require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' class Rake::Application attr_accessor :heroku_deploy_tasks def heroku_deploy heroku_deploy_tasks.heroku_deploy end end class HerokuDeploy attr_accessor :staging_app, :production_app def initialize( options = {} ) @staging_app = options.delete(:staging_app) @production_app = options.delete(:production_app) end class Tasks < ::Rake::TaskLib attr_accessor :heroku_deploy def initialize( options = {} ) Rake.application.heroku_deploy_tasks = self @heroku_deploy = :staging_app => options.delete(:staging_app), :production_app => options.delete(:production_app)) define end def define namespace :heroku_deploy do desc 'Setup branches and apps on heroku' task :setup => :environment do heroku_deploy.setup end desc 'Deploy changes to staging' task :staging => :environment do heroku_deploy.staging end desc 'Deploy changes to production' task :production => :environment do heroku_deploy.production end namespace :backup do desc 'Backup and download the staging code and database in a heroku bundle' task :staging => :environment do heroku_deploy.backup_staging end desc 'Backup and download the production code and database in a heroku bundle' task :production => :environment do heroku_deploy.backup_production end end end end end def setup puts "" puts "Creating staging branch" puts "" `git branch staging` `git push origin origin/master:refs/heads/staging` puts "" puts "Creating production branch" puts "" `git branch production` `git push origin origin/master:refs/heads/production` `git checkout master` puts "" puts "Creating #{staging_app} Heroku app" puts "" `heroku create #{staging_app}` `heroku config:add RACK_ENV=staging --app #{staging_app}` `git remote rm heroku` `heroku addons:add bundles:single --app #{staging_app}` puts "" puts "Creating #{production_app} Heroku app" puts "" `heroku create #{production_app}` `heroku config:add RACK_ENV=production --app #{production_app}` `git remote rm heroku` `heroku addons:add bundles:single --app #{production_app}` puts "" puts "Setup Complete!" puts "" end def staging before_staging_deploy backup staging_app unless no_backup puts "Deploying to Staging" merge "master", "staging" push_to 'staging', staging_app puts "" puts "Staging Deployed!" puts "" after_staging_deploy end def production before_production_deploy backup production_app unless no_backup puts "Deploying to Production" merge "staging", "production" push_to 'production', production_app puts "" puts "Production Deployed!" puts "" after_production_deploy end def backup_staging backup staging_app end def backup_production backup production_app end private def merge(from_branch, to_branch) puts "Merging #{from_branch} with #{to_branch}" `git checkout #{from_branch}` `git pull origin #{from_branch}` `git checkout #{to_branch}` `git pull origin #{to_branch}` `git merge #{from_branch}` `git push origin #{to_branch}` end def push_to( branch, app ) go_into_maintenance(app) unless no_maintenance puts "Pushing to #{app}" `git push{app}.git #{branch}:master` `git checkout master` puts "Migrating" `heroku rake db:migrate --app #{app}` puts "Restarting" `heroku restart --app #{app}` get_out_of_maintenance(app) unless no_maintenance print "Waiting for app to go live..." wait_for_app_to_go_up(app) puts "" end def backup( app ) puts "" puts "Beginning Backup" timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") old_bundle = `heroku bundles --app #{app}`.split.first `heroku bundles:destroy #{old_bundle} --app #{app}` puts "Old Bundle Destroyed" `heroku bundles:capture backup-#{timestamp} --app #{app}` puts "New Bundle Captured on Heroku: backup-#{timestamp}" print "Waiting for Bundle to become available..." while bundle_not_yet_captured?( app ) do print "." STDOUT.flush end puts "" if bundle_captured?( app ) puts "New Bundle Ready For Download" `heroku bundles:download backup-#{timestamp} --app #{app}` `mv #{app}.tar.gz #{app}-#{timestamp}.tar.gz` puts "New Bundle Downloaded: #{app}-#{timestamp}.tar.gz" end puts "Backup Complete!" puts "" end def go_into_maintenance(app) puts "Going into maintenance mode" `heroku maintenance:on --app #{app}` print "Waiting for slug to re-compile..." wait_for_maintenance_on( app ) puts "" end def get_out_of_maintenance(app) puts "Getting out of maintenance mode" `heroku maintenance:off --app #{app}` end def maintenance_off(app) HTTParty.get("http://#{app}").code != 422 end def wait_for_maintenance_on(app) while (maintenance_off(app)) print "." STDOUT.flush end end def maintenance_on(app) HTTParty.get("http://#{app}").code != 200 end def wait_for_app_to_go_up(app) while (maintenance_on(app)) print "." STDOUT.flush end end def bundle_not_yet_captured?( app ) `heroku bundles --app #{app}`.include?(" capturing ") end def bundle_captured?( app ) `heroku bundles --app #{app}`.include?(" complete ") end def no_backup ENV['BACKUP'] == "false" || ENV['backup'] == "false" end def no_maintenance ENV['MAINTENANCE'] == "false" || ENV['maintenance'] == "false" end def before_staging_deploy # override this yourself wherever you like. An initializer is a good place. end def after_staging_deploy # override this yourself wherever you like. An initializer is a good place. end def before_production_deploy # override this yourself wherever you like. An initializer is a good place. end def after_production_deploy # override this yourself wherever you like. An initializer is a good place. end end