module Formtastic module Helpers # @private module FieldsetWrapper protected # Generates a fieldset and wraps the content in an ordered list. When working # with nested attributes, it allows %i as interpolation option in :name. So you can do: # # f.inputs :name => 'Task #%i', :for => :tasks # # or the shorter equivalent: # # f.inputs 'Task #%i', :for => :tasks # # And it will generate a fieldset for each task with legend 'Task #1', 'Task #2', # 'Task #3' and so on. # # Note: Special case for the inline inputs (non-block): # f.inputs "My little legend", :title, :body, :author # Explicit legend string => "My little legend" # f.inputs :my_little_legend, :title, :body, :author # Localized (118n) legend with I18n key => I18n.t(:my_little_legend, ...) # f.inputs :title, :body, :author # First argument is a column => (no legend) def field_set_and_list_wrapping(*args, &block) # @private contents = args[-1].is_a?(::Hash) ? '' : args.pop.flatten html_options = args.extract_options! if block_given? contents = if template.respond_to?(:is_haml?) && template.is_haml? template.capture_haml(&block) else template.capture(&block) end end # Work-around for empty contents block contents ||= "" # Ruby 1.9: String#to_s behavior changed, need to make an explicit join. contents = contents.join if contents.respond_to?(:join) legend = field_set_legend(html_options) fieldset = template.content_tag(:fieldset, legend.html_safe << template.content_tag(:ol, contents.html_safe), html_options.except(:builder, :parent, :name) ) fieldset end def field_set_legend(html_options) legend = (html_options[:name] || '').to_s # only applying if String includes '%i' avoids argument error when $DEBUG is true legend %= parent_child_index(html_options[:parent]) if html_options[:parent] && legend.include?('%i') legend = template.content_tag(:legend, template.content_tag(:span, legend.html_safe)) unless legend.blank? legend end # Gets the nested_child_index value from the parent builder. It returns a hash with each # association that the parent builds. def parent_child_index(parent) # @private # Could be {"post[authors_attributes]"=>0} or { :authors => 0 } duck = parent[:builder].instance_variable_get('@nested_child_index') # Could be symbol for the association, or a model (or an array of either, I think? TODO) child = parent[:for] # Pull a sybol or model out of Array (TODO: check if there's an Array) child = child.first if child.respond_to?(:first) # If it's an object, get a symbol from the class name child = unless child.is_a?(Symbol) key = "#{parent[:builder].object_name}[#{child}_attributes]" # TODO: One of the tests produces a scenario where duck is "0" and the test looks for a "1" # in the legend, so if we have a number, return it with a +1 until we can verify this scenario. return duck + 1 if duck.is_a?(Integer) # First try to extract key from duck Hash, then try child (duck[key] || duck[child]).to_i + 1 end end end end