#- ©2009 Rick DeNatale, All rights reserved. Refer to the file README.txt for the license require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper]) describe RiCal::Component::Event do context "rdate property methods" do before(:each) do @event = RiCal.Event do rdate "20090101" end end context "#rdate=" do it "should accept a single Date and replace the existing rdate" do @event.rdate = Date.parse("20090102") @event.rdate.should == [[Date.parse("20090102")]] end it "should accept a single rfc2445 date format string and replace the existing rdate" do @event.rdate = "20090102" @event.rdate.should == [[Date.parse("20090102")]] end it "should accept a single DateTime and replace the existing rdate" do @event.rdate = DateTime.parse("20090102T012345") @event.rdate.should == [[DateTime.parse("20090102T012345")]] end it "should accept a single Time and replace the existing rdate" do ::RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.default_tzid = 'UTC' @event.rdate = Time.local(2009, 1, 2, 1, 23, 45) @event.rdate.should == [[result_time_in_zone(2009, 1, 2, 1, 23, 45, "UTC")]] end it "should accept a single rfc2445 date-time format string and replace the existing rdate" do @event.rdate = "20090102T012345" @event.rdate.should == [[DateTime.parse("20090102T012345")]] end it "should accept a tzid prefixed rfc2445 date-time format string and replace the existing rdate" do @event.rdate = "TZID=America/New_York:20090102T012345" @event.rdate.should == [[result_time_in_zone(2009, 1, 2, 1, 23, 45, "America/New_York")]] end end end context "comment property methods" do before(:each) do @event = RiCal.Event @event.comment = "Comment" end context "#comment=" do it "should result in a single comment for the event" do @event.comment.should == ["Comment"] end it "should replace existing comments" do @event.comment = "Replacement" @event.comment.should == ["Replacement"] end end context "#comments=" do it "should result in a multiple comments for the event replacing existing comments" do @event.comments = "New1", "New2" @event.comment.should == ["New1", "New2"] end end context "#add_comment" do it "should add a single comment" do @event.add_comment "New1" @event.comment.should == ["Comment", "New1"] end end context "#add_comments" do it "should add multiple comments" do @event.add_comments "New1", "New2" @event.comment.should == ["Comment", "New1", "New2"] end end context "#remove_comment" do it "should remove a single comment" do @event.add_comment "New1" @event.remove_comment "Comment" @event.comment.should == ["New1"] end end context "#remove_comments" do it "should remove multiple comments" do @event.add_comments "New1", "New2", "New3" @event.remove_comments "New2", "Comment" @event.comment.should == ["New1", "New3"] end end end context ".dtstart=" do before(:each) do @event = RiCal.Event end context "with a datetime only string" do before(:each) do @event.dtstart = "20090514T202400" @it = @event.dtstart end it "should interpret it as the correct date-time" do @it.should == DateTime.civil(2009, 5, 14, 20, 24, 00, Rational(0,24)) end it "should interpret it as a floating date" do @it.tzid.should == :floating end end context "with a TZID and datetime string" do before(:each) do @event.dtstart = "TZID=America/New_York:20090514T202400" @it = @event.dtstart end it "should interpret it as the correct date-time" do @it.should == result_time_in_zone(2009, 5, 14, 20, 24, 00, "America/New_York") end it "should set the tzid to America/New_York" do @it.tzid.should == "America/New_York" end end context "with a zulu datetime only string" do before(:each) do @event.dtstart = "20090514T202400Z" @it = @event.dtstart end it "should interpret it as the correct date-time" do @it.should == DateTime.civil(2009, 5, 14, 20, 24, 00, Rational(0,24)) end it "should set the tzid to UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "UTC" end end context "with a date string" do before(:each) do @event.dtstart = "20090514" @it = @event.dtstart end it "should interpret it as the correct date-time" do @it.should == Date.parse("14 May 2009") end end end context ".entity_name" do it "should be VEVENT" do RiCal::Component::Event.entity_name.should == "VEVENT" end end context "with an rrule" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::Component::Event.parse_string("BEGIN:VEVENT\nRRULE:FREQ=DAILY\nEND:VEVENT").first end it "should have an array of rrules" do @it.rrule.should be_kind_of(Array) end end context ".start_time" do it "should be nil if there is no dtstart property" do RiCal.Event.start_time.should be_nil end it "should be the same as dtstart for a date time" do event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "20090525T151900"} event.start_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,25,15,19,0,0) end it "should be the start of the day of dtstart for a date" do event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "20090525"} event.start_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,25,0,0,0,0) end end context ".finish_time" do before(:each) do @event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "20090525T151900"} end context "with a given dtend" do it "should be the same as dtend for a date time" do @event.dtend = "20090525T161900" @event.finish_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,25,16,19,0,0) end end context "with no dtend" do context "and a duration" do it "should be the dtstart plus the duration" do @event.duration = "+P1H" @event.finish_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,5,25,16,19,0,0) end end context "and no duration" do context "when the dtstart is not set" do before(:each) do @event.dtstart_property = nil end it "should be nil" do @event.finish_time.should be_nil end end context "when the dstart is a datetime" do # For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component # specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE-TIME data type but no # "DTEND" property, the event ends on the same calendar date and time # of day specified by the "DTSTART" property. RFC 2445 p 53 it "should be the same as start_time" do @event.finish_time.should == @event.start_time end end context "when the dtstart is a date" do # For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" property with a DATE data type # but no "DTEND" property, the events non-inclusive end is the end of the calendar date specified by # the "DTSTART" property. RFC 2445 p 53 it "should be the end of the same day as start_time" do @event.dtstart = "20090525" @event.finish_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,5,25,23,59,59,0) end end end end end context ".zulu_occurrence_range_start_time" do it "should be nil if there is no dtstart property" do RiCal.Event.zulu_occurrence_range_start_time.should be_nil end it "should be the utc equivalent of dtstart for a date time" do event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "TZID=America/New_York:20090525T151900"} event.zulu_occurrence_range_start_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,25,19,19,0,0) end it "should be the utc time of the start of the day of dtstart in the earliest timezone for a date" do event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "20090525"} event.zulu_occurrence_range_start_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,24,12,0,0,0) end it "should be the utc time of the dtstart in the earliest timezone if dtstart is a floating datetime" do event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "20090525T151900"} event.zulu_occurrence_range_start_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,25,3,19,0,0) end end context ".zulu_occurrence_range_finish_time" do before(:each) do @event = RiCal.Event {|e| e.dtstart = "TZID=America/New_York:20090525T151900"} end context "with a given dtend" do it "should be the utc equivalent of dtend if dtend is a date time" do @event.dtend = "TZID=America/New_York:20090525T161900" @event.zulu_occurrence_range_finish_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,05,25, 20,19,0,0) end end context "with no dtend" do context "and a duration" do it "should be the dtstart plus the duration" do @event.duration = "+P1H" @event.zulu_occurrence_range_finish_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,5,25,20 ,19,0,0) end end context "and no duration" do context "when the dtstart is not set" do before(:each) do @event.dtstart_property = nil end it "should be nil" do @event.zulu_occurrence_range_finish_time.should be_nil end end context "when the dstart is a datetime" do it "should be the same as start_time" do @event.zulu_occurrence_range_finish_time.should == @event.zulu_occurrence_range_start_time end end context "when the dtstart is a date" do it "should be the utc of end of the same day as start_time in the westermost time zone" do @event.dtstart = "20090525" @event.zulu_occurrence_range_finish_time.should == DateTime.civil(2009,5,26,11,59,59,0) end end end end end context "description property" do before(:each) do @ical_desc = "posted by Joyce per Zan\\nASheville\\, Rayan's Restauratn\\, Biltm\n ore Square" @ruby_desc = "posted by Joyce per Zan\nASheville, Rayan's Restauratn, Biltmore Square" @it = RiCal::Component::Event.parse_string("BEGIN:VEVENT\nDESCRIPTION:#{@ical_desc}\nEND:VEVENT").first end it "should product the converted ruby value" do @it.description.should == @ruby_desc end it "should produce escaped text for ical" do @it.description = "This is a\nnew description, yes; it is" @it.description_property.value.should == 'This is a\nnew description\, yes\; it is' end end context "with both dtend and duration specified" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::Component::Event.parse_string("BEGIN:VEVENT\nDTEND:19970903T190000Z\nDURATION:H1\nEND:VEVENT").first end it "should be invalid" do @it.should_not be_valid end end context "with a duration property" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::Component::Event.parse_string("BEGIN:VEVENT\nDURATION:H1\nEND:VEVENT").first end it "should have a duration property" do @it.duration_property.should be end it "should have a duration of 1 Hour" do @it.duration_property.value.should == "H1" end it "should reset the duration property if the dtend property is set" do @it.dtend_property = "19970101T123456".to_ri_cal_date_time_value @it.duration_property.should be_nil end it "should reset the duration property if the dtend ruby value is set" do @it.dtend = "19970101" @it.duration_property.should == nil end end context "with a dtend property" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::Component::Event.parse_string("BEGIN:VEVENT\nDTEND:19970903T190000Z\nEND:VEVENT").first end it "should have a duration property" do @it.dtend_property.should be end it "should reset the dtend property if the duration property is set" do @it.duration_property = "P1H".to_ri_cal_duration_value @it.dtend_property.should be_nil end it "should reset the dtend property if the duration ruby value is set" do @it.duration = "P1H".to_ri_cal_duration_value @it.dtend_property.should be_nil end end context "with a nested alarm component" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::Component::Event.parse_string("BEGIN:VEVENT\nDTEND:19970903T190000Z\n\nBEGIN:VALARM\nEND:VALARM\nEND:VEVENT").first end it "should have one alarm" do @it.alarms.length.should == 1 end it "which should be an Alarm component" do @it.alarms.first.should be_kind_of(RiCal::Component::Alarm) end end context ".export" do require 'rubygems' require 'tzinfo' def date_time_with_tzinfo_zone(date_time, timezone="America/New_York") date_time.dup.set_tzid(timezone) end # Undo the effects of RFC2445 line folding def unfold(string) string.gsub("\n ", "") end before(:each) do cal = RiCal.Calendar @it = RiCal::Component::Event.new(cal) end it "should cause a VTIMEZONE to be included for a dtstart with a local timezone" do @it.dtstart = date_time_with_tzinfo_zone(DateTime.parse("April 22, 2009 17:55"), "America/New_York") unfold(@it.export).should match(/BEGIN:VTIMEZONE\nTZID;X-RICAL-TZSOURCE=TZINFO:America\/New_York\n/) end it "should properly format dtstart with a UTC date-time" do @it.dtstart = DateTime.parse("April 22, 2009 1:23:45").set_tzid("UTC") unfold(@it.export).should match(/^DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20090422T012345Z$/) end it "should properly format dtstart with a floating date-time" do @it.dtstart = DateTime.parse("April 22, 2009 1:23:45").with_floating_timezone unfold(@it.export).should match(/^DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20090422T012345$/) end it "should properly format dtstart with a local time zone" do @it.dtstart = date_time_with_tzinfo_zone(DateTime.parse("April 22, 2009 17:55"), "America/New_York") unfold(@it.export).should match(/^DTSTART;TZID=America\/New_York;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20090422T175500$/) end it "should properly format dtstart with a date" do @it.dtstart = Date.parse("April 22, 2009") unfold(@it.export).should match(/^DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20090422$/) end it "should properly fold on export when the description contains a carriage return" do @it.description = "Weather report looks nice, 80 degrees and partly cloudy, so following Michael's suggestion, let's meet at the food court at Crossroads:\n\rhttp://www.shopcrossroadsplaza.c...\n" export_string = @it.export export_string.should match(%r(^DESCRIPTION:Weather report looks nice\\, 80 degrees and partly cloudy\\, so$)) export_string.should match(%r(^ following Michael's suggestion\\, let's meet at the food court at Crossr$)) export_string.should match(%r(^ oads:\\nhttp://www\.shopcrossroadsplaza.c\.\.\.\\n$)) end end if RiCal::TimeWithZone context "with ActiveSupport loaded" do context "an event with an timezoned exdate" do before(:each) do @old_timezone = Time.zone Time.zone = "America/New_York" @exception_date_time = Time.zone.local(2009, 5, 19, 11, 13) cal = RiCal.Calendar do |cal| cal.event do |event| event.add_exdate @exception_date_time end end @event = cal.events.first end after(:each) do Time.zone = @old_timezone end it "should pickup the timezone in the exdate property" do @event.exdate.first.first.tzid.should == "America/New_York" end it "should have the timezone in the ical representation of the exdate property" do @event.exdate_property.to_s.should match(%r{;TZID=America/New_York[:;]}) end end context "An event in a non-tzinfo source calendar" do before(:each) do cals = RiCal.parse_string <