# heavily inspired by Rack::URLMap module Bunch class Middleware attr_accessor :app def initialize(app, options={}) unless options[:root_url] && options[:path] raise "Must provide :root_url and :path" end @app = app @root_url = options.delete(:root_url) @endpoint = Bunch::Rack.new(options.delete(:path), options) end def call(env) path = env['PATH_INFO'].to_s script_name = env['SCRIPT_NAME'] if path =~ root_regexp && (rest = $1) && (rest.empty? || rest[0] == ?/) @endpoint.call( env.merge( 'SCRIPT_NAME' => (script_name + @root_url), 'PATH_INFO' => rest ) ) else @app.call(env) end end protected def root_regexp Regexp.new("^#{Regexp.quote(@root_url).gsub('/', '/+')}(.*)") end end class << Middleware # Binds an instance of `Bunch::Middleware` in front of any instance # of the given middleware class. Whenever `klass` is instantiated, # any calls to `klass#call` will first pass through the single # instance of `Middleware` created by this method. # # You can compose any number of `Middleware` instances in front # of the same class. # # In practice, the purpose of this is to allow Bunch to take # precedence over `Rails::Rack::Static` in a Rails 2 context. # Since the server's instance of `Rails::Rack::Static` isn't part of # the `ActionController` stack, it isn't possible to use # Rails' normal middleware tools to insert Bunch in front of it, # which means any files in `public` would be served preferentially. # # @param [Class] klass Any Rack middleware class. # @param [Hash] options The options that would normally be passed to # `Bunch::Middleware#initialize`. # # @example # if Rails.env.development? # Bunch::Middleware.insert_before Rails::Rack::Static, # root_url: '/javascripts', path: 'app/scripts', no_cache: true # end def insert_before(klass, options={}) instance = new(nil, options) klass.class_eval do unbound_call = instance_method(:call) define_method(:call) do |env| instance.app = unbound_call.bind(self) instance.call(env) end end end end end