require 'spec_helper' require 'r10k/util/subprocess' describe R10K::Util::Subprocess do describe "selecting the runner implementation" do it "uses the windows implementation on Windows platforms" do expect(R10K::Util::Platform).to receive(:windows?).and_return true expect(described_class.runner).to eq R10K::Util::Subprocess::Windows::Runner end it "uses the posix implementation when not on windows" do expect(R10K::Util::Platform).to receive(:windows?).and_return true expect(described_class.runner).to eq R10K::Util::Subprocess::Windows::Runner end end describe "running commands" do subject {['/bin/echo', 'hello', 'world']) } let(:runner) do double('R10K::Util::Subprocess::Runner').tap do |i| allow(i).to receive(:run) allow(i).to receive(:result).and_return(result) end end let(:result) { double('R10K::Util::Subprocess::Result').as_null_object } before do allow(described_class).to receive(:runner).and_return(double(:new => runner)) end it "copies the cwd to the runner if a cwd is given" do expect(runner).to receive(:cwd=).with('/tmp') subject.cwd = '/tmp' subject.execute end it "returns the result from the execution" do expect(subject.execute).to eq result end describe "when the command returned with a non-zero exit status" do before do allow(runner).to receive(:crashed?).and_return true end it "raises an exception if raise_on_fail is true" do if RUBY_VERSION =~ /^2\./ pending "Ruby 2.x and RSpec 2.x fail when raising an exception with a custom #to_s method" end subject.raise_on_fail = true allow(result).to receive(:exit_code).and_return(255) allow(result).to receive(:stderr).and_return('Command not found') expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(R10K::Util::Subprocess::SubprocessError, /Command .* exited with 255: Command not found/) end it "doesn't raise an exception if raise_on_fail is false" do subject.raise_on_fail = false expect { subject.execute }.to_not raise_error end end end end