require 'pp' require 'tmpdir' require 'stringio' [ STDOUT, STDERR ].each { |io| io.sync = true } begin require 'test/spec' rescue LoadError => boom require 'rubygems' rescue nil require 'test/spec' end # Set the MEMCACHED environment variable as follows to enable testing # of the MemCached meta and entity stores. ENV['MEMCACHED'] ||= 'localhost:11215' $memcached = nil $memcache = nil def have_memcached?(server=ENV['MEMCACHED']) return $memcached unless $memcached.nil? v, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil # silence warnings from memcached require 'memcached' $VERBOSE = v $memcached = $memcached.set('ping', '') true rescue LoadError => boom $memcached = false false rescue => boom STDERR.puts "memcached not working. related tests will be skipped." $memcached = false false end have_memcached? def have_memcache?(server=ENV['MEMCACHED']) return $memcache unless $memcache.nil? require 'memcache' $memcache = $memcache.set('ping', '') true rescue LoadError => boom $memcache = false false rescue => boom STDERR.puts "memcache not working. related tests will be skipped." $memcache = false false end have_memcache? def need_memcached(forwhat) if have_memcached? yield else STDERR.puts "skipping memcached #{forwhat}" end end def need_memcache(forwhat) if have_memcache? yield else STDERR.puts "skipping memcache #{forwhat}" end end def need_java(forwhat) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ yield else STDERR.puts "skipping app engine #{forwhat}" end end # Setup the load path .. $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/lib' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'rack/cache' # Methods for constructing downstream applications / response # generators. module CacheContextHelpers # The Rack::Cache::Context instance used for the most recent # request. attr_reader :cache # An Array of Rack::Cache::Context instances used for each request, in # request order. attr_reader :caches # The Rack::Response instance result of the most recent request. attr_reader :response # An Array of Rack::Response instances for each request, in request order. attr_reader :responses # The backend application object. attr_reader :app def setup_cache_context # holds each Rack::Cache::Context @app = nil # each time a request is made, a clone of @cache_template is used # and appended to @caches. @cache_template = nil @cache = nil @caches = [] @errors = @cache_config = nil @called = false @request = nil @response = nil @responses = [] @storage = end def teardown_cache_context @app, @cache_template, @cache, @caches, @called, @request, @response, @responses, @cache_config = nil end # A basic response with 200 status code and a tiny body. def respond_with(status=200, headers={}, body=['Hello World']) called = false @app = lambda do |env| called = true response =, status, headers) request = yield request, response if block_given? response.finish end @app.meta_def(:called?) { called } @app.meta_def(:reset!) { called = false } @app end def cache_config(&block) @cache_config = block end def request(method, uri='/', opts={}) opts = { 'rack.run_once' => true, 'rack.errors' => @errors, '' => @storage }.merge(opts) fail 'response not specified (use respond_with)' if @app.nil? @app.reset! if @app.respond_to?(:reset!) @cache_prototype ||=, &@cache_config) @cache = @cache_prototype.clone @caches << @cache @request = yield @cache if block_given? @response = @request.request(method.to_s.upcase, uri, opts) @responses << @response @response end def get(stem, env={}, &b) request(:get, stem, env, &b) end def head(stem, env={}, &b) request(:head, stem, env, &b) end def post(*args, &b) request(:post, *args, &b) end end module TestHelpers include FileUtils F = File @@temp_dir_count = 0 def create_temp_directory @@temp_dir_count += 1 path = F.join(Dir.tmpdir, "rack-cache-#{$$}-#{@@temp_dir_count}") mkdir_p path if block_given? yield path remove_entry_secure path end path end def create_temp_file(root, file, data='') path = F.join(root, file) mkdir_p F.dirname(path), 'w') { |io| io.write(data) } end end class Test::Unit::TestCase include TestHelpers include CacheContextHelpers end # Metaid == a few simple metaclass helper # (See class Object # The hidden singleton lurks behind everyone def metaclass; class << self; self; end; end def meta_eval(&blk); metaclass.instance_eval(&blk); end # Adds methods to a metaclass def meta_def name, &blk meta_eval { define_method name, &blk } end # Defines an instance method within a class def class_def name, &blk class_eval { define_method name, &blk } end # True when the Object is neither false or nil. def truthy? !!self end end