import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; export default class extends Controller { activeIndex = 0; connect() { this.activeIndex = 0; this.showTab(); const tabs = this.element.querySelectorAll(".tab-content"); tabs[0].classList.remove("hidden"); } switchTab(event) { this.activeIndex = parseInt(event.currentTarget.dataset.tabIndex); this.showTab(); } showTab() { // Get all elements with the class "tab-content". // Should only be the one within the tab_component.html.erb partial const tabs = this.element.querySelectorAll(".tab-content"); // Iterate over each tab tabs.forEach((tab, index) => { // Get all direct children of the current tab const directChildren = Array.from(tab.children); // Iterate over each direct child to hide or show directChildren.forEach((child, i) => { let element = this.element.querySelector( `button[data-tab-index="${i}"]` ); if (i === this.activeIndex) { child.classList.remove("hidden"); element.classList.add("border-gray-900"); element.classList.add("text-gray-900"); element.classList.remove("text-gray-400"); } else { child.classList.add("hidden"); element.classList.remove("border-gray-900"); element.classList.remove("text-gray-900") element.classList.add("text-gray-400"); } }); }); } }