module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class PacNetRavenGateway < Gateway AVS_ADDRESS_CODES = { 'avs_address_unavailable' => 'X', 'avs_address_not_checked' => 'X', 'avs_address_matched' => 'Y', 'avs_address_not_matched' => 'N', 'avs_address_partial_match' => 'N' } AVS_POSTAL_CODES = { 'avs_postal_unavailable' => 'X', 'avs_postal_not_checked' => 'X', 'avs_postal_matched' => 'Y', 'avs_postal_not_matched' => 'N', 'avs_postal_partial_match' => 'N' } CVV2_CODES = { 'cvv2_matched' => 'Y', 'cvv2_not_matched' => 'N', 'cvv2_unavailable' => 'X', 'cvv2_not_checked' => 'X' } self.live_url = '' self.test_url = self.live_url self.supported_countries = ['US'] self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master] self.money_format = :cents self.default_currency = 'USD' self.homepage_url = '' self.display_name = 'Raven' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :user, :secret, :prn) super end def authorize(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_currency_code(post, money, options) add_address(post, options) post['PRN'] = @options[:prn] commit('cc_preauth', money, post) end def purchase(money, creditcard, options = {}) post = {} add_currency_code(post, money, options) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_address(post, options) post['PRN'] = @options[:prn] commit('cc_debit', money, post) end def void(authorization, options = {}) post = {} post['TrackingNumber'] = authorization post['PymtType'] = options[:pymt_type] commit('void', nil, post) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) post = {} post['PreauthNumber'] = authorization post['PRN'] = @options[:prn] add_currency_code(post, money, options) commit('cc_settle', money, post) end def refund(money, template_number, options = {}) post = {} post['PRN'] = @options[:prn] post['TemplateNumber'] = template_number add_currency_code(post, money, options) commit('cc_refund', money, post) end private def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post['CardNumber'] = creditcard.number post['Expiry'] = expdate(creditcard) post['CVV2'] = creditcard.verification_value if creditcard.verification_value end def add_currency_code(post, money, options) post['Currency'] = options[:currency] || currency(money) end def add_address(post, options) if address = options[:billing_address] || options[:address] post['BillingStreetAddressLineOne'] = address[:address1].to_s post['BillingStreetAddressLineFour'] = address[:address2].to_s post['BillingPostalCode'] = address[:zip].to_s end end def parse(body) Hash[body.split('&').map{|x| x.split('=').map{|y| CGI.unescape(y)}}] end def commit(action, money, parameters) parameters['Amount'] = amount(money) unless action == 'void' data = ssl_post url(action), post_data(action, parameters) response = parse(data) response[:action] = action message = message_from(response) test_mode = test? || message =~ /TESTMODE/, message, response, :test => test_mode, :authorization => response['TrackingNumber'], :fraud_review => fraud_review?(response), :avs_result => { :postal_match => AVS_POSTAL_CODES[response['AVSPostalResponseCode']], :street_match => AVS_ADDRESS_CODES[response['AVSAddressResponseCode']] }, :cvv_result => CVV2_CODES[response['CVV2ResponseCode']] ) end def url(action) (test? ? self.test_url : self.live_url) + endpoint(action) end def endpoint(action) return 'void' if action == 'void' 'submit' end def fraud_review?(response) false end def success?(response) if %w(cc_settle cc_debit cc_preauth cc_refund).include?(response[:action]) !response['ApprovalCode'].nil? and response['ErrorCode'].nil? and response['Status'] == 'Approved' elsif response[:action] = 'void' !response['ApprovalCode'].nil? and response['ErrorCode'].nil? and response['Status'] == 'Voided' end end def message_from(response) return response['Message'] if response['Message'] if response['Status'] == 'Approved' "This transaction has been approved" elsif response['Status'] == 'Declined' "This transaction has been declined" elsif response['Status'] == 'Voided' "This transaction has been voided" else response['Status'] end end def post_data(action, parameters = {}) post = {} post['PymtType'] = action post['RAPIVersion'] = '2' post['UserName'] = @options[:user] post['Timestamp'] = timestamp post['RequestID'] = request_id post['Signature'] = signature(action, post, parameters) request = post.merge(parameters).collect { |key, value| "#{key}=#{CGI.escape(value.to_s)}" }.join("&") request end def timestamp"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.Z") end def request_id SecureRandom.uuid end def signature(action, post, parameters = {}) string = if %w(cc_settle cc_debit cc_preauth cc_refund).include?(action) post['UserName'] + post['Timestamp'] + post['RequestID'] + post['PymtType'] + parameters['Amount'].to_s + parameters['Currency'] elsif action == 'void' post['UserName'] + post['Timestamp'] + post['RequestID'] + parameters['TrackingNumber'] else post['UserName'] end OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest([:secret]), @options[:secret], string) end end end end