#-- # Cloud Foundry # Copyright (c) [2009-2014] Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ require 'spec_helper' require 'uaa' require 'pp' # ENV['UAA_CLIENT_ID'] = 'admin' # ENV['UAA_CLIENT_SECRET'] = 'admin_secret' # ENV['UAA_CLIENT_TARGET'] = 'https://login.identity.cf-app.com' # ENV['UAA_CLIENT_TARGET'] = 'http://localhost:8080/uaa' #Set this variable if you want to test skip_ssl_validation option. #Make sure that UAA_CLIENT_TARGET points to https endpoint with self-signed certificate. #It will run all the tests with ssl validation set to false # ENV['SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION'] = 'yes' #Set this variable to test ssl_ca_file option. #Make sure that UAA_CLIENT_TARGET points to https endpoint with self-signed certificate. # ENV['SSL_CA_FILE'] = '~/workspace/identity-cf.cert' #Set this variable to test cert_store option. #Make sure that UAA_CLIENT_TARGET points to https endpoint with self-signed certificate. # ENV['CERT_STORE'] = '~/workspace/identity-cf.cert' module CF::UAA def self.admin_scim(options) admin_client = ENV['UAA_CLIENT_ID'] || 'admin' admin_secret = ENV['UAA_CLIENT_SECRET'] || 'adminsecret' target = ENV['UAA_CLIENT_TARGET'] admin_token_issuer = TokenIssuer.new(target, admin_client, admin_secret, options) Scim.new(target, admin_token_issuer.client_credentials_grant.auth_header, options.merge(:symbolize_keys => true)) end describe 'when UAA does not respond' do let(:http_timeout) { 0.01 } let(:default_http_client_timeout) { 60 } let(:scim) { Scim.new(@target, "", {:http_timeout => http_timeout}) } let(:token_issuer) { TokenIssuer.new(@target, "", "", {:http_timeout => http_timeout}) } let(:blackhole_ip) { ''} before do @target = "http://#{blackhole_ip}" end it 'times out the connection at the configured time for the scim' do expect { Timeout.timeout(default_http_client_timeout - 1) do scim.get(:user, "admin") end }.to raise_error HTTPClient::TimeoutError end it 'times out the connection at the configured time for the token issuer' do expect { Timeout.timeout(default_http_client_timeout - 1) do token_issuer.client_credentials_grant end }.to raise_error HTTPClient::TimeoutError end end if ENV['UAA_CLIENT_TARGET'] describe 'UAA Integration:' do let(:options) { @options } let(:token_issuer) { TokenIssuer.new(@target, @test_client, @test_secret, options) } let(:scim) { Scim.new(@target, token_issuer.client_credentials_grant.auth_header, options.merge(:symbolize_keys => true)) } before :all do @options = {} if ENV['SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION'] @options = {:skip_ssl_validation => true} end @target = ENV['UAA_CLIENT_TARGET'] @test_client = "test_client_#{Time.now.to_i}" @test_secret = '+=tEsTsEcRet~!@' gids = ['clients.read', 'scim.read', 'scim.write', 'uaa.resource', 'password.write'] test_client = CF::UAA::admin_scim(@options).add(:client, :client_id => @test_client, :client_secret => @test_secret, :authorities => gids, :authorized_grant_types => ['client_credentials', 'password'], :scope => ['openid', 'password.write']) expect(test_client[:client_id]).to eq(@test_client) end after :all do admin_scim = CF::UAA::admin_scim(@options) admin_scim.delete(:client, @test_client) expect { admin_scim.id(:client, @test_client) }.to raise_exception(NotFound) end if ENV['SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION'] context 'when ssl certificate is self-signed' do let(:options) { {:skip_ssl_validation => false} } it 'fails if skip_ssl_validation is false' do expect{ scim }.to raise_exception(CF::UAA::SSLException) end end end if ENV['SSL_CA_FILE'] context 'when you do not skip SSL validation' do context 'when you provide cert' do let(:options) { {:ssl_ca_file => ENV['SSL_CA_FILE']} } it 'works' do expect(token_issuer.prompts).to_not be_nil end end context 'if you do not provide cert file' do let(:options) { {} } it 'fails' do expect{ scim }.to raise_exception(CF::UAA::SSLException) end end end end if ENV['CERT_STORE'] context 'when you do not skip SSL validation' do context 'when you provide cert store' do let(:cert_store) do cert_store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new cert_store.add_file File.expand_path(ENV['CERT_STORE']) cert_store end let(:options) { {:ssl_cert_store => cert_store} } it 'works' do expect(token_issuer.prompts).to_not be_nil end end context 'when you do not provide cert store' do let(:options) { {} } it 'fails' do expect{ scim }.to raise_exception(CF::UAA::SSLException) end end end end it 'should report the uaa client version' do expect(VERSION).to match(/\d+.\d+.\d+/) end it 'makes sure the server is there by getting the prompts for an implicit grant' do expect(token_issuer.prompts).to_not be_nil end it 'gets a token with client credentials' do tkn = token_issuer.client_credentials_grant expect(tkn.auth_header).to match(/^bearer\s/i) info = TokenCoder.decode(tkn.info['access_token'], :verify => false, :symbolize_keys => true) expect(info[:exp]).to be expect(info[:jti]).to be end it 'complains about an attempt to delete a non-existent user' do expect { scim.delete(:user, 'non-existent-user') }.to raise_exception(NotFound) end context 'as a client' do before :each do @username = "sam_#{Time.now.to_i}" @user_pwd = "sam's P@55w0rd~!`@\#\$%^&*()_/{}[]\\|:\";',.<>?/" usr = scim.add(:user, :username => @username, :password => @user_pwd, :emails => [{:value => 'sam@example.com'}], :name => {:givenname => 'none', :familyname => 'none'}) @user_id = usr[:id] end it 'deletes the user' do scim.delete(:user, @user_id) expect { scim.id(:user, @username) }.to raise_exception(NotFound) expect { scim.get(:user, @user_id) }.to raise_exception(NotFound) end context 'when user exists' do after :each do scim.delete(:user, @user_id) expect { scim.id(:user, @username) }.to raise_exception(NotFound) expect { scim.get(:user, @user_id) }.to raise_exception(NotFound) end it 'creates a user' do expect(@user_id).to be end it 'finds the user by name' do expect(scim.id(:user, @username)).to eq(@user_id) end it 'gets the user by id' do user_info = scim.get(:user, @user_id) expect(user_info[:id]).to eq(@user_id) expect(user_info[:username]).to eq(@username) end it 'lists all users' do expect(scim.query(:user)).to be end it "changes the user's password by name" do expect(scim.change_password(scim.id(:user, @username), 'newpassword')[:status]).to eq('ok') end it 'should get a uri to be sent to the user agent to initiate autologin' do redir_uri = 'http://call.back/uri_path' uri_parts = token_issuer.autologin_uri(redir_uri, :username => @username, :password =>@user_pwd ).split('?') expect(uri_parts[0]).to eq("#{ENV['UAA_CLIENT_TARGET']}/oauth/authorize") params = Util.decode_form(uri_parts[1], :sym) expect(params[:response_type]).to eq('code') expect(params[:client_id]).to eq(@test_client) expect(params[:scope]).to be_nil expect(params[:redirect_uri]).to eq(redir_uri) expect(params[:state]).to be expect(params[:code]).to be end end end end end end