jQuery ($) -> # Payment model order_id = $('#payments').data('order-id') class Payment constructor: (number) -> @url = Spree.url("#{Spree.routes.payments_api(order_id)}/#{number}.json" + '?token=' + Spree.api_key) @json = $.getJSON @url.toString(), (data) => @data = data @updating = false if_editable: (callback) -> @json.done (data) -> callback() if data.state in ['checkout', 'pending'] update: (attributes, success) -> @updating = true jqXHR = $.ajax type: 'PUT' url: @url.toString() data: { payment: attributes } jqXHR.always => @updating = false jqXHR.done (data) => @data = data jqXHR.fail -> response = jqXHR.responseJSON and jqXHR.responseJSON.error or jqXHR.statusText show_flash('error', response) amount: -> @data.amount display_amount: -> @data.display_amount # Payment base view class PaymentView constructor: (@$el, @payment) -> @render() render: -> @add_action_button() show: -> @remove_buttons() new ShowPaymentView(@$el, @payment) edit: -> @remove_buttons() new EditPaymentView(@$el, @payment) add_action_button: -> @$actions().prepend @$new_button(@action) remove_buttons: -> @$buttons().remove() $new_button: (action) -> $("") .attr class: "payment-action-#{action} btn btn-default btn-sm icon-link no-text with-tip" title: Spree.translations[action] .data action: action .one click: (event) -> event.preventDefault() mouseup: => @[action]() $buttons: -> @$actions().find(".payment-action-#{@action}, .payment-action-cancel") $actions: -> @$el.find('.actions') $amount: -> @$el.find('td.amount') # Payment show view class ShowPaymentView extends PaymentView action: 'edit' render: -> super @set_actions_display() @show_actions() @show_amount() set_actions_display: -> width = @$actions().width() @$actions().width(width).css('text-align', 'left') show_actions: -> @$actions().find('a').show() show_amount: -> amount = $('') .html(@payment.display_amount()) .one('click', => @edit().$input().focus()) @$amount().html(amount) # Payment edit view class EditPaymentView extends PaymentView action: 'save' render: -> super @hide_actions() @edit_amount() @add_cancel_button() add_cancel_button: -> @$actions().append @$new_button('cancel') hide_actions: -> @$actions().find('a').not(@$buttons()).hide() edit_amount: -> amount = @$amount() amount.html(@$new_input(amount.find('span').width())) save: (event) -> unless @payment.updating @payment.update(amount: @$input().val()) .done(=> @show()) cancel: @::show $new_input: (width) -> amount = @constructor.normalize_amount(@payment.display_amount()) $('') .prop(id: 'amount', value: amount) .width(width) .css('text-align': 'right') $input: -> @$amount().find('input') @normalize_amount: (amount) -> separator = Spree.translations.currency_separator amount.replace(///[^\d#{separator}]///g, '') # Attach ShowPaymentView to each editable payment in the table $('.admin tr[data-hook=payments_row]').each -> $el = $(@) payment = new Payment($el.attr('data-number')) payment.if_editable -> new ShowPaymentView($el, payment)