# frozen_string_literal: true
require "action_view"
module Datagrid
# # Datagrid Frontend Guide
# ## Description
# The easiest way to start with Datagrid frontend is by using the generator:
# ``` sh
# rails generate datagrid:scaffold users
# ```
# This command builds the controller, view, route, and adds
# [built-in CSS](https://github.com/bogdan/datagrid/blob/master/app/assets/stylesheets/datagrid.sass).
# Datagrid includes helpers and a form builder for easy frontend generation.
# If you need a fully-featured custom GUI, create your templates manually
# with the help of the {Datagrid::Columns} API.
# ## Controller and Routing
# Grids usually implement the `index` action of a Rails REST resource. Here's an example:
# resources :models, only: [:index]
# Use the `GET` method in the form, and the controller becomes straightforward:
# class ModelsController < ApplicationController
# def index
# @grid = ModelsGrid.new(params[:my_report]) do |scope|
# scope.page(params[:page]) # See pagination section
# end
# end
# end
# To apply additional scoping conditions, such as visibility based on the current user:
# ModelsGrid.new(params[:my_report]) do |scope|
# scope.where(owner_id: current_user.id).page(params[:page])
# end
# To pass an object to a grid instance, define it as an accessible attribute:
# class ModelsGrid
# attr_accessor :current_user
# end
# Then pass it when initializing the grid:
# ModelsGrid.new(params[:models_grid].merge(current_user: current_user))
# ## Form Builder
# ### Basic Method
# Use the built-in partial:
# = datagrid_form_with model: @grid, url: report_path, other_form_for_option: value
# {#datagrid_form_with} supports the same options as Rails `form_with`.
# ### Advanced Method
# You can use Rails built-in tools to create a form.
# Additionally, Datagrid provides helpers to generate input/select elements for filters:
# ``` haml
# - form_with model: UserGrid.new, method: :get, url: users_path do |f|
# %div
# = f.datagrid_label :name
# = f.datagrid_filter :name # =>
# %div
# = f.datagrid_label :category_id
# = f.datagrid_filter :category_id # =>
# ```
# For more flexibility, use Rails default helpers:
# %div
# = f.label :name
# = f.text_field :name
# See the localization section of {Datagrid::Filters}.
# ## Datagrid Table
# Use the helper to display a report:
# %div== Total #{@grid.assets.total}
# = datagrid_table(@report)
# = will_paginate @report.assets
# Options:
# - `:html` - Attributes for the `
` tag.
# - `:order` - Set to `false` to disable ordering controls (default: `true`).
# - `:columns` - Specify an array of column names to display.
# ## Pagination
# Datagrid is abstracted from pagination but integrates seamlessly with tools like Kaminari, WillPaginate, or Pagy:
# # Kaminari
# @grid = MyGrid.new(params[:grid]) do |scope|
# scope.page(params[:page]).per(10)
# end
# # WillPaginate
# @grid = MyGrid.new(params[:grid]) do |scope|
# scope.page(params[:page]).per_page(10)
# end
# # Pagy
# @grid = MyGrid.new(params[:grid])
# @pagy, @records = pagy(@grid.assets)
# Render the paginated collection:
# # WillPaginate or Kaminari
# <%= datagrid_table(@grid, options) %>
# # Pagy
# <%= datagrid_table(@grid, @records, options) %>
# ## CSV Export
# Add CSV support to your controller:
# class UsersController < ApplicationController
# def index
# @grid = UsersGrid.new(params[:users_grid])
# respond_to do |f|
# f.html { @grid.scope { |scope| scope.page(params[:page]) } }
# f.csv do
# send_data @grid.to_csv, type: "text/csv", disposition: 'inline', filename: "grid-#{Time.now.to_s}.csv"
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Add a button in your interface:
# link_to "Get CSV", url_for(format: 'csv', users_grid: params[:users_grid])
# ## AJAX
# Datagrid supports asynchronous data loading. Add this to your controller:
# if request.xhr?
# render json: {table: view_context.datagrid_table(@grid)}
# end
# Modify the form for AJAX:
# = datagrid_form_with model: @grid, html: {class: 'js-datagrid-form'}
# .js-datagrid-table
# = datagrid_table @grid
# .js-pagination
# = paginate @grid.assets
# :javascript
# $('.js-datagrid-form').submit(function(event) {
# event.preventDefault();
# $.get($(this).attr("action"), $(this).serialize(), function (data) {
# $('.js-datagrid-table').html(data.table);
# });
# });
# ## Modifying Built-In Partials
# To customize Datagrid views:
# rake datagrid:copy_partials
# This creates files in `app/views/datagrid/`, which you can modify to suit your needs:
# app/views/datagrid/
# ├── _enum_checkboxes.html.erb # datagrid_filter for filter(name, :enum, checkboxes: true)
# ├── _form.html.erb # datagrid_form_with
# ├── _head.html.erb # datagrid_header
# ├── _range_filter.html.erb # datagrid_filter for filter(name, type, range: true)
# ├── _row.html.erb # datagrid_rows/datagrid_rows
# └── _table.html.erb # datagrid_table
# ## Custom Options
# You can add custom options to Datagrid columns and filters and implement their support on the frontend.
# For example, you might want to add a `description` option to a column that appears as a tooltip on mouseover.
# column(
# :aov, header: 'AOV',
# description: 'Average order value: sum of orders subtotal divided by their count'
# ) do |category|
# category.orders.sum(:subtotal) / category.orders.count
# end
# The `:description` option is not built into Datagrid, but you can implement it
# by adding the following to partial `app/views/datagrid/_header.html.erb`:
# <% if column.options[:description] %>
# <% end %>
# This modification allows the `:description` tooltip to work with your chosen UI and JavaScript library.
# The same technique can be applied to filters by calling `filter.options` in corresponding partials.
# ## Highlight Rows
# To add custom HTML classes to each row for styling, modify the `_row.html.erb` partial:
# ``` diff
# -
# +
# <% grid.html_columns(*options[:columns]).each do |column| %>
# <%= datagrid_value(grid, column, asset) %>
# <% end %>
# ```
# This allows you to define a custom `row_class` method in your grid class, like this:
# class IssuesGrid < ApplicationGrid
# scope { Issue }
# def row_class(issue)
# case issue.status
# when "fixed" then "green"
# when "rejected" then "red"
# else "blue"
# end
# end
# end
# ## Localization
# You can overwrite Datagrid’s custom localization keys at the application level.
# See the localization keys here:
# https://github.com/bogdan/datagrid/blob/master/lib/datagrid/locale/en.yml
module Helper
# @param grid [Datagrid::Base] grid object
# @param column [Datagrid::Columns::Column, String, Symbol] column name
# @param model [Object] an object from grid scope
# @return [Object] individual cell value from the given grid, column name and model
# @example
def datagrid_value(grid, column, model)
column = grid.column_by_name(column) if column.is_a?(String) || column.is_a?(Symbol)
grid.html_value(column, self, model)
# @!visibility private
def datagrid_format_value(grid, column, model)
datagrid_value(grid, column, model)
# Renders html table with columns defined in grid class.
# In the most common used you need to pass paginated collection
# to datagrid table because datagrid do not have pagination compatibilities:
# @param grid [Datagrid::Base] grid object
# @param assets [Array] objects from grid scope
# @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options HTML attributes to be passed to `
` tag
# @option options [Hash] html A hash of attributes for the `
` tag.
# @option options [Boolean] order Whether to generate ordering controls.
# If set to `false`, ordering controls are not generated. Default: `true`.
# @option options [Array] columns An array of column names to display.
# Use this when the same grid class is used in different contexts and requires different columns.
# Default: all defined columns.
# @option options [String] partials The path for partials lookup. Default: `'datagrid'`.
# @return [String] table tag HTML markup
# @example
# assets = grid.assets.page(params[:page])
# datagrid_table(grid, assets, options)
def datagrid_table(grid, assets = grid.assets, **options)
"table", options[:partials],
grid: grid,
options: options,
assets: assets,
# Renders HTML table header for given grid instance using columns defined in it
# @option options [Boolean] order Whether to display ordering controls built into the header.
# Default: `true`.
# @option options [Array] columns An array of column names to display.
# Use this when the same grid class is used in different contexts and requires different columns.
# Default: all defined columns.
# @option options [String] partials The path for partials lookup.
# Default: `'datagrid'`.
# @param grid [Datagrid::Base] grid object
# @param [Object] opts (deprecated) pass keyword arguments instead
# @param [Hash] options
# @return [String] HTML table header tag markup
def datagrid_header(grid, opts = :__unspecified__, **options)
unless opts == :__unspecified__
Datagrid::Utils.warn_once("datagrid_header now requires ** operator when passing options.")
options[:order] = true unless options.key?(:order)
_render_partial("head", options[:partials],
{ grid: grid, options: options },)
# Renders HTML table rows using given grid definition using columns defined in it.
# Allows to provide a custom layout for each for in place with a block
# @option options [Array] columns An array of column names to display.
# Use this when the same grid class is used in different contexts and requires different columns.
# Default: all defined columns.
# @option options [String] partials The path for partials lookup.
# Default: `'datagrid'`.
# @return [String]
# @example Generic table rows Layout
# = datagrid_rows(grid)
# @example Custom Layout
# = datagrid_rows(grid) do |row|
# %tr
# %td= row.project_name
# %td.project-status{class: row.status}= row.status
# @param [Datagrid::Base] grid datagrid object
# @param [Array