en: geoblacklight: bbox_label: 'Bounding Box' download: download: 'Download' download_link: 'Original %{download_format}' success: 'Your file %{title} is ready for download' hgl_success: 'You should receive an email when your download is ready.' hgl_request: 'Request Layer' hgl_request_button: 'Request' hgl_close: 'Close' hgl_instructions: 'Please enter your email address. You will receive a link to download the layer when it is ready.' ## new variable hgl_email: 'Email' error: 'Sorry, the requested file could not be downloaded' error_with_url: 'Sorry, the requested file could not be downloaded. Try downloading it directly from: %{link}' export_formats: 'Export Formats' export_link: 'Export' export_shapefile_link: 'EPSG:4326 Shapefile' export_kmz_link: 'KMZ' export_geojson_link: 'GeoJSON' home: headline: 'Explore and discover...' search_heading: 'Find the maps and data you need' category_heading: 'Find by...' map_heading: 'Find by location' institution: 'Institution' data_type: 'Data type' placename: 'Placename' subject: 'Subject' tools: login_to_view: 'Login to view and download' open_carto: 'Open in Carto' open_arcgis: 'Open in ArcGIS' formats: arcgrid: 'ArcGRID' geojson: 'GeoJSON' geotiff: 'GeoTIFF' kmz: 'KMZ' shapefile: 'Shapefile' jpg: 'JPG' esri_geodatabase: 'ESRI Geodatabase' sqlite_database: 'SQLite Database' references: wms: 'Web Mapping Service (WMS)' wms_abv: 'WMS' wms_label: 'layers' wfs: 'Web Feature Service (WFS)' wfs_abv: 'WFS' wfs_label: 'typeNames' iiif: 'International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)' iso19139: 'ISO 19139' mods: 'MODS' fgdc: 'FGDC' html: 'HTML' feature_layer: 'ArcGIS Feature Layer' tiled_map_layer: 'ArcGIS Tiled Map Layer' dynamic_map_layer: 'ArcGIS Dynamic Map Layer' image_map_layer: 'ArcGIS Image Map Layer' data_dictionary: 'Documentation' services: 'Web services' services_close: 'Close' relations: ancestor: 'Is derived from...' browse_all: "Browse all %{count} records..." descendant: 'Has derivatives...' member_of_ancestors: 'Belongs to collection...' member_of_descendants: 'Collection records...' part_of_ancestors: 'Is part of...' part_of_descendants: 'Has part...' relation: 'Related Records' replaces: 'Item replaces...' source: 'Source Datasets' title: 'Related items...' version_of_ancestors: 'Is version of...' version_of_descendants: 'Has version...' metadata: view_metadata: 'View Metadata' more_details: 'Visit Source' metadata_error: 'The metadata view for selected schema is not available' metadata_trace: 'Please select another metadata view. Alternately, try downloading the file or reaching out to the holding institution.' show: attribute: 'Attribute' value: 'Value' click_map: 'Click on map to inspect values' help_text: viewer_protocol: b1g_image: title: Static Image content: A downloadable image. download: title: Static Image content: A downloadable image. dynamic_map_layer: title: ArcGIS Dynamic Map Layer content: An ArcGIS Dynamic Map Layer represents vector data (points, lines, and polygons). Map image layers are dynamically rendered image tiles. feature_layer: title: ArcGIS Feature Layer content: An ArcGIS Feature Layer Service displays vector data (points, lines, and polygons) as individual or collected features. iiif: title: IIIF Service content: The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) web service API displays an image from a server. This image can be panned and zoomed. iiif_manifest: title: IIIF Service content: The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) web service API displays an image from a server. This image can be panned and zoomed. image_map_layer: title: ArcGIS Image Map Layer content: An ArcGIS Image Map Layer displays raster data (a grid of cells used to store imagery). index_map: title: Index Map content: Index maps are a "table of contents" that allow users to select a specific map or item within a larger set and navigate to it for viewing or downloading. oembed: title: Embedded Content content: This content is embedded through a third-party viewer. tiled_map_layer: title: ArcGIS Tiled Map Layer content: An ArcGIS Tiled Map Layer Service displays set of web-accessible tiles that reside on a server. wms: title: Web Map Service (WMS) content: A Web Map Service displays a geospatial dataset as map images. aria-labels: arrow-circle-down: Arrow within a circle, pointing down (icon) baruch-cuny: Baruch College (logo) berkeley: University of California, Berkeley (logo) book: Book (icon) bookmark: Bookmark (icon) cd-rom: CD-Rom (icon) chicago: The University of Chicago (logo) columbia: Columbia University (logo) cornell: Cornell University (logo) dvd-rom: DVD-Rom (icon) email: Email (icon) esri-globe: Esri Global (logo) globe: Globe (icon) harvard: Harvard University (logo) home: Home (icon) illinois: University of Illinois (logo) image: Image (icon) indiana: Indiana University (logo) iowa: University of Iowa (logo) leaf: Leaf (icon) lewis-clark: Lewis & Clark (logo) line: Line (icon) map-marker: Map marker (icon) map: Map (icon) maryland: University of Maryland (logo) massgis: MassGIS (logo) metadata: Metadata (icon) michigan-state: Michigan State University (logo) michigan: University of Michigan (logo) minnesota: University of Minnesota (logo) mit: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (logo) mixed: Mixed (icon) multilinestring: Multi-line string (icon) multipoint: Multi-point (icon) multipolygon: Multi-polygon (icon) nyu: New York University (logo) ohio-state: The Ohio State University (logo) pagelines-brands: Pagelines brands (icon) paper-map: Paper map (icon) penn-state: Penn State University (logo) point: Point (icon) polygon: Polygon (icon) polyline: Polyline (icon) princeton: Princeton University (logo) public: Public content (icon) purdue: Purdue University (logo) raster: Raster (icon) restricted: Restricted content (icon) sms: SMS (icon) stanford: Stanford University (logo) table: Table (icon) tags: Tags (icon) texas: The University of Texas at Austin (logo) tufts: Tufts University (logo) ucla: University of California, Los Angeles (logo) uva: University of Virginia (logo) web_services: Web services (icon) wisconsin: University of Wisconsin (logo)