do let(:cookbook_path) { tmp_path.join("directory_name").to_s } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(cookbook_path) FileUtils.touch(File.join(cookbook_path, 'metadata.rb')) end it "sets the name of the cookbook to the name of the directory containing it" do subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name.should eql("directory_name") end end context "when a metadata.rb is missing but metadata.json is present" do let(:cookbook_path) { tmp_path.join("temp_cookbook").to_s } before do FileUtils.mkdir_p(cookbook_path), 'metadata.json'), 'w+') do |f| f.write JSON.fast_generate(name: "rspec_test") end end it "sets the name of the cookbook from the metadata.json" do subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name.should eql("rspec_test") end end end describe "::checksum" do it "delegates to Ridley::Chef::Digester.md5_checksum_for_file" do path = fixtures_path.join("example_cookbook", "metadata.rb") Ridley::Chef::Digester.should_receive(:md5_checksum_for_file).with(path) subject.checksum(path) end end end let(:cookbook) do described_class.from_path(fixtures_path.join('example_cookbook')) end subject { cookbook } describe "#checksums" do it "returns a Hash" do subject.checksums.should be_a(Hash) end it "has a key value for every cookbook file" do subject.checksums.should have(subject.send(:files).length).items end end describe "#manifest" do it "returns a Mash with a key for each cookbook file category" do [ :recipes, :definitions, :libraries, :attributes, :files, :templates, :resources, :providers, :root_files ].each do |category| subject.manifest.should have_key(category) end end end describe "#validate" do let(:syntax_checker) { double('syntax_checker') } before(:each) do subject.stub(:syntax_checker) { syntax_checker } end it "asks the syntax_checker to validate the ruby and template files of the cookbook" do syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(true) syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_templates).and_return(true) subject.validate end it "raises CookbookSyntaxError if the cookbook contains invalid ruby files" do syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(false) lambda { subject.validate }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError) end it "raises CookbookSyntaxError if the cookbook contains invalid template files" do syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(true) syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_templates).and_return(false) lambda { subject.validate }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError) end end describe "#file_metadata" do let(:file) { subject.path.join("files", "default", "file.h") } before(:each) { @metadata = subject.file_metadata(:file, file) } it "has a :path key whose value is a relative path from the CachedCookbook's path" do @metadata.should have_key(:path) @metadata[:path].should be_relative_path @metadata[:path].should eql("files/default/file.h") end it "has a :name key whose value is the basename of the target file" do @metadata.should have_key(:name) @metadata[:name].should eql("file.h") end it "has a :checksum key whose value is the checksum of the target file" do @metadata.should have_key(:checksum) @metadata[:checksum].should eql("7b1ebd2ff580ca9dc46fb27ec1653bf2") end it "has a :specificity key" do @metadata.should have_key(:specificity) end context "given a file or template in a 'default' directory" do let(:file) { subject.path.join("files", "default", "file.h") } before(:each) { @metadata = subject.file_metadata(:files, file) } it "has a specificity of 'default'" do @metadata[:specificity].should eql("default") end end context "given a file or template in a 'ubuntu' directory" do let(:file) { subject.path.join("files", "ubuntu", "file.h") } before(:each) { @metadata = subject.file_metadata(:files, file) } it "has a specificity of 'ubuntu'" do @metadata[:specificity].should eql("ubuntu") end end end describe "#to_hash" do subject { cookbook.to_hash } it "has a :frozen? flag" do subject.should have_key(:frozen?) end it "has a :recipes key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:recipes) subject[:recipes].should be_a(Array) subject[:recipes].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :definitions key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:definitions) subject[:definitions].should be_a(Array) subject[:definitions].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :libraries key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:libraries) subject[:libraries].should be_a(Array) subject[:libraries].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :attributes key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:attributes) subject[:attributes].should be_a(Array) subject[:attributes].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :files key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:files) subject[:files].should be_a(Array) subject[:files].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do subject[:files].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do subject[:files].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do subject[:files].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do subject[:files].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :templates key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:templates) subject[:templates].should be_a(Array) subject[:templates].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :resources key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:resources) subject[:resources].should be_a(Array) subject[:resources].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :providers key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:providers) subject[:providers].should be_a(Array) subject[:providers].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :root_files key with a value of an Array Hashes" do subject.should have_key(:root_files) subject[:root_files].should be_a(Array) subject[:root_files].each do |item| item.should be_a(Hash) end end it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:name) end it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:path) end it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:checksum) end it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:specificity) end it "has a :cookbook_name key with a String value" do subject.should have_key(:cookbook_name) subject[:cookbook_name].should be_a(String) end it "has a :metadata key with a Cookbook::Metadata value" do subject.should have_key(:metadata) subject[:metadata].should be_a(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::Metadata) end it "has a :version key with a String value" do subject.should have_key(:version) subject[:version].should be_a(String) end it "has a :name key with a String value" do subject.should have_key(:name) subject[:name].should be_a(String) end it "has a value containing the cookbook name and version separated by a dash for :name" do name, version = subject[:name].split('-') name.should eql(cookbook.cookbook_name) version.should eql(cookbook.version) end it "has a :chef_type key with Cookbook::CHEF_TYPE as the value" do subject.should have_key(:chef_type) subject[:chef_type].should eql(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::CHEF_TYPE) end end describe "#to_json" do before(:each) do @json = subject.to_json end it "has a 'json_class' key with Cookbook::CHEF_JSON_CLASS as the value" do @json.should have_json_path('json_class') parse_json(@json)['json_class'].should eql(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::CHEF_JSON_CLASS) end it "has a 'frozen?' flag" do @json.should have_json_path('frozen?') end end end