Measure Section <% measures.each do |measure| -%> <% end -%>
eMeasure Title Version neutral identifier eMeasure Version Number Version specific identifier
<%= measure.title %> <%= measure.hqmf_set_id %> <%= measure.hqmf_version_number %> <%= measure.hqmf_id %>
<% measures.each do |measure| -%> <%= measure.title %> <% # Only want the epxected values when running from Bonnie if patient.respond_to?('expected_values_for_qrda_export') -%> <% # # Going to assume that any expected_value > 0 is a TRUE # # As per HL7 CDA R2:QRDA I, R1, STU Release 3.1, US Realm, Vol. 2 —Templates and Supporting Material # # Set negationInd="false" to assert true (that the criteria are met by the included data). Set negationInd="true" to assert false (that the criteria are not met by the included data). # # QRDA expects IPOP instead of IPP. qrda_expected_values = patient.expected_values_for_qrda_export(measure) qrda_expected_values.each do |qev| -%> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% end -%>