// ----------------------------------------------- // Grid Overlay & Background // // Uses all your settings to create a grid background for a container element. // There are three ways you can display a grid: // // 1. Manually apply the background to the element - // // .container { // @include background-grid; // } // // 2. Add a switch to toggle an overlay - // // @include grid-overlay('.container'); // // 3. Toggle grid with JavaScript // // @include grid-toggle; // Add [data-development-grid="show"] to item you want grid applied to // Add "grid.min.js" to your HTML // // The first will apply a grid background to your container calculated using your // grid settings, media breakpoints etc. // // The second will add a switch to your page which allows you to view a grid // overlay over your container (or if none is provided) by hovering over // the switch. if you need your mouse for other things you can toggle the overlay // on permanently by inspecting and checking :hover in your styles panel. // // The thid will allow you to toggle your background grid on and off by pressing the 'g' on your keyboard. // // Note: Sub-pixel rounding can lead to several pixels of variation between browsers. // ----------------------------------------------- // Grid Background @mixin background-grid( $columns: null, $gutter: null, $gutter-style: null, $color: null ) { $color: if($color != null, $color, sgs-get('background grid color')); @if sgs-get('debug') != false { $columns: if($columns != null, $columns, sgs-get('grids')); $gutter: if($gutter != null, $gutter, sgs-get('gutters')); $gutter-style: if($gutter-style != null, $gutter-style, sgs-get('gutter styles')); @include background-build($columns, $gutter, $gutter-style, $color) } } @function background-map($columns, $gutters, $gutter-styles) { $Grids: (); $Gutters: (); $Styles: (); @if $columns and type-of($columns) != 'map' { $Grids: (-1px: $columns); } @else { $Grids: sgs-get('grids'); } @if $gutters and type-of($gutters) != 'map' { $Gutters: (-1px: $gutters); } @else { $Gutters: sgs-get('gutters'); } @if $gutter-styles and type-of($gutter-styles) != 'map' { $Styles: (-1px: $gutter-styles); } @else { $Styles: sgs-get('gutter styles'); } // Build 1st Depth Map $Holder: (); // Grids @each $k, $v in $Grids { $Holder: map-merge($Holder, ($k: ('grid': $v))); } // Gutters @each $k, $v in $Gutters { $Grid: map-get($Holder, $k); $Map: ('gutter': $v); @if $Grid != null { $Grid: map-get($Grid, 'grid'); @if $Grid != null { $Map: map-merge($Map, ('grid': $Grid)); } } $Holder: map-merge($Holder, ($k: $Map)); } // Style @each $k, $v in $Styles { $Grid: map-get($Holder, $k); $Gutter: map-get($Holder, $k); $Map: ('style': $v); @if $Grid != null { $Grid: map-get($Grid, 'grid'); @if $Grid != null { $Map: map-merge($Map, ('grid': $Grid)); } } @if $Gutter != null { $Gutter: map-get($Gutter, 'gutter'); @if $Gutter != null { $Map: map-merge($Map, ('gutter': $Gutter)); } } $Holder: map-merge($Holder, ($k: $Map)); } $Holder: sort-map($Holder); $Return: (); // Build full stack for each breakpoint @for $i from 1 through length($Holder) { $Key: nth(nth($Holder, $i), 1); $Value: nth(nth($Holder, $i), 2); $Previous: (); @if $i > 1 { $Previous: nth(nth($Return, $i - 1), 2); } @if not map-has-key($Value, 'grid') { $Sort-Grid: map-get($Previous, 'grid'); $Value: map-merge($Value, ('grid': $Sort-Grid)); } @if not map-has-key($Value, 'gutter') { $Sort-Gutter: map-get($Previous, 'gutter'); $Value: map-merge($Value, ('gutter': $Sort-Gutter)); } @if not map-has-key($Value, 'style') { $Sort-Style: map-get($Previous, 'style'); $Value: map-merge($Value, ('style': $Sort-Style)); } $Return: map-merge($Return, ($Key: $Value)); } @return $Return; } @mixin background-build($columns, $gutters, $gutter-styles, $color) { $Background-Map: background-map($columns, $gutters, $gutter-styles); $Column-Color: $color; $Inverse-Column-Color: mix(black, $color, 15%); $Gutter-Color: mix(white, $color, 25%); $Direction: named-direction(sgs-get('direction')); @each $bkpt, $def in $Background-Map { $Grid: map-get($def, 'grid'); $Gutter: map-get($def, 'gutter'); $Style: map-get($def, 'style'); $Grid-Count: column-count($Grid); $Gradient: (); $Gutter-Width: gutter-span($Gutter, $Grid, $Style); @if unit($Gutter-Width) != '%' and unit($Gutter-Width) != '' { $Gutter-Width: 0%; } @if $Style == 'fixed' { $Gutter-Width: 0%; } $Counter-Width: 0%; $holder: (); @for $i from 1 through $Grid-Count { $Holder-Gradient: (); $Loop-Width: column-span(1, $i, $Grid, $Gutter, $Style); @if index($Style, 'split') and $i == 1 { $Counter-Width: ($Gutter-Width / 2); $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Gutter-Color, $Gutter-Color $Counter-Width), 'comma'); } $Loop-Color: $Column-Color; @if (index($Style, 'fixed') or $Gutter-Width == 0%) and ($i % 2 == 0 ) { $Loop-Color: $Inverse-Column-Color; } @if $i != $Grid-Count { $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Loop-Color $Counter-Width, $Loop-Color ($Counter-Width + $Loop-Width)), 'comma'); $Counter-Width: $Counter-Width + $Loop-Width; $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Gutter-Color $Counter-Width, $Gutter-Color ($Counter-Width + $Gutter-Width)), 'comma'); $Counter-Width: $Counter-Width + $Gutter-Width; } @else if $i == 1 { $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Loop-Color, $Loop-Color $Counter-Width, $Gutter-Color $Counter-Width, $Gutter-Color ($Counter-Width + $Gutter-Width)), 'comma'); $Counter-Width: $Counter-Width + $Loop-Width + $Gutter-Width; } @else if $i == $Grid-Count and index($Style, 'split') { $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Loop-Color $Counter-Width, $Loop-Color ($Counter-Width + $Loop-Width)), 'comma'); $Counter-Width: $Counter-Width + $Loop-Width; $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Gutter-Color $Counter-Width, $Gutter-Color ($Counter-Width + ($Gutter-Width / 2))), 'comma'); } @else { $Gradient: append($Gradient, ($Loop-Color $Counter-Width, $Loop-Color), 'comma'); } } @if $bkpt != -1px { @include breakpoint($bkpt) { background-image: unquote('linear-gradient(to #{opposite-direction($Direction)}, #{$Gradient})'); } } @else { background-image: unquote('linear-gradient(to #{opposite-direction($Direction)}, #{$Gradient})'); } } }