shared_examples_for :it_converts do |conversion_mapping| non_native_ok = conversion_mapping.delete(:non_native_ok) conversion_mapping.each do |obj, expected_result| it "#{obj.inspect} to #{expected_result.inspect}" do actual_result = subject.receive(obj) actual_result.should eql(expected_result) subject.native?( obj).should be_false subject.blankish?(obj).should be_false unless non_native_ok then subject.native?(actual_result).should be_true ; end end end end shared_examples_for :it_considers_native do |*native_objs| it native_objs.inspect do native_objs.each do |obj| subject.native?( obj).should be_true actual_result = subject.receive(obj) actual_result.should equal(obj) end end end shared_examples_for :it_considers_blankish do |*blankish_objs| it blankish_objs.inspect do blankish_objs.each do |obj| subject.blankish?(obj).should be_true subject.receive(obj).should be_nil end end end shared_examples_for :it_is_a_mismatch_for do |*mismatched_objs| it mismatched_objs.inspect do mismatched_objs.each do |obj| ->{ subject.receive(obj) }.should raise_error(Gorillib::Factory::FactoryMismatchError) end end end shared_examples_for :it_is_registered_as do |*keys| it "the factory for #{keys}" do keys.each do |key| Gorillib::Factory(key).should be_a(described_class) end its_factory = Gorillib::Factory(keys.first) Gorillib::Factory.send(:factories){|key,val| val.equal?(its_factory) }.keys.should == keys end end # hand it a collection with entries 1, 2, 3 please shared_examples_for :an_enumerable_factory do it "accepts a factory for its items" do mock_factory = double('factory') mock_factory.should_receive(:receive).with(1) mock_factory.should_receive(:receive).with(2) mock_factory.should_receive(:receive).with(3) factory = => mock_factory) factory.receive( collection_123 ) end it "can generate an empty collection" do subject.empty_product.should == empty_collection end it "lets you override the empty collection" do ep = double; ep.should_receive(:try_dup).and_return 'hey' subject = => ep) subject.empty_product.should == 'hey' subject = => ->{ 'yo' }) subject.empty_product.should == 'yo' end end