require 'net/ftp' require 'net/ftp/list' require 'tempfile' require 'tmpdir' require 'timeout' module Doc class Configurator class Ruby module Source def by_binary(binary, update) binary = (binary || 'ruby').to_s version =`#{binary} -e 'print "\#{RUBY_VERSION}-p\#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}"'`) if $?.success? if version.valid? by_version(version, update) else raise "invalid version from `#{binary}`: #{version.to_s.inspect}" end else raise "failed to get version from `#{binary}`" end end def by_version(version, update) version = if version.valid? if (update && !version.full_version?) || !path_for_version(version) download_version(version) end if path = path_for_version(version) ? from_dir(path) : from_archive(path) else raise "can't get ruby #{version}" end else raise "version should be in format X.Y, X.Y.Z or X.Y.Z-pPPP, download archive if you need release candidate or other version" end end def from_archive(path) path = FSPath(path) if path.file? if path.basename.to_s =~ /^(.*)(?i:\.(tar\.(?:gz|bz2)|tgz|tbz|zip))$/ dir, extension = sources_dir / $1, $2.downcase unless dir.exist? Dir.mktmpdir 'ruby' do |d| begin case extension when 'tbz', 'tar.bz2''tar', '-xjf', path, '-C', d) when 'tgz', 'tar.gz''tar', '-xzf', path, '-C', d) when 'zip''unzip', '-q', path, '-d', d) end children = FSPath(d).children if children.length == 1 children.first.rename(dir) else dir.mkpath children, dir end rescue SystemExit => e raise "got #{e} trying to extract archive" end end end from_dir(dir) else raise "#{path} doesn't seem to be archive of known type" end else raise "#{path} is not a file" end end def from_dir(path) path = FSPath(path) if version_path = path / 'version.h' if version_path.file? &&['RUBY_VERSION'] dot_document_path = path / '.document' if dot_document_path.size? path.expand_path else raise "#{path} doesn't contain .document file or it is empty" end else raise "#{path} doesn't contain version.h file or it has no RUBY_VERSION in it" end else raise "#{path} is not a directory" end end private def path_for_version(version) if path_info = PathInfo.latest_matching(version, sources_dir.children) path_info.path end end def tempfile_for(dst) 'ruby' do |f| path = FSPath(f.path) yield path path.rename(dst) end end def latest_version_from_tag_list(command, regexp, version) IO.popen(command, &:readlines).map do |line| if line.strip =~ regexp$1) end end.compact.sort.grep(version).last end def tmpdir_for_latest_version_from_tag_list(command, regexp, version) if tag_version = latest_version_from_tag_list(command, regexp, version) unless path_for_version(tag_version) Dir.mktmpdir 'ruby' do |d| tmp_dir = FSPath(d) / tag_version.dir_name if yield(tmp_dir, tag_version) tmp_dir.rename(sources_dir / tag_version.dir_name) end end end path_for_version(tag_version) end end def download_version(version) download_version_via(:git_pull, version) || download_version_via(:git_tarball, version) # git doesn't always have latest version so fast download from there, but verify latest from ftp/svn download_version_via(:ftp, version) || download_version_via(:svn, version) end def download_version_via(type, version) $stderr.puts "Checking/downloading ruby #{version} via #{type}" Timeout.timeout(90) do send("download_version_via_#{type}", version) end end FTP_HOST = '' SVN_TAGS_URL = '' SVN_TAG_LIST_COMMAND = "svn list --non-interactive #{SVN_TAGS_URL}" SVN_TAG_REGEXP = /^(v\d+(?:_\d+){3})\/$/ GIT_BARE_URL = '' GIT_URL = "git://#{GIT_BARE_URL}.git" GIT_TAG_LIST_COMMAND = "git ls-remote -t #{GIT_URL}" GIT_TAG_REGEXP = /^.*\t(refs\/tags\/v\d+(?:_\d+){3})$/ def download_version_via_ftp(version) do |ftp| ftp.passive = true ftp.login ftp_dir = FSPath('/pub/ruby') /[0, 2].join('.') entries = ftp.list(ftp_dir.to_s).map{ |e| Net::FTP::List.parse(e) } if archive_info = PathInfo.latest_matching(version, unless path_for_version(archive_info) entry = archive_info.path tempfile_for(sources_dir / entry.basename) do |f| ftp.getbinaryfile(ftp_dir / entry.basename, f) end end path_for_version(archive_info) end end end def download_version_via_svn(version) tmpdir_for_latest_version_from_tag_list(SVN_TAG_LIST_COMMAND, SVN_TAG_REGEXP, version) do |tmp_dir, tag_version| *%W[svn export -q --non-interactive #{SVN_TAGS_URL}#{tag_version}/ #{tmp_dir}] $?.success? end rescue SystemExit end def download_version_via_git_pull(version) tmpdir_for_latest_version_from_tag_list(GIT_TAG_LIST_COMMAND, GIT_TAG_REGEXP, version) do |tmp_dir, tag_version| tmp_dir.mkpath Dir.chdir(tmp_dir) do 'git init -q' *%W[git pull -q --depth=1 #{GIT_URL} #{tag_version}] (tmp_dir / '.git').rmtree end $?.success? end rescue SystemExit end def download_version_via_git_tarball(version) if tag_version = latest_version_from_tag_list(GIT_TAG_LIST_COMMAND, GIT_TAG_REGEXP, version) unless path_for_version(tag_version) tempfile_for(sources_dir / "#{tag_version.dir_name}.tgz") do |f| *%W[ curl -L -s http://#{GIT_BARE_URL}/tarball/#{tag_version.to_s.split('/').last} -o #{f} ] end end path_for_version(tag_version) end rescue SystemExit end end end end end