require 'rexml/document' require 'prawn' class Prawn::Svg include Prawn::Measurements attr_reader :data, :prawn, :options attr_accessor :scale def initialize(data, prawn, options) @data = data @prawn = prawn @options = options end def draw root = parse_document calculate_dimensions prawn.bounding_box(@options[:at], :width => @width, :height => @height) do prawn.save_graphics_state do call_tree = generate_call_tree(root) proc_creator(prawn, call_tree).call end end end def generate_call_tree(element) [].tap {|calls| parse_element(element, calls, {})} end protected def proc_creator(prawn, calls) {issue_prawn_command(prawn, calls)} end def issue_prawn_command(prawn, calls) calls.each do |call, arguments, children| if children.empty? rewrite_call_arguments(prawn, call, arguments) prawn.send(call, *arguments) else prawn.send(call, *arguments, &proc_creator(prawn, children)) end end end def rewrite_call_arguments(prawn, call, arguments) if call == 'text_box' if (anchor = arguments.last.delete(:text_anchor)) && %w(middle end).include?(anchor) width = prawn.width_of(*arguments) width /= 2 if anchor == 'middle' arguments.last[:at][0] -= width end arguments.last[:at][1] += prawn.height_of(*arguments) / 3 * 2 end end def parse_document do |root| if vb = root.attributes['viewBox'] x1, y1, x2, y2 = vb.strip.split(/\s+/) @x_offset, @y_offset = [x1.to_f, y1.to_f] @actual_width, @actual_height = [x2.to_f - x1.to_f, y2.to_f - y1.to_f] else @x_offset, @y_offset = [0, 0] @actual_width = root.attributes['width'].to_f @actual_height = root.attributes['height'].to_f end end end def parse_element(element, calls, state) attrs = element.attributes if transform = attrs['transform'] parse_css_method_calls(transform).each do |name, arguments| case name when 'translate' x, y = arguments x, y = x.split(/\s+/) if y.nil? calls << [name, [distance(x), -distance(y)], []] calls = calls.last.last when 'rotate' calls << [name, [-arguments.first.to_f, {:origin => [0, y('0')]}], []] calls = calls.last.last when 'scale' calls << [name, [arguments.first.to_f], []] calls = calls.last.last else #raise "unknown transformation '#{name}'" end end end calls, style_attrs, draw_type = apply_styles(attrs, calls, state) state[:draw_type] = draw_type if draw_type != "" if state[:draw_type] && !%w(g svg).include?( calls << [state[:draw_type], [], []] calls = calls.last.last end case when 'defs', 'desc' # ignore these tags when 'g', 'svg' element.elements.each do |child| parse_element(child, calls, state.dup) end when 'text' # very primitive support for fonts if (font = style_attrs['font-family']) && !font.match(/[\/\\]/) font = font.strip if font != "" calls << ['font', [font], []] calls = calls.last.last end end opts = {:at => [x(attrs['x']), y(attrs['y'])]} if size = style_attrs['font-size'] opts[:size] = size.to_f * @scale end # This is not a prawn option but we can't work out how to render it here - it's handled by #rewrite_call if anchor = style_attrs['text-anchor'] opts[:text_anchor] = anchor end calls << ['text_box', [element.text, opts], []] when 'line' calls << ['line', [x(attrs['x1']), y(attrs['y1']), x(attrs['x2']), y(attrs['y2'])], []] when 'polyline' points = attrs['points'].split(/\s+/) x, y = points.shift.split(",") calls << ['move_to', [x(x), y(y)], []] calls << ['stroke', [], []] calls = calls.last.last points.each do |point| x, y = point.split(",") calls << ["line_to", [x(x), y(y)], []] end when 'polygon' points = attrs['points'].split(/\s+/).collect do |point| x, y = point.split(",") [x(x), y(y)] end calls << ["polygon", points, []] when 'circle' calls << ["circle_at", [[x(attrs['cx'] || "0"), y(attrs['cy'] || "0")], {:radius => distance(attrs['r'])}], []] when 'ellipse' calls << ["ellipse_at", [[x(attrs['cx'] || "0"), y(attrs['cy'] || "0")], distance(attrs['rx']), distance(attrs['ry'])], []] when 'rect' radius = distance(attrs['rx'] || attrs['ry']) args = [[x(attrs['x']), y(attrs['y'])], distance(attrs['width']), distance(attrs['height'])] if radius # n.b. does not support both rx and ry being specified with different values calls << ["rounded_rectangle", args + [radius], []] else calls << ["rectangle", args, []] end when 'path' @svg_path ||= @svg_path.parse(attrs['d']).each do |command, args| point_to = [x(args[0]), y(args[1])] if command == 'curve_to' bounds = [[x(args[2]), y(args[3])], [x(args[4]), y(args[5])]] calls << [command, [point_to, {:bounds => bounds}], []] else calls << [command, point_to, []] end end else #raise "unknown tag #{}" end end def parse_css_declarations(declarations) # copied from css_parser declarations.gsub!(/(^[\s]*)|([\s]*$)/, '') {}.tap do |o| declarations.split(/[\;$]+/m).each do |decs| if matches = decs.match(/\s*(.[^:]*)\s*\:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*(;|\Z)/i) property, value, end_of_declaration = matches.captures o[property] = value end end end end def apply_styles(attrs, calls, state) draw_types = [] decs = attrs["style"] ? parse_css_declarations(attrs["style"]) : {} attrs.each {|n,v| decs[n] = v unless decs[n]} # Opacity: # We can't do nested opacities quite like the SVG requires, but this is close enough. fill_opacity = stroke_opacity = clamp(decs['opacity'].to_f, 0, 1) if decs['opacity'] fill_opacity = clamp(decs['fill-opacity'].to_f, 0, 1) if decs['fill-opacity'] stroke_opacity = clamp(decs['stroke-opacity'].to_f, 0, 1) if decs['stroke-opacity'] if fill_opacity || stroke_opacity state[:fill_opacity] = (state[:fill_opacity] || 1) * (fill_opacity || 1) state[:stroke_opacity] = (state[:stroke_opacity] || 1) * (stroke_opacity || 1) calls << ['transparent', [state[:fill_opacity], state[:stroke_opacity]], []] calls = calls.last.last end if decs['fill'] && decs['fill'] != "none" if color = color_to_hex(decs['fill']) calls << ['fill_color', [color], []] end draw_types << 'fill' end if decs['stroke'] && decs['stroke'] != "none" if color = color_to_hex(decs['stroke']) calls << ['stroke_color', [color], []] end draw_types << 'stroke' end calls << ['line_width', [distance(decs['stroke-width'])], []] if decs['stroke-width'] [calls, decs, draw_types.join("_and_")] end def parse_css_method_calls(string) string.scan(/\s*(\w+)\(([^)]+)\)\s*/).collect do |call| name, argument_string = call arguments = argument_string.split(",").collect(&:strip) [name, arguments] end end # TODO : use HTML_COLORS = { 'black' => "000000", 'green' => "008000", 'silver' => "c0c0c0", 'lime' => "00ff00", 'gray' => "808080", 'olive' => "808000", 'white' => "ffffff", 'yellow' => "ffff00", 'maroon' => "800000", 'navy' => "000080", 'red' => "ff0000", 'blue' => "0000ff", 'purple' => "800080", 'teal' => "008080", 'fuchsia' => "ff00ff", 'aqua' => "00ffff" }.freeze def color_to_hex(color_string) color_string.scan(/([^(\s]+(\([^)]*\))?)/).detect do |color, *_| if m = color.match(/\A#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])\z/i) break "#{m[1] * 2}#{m[2] * 2}#{m[3] * 2}" elsif color.match(/\A#[0-9a-f]{6}\z/i) break color[1..6] elsif hex = HTML_COLORS[color.downcase] break hex elsif m = color.match(/\Argb\(\s*(-?[0-9.]+%?)\s*,\s*(-?[0-9.]+%?)\s*,\s*(-?[0-9.]+%?)\s*\)\z/i) break (1..3).collect do |n| value = m[n].to_f value *= 2.55 if m[n][-1..-1] == '%' "%02x" % clamp(value.round, 0, 255) end.join end end end def x(value) (pixels(value) - @x_offset) * scale end def y(value) (@actual_height - (pixels(value) - @y_offset)) * scale end def distance(value) value && (pixels(value) * scale) end def pixels(value) if value.is_a?(String) && match = value.match(/\d(cm|dm|ft|in|m|mm|yd)$/) send("#{match[1]}2pt", value.to_f) else value.to_f end end def calculate_dimensions if @options[:width] @width = @options[:width] @scale = @options[:width] / @actual_width.to_f elsif @options[:height] @height = @options[:height] @scale = @options[:height] / @actual_height.to_f else @scale = 1 end @width ||= @actual_width * @scale @height ||= @actual_height * @scale end def clamp(value, min_value, max_value) [[value, min_value].max, max_value].min end end