{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "id": "b0a5e4277-83c4-4adb-87e2-e3efe3369b6f", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2012-05-29T23:45:32Z" }, "type": "collection", "entry": [ { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/71", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "71", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n CarePlan repository, CarePlan
\n Address: https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir
" }, "status": "active", "name": "CarePlan repository", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Telstra Health" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "hl7-fhir-rest" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "CarePlan" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "application/fhir+xml" ], "address": "https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/72", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "72", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Questionnaire Destination, QuestionnaireResponse
\n Address: https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Questionnaire Destination", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Telstra Health" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "hl7-fhir-rest" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "QuestionnaireResponse" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "application/fhir+xml" ], "address": "https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/73", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "73", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Referral Requests, ReferralRequest
\n Address: https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Referral Requests", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Telstra Health" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "hl7-fhir-rest" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "ReferralRequest" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "application/fhir+xml" ], "address": "https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/74", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "74", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Referral Requests, ReferralRequest QuestionnaireResponse
\n Address: https://open.epic.com/Interface/FHIR
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Referral Requests", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Epic demo organization" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "hl7-fhir-rest" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "ReferralRequest QuestionnaireResponse" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "application/fhir+json" ], "address": "https://open.epic.com/Interface/FHIR" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/75", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "75", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Subscription receiver, ReferralRequest
\n Address: mailto:subscriptions@example.org
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Subscription receiver", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Telstra Health" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "secure-email" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "ReferralRequest" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "application/fhir+xml" ], "address": "mailto:subscriptions@example.org" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/76", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "76", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n valid usecase?, CDA-EventSummary
\n Address: https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir
" }, "status": "active", "name": "valid usecase?", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Telstra Health" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "hl7-fhir-msg" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "CDA-EventSummary" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "PDF" ], "address": "https://sqlonfhir-dstu2.azurewebsites.net/fhir" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/77", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "77", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n v2 referral Requests, REF-I12
\n Address:
" }, "status": "active", "name": "v2 referral Requests", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Epic demo organization" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "hl7v2-mllp" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "REF-I12" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "HL7v2" ], "address": "" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/78", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "78", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n xds event summaries, CDA-EventSummary
\n Address: https://open.epic.com/Interface/XDS.b
" }, "status": "active", "name": "xds event summaries", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Epic demo organization" }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "ihe-xds" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "CDA-EventSummary" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "XDA/XDS" ], "address": "https://open.epic.com/Interface/XDS.b" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/79", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "79", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Enterprise Image Archive, varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)
\n Address: https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Enterprise Image Archive", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Multi-site Co." }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "dicom-wado-rs" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "DICOM WADO-RS" ], "address": "https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/80", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "80", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Enterprise Image Archive, varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)
\n Address: https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Enterprise Image Archive", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Multi-site Co." }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "dicom-qido-rs" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "DICOM QIDO-RS" ], "address": "https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/81", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "81", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Enterprise Image Archive, varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)
\n Address: https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Enterprise Image Archive", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Multi-site Co." }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "dicom-stow-rs" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "DICOM STOW-RS" ], "address": "https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/82", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "82", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Enterprise Image Archive, varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)
\n Address: https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Enterprise Image Archive", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Multi-site Co." }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "dicom-stow-rs" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "DICOM STOW-RS" ], "address": "https://pacs.hospital.org/dicomweb" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/83", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "83", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Enterprise Image Archive, varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)
\n Address: https://pacs.hospital.org/wadoUri
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Enterprise Image Archive", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Multi-site Co." }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "dicom-wado-uri" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "DICOM WADO-URI" ], "address": "https://pacs.hospital.org/wadoUri" } }, { "fullUrl": "http://hl7.org/fhir/Endpoint/84", "resource": { "resourceType": "Endpoint", "id": "84", "text": { "status": "generated", "div": "
\n Enterprise Image Archive, varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)
\n Address: https://pacs.hospital.org/IHEInvokeImageDisplay
" }, "status": "active", "name": "Enterprise Image Archive", "managingOrganization": { "display": "Multi-site Co." }, "connectionType": { "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/endpoint-connection-type", "code": "ihe-iid" }, "payloadType": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "varies (application/dicom, application/dicom+xml, image/jpeg, and many more)" } ] } ], "payloadMimeType": [ "IHE IID" ], "address": "https://pacs.hospital.org/IHEInvokeImageDisplay" } } ] }