# = belongs to
# This allows you to specify to belongs_to in your controller. You might use
# this when you are having nested resources in your routes:
#   class TasksController < InheritedResources::Base
#     belongs_to :project
#   end
# This will do all magic assuming some defaults. It assumes that your URL to
# access those tasks are:
#   /projects/:project_id/tasks
# But all defaults are configurable. The options are:
# * :parent_class => Allows you to specify what is the parent class.
#     belongs_to :project, :parent_class => AdminProject
# * :class_name => Also allows you to specify the parent class, but you should
#   give a string. Added for ActiveRecord belongs to compatibility.
# * :instance_name => How this object will appear in your views. In this case
#   the default is @project. Overwrite it with a symbol.
#     belongs_to :project, :instance_name => :my_project
# * :finder => Specifies which method should be called to instantiate the
#   parent. Let's suppose you are using slugs ("this-is-project-title") in URLs
#   so your tasks url would be: "projects/this-is-project-title/tasks". Then you
#   should do this in your TasksController:
#     belongs_to :project, :finder => :find_by_title!
#   This will make your projects be instantiated as:
#     Project.find_by_title!(params[:project_id])
#   Instead of:
#     Project.find(params[:project_id])
# * param => Allows you to specify params key used to instantiate the parent.
#   Default is :parent_id, which in this case is :project_id.
# * route_name => Allows you to specify what is the route name in your url
#   helper. By default is 'project'. But if your url helper should be
#   "admin_project_task_url" instead of "project_task_url", just do:
#     belongs_to :project, :route_name => "admin_project"
# = nested_belongs_to
# If for some reason you need to nested more than two resources, you can do:
#   class TasksController
#     belongs_to :company, :project
#   end
# ATTENTION! This DOES NOT mean polymorphic associations as in resource_controller.
# Polymorphic associations are not supported yet.
# It means that companies have many projects which have many tasks. You URL
# should be:
#   /companies/:company_id/projects/:project_id/tasks/:id
# Everything will be handled for you again. And all defaults will describe above
# will be assumed. But if you have to change the defaults. You will have to
# specify one association by one:
#   class TasksController
#     belongs_to :company, :finder => :find_by_name!, :param => :company_name
#     belongs_to :project
#   end
# belongs_to is aliased as nested_belongs_to, so this provides a nicer syntax:
#   class TasksController
#     nested_belongs_to :company, :finder => :find_by_name!, :param => :company_name
#     nested_belongs_to :project
#   end
# In this case the association chain would be:
#   Company.find_by_name!(params[:company_name]).projects.find(params[:project_id]).tasks.find(:all)
# When you are using nested resources, you have one more option to config.
# Let's suppose that to get all projects from a company, you have to do:
#   Company.admin_projects
# Instead of:
#   Company.projects
# In this case, you can set the collection_name in belongs_to:
#   nested_belongs_to :project, :collection_name => 'admin_projects'
# = polymorphic associations
# In some cases you have a resource that belongs to two different resources
# but not at the same time. For example, let's suppose you have File, Message
# and Task as resources and they are all commentable.
# Polymorphic associations allows you to create just one controller that will
# deal with each case.
#   class Comment < InheritedResources::Base
#     belongs_to :file, :message, :task, :polymorphic => true
#   end
# Your routes should be something like:
#   m.resources :files,    :has_many => :comments #=> /files/13/comments
#   m.resources :tasks,    :has_many => :comments #=> /tasks/17/comments
#   m.resources :messages, :has_many => :comments #=> /messages/11/comments
# When using polymorphic associations, you get some free helpers:
#   parent?         #=> true
#   parent_type     #=> :task
#   parent_class    #=> Task
#   parent          #=> @task
# This polymorphic controllers thing is a great idea by James Golick and he
# built it in resource_controller. Here is just a re-implementation.
# = optional polymorphic associations
# Let's take another break from ProjectsController. Let's suppose we are
# building a store, which sell products.
# On the website, we can show all products, but also products scoped to
# categories, brands, users. In this case case, the association is optional, and
# we deal with it in the following way:
#   class ProductsController < InheritedResources::Base
#     belongs_to :category, :brand, :user, :polymorphic => true, :optional => true
#   end
# This will handle all those urls properly:
#   /products/1
#   /categories/2/products/5
#   /brands/10/products/3
#   /user/13/products/11
# = nested polymorphic associations
# You can have polymorphic associations with nested resources. Let's suppose
# that our File, Task and Message resources in the previous example belongs to
# a project.
# This way we can have:
#   class CommentsController < InheritedResources::Base
#     belongs_to :project {
#       belongs_to :file, :message, :task, :polymorphic => true
#     }
#   end
# Or:
#   class CommentsController < InheritedResources::Base
#     nested_belongs_to :project
#     nested_belongs_to :file, :message, :task, :polymorphic => true
#   end
# Choose the syntax that makes more sense to you. :)
# Finally your routes should be something like:
#   map.resources :projects do |m|
#     m.resources :files,    :has_many => :comments #=> /projects/1/files/13/comments
#     m.resources :tasks,    :has_many => :comments #=> /projects/1/tasks/17/comments
#     m.resources :messages, :has_many => :comments #=> /projects/1/messages/11/comments
#   end
# The helpers work in the same way as above.
# = singleton
# Singletons are usually used in associations which are related through has_one
# and belongs_to. You declare those associations like this:
#   class ManagersController < InheritedResources::Base
#     belongs_to :project, :singleton => true
#   end
# But in some cases, like an AccountsController, you have a singleton object
# that is not necessarily associated with another:
#   class AccountsController < InheritedResources::Base
#     defaults :singleton => true
#   end
# Besides that, you should overwrite the methods :resource and :build_resource
# to make it work properly:
#   class AccountsController < InheritedResources::Base
#     defaults :singleton => true
#     protected
#       def resource
#         @current_user.account
#       end
#       def build_resource(attributes = {})
#         Account.new(attributes)
#       end
#   end
# When you have a singleton controller, the action index is removed.
module InheritedResources #:nodoc:
  RESOURCES_CLASS_ACCESSORS = [ :resource_class, :resources_configuration, :parents_symbols, :singleton ] unless self.const_defined? "RESOURCES_CLASS_ACCESSORS"

  module ClassMethods #:nodoc:


      # When you inherit from InheritedResources::Base, we make some assumptions on
      # what is your resource_class, instance_name and collection_name.
      # You can change those values by calling the class method defaults:
      #   class PeopleController < InheritedResources::Base
      #     defaults :resource_class => User, :instance_name => 'user', :collection_name => 'users'
      #   end
      # You can also provide :class_name, which is the same as :resource_class
      # but accepts string (this is given for ActiveRecord compatibility).
      def defaults(options)
        raise ArgumentError, 'Class method :defaults expects a hash of options.' unless options.is_a? Hash

        options.assert_valid_keys(:resource_class, :collection_name, :instance_name, :class_name, :singleton)

        # Checks for special argument :resource_class and :class_name and sets it right away.
        self.resource_class = options.delete(:resource_class)         if options[:resource_class]
        self.resource_class = options.delete(:class_name).constantize if options[:class_name]

        acts_as_singleton! if options.delete(:singleton)

        options.each do |key, value|
          self.resources_configuration[:self][key] = value.to_sym


      # Defines wich actions to keep from the inherited controller.
      # Syntax is borrowed from resource_controller.
      #   actions :index, :show, :edit
      #   actions :all, :except => :index
      def actions(*actions_to_keep)
        raise ArgumentError, 'Wrong number of arguments. You have to provide which actions you want to keep.' if actions_to_keep.empty?

        options = actions_to_keep.extract_options!
        actions_to_keep.map!{ |a| a.to_s }

        actions_to_remove = Array(options[:except])
        actions_to_remove.map!{ |a| a.to_s }

        actions_to_remove += RESOURCES_ACTIONS.map{|a| a.to_s } - actions_to_keep unless actions_to_keep.first == 'all'

        # Undefine actions that we don't want
        (instance_methods & actions_to_remove).each do |action|
          undef_method action, "#{action}!"

      # Defines that this controller belongs to another resource.
      #   belongs_to :projects
      def belongs_to(*symbols, &block)
        options = symbols.extract_options!

        options.assert_valid_keys(:class_name, :parent_class, :instance_name, :param, :finder, :route_name, :collection_name, :singleton, :polymorphic, :optional)

        optional    = options.delete(:optional)
        singleton   = options.delete(:singleton)
        polymorphic = options.delete(:polymorphic)

        # Add BelongsToHelpers if we haven't yet.
        include BelongsToHelpers if self.parents_symbols.empty?

        acts_as_singleton!   if singleton
        acts_as_polymorphic! if polymorphic || optional

        raise ArgumentError, 'You have to give me at least one association name.' if symbols.empty?
        raise ArgumentError, 'You cannot define multiple associations with the options: #{options.keys.inspect}.' unless symbols.size == 1 || options.empty?

        # Set configuration default values
        symbols.each do |symbol|
          symbol = symbol.to_sym

          if polymorphic || optional
            self.parents_symbols << :polymorphic unless self.parents_symbols.include? :polymorphic
            self.resources_configuration[:polymorphic][:symbols]   << symbol
            self.resources_configuration[:polymorphic][:optional] ||= optional
            self.parents_symbols << symbol

          config = self.resources_configuration[symbol] = {}
          config[:parent_class]    = options.delete(:parent_class)
          config[:parent_class]  ||= (options.delete(:class_name) || symbol).to_s.classify.constantize rescue nil
          config[:collection_name] = (options.delete(:collection_name) || symbol.to_s.pluralize).to_sym
          config[:instance_name]   = (options.delete(:instance_name) || symbol).to_sym
          config[:param]           = (options.delete(:param) || "#{symbol}_id").to_sym
          config[:finder]          = (options.delete(:finder) || :find).to_sym
          config[:route_name]      = (options.delete(:route_name) || symbol).to_s

        # Regenerate url helpers unless block is given
        if block_given?
      alias :nested_belongs_to :belongs_to


      # Defines this controller as singleton.
      # You can call this method to define your controller as singleton.
      def acts_as_singleton!
        unless self.singleton
          self.singleton = true
          include SingletonHelpers
          actions :all, :except => :index

      # Defines this controller as polymorphic.
      # Do not call this method on your own.
      def acts_as_polymorphic!
        unless self.parents_symbols.include? :polymorphic
          include PolymorphicHelpers
          helper_method :parent, :parent_type, :parent_class

      # Initialize resources class accessors by creating the accessors
      # and setting their default values.
      def initialize_resources_class_accessors!(base)
        # Add and protect class accessors
        base.class_eval do
          RESOURCES_CLASS_ACCESSORS.each do |cattr|
            cattr_accessor "#{cattr}", :instance_writer => false

            # Protect instance methods
            self.send :protected, cattr

            # Protect class writer
            metaclass.send :protected, "#{cattr}="

        # Initialize resource class
        base.resource_class = base.controller_name.classify.constantize rescue nil

        # Initialize resources configuration hash
        base.resources_configuration = {}
        config = base.resources_configuration[:self] = {}
        config[:collection_name] = base.controller_name.to_sym
        config[:instance_name]   = base.controller_name.singularize.to_sym

        # Initialize polymorphic, singleton and belongs_to parameters
        base.singleton           = false
        base.parents_symbols     = []
        base.resources_configuration[:polymorphic] = { :symbols => [], :optional => false }

        # Create helpers
