require 'spec_helper' require 'tailor/critic' require 'tailor/configuration/style' BRACES = {} BRACES['single_line_hash_0_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{thing ={ :one => 'one' }} BRACES['single_line_hash_2_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{thing = { :one => 'one' }} BRACES['single_line_hash_2_spaces_before_rbrace'] = %Q{thing = { :one => 'one' }} BRACES['single_line_hash_2_spaces_after_lbrace'] = %Q{thing = { :one => 'one' }} BRACES['two_line_hash_2_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{thing1 = thing2 = { :one => 'one' }} BRACES['two_line_hash_2_spaces_before_rbrace'] = %Q{thing1 = thing2 = { :one => 'one' }} BRACES['two_line_hash_2_spaces_before_lbrace_lonely_braces'] = %Q{thing1 = thing2 = { :one => 'one' }} BRACES['space_in_empty_hash_in_string_in_block'] = %Q{[1].map { |n| { :first => "\#{n}-\#{{ }}" } }} BRACES['single_line_block_2_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{1..10.times { |n| puts n }} BRACES['single_line_block_in_string_interp_2_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{"I did this \#{1..10.times { |n| puts n }} times."} BRACES['single_line_block_0_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{1..10.times{ |n| puts n }} BRACES['two_line_braces_block_2_spaces_before_lbrace'] = %Q{1..10.times { |n| puts n}} BRACES['two_line_braces_block_0_spaces_before_lbrace_trailing_comment'] = %Q{1..10.times{ |n| # comment puts n}} BRACES['no_space_after_l_before_r_after_string_interp'] = %Q{logger.debug "from \#{current} to \#{new_ver}", {:format => :short}} BRACES['no_space_before_consecutive_rbraces'] = %Q{thing = { 'id' => "\#{source}", 'attributes' => { 'height' => "\#{height}"}}} describe "Detection of spacing around braces" do before do Tailor::Logger.stub(:log) FakeFS.activate!, 'w') { |f| f.write contents } critic.check_file(file_name, style.to_hash) end let(:critic) do end let(:contents) { BRACES[file_name]} let(:style) do style = style.trailing_newlines 0, level: :off style.allow_invalid_ruby true, level: :off style end context "single-line Hash" do context "0 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_hash_0_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 7 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end context "2 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_hash_2_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 9 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end context "2 spaces after lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_hash_2_spaces_after_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_after_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 9 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end context "2 spaces before rbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_hash_2_spaces_before_rbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 25 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end end context "two-line Hash" do context "2 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'two_line_hash_2_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:line].should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:column].should be 12 } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:level].should be :error } end context "2 spaces before rbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'two_line_hash_2_spaces_before_rbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 28 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end context "2 spaces before lbrace, lonely braces" do let!(:file_name) { 'two_line_hash_2_spaces_before_lbrace_lonely_braces' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 12 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end end context "single-line block" do context "space in empty Hash" do let!(:file_name) { 'space_in_empty_hash_in_string_in_block' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_in_empty_braces" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 36 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end context "0 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_block_0_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 11 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end context "2 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_block_2_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:column].should be 13 } specify { critic.problems[file_name.to_s].first[:level].should be :error } end context "in String interpolation, 2 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'single_line_block_in_string_interp_2_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 27 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } end end context "multi-line block" do context "2 spaces before lbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'two_line_braces_block_2_spaces_before_lbrace' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 13 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:line].should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:column].should be 8 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:level].should be :error } end context "0 spaces before lbrace, with trailing comment" do let!(:file_name) { 'two_line_braces_block_0_spaces_before_lbrace_trailing_comment' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_before_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 11 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:line].should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:column].should be 8 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:level].should be :error } end end context "String interpolation" do context "0 spaces after lbrace or before rbrace" do let!(:file_name) { 'no_space_after_l_before_r_after_string_interp' } specify { critic.problems[file_name].size.should be 2 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:type].should == "spaces_after_lbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:column].should be 47 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].first[:level].should be :error } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:line].should be 1 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:column].should be 64 } specify { critic.problems[file_name].last[:level].should be :error } end context "no space before consecutive rbraces" do let(:file_name) { 'no_space_before_consecutive_rbraces' } let(:problems) { critic.problems[file_name].select { |p| p[:type] == 'spaces_before_rbrace' } } specify { problems.size.should be 2 } specify { problems.first[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { problems.first[:line].should be 1 } specify { problems.first[:column].should be 72 } specify { problems.first[:level].should be :error } specify { problems.last[:type].should == "spaces_before_rbrace" } specify { problems.last[:line].should be 1 } specify { problems.last[:column].should be 73 } specify { problems.last[:level].should be :error } end end end