module BestNbaPlayersS18 class CLI URL = "" COLORIER = ->(player){ color = "" color = :green if player.trend == "up" color = :red if player.trend == "down" color } def collections = BestNbaPlayersS18::Scraper.scrape_page(URL) BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.create_players_from_collection collections end def self.start run system "cls" or system "clear" puts "Welcome to best_nba_players_18 gem","--**player's trend ("+"upswing".colorize(:green)+", constant, "+"decline".colorize(:red)+ ") .**--\n" input = "" until input == "n" or input == "no" opt = -1 until opt > 0 and opt <= 10 puts "Invalid input!!! \n" if opt == 0 or opt >= 10 rows = [ ["1. List all players by ranking","2. List all players by Age"], ["3. List all players by points","4. List all players by rebounds"], ["5. List all players by assists","6. List all players by 3pt"], ["7. List all players by blocks","8. List all players by free throw"], ["9. Group by trend","10. Exit"], ] puts :title => "Menu", :rows => rows, :style => {:all_separators => true} print "=> " opt = gets.strip.to_i system "cls" or system "clear" end break if opt == 10 if opt != 9 #sort the @@all by_input #return an array for stats order = BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.sort opt until input == "n" or input == "no" puts "\n What number of players do you want to see? 1-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80 or 81-100? " print "=> " n_palyer = gets.strip.to_i n_palyer = 1 if n_palyer == 0 n_palyer = 80 if n_palyer > 100 #print_players index print_players n_palyer, order if order.class == String print_players n_palyer, order[0], order[1] if order.class == Array puts "What player do you want to see more information on?" print "=> " input = gets.strip.to_i input = 100 if input > 100 #print_player index player = BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.find input print_player player puts "Do you want to see information about another player? (y/n)" print "=> " input = gets.strip.downcase end else until input == "n" or input == "no" puts "\n What group of trends do you want to see?"," (1- constant, 2-"+" upswing".colorize(:green)+", 3-"+" decline".colorize(:red)+")" print "=> " n_trend = gets.strip.to_i n_trend = 1 if n_trend == 0 n_trend = 3 if n_trend > 3 choices = ["neutral", "up", "down"] by_input = choices[n_trend-1] #print_players group by_input print_players_group by_input puts "What player do you want to see more information on?" print "=> " input = gets.strip.to_i sizeg = BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.group_size by_input input = sizeg if input > sizeg #print_player index player = BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.find_group input, by_input print_player player puts "Do you want to see information about another player? (y/n)" print "=> " input = gets.strip.downcase end end puts "Do you want to list all players? (y/n)" print "=> " input = gets.strip.downcase # system "cls" or system "clear" end puts "Goodbye !!" end def self.print_players(from_number, order = "rank", stats = "") if stats == "" rows = BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.all[from_number-1, 20].each.with_index(from_number).map do |player, index| [index,, "#{order}:#{player.send(order)}"] end else rows = BestNbaPlayersS18::Players.all[from_number-1, 20].each.with_index(from_number).map do |player, index| [index,, "#{stats} : #{player.send(order)[stats.to_sym]}"] end end puts :title => "Players #{from_number} - #{from_number+19}", :rows => rows, :style => {:all_separators => true} end def self.print_player player table = :title => "#{}", :rows => [ ["Age", player.statistics[:AGE].colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["Position", player.position.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["Team",], ["Rank", player.rank.to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["PPG", player.statistics[:PPG].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["RPG", player.statistics[:RPG].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["APG", player.statistics[:APG].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["BLK", player.statistics[:BLK].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["FT", player.statistics[:FT].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["Steal", player.statistics[:STL].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["FG", player.statistics[:FG].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))], ["3PT", player.statistics[:THREEPT].to_s.colorize(COLORIER.(player))] ] puts table end def self.print_players_group by_input arr, rows = [], [] do |player, i| arr.push i,, " " if arr.size == 6 rows << arr arr = [] end end rows << arr title = {up: "UPSWING".colorize(:green), down: "DECLINE".colorize(:red), neutral: "CONSTANT"} puts :title => title[by_input.to_sym], :rows => rows, :style =>{:all_separators => true} end end end