require "yaml" # use require_relative for # rake generate:function (without bundle) require_relative "function" module Torch module Native module Generator class << self def generate_cpp_functions functions = grouped_functions generate_cpp_file("torch", :define_singleton_method, functions[:torch]) generate_cpp_file("tensor", :define_method, functions[:tensor]) generate_cpp_file("nn", :define_singleton_method, functions[:nn]) end def grouped_functions functions = functions() # skip functions skip_args = ["bool[3]", "Dimname", "MemoryFormat", "Layout", "Storage", "ConstQuantizerPtr"] # remove functions functions.reject! do |f| f.ruby_name.start_with?("_") || f.ruby_name.end_with?("_backward") || f.args.any? { |a| a[:type].include?("Dimname") } end # separate out into todo todo_functions, functions = functions.partition do |f| f.args.any? do |a| a[:type].include?("?") && !["Tensor?", "Generator?", "int?", "ScalarType?"].include?(a[:type]) || skip_args.any? { |sa| a[:type].include?(sa) } || # native_functions.yaml is missing size argument for normal # (f.base_name == "normal" && !f.out?) end end # generate additional functions for optional arguments # there may be a better way to do this optional_functions, functions = functions.partition { |f| f.args.any? { |a| a[:type] == "int?" } } optional_functions.each do |f| next if f.ruby_name == "cross" next if f.ruby_name.start_with?("avg_pool") && f.out? opt_args = { |a| a[:type] == "int?" } if opt_args.size == 1 sep =".") ? "_" : "." f1 ="func" => f.func.sub("(", "#{sep}#{opt_args.first[:name]}(").gsub("int?", "int"))) # TODO only remove some arguments f2 ="func" => f.func.sub(/, int\?.+\) ->/, ") ->"))) functions << f1 functions << f2 end end # todo_functions.each do |f| # puts f.func # puts # end nn_functions, other_functions = functions.partition { |f| f.python_module == "nn" } torch_functions = { |f| f.variants.include?("function") } tensor_functions = { |f| f.variants.include?("method") } {torch: torch_functions, tensor: tensor_functions, nn: nn_functions} end private def generate_cpp_file(type, def_method, functions) hpp_template = <<-TEMPLATE // generated by rake generate:functions // do not edit by hand #pragma once void add_%{type}_functions(Module m); TEMPLATE cpp_template = <<-TEMPLATE // generated by rake generate:functions // do not edit by hand #include #include #include "templates.hpp" void add_%{type}_functions(Module m) { m %{functions}; } TEMPLATE cpp_defs = [] functions.sort_by(&:cpp_name).each do |func| fargs = func.args { |a| a[:type] != "Generator?" } cpp_args = [] fargs.each do |a| t = case a[:type] when "Tensor" "const Tensor &" when "Tensor?" # TODO better signature "OptionalTensor" when "ScalarType?" "OptionalScalarType" when "Tensor[]" "TensorList" when "int" "int64_t" when "float" "double" when /\Aint\[/ "IntArrayRef" when /Tensor\(\S!?\)/ "Tensor &" when "str" "std::string" else a[:type] end t = "MyReduction" if a[:name] == "reduction" && t == "int64_t" cpp_args << [t, a[:name]].join(" ").sub("& ", "&") end dispatch = func.out? ? "#{func.base_name}_out" : func.base_name args = { |a| a[:name] } args.unshift(*args.pop(func.out_size)) if func.out? args.delete("self") if def_method == :define_method prefix = def_method == :define_method ? "self." : "torch::" body = "#{prefix}#{dispatch}(#{args.join(", ")})" # TODO check type as well if func.ret_size > 1 body = "wrap(#{body})" end cpp_defs << ".#{def_method}( \"#{func.cpp_name}\", *[](#{cpp_args.join(", ")}) { return #{body}; })" end hpp_contents = hpp_template % {type: type} cpp_contents = cpp_template % {type: type, functions: cpp_defs.join("\n ")} path = File.expand_path("../../../ext/torch", __dir__) File.write("#{path}/#{type}_functions.hpp", hpp_contents) File.write("#{path}/#{type}_functions.cpp", cpp_contents) end def functions @native_functions ||= YAML.load_file(path).map { |f| } end def path File.expand_path("native_functions.yaml", __dir__) end end end end end