var Pathology = { evaluate: function(xpathExpression, context, nsResolver, resultType, result) { result = result || new Pathology.XPathResult(resultType); var expression = Pathology.XPathParser.parse(xpathExpression); expression.evaluate(context, context, resultType, result); return result; }, atomize: function(expression, context, root) { var result = expression.evaluate(context, root); if (result && result.atomize) result = result.atomize(); return result; }, array: function(list) { if (!list) return []; var array = [], i = list.length; while (i--) array[i] = list[i]; return array; }, indexOf: function(list, item) { if (list.indexOf) return list.indexOf(item); for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++) { if (list[i] === item) return i; } return -1; } }; if (typeof XPathResult === 'undefined') { XPathResult = { ANY_TYPE: 0, NUMBER_TYPE: 1, STRING_TYPE: 2, BOOLEAN_TYPE: 3, UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE: 4, ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE: 5, UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE: 6, ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE: 7, ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE: 8, FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE: 9 }; } if (typeof document.evaluate === 'undefined') { document.evaluate = function() { return Pathology.evaluate.apply(Pathology, arguments); }; } Pathology.XPathResult = function(resultType) { this._type = resultType; this._nodes = []; this._index = 0; }; Pathology.XPathResult.prototype.push = function(node) { if (this._type !== 0 && node.nodeType !== this._type) return; if (Pathology.indexOf(this._nodes, node) >= 0) return; this._nodes.push(node); }; Pathology.XPathResult.prototype.iterateNext = function() { var node = this._nodes[this._index]; if (!node) return null; this._index += 1; return node; }; Pathology.XPathResult.prototype.atomize = function() { if (this._nodes.length === 0) return null; if (this._nodes.length === 1) { var node = this._nodes[0]; if (node.nodeValue === undefined || node.nodeValue === null) return node; return node.nodeValue; } else { var nodes = []; for (var i = 0, n = this._nodes.length; i < n; i++) nodes.push(this._nodes[i].nodeValue); return nodes; } }; Pathology.XPathResult.prototype.makeString = function() { var first = this._nodes[0]; if (!first) return ''; switch (first.nodeType) { case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE: return this.atomize(); case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE: var parts = []; for (var i = 0, n = this._nodes.length; i < n; i++) parts.push(this._nodes[i].nodeValue); return parts.join(''); default: var result = document.evaluate('//text()', first, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); return result.makeString(); } }; (function() { var extend = function (destination, source) { if (!destination || !source) return destination; for (var key in source) { if (destination[key] !== source[key]) destination[key] = source[key]; } return destination; }; var find = function (root, objectName) { var parts = objectName.split('.'), part; while (part = parts.shift()) { root = root[part]; if (root === undefined) throw new Error('Cannot find object named ' + objectName); } return root; }; var formatError = function (error) { var lines = error.input.split(/\n/g), lineNo = 0, offset = 0; while (offset < error.offset + 1) { offset += lines[lineNo].length + 1; lineNo += 1; } var message = 'Line ' + lineNo + ': expected ' + error.expected + '\n', line = lines[lineNo - 1]; message += line + '\n'; offset -= line.length + 1; while (offset < error.offset) { message += ' '; offset += 1; } return message + '^'; }; var Grammar = { __consume__union_expression: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["union_expression"] = this._nodeCache["union_expression"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["union_expression"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__location_path(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.head = address1; var address2 = null; var remaining0 = 0, index2 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address3 = true; while (address3) { var index3 = this._offset, elements2 = [], labelled1 = {}, text2 = ""; var address4 = null; address4 = this.__consume__space(); if (address4) { elements2.push(address4); text2 += address4.textValue; = address4; var address5 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "|") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address5 = new klass0("|", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address5, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address5 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"|\""}; } } if (address5) { elements2.push(address5); text2 += address5.textValue; var address6 = null; address6 = this.__consume__space(); if (address6) { elements2.push(address6); text2 += address6.textValue; = address6; var address7 = null; address7 = this.__consume__location_path(); if (address7) { elements2.push(address7); text2 += address7.textValue; labelled1.location_path = address7; } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index3; } } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index3; } } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index3; } } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index3; } if (elements2) { this._offset = index3; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address3 = new klass1(text2, this._offset, elements2, labelled1); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address3, type1); } this._offset += text2.length; } else { address3 = null; } if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index2; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address2 = new klass2(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address2, type2); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; = address2; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = find(this.constructor, "Union"); address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["union_expression"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__location_path: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["location_path"] = this._nodeCache["location_path"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["location_path"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__location_step(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.head = address1; var address2 = null; var remaining0 = 0, index2 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address3 = true; while (address3) { address3 = this.__consume__location_step(); if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index2; var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address2 = new klass0(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address2, type0); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; = address2; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = find(this.constructor, "LocationPath"); address0 = new klass1(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["location_path"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__location_step: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["location_step"] = this._nodeCache["location_step"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["location_step"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var index2 = this._offset; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "/") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0("/", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"/\""}; } } if (address1) { } else { this._offset = index2; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address1 = new klass1("", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address1, type1); } this._offset += 0; } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; var address2 = null; var index3 = this._offset; var index4 = this._offset, elements1 = [], labelled1 = {}, text1 = ""; var address3 = null; address3 = this.__consume__axis(); if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; labelled1.axis = address3; var address4 = null; var index5 = this._offset; address4 = this.__consume__node_test(); if (address4) { } else { this._offset = index5; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address4 = new klass2("", this._offset, []); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address4, type2); } this._offset += 0; } if (address4) { elements1.push(address4); text1 += address4.textValue; labelled1.test = address4; } else { elements1 = null; this._offset = index4; } } else { elements1 = null; this._offset = index4; } if (elements1) { this._offset = index4; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address2 = new klass3(text1, this._offset, elements1, labelled1); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address2, type3); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { } else { this._offset = index3; var index6 = this._offset, elements2 = [], labelled2 = {}, text2 = ""; var address5 = null; var index7 = this._offset; address5 = this.__consume__axis(); if (address5) { } else { this._offset = index7; var klass4 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type4 = null; address5 = new klass4("", this._offset, []); if (typeof type4 === "object") { extend(address5, type4); } this._offset += 0; } if (address5) { elements2.push(address5); text2 += address5.textValue; labelled2.axis = address5; var address6 = null; address6 = this.__consume__node_test(); if (address6) { elements2.push(address6); text2 += address6.textValue; labelled2.test = address6; } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index6; } } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index6; } if (elements2) { this._offset = index6; var klass5 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type5 = null; address2 = new klass5(text2, this._offset, elements2, labelled2); if (typeof type5 === "object") { extend(address2, type5); } this._offset += text2.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { } else { this._offset = index3; } } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; labelled0.selector = address2; var address7 = null; var remaining0 = 0, index8 = this._offset, elements3 = [], text3 = "", address8 = true; while (address8) { address8 = this.__consume__node_predicate(); if (address8) { elements3.push(address8); text3 += address8.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index8; var klass6 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type6 = null; address7 = new klass6(text3, this._offset, elements3); if (typeof type6 === "object") { extend(address7, type6); } this._offset += text3.length; } else { address7 = null; } if (address7) { elements0.push(address7); text0 += address7.textValue; labelled0.predicates = address7; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass7 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type7 = find(this.constructor, "LocationStep"); address0 = new klass7(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type7 === "object") { extend(address0, type7); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["location_step"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__axis: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["axis"] = this._nodeCache["axis"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["axis"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var index2 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var remaining0 = 1, index3 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address2 = true; while (address2) { var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 && /^[a-z\-]/.test(slice0)) { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address2 = new klass0(slice0, this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address2, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address2 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[a-z\\-]"}; } } if (address2) { elements1.push(address2); text1 += address2.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index3; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address1 = new klass1(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address1, type1); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address1 = null; } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.axis_name = address1; var address3 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 2); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "::") { var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address3 = new klass2("::", this._offset, []); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address3, type2); } this._offset += 2; } else { address3 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"::\""}; } } if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index2; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__axis_shorthand(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } return this._nodeCache["axis"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__axis_shorthand: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["axis_shorthand"] = this._nodeCache["axis_shorthand"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["axis_shorthand"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "@") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address0 = new klass0("@", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address0, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address0 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"@\""}; } } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 2); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "..") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address0 = new klass1("..", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += 2; } else { address0 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"..\""}; } } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; var slice4 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice4 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice4 = null; } if (slice4 === ".") { var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address0 = new klass2(".", this._offset, []); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address0, type2); } this._offset += 1; } else { address0 = null; var slice5 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice5 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice5 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\".\""}; } } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; var slice6 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice6 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice6 = null; } if (slice6 === "/") { var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address0 = new klass3("/", this._offset, []); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += 1; } else { address0 = null; var slice7 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice7 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice7 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"/\""}; } } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } } } return this._nodeCache["axis_shorthand"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__node_test: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["node_test"] = this._nodeCache["node_test"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["node_test"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var index2 = this._offset; address1 = this.__consume__node_condition(); if (address1) { } else { this._offset = index2; address1 = this.__consume__node_name(); if (address1) { } else { this._offset = index2; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "*") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0("*", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"*\""}; } } if (address1) { } else { this._offset = index2; } } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; var address2 = null; var index3 = this._offset; address2 = this.__consume__subscript(); if (address2) { } else { this._offset = index3; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address2 = new klass1("", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address2, type1); } this._offset += 0; } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; labelled0.subscript = address2; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = find(this.constructor, "NodeTest"); address0 = new klass2(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address0, type2); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["node_test"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__node_condition: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["node_condition"] = this._nodeCache["node_condition"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["node_condition"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var remaining0 = 1, index2 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address2 = true; while (address2) { var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 && /^[a-z\-]/.test(slice0)) { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address2 = new klass0(slice0, this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address2, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address2 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[a-z\\-]"}; } } if (address2) { elements1.push(address2); text1 += address2.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index2; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address1 = new klass1(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address1, type1); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address1 = null; } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.condition_name = address1; var address3 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 2); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "()") { var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address3 = new klass2("()", this._offset, []); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address3, type2); } this._offset += 2; } else { address3 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"()\""}; } } if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["node_condition"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__node_name: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["node_name"] = this._nodeCache["node_name"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["node_name"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var remaining0 = 1, index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], text0 = "", address1 = true; while (address1) { var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 && /^[A-Za-z0-9\-]/.test(slice0)) { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0(slice0, this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[A-Za-z0-9\\-]"}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index1; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address0 = new klass1(text0, this._offset, elements0); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["node_name"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__subscript: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["subscript"] = this._nodeCache["subscript"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["subscript"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "[") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0("[", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"[\""}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; var address2 = null; address2 = this.__consume__space(); if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; = address2; var address3 = null; address3 = this.__consume__integer(); if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; labelled0.integer = address3; var address4 = null; address4 = this.__consume__space(); if (address4) { elements0.push(address4); text0 += address4.textValue; = address4; var address5 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "]") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address5 = new klass1("]", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address5, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address5 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"]\""}; } } if (address5) { elements0.push(address5); text0 += address5.textValue; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address0 = new klass2(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address0, type2); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["subscript"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__node_predicate: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["node_predicate"] = this._nodeCache["node_predicate"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["node_predicate"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "[") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0("[", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"[\""}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; var address2 = null; address2 = this.__consume__expression(); if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; labelled0.expression = address2; var address3 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "]") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address3 = new klass1("]", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address3, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address3 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"]\""}; } } if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; var address4 = null; var index2 = this._offset; address4 = this.__consume__subscript(); if (address4) { } else { this._offset = index2; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address4 = new klass2("", this._offset, []); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address4, type2); } this._offset += 0; } if (address4) { elements0.push(address4); text0 += address4.textValue; labelled0.subscript = address4; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["node_predicate"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__expression: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["expression"] = this._nodeCache["expression"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["expression"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; address0 = this.__consume__or_expression(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__and_expression(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__comparison(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__atom(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } } } return this._nodeCache["expression"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__or_expression: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["or_expression"] = this._nodeCache["or_expression"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["or_expression"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var index2 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__and_expression(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.left = address1; var address2 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 2); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "or") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address2 = new klass0("or", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address2, type0); } this._offset += 2; } else { address2 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"or\""}; } } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; var address3 = null; address3 = this.__consume__or_expression(); if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; labelled0.right = address3; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index2; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = find(this.constructor, "Or"); address0 = new klass1(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__and_expression(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } return this._nodeCache["or_expression"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__and_expression: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["and_expression"] = this._nodeCache["and_expression"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["and_expression"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var index2 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__comparison(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.left = address1; var address2 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 3); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "and") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address2 = new klass0("and", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address2, type0); } this._offset += 3; } else { address2 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"and\""}; } } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; var address3 = null; address3 = this.__consume__and_expression(); if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; labelled0.right = address3; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index2; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = find(this.constructor, "And"); address0 = new klass1(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__comparison(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } return this._nodeCache["and_expression"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__comparison: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["comparison"] = this._nodeCache["comparison"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["comparison"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var index2 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__atom(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.left = address1; var address2 = null; address2 = this.__consume__comparator(); if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; labelled0.comparator = address2; var address3 = null; address3 = this.__consume__comparison(); if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; labelled0.right = address3; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index2; var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = find(this.constructor, "Comparison"); address0 = new klass0(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address0, type0); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__atom(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } return this._nodeCache["comparison"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__comparator: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["comparator"] = this._nodeCache["comparator"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["comparator"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 2); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "!=") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address0 = new klass0("!=", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address0, type0); } this._offset += 2; } else { address0 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"!=\""}; } } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "=") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address0 = new klass1("=", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address0 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"=\""}; } } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } return this._nodeCache["comparator"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__atom: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["atom"] = this._nodeCache["atom"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["atom"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__space(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; = address1; var address2 = null; var index2 = this._offset; var index3 = this._offset, elements1 = [], labelled1 = {}, text1 = ""; var address3 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "(") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address3 = new klass0("(", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address3, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address3 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"(\""}; } } if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; var address4 = null; address4 = this.__consume__expression(); if (address4) { elements1.push(address4); text1 += address4.textValue; labelled1.in_parens = address4; var address5 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === ")") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address5 = new klass1(")", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address5, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address5 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\")\""}; } } if (address5) { elements1.push(address5); text1 += address5.textValue; } else { elements1 = null; this._offset = index3; } } else { elements1 = null; this._offset = index3; } } else { elements1 = null; this._offset = index3; } if (elements1) { this._offset = index3; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address2 = new klass2(text1, this._offset, elements1, labelled1); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address2, type2); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { } else { this._offset = index2; address2 = this.__consume__value(); if (address2) { } else { this._offset = index2; } } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; labelled0.expression = address2; var address6 = null; address6 = this.__consume__space(); if (address6) { elements0.push(address6); text0 += address6.textValue; = address6; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = find(this.constructor, "Atom"); address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["atom"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__value: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["value"] = this._nodeCache["value"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["value"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; address0 = this.__consume__function_call(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__string(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; address0 = this.__consume__union_expression(); if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; } } } return this._nodeCache["value"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__function_call: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["function_call"] = this._nodeCache["function_call"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["function_call"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__function_name(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.function_name = address1; var address2 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "(") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address2 = new klass0("(", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address2, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address2 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"(\""}; } } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; var address3 = null; address3 = this.__consume__function_args(); if (address3) { elements0.push(address3); text0 += address3.textValue; labelled0.function_args = address3; var address4 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === ")") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address4 = new klass1(")", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address4, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address4 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\")\""}; } } if (address4) { elements0.push(address4); text0 += address4.textValue; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = find(this.constructor, "FunctionCall"); address0 = new klass2(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address0, type2); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["function_call"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__function_name: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["function_name"] = this._nodeCache["function_name"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["function_name"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var remaining0 = 1, index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], text0 = "", address1 = true; while (address1) { var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 && /^[a-z\-]/.test(slice0)) { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0(slice0, this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[a-z\\-]"}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index1; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address0 = new klass1(text0, this._offset, elements0); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["function_name"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__function_args: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["function_args"] = this._nodeCache["function_args"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["function_args"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var index2 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; address1 = this.__consume__expression(); if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; labelled0.first = address1; var address2 = null; var remaining0 = 0, index3 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address3 = true; while (address3) { var index4 = this._offset, elements2 = [], labelled1 = {}, text2 = ""; var address4 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === ",") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address4 = new klass0(",", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address4, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address4 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\",\""}; } } if (address4) { elements2.push(address4); text2 += address4.textValue; var address5 = null; address5 = this.__consume__expression(); if (address5) { elements2.push(address5); text2 += address5.textValue; labelled1.expression = address5; } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index4; } } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index4; } if (elements2) { this._offset = index4; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address3 = new klass1(text2, this._offset, elements2, labelled1); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address3, type1); } this._offset += text2.length; } else { address3 = null; } if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index3; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address2 = new klass2(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address2, type2); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; = address2; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index2; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { } else { this._offset = index1; var klass4 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type4 = null; address0 = new klass4("", this._offset, []); if (typeof type4 === "object") { extend(address0, type4); } this._offset += 0; } return this._nodeCache["function_args"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__integer: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["integer"] = this._nodeCache["integer"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["integer"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 && /^[1-9]/.test(slice0)) { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0(slice0, this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[1-9]"}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; var address2 = null; var remaining0 = 0, index2 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address3 = true; while (address3) { var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 && /^[0-9]/.test(slice2)) { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address3 = new klass1(slice2, this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address3, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address3 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[0-9]"}; } } if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index2; var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address2 = new klass2(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address2, type2); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index1; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index1; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = find(this.constructor, "Integer"); address0 = new klass3(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address0, type3); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["integer"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__string: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["string"] = this._nodeCache["string"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["string"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var index1 = this._offset; var index2 = this._offset, elements0 = [], labelled0 = {}, text0 = ""; var address1 = null; var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === "'") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0("'", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"'\""}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; var address2 = null; var remaining0 = 0, index3 = this._offset, elements1 = [], text1 = "", address3 = true; while (address3) { var index4 = this._offset; var index5 = this._offset, elements2 = [], labelled1 = {}, text2 = ""; var address4 = null; var slice2 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice2 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice2 = null; } if (slice2 === "\\") { var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address4 = new klass1("\\", this._offset, []); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address4, type1); } this._offset += 1; } else { address4 = null; var slice3 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice3 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice3 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"\\\\\""}; } } if (address4) { elements2.push(address4); text2 += address4.textValue; var address5 = null; var slice4 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice4 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice4 = null; } var temp0 = slice4; if (temp0 === null) { address5 = null; var slice5 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice5 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice5 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: ""}; } } else { var klass2 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type2 = null; address5 = new klass2(temp0, this._offset, []); if (typeof type2 === "object") { extend(address5, type2); } this._offset += 1; } if (address5) { elements2.push(address5); text2 += address5.textValue; } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index5; } } else { elements2 = null; this._offset = index5; } if (elements2) { this._offset = index5; var klass3 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type3 = null; address3 = new klass3(text2, this._offset, elements2, labelled1); if (typeof type3 === "object") { extend(address3, type3); } this._offset += text2.length; } else { address3 = null; } if (address3) { } else { this._offset = index4; var slice6 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice6 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice6 = null; } if (slice6 && /^[^']/.test(slice6)) { var klass4 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type4 = null; address3 = new klass4(slice6, this._offset, []); if (typeof type4 === "object") { extend(address3, type4); } this._offset += 1; } else { address3 = null; var slice7 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice7 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice7 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[^']"}; } } if (address3) { } else { this._offset = index4; } } if (address3) { elements1.push(address3); text1 += address3.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index3; var klass5 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type5 = null; address2 = new klass5(text1, this._offset, elements1); if (typeof type5 === "object") { extend(address2, type5); } this._offset += text1.length; } else { address2 = null; } if (address2) { elements0.push(address2); text0 += address2.textValue; var address6 = null; var slice8 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice8 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice8 = null; } if (slice8 === "'") { var klass6 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type6 = null; address6 = new klass6("'", this._offset, []); if (typeof type6 === "object") { extend(address6, type6); } this._offset += 1; } else { address6 = null; var slice9 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice9 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice9 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"'\""}; } } if (address6) { elements0.push(address6); text0 += address6.textValue; } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } } else { elements0 = null; this._offset = index2; } if (elements0) { this._offset = index2; var klass7 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type7 = null; address0 = new klass7(text0, this._offset, elements0, labelled0); if (typeof type7 === "object") { extend(address0, type7); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { var type8 = find(this.constructor, "String"); if (typeof type8 === "object") { extend(address0, type8); } } else { this._offset = index1; var index6 = this._offset, elements3 = [], labelled2 = {}, text3 = ""; var address7 = null; var slice10 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice10 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice10 = null; } if (slice10 === "\"") { var klass8 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type9 = null; address7 = new klass8("\"", this._offset, []); if (typeof type9 === "object") { extend(address7, type9); } this._offset += 1; } else { address7 = null; var slice11 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice11 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice11 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"\\\"\""}; } } if (address7) { elements3.push(address7); text3 += address7.textValue; var address8 = null; var remaining1 = 0, index7 = this._offset, elements4 = [], text4 = "", address9 = true; while (address9) { var index8 = this._offset; var index9 = this._offset, elements5 = [], labelled3 = {}, text5 = ""; var address10 = null; var slice12 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice12 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice12 = null; } if (slice12 === "\\") { var klass9 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type10 = null; address10 = new klass9("\\", this._offset, []); if (typeof type10 === "object") { extend(address10, type10); } this._offset += 1; } else { address10 = null; var slice13 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice13 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice13 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"\\\\\""}; } } if (address10) { elements5.push(address10); text5 += address10.textValue; var address11 = null; var slice14 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice14 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice14 = null; } var temp1 = slice14; if (temp1 === null) { address11 = null; var slice15 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice15 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice15 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: ""}; } } else { var klass10 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type11 = null; address11 = new klass10(temp1, this._offset, []); if (typeof type11 === "object") { extend(address11, type11); } this._offset += 1; } if (address11) { elements5.push(address11); text5 += address11.textValue; } else { elements5 = null; this._offset = index9; } } else { elements5 = null; this._offset = index9; } if (elements5) { this._offset = index9; var klass11 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type12 = null; address9 = new klass11(text5, this._offset, elements5, labelled3); if (typeof type12 === "object") { extend(address9, type12); } this._offset += text5.length; } else { address9 = null; } if (address9) { } else { this._offset = index8; var slice16 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice16 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice16 = null; } if (slice16 && /^[^"]/.test(slice16)) { var klass12 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type13 = null; address9 = new klass12(slice16, this._offset, []); if (typeof type13 === "object") { extend(address9, type13); } this._offset += 1; } else { address9 = null; var slice17 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice17 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice17 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "[^\"]"}; } } if (address9) { } else { this._offset = index8; } } if (address9) { elements4.push(address9); text4 += address9.textValue; remaining1 -= 1; } } if (remaining1 <= 0) { this._offset = index7; var klass13 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type14 = null; address8 = new klass13(text4, this._offset, elements4); if (typeof type14 === "object") { extend(address8, type14); } this._offset += text4.length; } else { address8 = null; } if (address8) { elements3.push(address8); text3 += address8.textValue; var address12 = null; var slice18 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice18 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice18 = null; } if (slice18 === "\"") { var klass14 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type15 = null; address12 = new klass14("\"", this._offset, []); if (typeof type15 === "object") { extend(address12, type15); } this._offset += 1; } else { address12 = null; var slice19 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice19 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice19 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\"\\\"\""}; } } if (address12) { elements3.push(address12); text3 += address12.textValue; } else { elements3 = null; this._offset = index6; } } else { elements3 = null; this._offset = index6; } } else { elements3 = null; this._offset = index6; } if (elements3) { this._offset = index6; var klass15 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type16 = null; address0 = new klass15(text3, this._offset, elements3, labelled2); if (typeof type16 === "object") { extend(address0, type16); } this._offset += text3.length; } else { address0 = null; } if (address0) { var type17 = find(this.constructor, "String"); if (typeof type17 === "object") { extend(address0, type17); } } else { this._offset = index1; } } return this._nodeCache["string"][index0] = address0; }, __consume__space: function() { var address0 = null, index0 = this._offset; this._nodeCache["space"] = this._nodeCache["space"] || {}; var cached = this._nodeCache["space"][index0]; if (cached) { this._offset += cached.textValue.length; return cached; } var remaining0 = 0, index1 = this._offset, elements0 = [], text0 = "", address1 = true; while (address1) { var slice0 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice0 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice0 = null; } if (slice0 === " ") { var klass0 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type0 = null; address1 = new klass0(" ", this._offset, []); if (typeof type0 === "object") { extend(address1, type0); } this._offset += 1; } else { address1 = null; var slice1 = null; if (this._input.length > this._offset) { slice1 = this._input.substring(this._offset, this._offset + 1); } else { slice1 = null; } if (!this.error || this.error.offset <= this._offset) { this.error = this.constructor.lastError = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: "\" \""}; } } if (address1) { elements0.push(address1); text0 += address1.textValue; remaining0 -= 1; } } if (remaining0 <= 0) { this._offset = index1; var klass1 = this.constructor.SyntaxNode; var type1 = null; address0 = new klass1(text0, this._offset, elements0); if (typeof type1 === "object") { extend(address0, type1); } this._offset += text0.length; } else { address0 = null; } return this._nodeCache["space"][index0] = address0; } }; var Parser = function(input) { this._input = input; this._offset = 0; this._nodeCache = {}; }; Parser.prototype.parse = function() { var result = this.__consume__union_expression(); if (result && this._offset === this._input.length) { return result; } if (!(this.error)) { this.error = {input: this._input, offset: this._offset, expected: ""}; } var message = formatError(this.error); var error = new Error(message); throw error; }; Parser.parse = function(input) { var parser = new Parser(input); return parser.parse(); }; extend(Parser.prototype, Grammar); var SyntaxNode = function(textValue, offset, elements, properties) { this.textValue = textValue; this.offset = offset; this.elements = elements || []; if (!properties) return; for (var key in properties) this[key] = properties[key]; }; SyntaxNode.prototype.forEach = function(block, context) { for (var i = 0, n = this.elements.length; i < n; i++) {, this.elements[i], i); } }; Parser.SyntaxNode = SyntaxNode; if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object") { exports.Grammar = Grammar; exports.Parser = Parser; exports.parse = Parser.parse; if (typeof Pathology !== "undefined") { Pathology.XPath = Grammar; Pathology.XPathParser = Parser; Pathology.XPathParser.formatError = formatError; } } else { var namespace = this; namespace = namespace.Pathology = namespace.Pathology || {}; Pathology.XPath = Grammar; Pathology.XPathParser = Parser; Pathology.XPathParser.formatError = formatError; } })(); Pathology.XPathParser.And = { evaluate: function(context, root) { return Pathology.atomize(this.left, context, root) && Pathology.atomize(this.right, context, root); } }; Pathology.XPathParser.Atom = { evaluate: function(context, root) { var expression = this.expression.in_parens || this.expression; return expression.evaluate(context, root); } }; Pathology.Axis = function(name) { = name; }; Pathology.Axis.prototype.walk = function(context, block, scope) { var children = context.childNodes, attributes = Pathology.array(context.attributes), sibling; if (context.checked) attributes.push({ nodeName: 'checked', nodeValue: true, nodeType: XPathResult.STRING_TYPE }); if (context.selected) attributes.push({ nodeName: 'selected', nodeValue: true, nodeType: XPathResult.STRING_TYPE }); switch ( { case 'attribute': for (var i = 0, n = attributes.length; i < n; i++) {, attributes[i]); } break; case 'child': for (var i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; i++) {, children[i]); } break; case 'descendant-or-self':, context); for (var i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; i++) { this.walk(children[i], block, scope); } break; case 'following-sibling': sibling = context.nextSibling; while (sibling) {, sibling); sibling = sibling.nextSibling; } break; case 'parent':, context.parentNode); break; case 'self':, context); break; } }; Pathology.Axis.SHORTHANDS = { '@' : 'attribute', '..': 'parent', '.' : 'self', '/' : 'descendant-or-self', '' : 'child' }; Pathology.Axis.fromAST = function(node) { var name = node.axis_name ? node.axis_name.textValue : node.textValue; return new this(this.SHORTHANDS[name] || name); }; Pathology.XPathParser.Comparison = { evaluate: function(context, root) { // TODO make this symmetric var comparator = this.comparator.textValue, left = this.left.evaluate(context, root), right = Pathology.atomize(this.right, context, root), viable = false, array = (right instanceof Array), node; if (left._nodes) { for (var i = 0, n = left._nodes.length; i < n; i++) { node = left._nodes[i]; if (comparator === '=') { viable = viable || (array ? Pathology.indexOf(right, node.nodeValue) >= 0 : (node.nodeValue === right || node.innerHTML === right)); } else if (comparator === '!=') { viable = viable || (array ? Pathology.indexOf(right, node.nodeValue) < 0 : (node.nodeValue !== right && node.innerHTML !== right)); } } return viable; } else { switch (comparator) { case '=': return array ? Pathology.indexOf(right, left.nodeValue) >= 0 : left == right; case '!=': return array ? Pathology.indexOf(right, node.nodeValue) < 0 : left != right; } } } }; Pathology.XPathParser.FunctionCall = { getArguments: function(context, root) { var args = [], rest =; if (this.function_args.first && this.function_args.first.evaluate) { args.push(this.function_args.first.evaluate(context, root)); } if (rest) { for (var i = 0, n = rest.elements.length; i < n; i++) args.push(rest.elements[i].expression.evaluate(context, root)); } return args; }, evaluate: function(context, root) { var args = this.getArguments(context, root), proc = this.REGISTER[this.function_name.textValue]; return proc.apply(context, args); }, REGISTER: { 'concat': function() { var string = ''; for (var i = 0, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) string += arguments[i].makeString ? arguments[i].makeString() : arguments[i]; return string; }, 'contains': function(haystack, needle) { if (!haystack) return false; if (haystack.makeString) haystack = haystack.makeString(); return haystack.toString().indexOf(needle) >= 0; }, 'normalize-space': function(string) { if (string.makeString) string = string.makeString(); return string.toString().replace(/^\s*/g, '') .replace(/\s*$/g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, ' '); }, 'name': function() { return this.nodeName.toLowerCase(); }, 'not': function(value) { if (value && value.atomize) value = value.atomize(); if (typeof value === 'string') return false; return !value; }, 'string': function(value) { return value.atomize().innerText; }, 'text': function() { return document.evaluate('/text()', this, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null); } } }; Pathology.XPathParser.LocationPath = { eachStep: function(block, scope) { var list = [this.head].concat(; for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++), list[i]); }, evaluate: function(context, root, resultType, result) { result = result || new Pathology.XPathResult(XPathResult.ANY_TYPE); resultType = resultType || XPathResult.ANY_TYPE; var intermediate = new Pathology.XPathResult(resultType), startNode = this.head.isRelative() ? context : root, steps = [this.head].concat(, step, nextStage, i, j, n, m; intermediate.push(startNode); for (i = 0, n = steps.length; i < n; i++) { step = steps[i]; nextStage = new Pathology.XPathResult(resultType); for (j = 0, m = intermediate._nodes.length; j < m; j++) { step.evaluate(intermediate._nodes[j], root, resultType, nextStage); } intermediate = nextStage; } for (i = 0, n = intermediate._nodes.length; i < n; i++) result.push(intermediate._nodes[i]); return result; } }; Pathology.XPathParser.LocationStep = { isRelative: function() { return this.elements[0].textValue !== '/'; }, evaluate: function(context, root, resultType, result) { var axis = this.selector.axis, test = this.selector.test, levels = [[]]; Pathology.Axis.fromAST(axis).walk(context, function(node) { if (!test || !test.evaluate) return result.push(node); test.evaluate(node, this.predicates, root, resultType, levels, result); }, this); } }; Pathology.XPathParser.NodeTest = { evaluate: function(context, predicates, root, resultType, levels, result) { var name = this.elements[0].condition_name, tagName = tagName = this.elements[0].textValue.toLowerCase(); var first = { expression: { evaluate: function() { if (name && name.textValue === 'node') { return true; } else if (name && name.textValue === 'text') { if (context.nodeType !== XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE) return false; } else { if (tagName === '*') { if (context.nodeType !== 1) return false; } else { if (!context.nodeName) return false; if (context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== tagName) return false; } } return true; } }, subscript: this.subscript }; predicates = [first].concat(predicates.elements); var accepted, predicate; for (var i = 0, n = predicates.length; i < n; i++) { levels[i] = levels[i] || []; predicate = predicates[i]; accepted = Pathology.atomize(predicate.expression, context, root); if (typeof accepted === 'string') accepted = true; if (!accepted) return; levels[i].push(context); if (predicate.subscript.integer) { if (predicate.subscript.integer.evaluate() !== levels[i].length) return; } } result.push(context); } }; Pathology.XPathParser.Or = { evaluate: function(context, root) { return Pathology.atomize(this.left, context, root) || Pathology.atomize(this.right, context, root); } }; Pathology.XPathParser.Integer = { evaluate: function(context, root) { return parseInt(this.textValue, 10); } }; Pathology.XPathParser.String = { evaluate: function(context, root) { return eval(this.textValue); } }; Pathology.XPathParser.Union = { evaluate: function(context, root, resultType, result) { result = result || new Pathology.XPathResult(XPathResult.ANY_TYPE); resultType = resultType || XPathResult.ANY_TYPE; this.head.evaluate(context, root, resultType, result); var sections =; for (var i = 0, n = sections.length; i < n; i++) sections[i].location_path.evaluate(context, root, resultType, result); return result; } }; (function(){ var extend = function( d, s ) { var p; for (p in s) { d[p] = s[p]; } return d; }, // only uses browser detection for key events browser = { msie: !! (window.attachEvent && !window.opera), opera: !! window.opera, webkit: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1, safari: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/') === -1, gecko: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') > -1, mobilesafari: !! navigator.userAgent.match(/Apple.*Mobile.*Safari/), rhino: navigator.userAgent.match(/Rhino/) && true }, createEventObject = function( type, options, element ) { var event = element.ownerDocument.createEventObject(); return extend(event, options); }, data = {}, id = 1, expando = "_synthetic" + new Date().getTime(), bind, unbind, key = /keypress|keyup|keydown/, page = /load|unload|abort|error|select|change|submit|reset|focus|blur|resize|scroll/, //this is maintained so we can click on html and blur the active element activeElement, /** * @class Syn * @download funcunit/dist/syn.js * @test funcunit/synthetic/qunit.html * Syn is used to simulate user actions. It creates synthetic events and * performs their default behaviors. * *

Basic Use

* The following clicks an input element with id='description' * and then types 'Hello World'. * @codestart{},'description') .type("Hello World") @codeend *

User Actions and Events


Syn is typically used to simulate user actions as opposed to triggering events. Typing characters * is an example of a user action. The keypress that represents an 'a' * character being typed is an example of an event. *


* While triggering events is supported, it's much more useful to simulate actual user behavior. The * following actions are supported by Syn: *

  • [ click] - a mousedown, focus, mouseup, and click.
  • *
  • [Syn.prototype.dblclick dblclick] - two click! events followed by a dblclick.
  • *
  • [Syn.prototype.key key] - types a single character (keydown, keypress, keyup).
  • *
  • [Syn.prototype.type type] - types multiple characters into an element.
  • *
  • [Syn.prototype.move move] - moves the mouse from one position to another (triggering mouseover / mouseouts).
  • *
  • [Syn.prototype.drag drag] - a mousedown, followed by mousemoves, and a mouseup.
  • *
* All actions run asynchronously. * Click on the links above for more * information on how to use the specific action. *

Asynchronous Callbacks

* Actions don't complete immediately. This is almost * entirely because focus() * doesn't run immediately in IE. * If you provide a callback function to Syn, it will * be called after the action is completed. *
The following checks that "Hello World" was entered correctly: @codestart{},'description') .type("Hello World", function(){ ok("Hello World" == document.getElementById('description').value) }) @codeend

Asynchronous Chaining

You might have noticed the [Syn.prototype.then then] method. It provides chaining so you can do a sequence of events with a single (final) callback.

If an element isn't provided to then, it uses the previous Syn's element.

The following does a lot of stuff before checking the result: @codestart Syn.type('ice water','title') .type('ice and water','description') .click({},'create') .drag({to: 'favorites'},'newRecipe', function(){ ok($('#newRecipe').parents('#favorites').length); }) @codeend

jQuery Helper

If jQuery is present, Syn adds a triggerSyn helper you can use like: @codestart $("#description").triggerSyn("type","Hello World"); @codeend *

Key Event Recording


Every browser has very different rules for dispatching key events. * As there is no way to feature detect how a browser handles key events, * synthetic uses a description of how the browser behaves generated * by a recording application.


* If you want to support a browser not currently supported, you can * record that browser's key event description and add it to * Syn.key.browsers by it's navigator agent. *

@codestart Syn.key.browsers["Envjs\ Resig/20070309 PilotFish/\1.6"] = { 'prevent': {"keyup":[],"keydown":["char","keypress"],"keypress":["char"]}, 'character': { ... } } @codeend *


* Syn fully supports IE 6+, FF 3+, Chrome, Safari, Opera 10+. * With FF 1+, drag / move events are only partially supported. They will * not trigger mouseover / mouseout events.
* Safari crashes when a mousedown is triggered on a select. Syn will not * create this event. *

Contributing to Syn

* Have we missed something? We happily accept patches. The following are * important objects and properties of Syn: *
  • Syn.create - contains methods to setup, convert options, and create an event of a specific type.
  • *
  • Syn.defaults - default behavior by event type (except for keys).
  • *
  • Syn.key.defaults - default behavior by key.
  • *
  • Syn.keycodes - supported keys you can type.
  • *

Roll Your Own Functional Test Framework


Syn is really the foundation of JavaScriptMVC's functional testing framework - [FuncUnit]. * But, we've purposely made Syn work without any dependencies in the hopes that other frameworks or * testing solutions can use it as well. *

* @constructor * Creates a synthetic event on the element. * @param {Object} type * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} element * @param {Object} callback * @return Syn */ Syn = function( type, options, element, callback ) { return (new Syn.init(type, options, element, callback)); }; bind = function( el, ev, f ) { return el.addEventListener ? el.addEventListener(ev, f, false) : el.attachEvent("on" + ev, f); }; unbind = function( el, ev, f ) { return el.addEventListener ? el.removeEventListener(ev, f, false) : el.detachEvent("on" + ev, f); }; /** * @Static */ extend(Syn, { /** * Creates a new synthetic event instance * @hide * @param {Object} type * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} element * @param {Object} callback */ init: function( type, options, element, callback ) { var args = Syn.args(options, element, callback), self = this; this.queue = []; this.element = args.element; //run event if ( typeof this[type] === "function" ) { this[type](args.options, args.element, function( defaults, el ) { args.callback && args.callback.apply(self, arguments); self.done.apply(self, arguments); }); } else { this.result = Syn.trigger(type, args.options, args.element); args.callback &&, args.element, this.result); } }, jquery: function( el, fast ) { if ( window.FuncUnit && window.FuncUnit.jQuery ) { return window.FuncUnit.jQuery; } if ( el ) { return Syn.helpers.getWindow(el).jQuery || window.jQuery; } else { return window.jQuery; } }, /** * Returns an object with the args for a Syn. * @hide * @return {Object} */ args: function() { var res = {}, i = 0; for ( ; i < arguments.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof arguments[i] === 'function' ) { res.callback = arguments[i]; } else if ( arguments[i] && arguments[i].jquery ) { res.element = arguments[i][0]; } else if ( arguments[i] && arguments[i].nodeName ) { res.element = arguments[i]; } else if ( res.options && typeof arguments[i] === 'string' ) { //we can get by id res.element = document.getElementById(arguments[i]); } else if ( arguments[i] ) { res.options = arguments[i]; } } return res; }, click: function( options, element, callback ) { Syn('click!', options, element, callback); }, /** * @attribute defaults * Default actions for events. Each default function is called with this as its * element. It should return true if a timeout * should happen after it. If it returns an element, a timeout will happen * and the next event will happen on that element. */ defaults: { focus: function() { if (! ) { var element = this, nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();, "syntheticvalue", element.value); //TODO, this should be textarea too //and this might be for only text style inputs ... hmmmmm .... if ( nodeName === "input" || nodeName === "textarea" ) { bind(element, "blur", function() { if (, "syntheticvalue") != element.value ) { Syn.trigger("change", {}, element); } unbind(element, "blur", arguments.callee); }); } } }, submit: function() { Syn.onParents(this, function( el ) { if ( el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'form' ) { el.submit(); return false; } }); } }, changeOnBlur: function( element, prop, value ) { bind(element, "blur", function() { if ( value !== element[prop] ) { Syn.trigger("change", {}, element); } unbind(element, "blur", arguments.callee); }); }, /** * Returns the closest element of a particular type. * @hide * @param {Object} el * @param {Object} type */ closest: function( el, type ) { while ( el && el.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== type.toLowerCase() ) { el = el.parentNode; } return el; }, /** * adds jQuery like data (adds an expando) and data exists FOREVER :) * @hide * @param {Object} el * @param {Object} key * @param {Object} value */ data: function( el, key, value ) { var d; if (!el[expando] ) { el[expando] = id++; } if (!data[el[expando]] ) { data[el[expando]] = {}; } d = data[el[expando]]; if ( value ) { data[el[expando]][key] = value; } else { return data[el[expando]][key]; } }, /** * Calls a function on the element and all parents of the element until the function returns * false. * @hide * @param {Object} el * @param {Object} func */ onParents: function( el, func ) { var res; while ( el && res !== false ) { res = func(el); el = el.parentNode; } return el; }, //regex to match focusable elements focusable: /^(a|area|frame|iframe|label|input|select|textarea|button|html|object)$/i, /** * Returns if an element is focusable * @hide * @param {Object} elem */ isFocusable: function( elem ) { var attributeNode; return (this.focusable.test(elem.nodeName) || ((attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabIndex")) && attributeNode.specified)) && Syn.isVisible(elem); }, /** * Returns if an element is visible or not * @hide * @param {Object} elem */ isVisible: function( elem ) { return (elem.offsetWidth && elem.offsetHeight) || (elem.clientWidth && elem.clientHeight); }, /** * Gets the tabIndex as a number or null * @hide * @param {Object} elem */ tabIndex: function( elem ) { var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabIndex"); return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified && (parseInt(elem.getAttribute('tabIndex')) || 0); }, bind: bind, unbind: unbind, browser: browser, //some generic helpers helpers: { createEventObject: createEventObject, createBasicStandardEvent: function( type, defaults, doc ) { var event; try { event = doc.createEvent("Events"); } catch (e2) { event = doc.createEvent("UIEvents"); } finally { event.initEvent(type, true, true); extend(event, defaults); } return event; }, inArray: function( item, array ) { var i =0; for ( ; i < array.length; i++ ) { if ( array[i] === item ) { return i; } } return -1; }, getWindow: function( element ) { return element.ownerDocument.defaultView || element.ownerDocument.parentWindow; }, extend: extend, scrollOffset: function( win , set) { var doc = win.document.documentElement, body = win.document.body; if(set){ window.scrollTo(set.left,; } else { return { left: (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) + (doc.clientLeft || 0), top: (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) + (doc.clientTop || 0) }; } }, scrollDimensions: function(win){ var doc = win.document.documentElement, body = win.document.body, docWidth = doc.clientWidth, docHeight = doc.clientHeight, compat = win.document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat"; return { height: compat && docHeight || body.clientHeight || docHeight, width: compat && docWidth || body.clientWidth || docWidth }; }, addOffset: function( options, el ) { var jq = Syn.jquery(el), off; if ( typeof options === 'object' && options.clientX === undefined && options.clientY === undefined && options.pageX === undefined && options.pageY === undefined && jq ) { el = jq(el); off = el.offset(); options.pageX = off.left + el.width() / 2; options.pageY = + el.height() / 2; } } }, // place for key data key: { ctrlKey: null, altKey: null, shiftKey: null, metaKey: null }, //triggers an event on an element, returns true if default events should be run /** * Dispatches an event and returns true if default events should be run. * @hide * @param {Object} event * @param {Object} element * @param {Object} type * @param {Object} autoPrevent */ dispatch: function( event, element, type, autoPrevent ) { // dispatchEvent doesn't always work in IE (mostly in a popup) if ( element.dispatchEvent && event ) { var preventDefault = event.preventDefault, prevents = autoPrevent ? -1 : 0; //automatically prevents the default behavior for this event //this is to protect agianst nasty browser freezing bug in safari if ( autoPrevent ) { bind(element, type, function( ev ) { ev.preventDefault(); unbind(this, type, arguments.callee); }); } event.preventDefault = function() { prevents++; if (++prevents > 0 ) { preventDefault.apply(this, []); } }; element.dispatchEvent(event); return prevents <= 0; } else { try { window.event = event; } catch (e) {} //source element makes sure element is still in the document return element.sourceIndex <= 0 || (element.fireEvent && element.fireEvent('on' + type, event)); } }, /** * @attribute * @hide * An object of eventType -> function that create that event. */ create: { //-------- PAGE EVENTS --------------------- page: { event: function( type, options, element ) { var doc = Syn.helpers.getWindow(element).document || document, event; if ( doc.createEvent ) { event = doc.createEvent("Events"); event.initEvent(type, true, true); return event; } else { try { event = createEventObject(type, options, element); } catch (e) {} return event; } } }, // unique events focus: { event: function( type, options, element ) { Syn.onParents(element, function( el ) { if ( Syn.isFocusable(el) ) { if ( el.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'html' ) { el.focus(); activeElement = el; } else if ( activeElement ) { // TODO: The HTML element isn't focasable in IE, but it is // in FF. We should detect this and do a true focus instead // of just a blur var doc = Syn.helpers.getWindow(element).document; if ( doc !== window.document ) { return false; } else if ( doc.activeElement ) { doc.activeElement.blur(); activeElement = null; } else { activeElement.blur(); activeElement = null; } } return false; } }); return true; } } }, /** * @attribute support * * Feature detected properties of a browser's event system. * Support has the following properties: * * - `backspaceWorks` - typing a backspace removes a character * - `clickChanges` - clicking on an option element creates a change event. * - `clickSubmits` - clicking on a form button submits the form. * - `focusChanges` - focus/blur creates a change event. * - `keypressOnAnchorClicks` - Keying enter on an anchor triggers a click. * - `keypressSubmits` - enter key submits * - `keyCharacters` - typing a character shows up * - `keysOnNotFocused` - enters keys when not focused. * - `linkHrefJS` - An achor's href JavaScript is run. * - `mouseDownUpClicks` - A mousedown followed by mouseup creates a click event. * - `mouseupSubmits` - a mouseup on a form button submits the form. * - `radioClickChanges` - clicking a radio button changes the radio. * - `tabKeyTabs` - A tab key changes tabs. * - `textareaCarriage` - a new line in a textarea creates a carriage return. * * */ support: { clickChanges: false, clickSubmits: false, keypressSubmits: false, mouseupSubmits: false, radioClickChanges: false, focusChanges: false, linkHrefJS: false, keyCharacters: false, backspaceWorks: false, mouseDownUpClicks: false, tabKeyTabs: false, keypressOnAnchorClicks: false, optionClickBubbles: false, ready: 0 }, /** * Creates a synthetic event and dispatches it on the element. * This will run any default actions for the element. * Typically you want to use Syn, but if you want the return value, use this. * @param {String} type * @param {Object} options * @param {HTMLElement} element * @return {Boolean} true if default events were run, false if otherwise. */ trigger: function( type, options, element ) { options || (options = {}); var create = Syn.create, setup = create[type] && create[type].setup, kind = key.test(type) ? 'key' : (page.test(type) ? "page" : "mouse"), createType = create[type] || {}, createKind = create[kind], event, ret, autoPrevent, dispatchEl = element; //any setup code? === 2 && setup && setup(type, options, element); autoPrevent = options._autoPrevent; //get kind delete options._autoPrevent; if ( createType.event ) { ret = createType.event(type, options, element); } else { //convert options options = createKind.options ? createKind.options(type, options, element) : options; if (! && /option/i.test(element.nodeName) ) { dispatchEl = element.parentNode; //jQuery expects clicks on select } //create the event event = createKind.event(type, options, dispatchEl); //send the event ret = Syn.dispatch(event, dispatchEl, type, autoPrevent); } //run default behavior ret && === 2 && Syn.defaults[type] && Syn.defaults[type].call(element, options, autoPrevent); return ret; }, eventSupported: function( eventName ) { var el = document.createElement("div"); eventName = "on" + eventName; var isSupported = (eventName in el); if (!isSupported ) { el.setAttribute(eventName, "return;"); isSupported = typeof el[eventName] === "function"; } el = null; return isSupported; } }); /** * @Prototype */ extend(Syn.init.prototype, { /** * @function then *

* Then is used to chain a sequence of actions to be run one after the other. * This is useful when many asynchronous actions need to be performed before some * final check needs to be made. *


The following clicks and types into the id='age' element and then checks that only numeric characters can be entered.



* @codestart * Syn('click',{},'age') * .then('type','I am 12',function(){ * equals($('#age').val(),"12") * }) * @codeend * If the element argument is undefined, then the last element is used. * * @param {String} type The type of event or action to create: "_click", "_dblclick", "_drag", "_type". * @param {Object} options Optiosn to pass to the event. * @param {String|HTMLElement} [element] A element's id or an element. If undefined, defaults to the previous element. * @param {Function} [callback] A function to callback after the action has run, but before any future chained actions are run. */ then: function( type, options, element, callback ) { if ( Syn.autoDelay ) { this.delay(); } var args = Syn.args(options, element, callback), self = this; //if stack is empty run right away //otherwise ... unshift it this.queue.unshift(function( el, prevented ) { if ( typeof this[type] === "function" ) { this.element = args.element || el; this[type](args.options, this.element, function( defaults, el ) { args.callback && args.callback.apply(self, arguments); self.done.apply(self, arguments); }); } else { this.result = Syn.trigger(type, args.options, args.element); args.callback &&, args.element, this.result); return this; } }) return this; }, /** * Delays the next command a set timeout. * @param {Number} [timeout] * @param {Function} [callback] */ delay: function( timeout, callback ) { if ( typeof timeout === 'function' ) { callback = timeout; timeout = null; } timeout = timeout || 600; var self = this; this.queue.unshift(function() { setTimeout(function() { callback && callback.apply(self, []) self.done.apply(self, arguments); }, timeout); }); return this; }, done: function( defaults, el ) { el && (this.element = el); if ( this.queue.length ) { this.queue.pop().call(this, this.element, defaults); } }, /** * @function click * Clicks an element by triggering a mousedown, * mouseup, * and a click event. *


* @codestart *{},'create',function(){ * //check something * }) * @codeend * You can also provide the coordinates of the click. * If jQuery is present, it will set clientX and clientY * for you. Here's how to set it yourself: * @codestart * * {clientX: 20, clientY: 100}, * 'create', * function(){ * //check something * }) * @codeend * You can also provide pageX and pageY and Syn will convert it for you. * @param {Object} options * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {Function} callback */ "_click": function( options, element, callback, force ) { Syn.helpers.addOffset(options, element); Syn.trigger("mousedown", options, element); //timeout is b/c IE is stupid and won't call focus handlers setTimeout(function() { Syn.trigger("mouseup", options, element); if (! || force ) { Syn.trigger("click", options, element); callback(true); } else { //we still have to run the default (presumably)'click', options, element);; //must give time for callback setTimeout(function() { callback(true); }, 1); } }, 1); }, /** * Right clicks in browsers that support it (everyone but opera). * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} element * @param {Object} callback */ "_rightClick": function( options, element, callback ) { Syn.helpers.addOffset(options, element); var mouseopts = extend(extend({}, Syn.mouse.browser.right.mouseup), options); Syn.trigger("mousedown", mouseopts, element); //timeout is b/c IE is stupid and won't call focus handlers setTimeout(function() { Syn.trigger("mouseup", mouseopts, element); if ( Syn.mouse.browser.right.contextmenu ) { Syn.trigger("contextmenu", extend(extend({}, Syn.mouse.browser.right.contextmenu), options), element); } callback(true); }, 1); }, /** * @function dblclick * Dblclicks an element. This runs two [ click] events followed by * a dblclick on the element. *


* @codestart * Syn.dblclick({},'open') * @codeend * @param {Object} options * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {Function} callback */ "_dblclick": function( options, element, callback ) { Syn.helpers.addOffset(options, element); var self = this; this._click(options, element, function() { setTimeout(function() { self._click(options, element, function() { Syn.trigger("dblclick", options, element); callback(true); }, true); }, 2); }); } }); var actions = ["click", "dblclick", "move", "drag", "key", "type", 'rightClick'], makeAction = function( name ) { Syn[name] = function( options, element, callback ) { return Syn("_" + name, options, element, callback); }; Syn.init.prototype[name] = function( options, element, callback ) { return this.then("_" + name, options, element, callback); }; }, i = 0; for ( ; i < actions.length; i++ ) { makeAction(actions[i]); } /** * Used for creating and dispatching synthetic events. * @codestart * new MVC.Syn('click').send(MVC.$E('id')) * @codeend * @constructor Sets up a synthetic event. * @param {String} type type of event, ex: 'click' * @param {optional:Object} options */ if ( (window.FuncUnit && window.FuncUnit.jQuery) || window.jQuery ) { ((window.FuncUnit && window.FuncUnit.jQuery) || window.jQuery).fn.triggerSyn = function( type, options, callback ) { if(!this[0]){ throw "Can't "+type.substring(1)+" because no element matching '"+this.selector+"' was found" } Syn(type, options, this[0], callback); return this; }; } window.Syn = Syn; })(); (function() { //handles mosue events var h = Syn.helpers, getWin = h.getWindow; Syn.mouse = {}; h.extend(Syn.defaults, { mousedown: function( options ) { Syn.trigger("focus", {}, this) }, click: function() { // prevents the access denied issue in IE if the click causes the element to be destroyed var element = this; try { element.nodeType; } catch (e) { return; } //get old values var href, radioChanged =, "radioChanged"), scope = getWin(element), nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); //this code was for restoring the href attribute to prevent popup opening //if ((href =, "href"))) { // element.setAttribute('href', href) //} //run href javascript if (! && /^\s*javascript:/.test(element.href) ) { //eval js var code = element.href.replace(/^\s*javascript:/, "") //try{ if ( code != "//" && code.indexOf("void(0)") == -1 ) { if ( window.selenium ) { eval("with(selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()){" + code + "}") } else { eval("with(scope){" + code + "}") } } } //submit a form if (!( && (nodeName == "input" && element.type == "submit") || nodeName == 'button' ) { var form = Syn.closest(element, "form"); if ( form ) { Syn.trigger("submit", {}, form) } } //follow a link, probably needs to check if in an a. if ( nodeName == "a" && element.href && !/^\s*javascript:/.test(element.href) ) { scope.location.href = element.href; } //change a checkbox if ( nodeName == "input" && element.type == "checkbox" ) { //if(! && !{ // element.checked = !element.checked; //} if (! ) { Syn.trigger("change", {}, element); } } //change a radio button if ( nodeName == "input" && element.type == "radio" ) { // need to uncheck others if not checked if ( radioChanged && ! ) { Syn.trigger("change", {}, element); } } // change options if ( nodeName == "option" &&, "createChange") ) { Syn.trigger("change", {}, element.parentNode); //does not bubble, "createChange", false) } } }) //add create and setup behavior for mosue events h.extend(Syn.create, { mouse: { options: function( type, options, element ) { var doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body, center = [options.pageX || 0, options.pageY || 0], //browser might not be loaded yet (doing support code) left = Syn.mouse.browser && Syn.mouse.browser.left[type], right = Syn.mouse.browser && Syn.mouse.browser.right[type]; return h.extend({ bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window, detail: 1, screenX: 1, screenY: 1, clientX: options.clientX || center[0] - (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc.clientLeft || 0), clientY: options.clientY || center[1] - (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc.clientTop || 0), ctrlKey: !! Syn.key.ctrlKey, altKey: !! Syn.key.altKey, shiftKey: !! Syn.key.shiftKey, metaKey: !! Syn.key.metaKey, button: left && left.button != null ? left.button : right && right.button || (type == 'contextmenu' ? 2 : 0), relatedTarget: document.documentElement }, options); }, event: function( type, defaults, element ) { //Everyone Else var doc = getWin(element).document || document if ( doc.createEvent ) { var event; try { event = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'); event.initMouseEvent(type, defaults.bubbles, defaults.cancelable, defaults.view, defaults.detail, defaults.screenX, defaults.screenY, defaults.clientX, defaults.clientY, defaults.ctrlKey, defaults.altKey, defaults.shiftKey, defaults.metaKey, defaults.button, defaults.relatedTarget); } catch (e) { event = h.createBasicStandardEvent(type, defaults, doc) } event.synthetic = true; return event; } else { var event; try { event = h.createEventObject(type, defaults, element) } catch (e) {} return event; } } }, click: { setup: function( type, options, element ) { var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(), type; //we need to manually 'check' in browser that can't check //so checked has the right value if (! && ! && nodeName === "input" ) { type = element.type.toLowerCase(); //pretty sure lowercase isn't needed if ( type === 'checkbox' ) { element.checked = !element.checked; } if ( type === "radio" ) { //do the checks manually if (!element.checked ) { //do nothing, no change try {, "radioChanged", true); } catch (e) {} element.checked = true; } } } if ( nodeName == "a" && element.href && !/^\s*javascript:/.test(element.href) ) { //save href, "href", element.href) //remove b/c safari/opera will open a new tab instead of changing the page // this has been removed because newer versions don't have this problem //element.setAttribute('href', 'javascript://') //however this breaks scripts using the href //we need to listen to this and prevent the default behavior //and run the default behavior ourselves. Boo! } //if select or option, save old value and mark to change if (/option/i.test(element.nodeName) ) { var child = element.parentNode.firstChild, i = -1; while ( child ) { if ( child.nodeType == 1 ) { i++; if ( child == element ) break; } child = child.nextSibling; } if ( i !== element.parentNode.selectedIndex ) { //shouldn't this wait on triggering //change? element.parentNode.selectedIndex = i;, "createChange", true) } } } }, mousedown: { setup: function( type, options, element ) { var nn = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(); //we have to auto prevent default to prevent freezing error in safari if ( Syn.browser.safari && (nn == "select" || nn == "option") ) { options._autoPrevent = true; } } } }); //do support code (function() { if (!document.body ) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1) return; } var oldSynth = window.__synthTest; window.__synthTest = function() { = true; } var div = document.createElement("div"), checkbox, submit, form, input, select; div.innerHTML = "
" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
"; document.documentElement.appendChild(div); form = div.firstChild checkbox = form.childNodes[0]; submit = form.childNodes[2]; select = form.getElementsByTagName('select')[0] checkbox.checked = false; checkbox.onchange = function() { = true; } Syn.trigger("click", {}, checkbox) = checkbox.checked; checkbox.checked = false; Syn.trigger("change", {}, checkbox); = checkbox.checked; form.onsubmit = function( ev ) { if ( ev.preventDefault ) ev.preventDefault(); = true; return false; } Syn.trigger("click", {}, submit) form.childNodes[1].onchange = function() { = true; } Syn.trigger("click", {}, form.childNodes[1]) Syn.bind(div, 'click', function() { = true; Syn.unbind(div, 'click', arguments.callee) }) Syn.trigger("click", {}, select.firstChild) = Syn.eventSupported('change'); //test if mousedown followed by mouseup causes click (opera), make sure there are no clicks after this var clicksCount = 0 div.onclick = function() { = true; //we should use this to check for opera potentially, but would //be difficult to remove element correctly // = (2 == (++clicksCount)) } Syn.trigger("mousedown", {}, div) Syn.trigger("mouseup", {}, div) //setTimeout(function(){ // Syn.trigger("mousedown",{},div) // Syn.trigger("mouseup",{},div) //},1) document.documentElement.removeChild(div); //check stuff window.__synthTest = oldSynth;; })(); })(); (function() { Syn.key.browsers = { webkit : { 'prevent': {"keyup":[],"keydown":["char","keypress"],"keypress":["char"]}, 'character': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":["char","char"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'specialChars': {"keydown":[0,"char"],"keyup":[0,"char"]}, 'navigation': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'special': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'tab': {"keydown":[0,"char"],"keyup":[0,"char"]}, 'pause-break': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'caps': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'escape': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'num-lock': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'scroll-lock': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'print': {"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'function': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, '\r': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":["char","key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]} }, gecko : { 'prevent': {"keyup":[],"keydown":["char"],"keypress":["char"]}, 'character': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":["char",0],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'specialChars': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'navigation': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'special': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, '\t': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'pause-break': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'caps': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'escape': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'num-lock': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'scroll-lock': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'print': {"keyup":[0,"key"]}, 'function': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]}, '\r': {"keydown":[0,"key"],"keypress":[0,"key"],"keyup":[0,"key"]} }, msie : { 'prevent':{"keyup":[],"keydown":["char","keypress"],"keypress":["char"]}, 'character':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"char"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'specialChars':{"keydown":[null,"char"],"keyup":[null,"char"]}, 'navigation':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'special':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'tab':{"keydown":[null,"char"],"keyup":[null,"char"]}, 'pause-break':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'caps':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'escape':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'num-lock':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'scroll-lock':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'print':{"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'function':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, '\r':{"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]} }, opera : { 'prevent': {"keyup":[],"keydown":[],"keypress":["char"]}, 'character': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"char"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'specialChars': {"keydown":[null,"char"],"keypress":[null,"char"],"keyup":[null,"char"]}, 'navigation': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"]}, 'special': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'tab': {"keydown":[null,"char"],"keypress":[null,"char"],"keyup":[null,"char"]}, 'pause-break': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'caps': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'escape': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"]}, 'num-lock': {"keyup":[null,"key"],"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"]}, 'scroll-lock': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, 'print': {}, 'function': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]}, '\r': {"keydown":[null,"key"],"keypress":[null,"key"],"keyup":[null,"key"]} } }; Syn.mouse.browsers = { webkit : {"right":{"mousedown":{"button":2,"which":3},"mouseup":{"button":2,"which":3},"contextmenu":{"button":2,"which":3}}, "left":{"mousedown":{"button":0,"which":1},"mouseup":{"button":0,"which":1},"click":{"button":0,"which":1}}}, opera: {"right":{"mousedown":{"button":2,"which":3},"mouseup":{"button":2,"which":3}}, "left":{"mousedown":{"button":0,"which":1},"mouseup":{"button":0,"which":1},"click":{"button":0,"which":1}}}, msie: { "right":{"mousedown":{"button":2},"mouseup":{"button":2},"contextmenu":{"button":0}}, "left":{"mousedown":{"button":1},"mouseup":{"button":1},"click":{"button":0}}}, chrome : {"right":{"mousedown":{"button":2,"which":3},"mouseup":{"button":2,"which":3},"contextmenu":{"button":2,"which":3}}, "left":{"mousedown":{"button":0,"which":1},"mouseup":{"button":0,"which":1},"click":{"button":0,"which":1}}}, gecko: {"left":{"mousedown":{"button":0,"which":1},"mouseup":{"button":0,"which":1},"click":{"button":0,"which":1}}, "right":{"mousedown":{"button":2,"which":3},"mouseup":{"button":2,"which":3},"contextmenu":{"button":2,"which":3}}} } //set browser Syn.key.browser = (function(){ if(Syn.key.browsers[window.navigator.userAgent]){ return Syn.key.browsers[window.navigator.userAgent]; } for(var browser in Syn.browser){ if(Syn.browser[browser] && Syn.key.browsers[browser]){ return Syn.key.browsers[browser] } } return Syn.key.browsers.gecko; })(); Syn.mouse.browser = (function(){ if(Syn.mouse.browsers[window.navigator.userAgent]){ return Syn.mouse.browsers[window.navigator.userAgent]; } for(var browser in Syn.browser){ if(Syn.browser[browser] && Syn.mouse.browsers[browser]){ return Syn.mouse.browsers[browser] } } return Syn.mouse.browsers.gecko; })(); })(); (function() { // check if elementFromPageExists (function() { // document body has to exists for this test if (!document.body ) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1) return; } var div = document.createElement('div') document.body.appendChild(div); Syn.helpers.extend(, { width: "100px", height: "10000px", backgroundColor: "blue", position: "absolute", top: "10px", left: "0px", zIndex: 19999 }); document.body.scrollTop = 11; if (!document.elementFromPoint ) { return; } var el = document.elementFromPoint(3, 1) if ( el == div ) { = true; } else { = true; } document.body.removeChild(div); document.body.scrollTop = 0; })(); //gets an element from a point var elementFromPoint = function( point, element ) { var clientX = point.clientX, clientY = point.clientY, win = Syn.helpers.getWindow(element), el; if ( ) { var off = Syn.helpers.scrollOffset(win); clientX = clientX + off.left; //convert to pageX clientY = clientY +; //convert to pageY } el = win.document.elementFromPoint ? win.document.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY) : element; if ( el === win.document.documentElement && (point.clientY < 0 || point.clientX < 0) ) { return element; } else { return el; } }, //creates an event at a certain point createEventAtPoint = function( event, point, element ) { var el = elementFromPoint(point, element) Syn.trigger(event, point, el || element) return el; }, // creates a mousemove event, but first triggering mouseout / mouseover if appropriate mouseMove = function( point, element, last ) { var el = elementFromPoint(point, element) if ( last != el && el && last ) { var options = Syn.helpers.extend({}, point); options.relatedTarget = el; Syn.trigger("mouseout", options, last); options.relatedTarget = last; Syn.trigger("mouseover", options, el); } Syn.trigger("mousemove", point, el || element) return el; }, // start and end are in clientX, clientY startMove = function( start, end, duration, element, callback ) { var startTime = new Date(), distX = end.clientX - start.clientX, distY = end.clientY - start.clientY, win = Syn.helpers.getWindow(element), current = elementFromPoint(start, element), cursor = win.document.createElement('div'), calls = 0; move = function() { //get what fraction we are at var now = new Date(), scrollOffset = Syn.helpers.scrollOffset(win), fraction = (calls == 0 ? 0 : now - startTime) / duration, options = { clientX: distX * fraction + start.clientX, clientY: distY * fraction + start.clientY }; calls++; if ( fraction < 1 ) { Syn.helpers.extend(, { left: (options.clientX + scrollOffset.left + 2) + "px", top: (options.clientY + + 2) + "px" }) current = mouseMove(options, element, current) setTimeout(arguments.callee, 15) } else { current = mouseMove(end, element, current); win.document.body.removeChild(cursor) callback(); } } Syn.helpers.extend(, { height: "5px", width: "5px", backgroundColor: "red", position: "absolute", zIndex: 19999, fontSize: "1px" }) win.document.body.appendChild(cursor) move(); }, startDrag = function( start, end, duration, element, callback ) { createEventAtPoint("mousedown", start, element); startMove(start, end, duration, element, function() { createEventAtPoint("mouseup", end, element); callback(); }) }, center = function( el ) { var j = Syn.jquery()(el), o = j.offset(); return { pageX: o.left + (j.outerWidth() / 2), pageY: + (j.outerHeight() / 2) } }, convertOption = function( option, win, from ) { var page = /(\d+)[x ](\d+)/, client = /(\d+)X(\d+)/, relative = /([+-]\d+)[xX ]([+-]\d+)/ //check relative "+22x-44" if ( typeof option == 'string' && relative.test(option) && from ) { var cent = center(from), parts = option.match(relative); option = { pageX: cent.pageX + parseInt(parts[1]), pageY: cent.pageY + parseInt(parts[2]) } } if ( typeof option == 'string' && page.test(option) ) { var parts = option.match(page) option = { pageX: parseInt(parts[1]), pageY: parseInt(parts[2]) } } if ( typeof option == 'string' && client.test(option) ) { var parts = option.match(client) option = { clientX: parseInt(parts[1]), clientY: parseInt(parts[2]) } } if ( typeof option == 'string' ) { option = Syn.jquery()(option, win.document)[0]; } if ( option.nodeName ) { option = center(option) } if ( option.pageX ) { var off = Syn.helpers.scrollOffset(win); option = { clientX: option.pageX - off.left, clientY: option.pageY - } } return option; }, // if the client chords are not going to be visible ... scroll the page so they will be ... adjust = function(from, to, win){ if(from.clientY < 0){ var off = Syn.helpers.scrollOffset(win); var dimensions = Syn.helpers.scrollDimensions(win), top = + (from.clientY) - 100, diff = top - // first, lets see if we can scroll 100 px if( top > 0){ } else { top =0; diff =; } from.clientY = from.clientY - diff; to.clientY = to.clientY - diff; Syn.helpers.scrollOffset(win,{top: top, left: off.left}); //throw "out of bounds!" } } /** * @add Syn prototype */ Syn.helpers.extend(Syn.init.prototype, { /** * @function move * Moves the cursor from one point to another. * * ### Quick Example * * The following moves the cursor from (0,0) in * the window to (100,100) in 1 second. * * Syn.move( * { * from: {clientX: 0, clientY: 0}, * to: {clientX: 100, clientY: 100}, * duration: 1000 * }, * document.document) * * ## Options * * There are many ways to configure the endpoints of the move. * * ### PageX and PageY * * If you pass pageX or pageY, these will get converted * to client coordinates. * * Syn.move( * { * from: {pageX: 0, pageY: 0}, * to: {pageX: 100, pageY: 100} * }, * document.document) * * ### String Coordinates * * You can set the pageX and pageY as strings like: * * Syn.move( * { * from: "0x0", * to: "100x100" * }, * document.document) * * ### Element Coordinates * * If jQuery is present, you can pass an element as the from or to option * and the coordinate will be set as the center of the element. * Syn.move( * { * from: $(".recipe")[0], * to: $("#trash")[0] * }, * document.document) * * ### Query Strings * * If jQuery is present, you can pass a query string as the from or to option. * * Syn.move( * { * from: ".recipe", * to: "#trash" * }, * document.document) * * ### No From * * If you don't provide a from, the element argument passed to Syn is used. * * Syn.move( * { to: "#trash" }, * 'myrecipe') * * ### Relative * * You can move the drag relative to the center of the from element. * * Syn.move("+20 +30", "myrecipe"); * * @param {Object} options options to configure the drag * @param {HTMLElement} from the element to move * @param {Function} callback a callback that happens after the drag motion has completed */ _move: function( options, from, callback ) { //need to convert if elements var win = Syn.helpers.getWindow(from), fro = convertOption(options.from || from, win, from), to = convertOption( || options, win, from); options.adjust !== false && adjust(fro, to, win); startMove(fro, to, options.duration || 500, from, callback); }, /** * @function drag * Creates a mousedown and drags from one point to another. * Check out [Syn.prototype.move move] for API details. * * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} from * @param {Object} callback */ _drag: function( options, from, callback ) { //need to convert if elements var win = Syn.helpers.getWindow(from), fro = convertOption(options.from || from, win, from), to = convertOption( || options, win, from); options.adjust !== false && adjust(fro, to, win); startDrag(fro, to, options.duration || 500, from, callback); } }) })(); Terminus = { isIE: /\bMSIE\b/.test(navigator.userAgent), connect: function(host, port) { if (this._bayeux) return; this._host = host; this._pageId = Faye.random(); this._id = = || || Faye.random(); this._id = this._id.split('|')[0]; var iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'), i = iframes.length; while (i--) iframes[i] = iframes[i].id; this.Registry.initialize(); this.Worker.initialize(); this.AjaxMonitor.initialize(); Faye.Event.on(window, 'beforeunload', function() { Terminus.disabled = true }); var endpoint = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/messaging', bayeux = this._bayeux = new Faye.Client(endpoint), self = this; bayeux.addExtension({ outgoing: function(message, callback) { message.href = window.location.href; if (message.connectionType === 'websocket') self._socketCapable = true; callback(message); } }); this.getId(function(id) { var url ='|')[1]; if (!url) bayeux.subscribe('/terminus/sockets/' + id, function(message) { += '|' + message.url; this.openSocket(message.url); }, this); var sub = bayeux.subscribe('/terminus/clients/' + id, this.handleMessage, this); sub.callback(function() {; if (url) this.openSocket(url); }, this); }, this); }, browserDetails: function(callback, context) { this.getId(function(id) {, { host: this._host, id: id, infinite: !!window.TERMINUS_INFINITE_REDIRECT, page: this._pageId, sockets: this._socketCapable, ua: navigator.userAgent, url: window.location.href }); }, this); }, getId: function(callback, context) { var id = this._id; if (this.isIE) return, id); if (opener && opener.Terminus) { opener.Terminus.getId(function(prefix) {, prefix + '/' + id); }); } else if (parent && parent !== window) { var getParentId = function() { if (!parent.Terminus) return setTimeout(getParentId, 100); parent.Terminus.getId(function(prefix) {, prefix + '/' + id); }); }; getParentId(); } else {, id); } }, openSocket: function(endpoint) { if (this.disabled || this._socket) return; var self = this, WS = window.MozWebSocket || window.WebSocket, ws = new WS(endpoint); ws.onopen = function() { self._socket = ws; up = true; }; ws.onclose = function() { var up = !!self._socket; self._socket = null; if (up) self.openSocket(endpoint); else ='|')[0]; }; ws.onmessage = function(event) { self.handleMessage(JSON.parse(; }; }, ping: function() { if (this.disabled) return; this.browserDetails(function(details) { this._bayeux.publish('/terminus/ping', details); var self = this; setTimeout(function() { }, 3000); }, this); }, handleMessage: function(message) { var command = message.command, method = command.shift(), driver = this.Driver, worker = this.Worker, posted = false, self = this; command.push(function(result) { if (posted) return; self.postResult(message.commandId, result); posted = true; }); worker.monitor = true; driver[method].apply(driver, command); worker.monitor = false; }, postResult: function(commandId, result) { if (this.disabled || !commandId) return; if (this._socket) return this._socket.send(JSON.stringify({value: result})); this.getId(function(id) { this._bayeux.publish('/terminus/results', { id: id, commandId: commandId, result: result }); }, this); }, getAttribute: function(node, name) { return Terminus.isIE ? (node.getAttributeNode(name) || {}).nodeValue || false : node.getAttribute(name); }, hideNodes: function(root, list) { if (!root) return list; list = list || []; var isScript = (root.tagName || '').toLowerCase() === 'script', isHidden = ( || {}).display === 'none'; if (isScript || isHidden) { var parent = root.parentNode, next = root.nextSibling; if (!isScript) list.push([root, parent, next]); if (parent) parent.removeChild(root); } else { var children = root.childNodes || []; for (var i = 0, n = children.length; i < n; i++) { this.hideNodes(children[i], list); } } return list; }, showNodes: function(hidden) { var hide, node, parent, next; for (var i = 0, n = hidden.length; i < n; i++) { hide = hidden[i]; node = hide[0]; parent = hide[1]; next = hide[2]; if (!parent) continue; if (next) parent.insertBefore(node, next); else parent.appendChild(node); } }, Driver: { _node: function(id) { return Terminus.Registry.get(id); }, attribute: function(nodeId, name, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); if (!Terminus.isIE && (name === 'checked' || name === 'selected')) { callback(!!node[name]); } else if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' && name === 'type') { callback('textarea'); } else { callback(Terminus.getAttribute(node, name)); } }, set_attribute: function(nodeId, name, value, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); node.setAttribute(name, value); callback(true); }, body: function(callback) { var html = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; callback(html.outerHTML || '\n' + html.innerHTML + '\n\n'); }, clear_cookies: function(callback) { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'), name; var expiry = new Date(); expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime() - 24*60*60*1000); for (var i = 0, n = cookies.length; i < n; i++) { name = cookies[i].split('=')[0]; document.cookie = name + '=; expires=' + expiry.toGMTString() + '; path=/'; } callback(true); }, click: function(nodeId, options, callback) { var element = this._node(nodeId), timeout = options.resynchronization_timeout; if (!element) return callback(true); Syn.trigger('click', {}, element); if (options.resynchronize === false) return callback(true); if (timeout), function() { callback('failed to resynchronize, ajax request timed out'); }, 1000 * timeout); Terminus.Worker.callback(function() { callback(true); }); }, current_url: function(callback) { Terminus.browserDetails(function(details) { callback(details.url); }); }, drag: function(options, callback) { var draggable = this._node(options.from), droppable = this._node(; if (!draggable || !droppable) return callback(null); Syn.drag({to: droppable}, draggable, function() { callback(true); }); }, evaluate: function(expression, callback) { callback(eval(expression)); }, execute: function(expression, callback) { eval(expression); callback(true); }, find: function(xpath, nodeId, callback) { var root = nodeId ? this._node(nodeId) : document; if (!root) return callback([]); var result = document.evaluate(xpath, root, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null), list = [], element; while (element = result.iterateNext()) list.push(Terminus.Registry.put(element)); return callback(list); }, is_visible: function(nodeId, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); while (node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'body') { if ( === 'none' || node.type === 'hidden') return callback(false); node = node.parentNode; } callback(true); }, select: function(nodeId, callback) { var option = this._node(nodeId); if (!option) return callback(null); option.selected = true; Syn.trigger('change', {}, option.parentNode); callback(true); }, set: function(nodeId, value, callback) { var field = this._node(nodeId), max = Terminus.getAttribute(field, 'maxlength'); if (!field) return callback(null); if (field.type === 'file') return callback('not_allowed'); Syn.trigger('focus', {}, field); Syn.trigger('click', {}, field); switch (typeof value) { case 'string': if (max) value = value.substr(0, parseInt(max)); field.value = value; break; case 'boolean': field.checked = value; break; } Syn.trigger('change', {}, field); callback(true); }, tag_name: function(nodeId, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); callback(node.tagName.toLowerCase()); }, text: function(nodeId, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); var hidden = Terminus.hideNodes(node), title = document.title; document.title = ''; var text = node.textContent || node.innerText || ''; document.title = title; Terminus.showNodes(hidden); text = text.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' '); callback(text); }, trigger: function(nodeId, eventType, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); Syn.trigger(eventType, {}, node); callback(true); }, unselect: function(nodeId, callback) { var option = this._node(nodeId); if (!option) return callback(null); if (!option.parentNode.multiple) return callback(false); option.selected = false; Syn.trigger('change', {}, option.parentNode); callback(true); }, value: function(nodeId, callback) { var node = this._node(nodeId); if (!node) return callback(null); if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'select' || !node.multiple) return callback(node.value); var options = node.children, values = []; for (var i = 0, n = options.length; i < n; i++) { if (options[i].selected) values.push(options[i].value); } callback(values); }, visit: function(url, callback) { window.location.href = url; callback(url); } }, Registry: { initialize: function() { this._namespace = new Faye.Namespace(); this._elements = {}; }, get: function(id) { var node = this._elements[id], root = node; while (root && root.tagName !== 'BODY' && root.tagName !== 'HTML') root = root.parentNode; if (!root) return null; return node; }, put: function(element) { var id = element['data-terminus-id']; if (!id) { id = this._namespace.generate(); element['data-terminus-id'] = id; } this._elements[id] = element; return id; } }, Worker: { initialize: function() { this._callbacks = []; this._pending = 0; if (!Terminus.isIE) this._wrapTimeouts(); }, callback: function(callback, scope) { if (this._pending === 0) { if (this._setTimeout), function() { }, 0); else setTimeout(function() { }, 0); } else { this._callbacks.push([callback, scope]); } }, suspend: function() { this._pending += 1; }, resume: function() { if (this._pending === 0) return; this._pending -= 1; if (this._pending !== 0) return; var callback; for (var i = 0, n = this._callbacks.length; i < n; i++) { callback = this._callbacks[i]; callback[0].call(callback[1]); } this._callbacks = []; }, _wrapTimeouts: function() { var timeout = window.setTimeout, clear = window.clearTimeout, timeouts = {}, self = this; var finish = function(id) { if (!timeouts.hasOwnProperty(id)) return; delete timeouts[id]; self.resume(); }; window.setTimeout = function(callback, delay) { var id =, function() { try { switch (typeof callback) { case 'function': callback(); break; case 'string': eval(callback); break; } } finally { finish(id); } }, delay); if (self.monitor) { timeouts[id] = true; self.suspend(); } return id; }; window.clearTimeout = function(id) { finish(id); return clear(id); }; this._setTimeout = timeout; } }, AjaxMonitor: { initialize: function() { if (window.jQuery) this._patchJquery(); }, _patchJquery: function() { var ajax = jQuery.ajax; jQuery.ajax = function(url, settings) { var options = ((typeof url === 'string') ? settings : url) || {}, complete = options.complete, monitor = Terminus.Worker.monitor; options.complete = function() { var result; try { result = complete.apply(this, arguments); } finally { if (monitor) Terminus.Worker.resume(); } return result; }; if (monitor) Terminus.Worker.suspend(); if (typeof url === 'string') return, url, options); else return, options); }; } } };