# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Ably::Realtime::Channel, :event_machine do vary_by_protocol do let(:default_options) { { key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol } } let(:client_options) { default_options } let(:client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } let(:channel_name) { random_str } let(:payload) { random_str } let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) } let(:messages) { [] } describe 'initialization' do context 'with :auto_connect option set to false on connection' do let(:client) do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(auto_connect: false)) end it 'remains initialized when accessing a channel' do client.channel('test') EventMachine.add_timer(2) do expect(client.connection).to be_initialized stop_reactor end end it 'opens a connection implicitly on #attach' do client.channel('test').attach do expect(client.connection).to be_connected stop_reactor end end end end describe '#attach' do it 'emits attaching then attached events' do channel.once(:attaching) do channel.once(:attached) do stop_reactor end end channel.attach end it 'ignores subsequent #attach calls but calls the success callback if provided' do channel.once(:attaching) do channel.attach channel.once(:attached) do channel.attach do stop_reactor end end end channel.attach end it 'attaches to a channel' do channel.attach channel.on(:attached) do expect(channel.state).to eq(:attached) stop_reactor end end it 'attaches to a channel and calls the provided block' do channel.attach do expect(channel.state).to eq(:attached) stop_reactor end end it 'returns a SafeDeferrable that catches exceptions in callbacks and logs them' do expect(channel.attach).to be_a(Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable) stop_reactor end it 'calls the SafeDeferrable callback on success' do channel.attach.callback do expect(channel).to be_a(Ably::Realtime::Channel) expect(channel.state).to eq(:attached) stop_reactor end end context 'when state is :failed' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } it 'reattaches' do channel.attach do channel.transition_state_machine :failed, reason: RuntimeError.new expect(channel).to be_failed channel.attach do expect(channel).to be_attached stop_reactor end end end end context 'when state is :detaching' do it 'moves straight to attaching and skips detached' do channel.once(:detaching) do channel.once(:detached) { raise 'Detach should not have been reached' } channel.once(:attaching) do channel.once(:attached) do channel.off stop_reactor end end channel.attach end channel.attach do channel.detach end end end context 'with many connections and many channels on each simultaneously' do let(:connection_count) { 30 } let(:channel_count) { 10 } let(:permutation_count) { connection_count * channel_count } let(:channel_connection_ids) { [] } it 'attaches all channels', em_timeout: 15 do connection_count.times.map do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options) end.each do |client| channel_count.times.map do |index| client.channel("channel-#{index}").attach do channel_connection_ids << "#{client.connection.id}:#{index}" next unless channel_connection_ids.count == permutation_count expect(channel_connection_ids.uniq.count).to eql(permutation_count) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'failure as a result of insufficient key permissions' do let(:restricted_client) do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(key: restricted_api_key, log_level: :fatal)) end let(:restricted_channel) { restricted_client.channel("cannot_subscribe") } it 'emits failed event' do restricted_channel.attach restricted_channel.on(:failed) do |connection_state| expect(restricted_channel.state).to eq(:failed) expect(connection_state.reason.status).to eq(401) stop_reactor end end it 'calls the errback of the returned Deferrable' do restricted_channel.attach.errback do |error| expect(restricted_channel.state).to eq(:failed) expect(error.status).to eq(401) stop_reactor end end it 'emits an error event' do restricted_channel.attach restricted_channel.on(:error) do |error| expect(restricted_channel.state).to eq(:failed) expect(error.status).to eq(401) stop_reactor end end it 'updates the error_reason' do restricted_channel.attach restricted_channel.on(:failed) do expect(restricted_channel.error_reason.status).to eq(401) stop_reactor end end context 'and subsequent authorisation with suitable permissions' do it 'attaches to the channel successfully and resets the channel error_reason' do restricted_channel.attach restricted_channel.once(:failed) do restricted_client.close do # A direct call to #authorise is synchronous restricted_client.auth.authorise({}, key: api_key) restricted_client.connect do restricted_channel.once(:attached) do expect(restricted_channel.error_reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end restricted_channel.attach end end end end end end end describe '#detach' do it 'detaches from a channel' do channel.attach do channel.detach channel.on(:detached) do expect(channel.state).to eq(:detached) stop_reactor end end end it 'detaches from a channel and calls the provided block' do channel.attach do expect(channel.state).to eq(:attached) channel.detach do expect(channel.state).to eq(:detached) stop_reactor end end end it 'emits :detaching then :detached events' do channel.once(:detaching) do channel.once(:detached) do stop_reactor end end channel.attach do channel.detach end end it 'returns a SafeDeferrable that catches exceptions in callbacks and logs them' do channel.attach do expect(channel.detach).to be_a(Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable) stop_reactor end end it 'calls the Deferrable callback on success' do channel.attach do channel.detach.callback do expect(channel).to be_a(Ably::Realtime::Channel) expect(channel.state).to eq(:detached) stop_reactor end end end context 'when state is :failed' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } it 'raises an exception' do channel.attach do channel.transition_state_machine :failed, reason: RuntimeError.new expect(channel).to be_failed expect { channel.detach }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange stop_reactor end end end context 'when state is :attaching' do it 'moves straight to :detaching state and skips :attached' do channel.once(:attaching) do channel.once(:attached) { raise 'Attached should never be reached' } channel.once(:detaching) do channel.once(:detached) do stop_reactor end end channel.detach end channel.attach end end context 'when state is :detaching' do it 'ignores subsequent #detach calls but calls the callback if provided' do channel.once(:detaching) do channel.detach channel.once(:detached) do channel.detach do stop_reactor end end end channel.attach do channel.detach end end end context 'when state is :initialized' do it 'does nothing as there is no channel to detach' do expect(channel).to be_initialized channel.detach do expect(channel).to be_initialized stop_reactor end end it 'returns a valid deferrable' do expect(channel).to be_initialized channel.detach.callback do expect(channel).to be_initialized stop_reactor end end end end describe 'channel recovery in :attaching state' do context 'the transport is disconnected before the ATTACHED protocol message is received' do skip 'attach times out and fails if not ATTACHED protocol message received' skip 'channel is ATTACHED if ATTACHED protocol message is later received' skip 'sends an ATTACH protocol message in response to a channel message being received on the attaching channel' end end context '#publish' do let(:name) { random_str } let(:data) { random_str } context 'when attached' do it 'publishes messages' do channel.attach do 3.times { channel.publish('event', payload) } end channel.subscribe do |message| messages << message if message.data == payload stop_reactor if messages.count == 3 end end end context 'when not yet attached' do it 'publishes queued messages once attached' do 3.times { channel.publish('event', random_str) } channel.subscribe do |message| messages << message if message.name == 'event' stop_reactor if messages.count == 3 end end it 'publishes queued messages within a single protocol message' do 3.times { channel.publish('event', random_str) } channel.subscribe do |message| messages << message if message.name == 'event' next unless messages.length == 3 # All 3 messages should be batched into a single Protocol Message by the client library # message.id = "{protocol_message.id}:{protocol_message_index}" # Check that all messages share the same protocol_message.id message_id = messages.map { |msg| msg.id.split(':')[0] } expect(message_id.uniq.count).to eql(1) # Check that messages use index 0,1,2 in the ID message_indexes = messages.map { |msg| msg.id.split(':')[1] } expect(message_indexes).to include("0", "1", "2") stop_reactor end end context 'with :queue_messages client option set to false' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(queue_messages: false) } context 'and connection state initialized' do it 'raises an exception' do expect { channel.publish('event') }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::MessageQueueingDisabled expect(client.connection).to be_initialized stop_reactor end end context 'and connection state connecting' do it 'raises an exception' do client.connect EventMachine.next_tick do expect { channel.publish('event') }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::MessageQueueingDisabled expect(client.connection).to be_connecting stop_reactor end end end context 'and connection state disconnected' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(queue_messages: false, :log_level => :error ) } it 'raises an exception' do client.connection.once(:connected) do client.connection.once(:disconnected) do expect { channel.publish('event') }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::MessageQueueingDisabled expect(client.connection).to be_disconnected stop_reactor end client.connection.transition_state_machine :disconnected end end end context 'and connection state connected' do it 'publishes the message' do client.connection.once(:connected) do channel.publish('event') stop_reactor end end end end end context 'with name and data arguments' do it 'publishes the message and return true indicating success' do channel.publish(name, data) do channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.first.name).to eql(name) expect(page.items.first.data).to eql(data) stop_reactor end end end context 'and additional attributes' do let(:client_id) { random_str } it 'publishes the message with the attributes and return true indicating success' do channel.publish(name, data, client_id: client_id) do channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.first.client_id).to eql(client_id) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'with an array of Hash objects with :name and :data attributes' do let(:messages) do 10.times.map do |index| { name: index.to_s, data: { "index" => index + 10 } } end end it 'publishes an array of messages in one ProtocolMessage' do published = false channel.attach do client.connection.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.once(:protocol_message) do |protocol_message| expect(protocol_message.messages.count).to eql(messages.count) published = true end channel.publish(messages).callback do channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.map(&:name)).to match_array(messages.map { |message| message[:name] }) expect(page.items.map(&:data)).to match_array(messages.map { |message| message[:data] }) expect(published).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'with an array of Message objects' do let(:messages) do 10.times.map do |index| Ably::Models::Message(name: index.to_s, data: { "index" => index + 10 }) end end it 'publishes an array of messages in one ProtocolMessage' do published = false channel.attach do client.connection.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.once(:protocol_message) do |protocol_message| expect(protocol_message.messages.count).to eql(messages.count) published = true end channel.publish(messages).callback do channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.map(&:name)).to match_array(messages.map { |message| message[:name] }) expect(page.items.map(&:data)).to match_array(messages.map { |message| message[:data] }) expect(published).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end end end context 'nil attributes' do context 'when name is nil' do let(:data) { random_str } it 'publishes the message without a name attribute in the payload' do published = false channel.publish(nil, data) do published = true end channel.subscribe do |message| expect(message.name).to be_nil channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.first.name).to be_nil expect(page.items.first.data).to eql(data) EM.add_timer(0.5) do expect(published).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'when data is nil' do let(:name) { random_str } it 'publishes the message without a data attribute in the payload' do published = false channel.publish(name, nil) do published = true end channel.subscribe do |message| expect(message.data).to be_nil channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.first.name).to eql(name) expect(page.items.first.data).to be_nil EM.add_timer(0.5) do expect(published).to eql(true) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'with neither name or data attributes' do let(:name) { random_str } it 'publishes the message without any attributes in the payload' do channel.publish(nil) do channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.first.name).to be_nil expect(page.items.first.data).to be_nil stop_reactor end end end end end context 'with two invalid message out of 12' do let(:rest_client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options.merge(client_id: 'valid')) } let(:invalid_messages) do 2.times.map do |index| Ably::Models::Message(name: index.to_s, data: { "index" => index + 10 }, client_id: 'prohibited') end end context 'before client_id is known (validated)' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(token: rest_client.auth.request_token.token, log_level: :error) } it 'calls the errback once' do channel.publish(messages + invalid_messages).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.callback do raise 'Publish should have failed' end deferrable.errback do |error, message| # TODO: Review whether we should fail once or multiple times channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.count).to eql(0) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'when client_id is known (validated)' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(client_id: 'valid') } it 'raises an exception' do expect { channel.publish(messages + invalid_messages) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end end context 'only invalid messages' do let(:rest_client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options.merge(client_id: 'valid')) } let(:invalid_messages) do 10.times.map do |index| Ably::Models::Message(name: index.to_s, data: { "index" => index + 10 }, client_id: 'prohibited') end end context 'before client_id is known (validated)' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(token: rest_client.auth.request_token.token, log_level: :error) } it 'calls the errback once' do channel.publish(invalid_messages).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.callback do raise 'Publish should have failed' end deferrable.errback do |error, message| channel.history do |page| expect(page.items.count).to eql(0) stop_reactor end end end end end context 'when client_id is known (validated)' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(client_id: 'valid') } it 'raises an exception' do expect { channel.publish(invalid_messages) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end end end context 'with many many messages and many connections simultaneously' do let(:connection_count) { 5 } let(:messages) { 5.times.map { |index| { name: "test", data: "message-#{index}" } } } let(:published) { [] } let(:channel_name) { random_str } it 'publishes all messages, all success callbacks are called, and a history request confirms all messages were published' do connection_count.times.map do auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) end.each do |client| channel = client.channels.get(channel_name) messages.each do |message| channel.publish(message.fetch(:name), message.fetch(:data)) do published << message if published.count == connection_count * messages.count channel.history do |history_page| expect(history_page.items.count).to eql(connection_count * messages.count) stop_reactor end end end end end end end context 'identified clients' do context 'when authenticated with a wildcard client_id' do let(:token) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(client_id: '*') } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: nil, token: token) } let(:client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } let(:channel) { client.channels.get(channel_name) } context 'with a valid client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'validClient']).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('validClient') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end context 'with a wildcard client_id in the message' do it 'throws an exception' do expect { channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: '*']) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end context 'with an empty client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds and publishes without a client_id' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: nil]).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to be_nil EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end context 'when authenticated with a Token string with an implicit client_id' do let(:token) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(client_id: 'valid').token } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: nil, token: token) } let(:client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } let(:channel) { client.channels.get(channel_name) } context 'before the client is CONNECTED and the client\'s identity has been obtained' do context 'with a valid client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'valid']).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('valid') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end context 'with an invalid client_id in the message' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: nil, token: token, log_level: :error) } it 'succeeds in the client library but then fails when delivered to Ably' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'invalid']).tap do |deferrable| EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| raise 'Message should not have been published' end end end context 'with an empty client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds and publishes with an implicit client_id' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: nil]).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('valid') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end context 'after the client is CONNECTED and the client\'s identity is known' do context 'with a valid client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds' do client.connection.once(:connected) do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'valid']).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('valid') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end context 'with an invalid client_id in the message' do it 'throws an exception' do client.connection.once(:connected) do expect { channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'invalid']) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end end context 'with an empty client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds and publishes with an implicit client_id' do client.connection.once(:connected) do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: nil]).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('valid') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end end end context 'when authenticated with a valid client_id' do let(:token) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(client_id: 'valid') } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: nil, token: token) } let(:client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } let(:channel) { client.channels.get(channel_name) } context 'with a valid client_id' do it 'succeeds' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'valid']).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('valid') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end context 'with a wildcard client_id in the message' do it 'throws an exception' do expect { channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: '*']) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end context 'with an invalid client_id in the message' do it 'throws an exception' do expect { channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'invalid']) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end context 'with an empty client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds and publishes with an implicit client_id' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: nil]).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to eql('valid') EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end context 'when anonymous and no client_id' do let(:token) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token(client_id: nil) } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(key: nil, token: token) } let(:client) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options) } let(:channel) { client.channels.get(channel_name) } context 'with a client_id in the message' do it 'throws an exception' do expect { channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: 'invalid']) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end context 'with a wildcard client_id in the message' do it 'throws an exception' do expect { channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: '*']) }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::IncompatibleClientId stop_reactor end end context 'with an empty client_id in the message' do it 'succeeds and publishes with an implicit client_id' do channel.publish([name: 'event', client_id: nil]).tap do |deferrable| deferrable.errback { raise 'Should have succeeded' } end channel.subscribe('event') do |message| expect(message.client_id).to be_nil EM.add_timer(0.5) { stop_reactor } end end end end end end describe '#subscribe' do context 'with an event argument' do it 'subscribes for a single event' do channel.subscribe('click') do |message| expect(message.data).to eql('data') stop_reactor end channel.publish('click', 'data') end end context 'before attach' do it 'receives messages as soon as attached' do channel.subscribe('click') do |message| expect(channel).to be_attached expect(message.data).to eql('data') stop_reactor end channel.publish('click', 'data') expect(channel).to be_attaching end end context 'with no event argument' do it 'subscribes for all events' do channel.subscribe do |message| expect(message.data).to eql('data') stop_reactor end channel.publish('click', 'data') end end context 'many times with different event names' do it 'filters events accordingly to each callback' do click_callback = proc { |message| messages << message } channel.subscribe('click', &click_callback) channel.subscribe('move', &click_callback) channel.subscribe('press', &click_callback) channel.attach do channel.publish('click', 'data') channel.publish('move', 'data') channel.publish('press', 'data') do EventMachine.add_timer(2) do expect(messages.count).to eql(3) stop_reactor end end end end end end describe '#unsubscribe' do context 'with an event argument' do it 'unsubscribes for a single event' do channel.subscribe('click') { raise 'Should not have been called' } channel.unsubscribe('click') channel.publish('click', 'data') do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do stop_reactor end end end end context 'with no event argument' do it 'unsubscribes for a single event' do channel.subscribe { raise 'Should not have been called' } channel.unsubscribe channel.publish('click', 'data') do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do stop_reactor end end end end end context 'when connection state changes to' do context ':failed' do let(:connection_error) { Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionFailed.new('forced failure', 500, 50000) } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :none) } def fake_error(error) client.connection.manager.error_received_from_server error end context 'an :attached channel' do it 'transitions state to :failed' do channel.attach do channel.on(:failed) do |connection_state_change| error = connection_state_change.reason expect(error).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionFailed) expect(error.code).to eql(80002) stop_reactor end fake_error connection_error end end it 'emits an error event on the channel' do channel.attach do channel.on(:error) do |error| expect(error).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionFailed) expect(error.code).to eql(80002) stop_reactor end fake_error connection_error end end it 'updates the channel error_reason' do channel.attach do channel.on(:failed) do |connection_state_change| error = connection_state_change.reason expect(error).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionFailed) expect(error.code).to eql(80002) stop_reactor end fake_error connection_error end end end context 'a :detached channel' do it 'remains in the :detached state' do channel.attach do channel.on(:failed) { raise 'Failed state should not have been reached' } channel.on(:error) { raise 'Error should not have been emitted' } channel.detach do EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(channel).to be_detached stop_reactor end fake_error connection_error end end end end context 'a :failed channel' do let(:original_error) { RuntimeError.new } it 'remains in the :failed state and ignores the failure error' do channel.attach do channel.on(:error) do channel.on(:failed) { raise 'Failed state should not have been reached' } channel.on(:error) { raise 'Error should not have been emitted' } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(channel).to be_failed expect(channel.error_reason).to eql(original_error) stop_reactor end fake_error connection_error end channel.transition_state_machine :failed, reason: original_error end end end context 'a channel ATTACH request' do it 'raises an exception' do client.connect do client.connection.once(:failed) do expect { channel.attach }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange stop_reactor end fake_error connection_error end end end end context ':closed' do context 'an :attached channel' do it 'transitions state to :detached' do channel.attach do channel.on(:detached) do stop_reactor end client.connection.close end end end context 'a :detached channel' do it 'remains in the :detached state' do channel.attach do channel.detach do channel.on(:detached) { raise 'Detached state should not have been reached' } channel.on(:error) { raise 'Error should not have been emitted' } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(channel).to be_detached stop_reactor end client.connection.close end end end end context 'a :failed channel' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } let(:original_error) { Ably::Models::ErrorInfo.new(message: 'Error') } it 'remains in the :failed state and retains the error_reason' do channel.attach do channel.once(:error) do channel.on(:detached) { raise 'Detached state should not have been reached' } channel.on(:error) { raise 'Error should not have been emitted' } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(channel).to be_failed expect(channel.error_reason).to eql(original_error) stop_reactor end client.connection.close end channel.transition_state_machine :failed, reason: original_error end end end context 'a channel ATTACH request when connection CLOSED' do it 'raises an exception' do client.connect do client.connection.once(:closed) do expect { channel.attach }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange stop_reactor end client.close end end end context 'a channel ATTACH request when connection CLOSING' do it 'raises an exception' do client.connect do client.connection.once(:closing) do expect { channel.attach }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange stop_reactor end client.close end end end end context ':suspended' do context 'an :attached channel' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } it 'transitions state to :detached' do channel.attach do channel.on(:detached) do stop_reactor end client.connection.transition_state_machine :suspended end end end context 'a :detached channel' do it 'remains in the :detached state' do channel.attach do channel.detach do channel.on(:detached) { raise 'Detached state should not have been reached' } channel.on(:error) { raise 'Error should not have been emitted' } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(channel).to be_detached stop_reactor end client.connection.transition_state_machine :suspended end end end end context 'a :failed channel' do let(:original_error) { RuntimeError.new } let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } it 'remains in the :failed state and retains the error_reason' do channel.attach do channel.once(:error) do channel.on(:detached) { raise 'Detached state should not have been reached' } channel.on(:error) { raise 'Error should not have been emitted' } EventMachine.add_timer(1) do expect(channel).to be_failed expect(channel.error_reason).to eql(original_error) stop_reactor end client.connection.transition_state_machine :suspended end channel.transition_state_machine :failed, reason: original_error end end end context 'a channel ATTACH request when connection SUSPENDED' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :fatal) } it 'raises an exception' do client.connect do client.connection.once(:suspended) do expect { channel.attach }.to raise_error Ably::Exceptions::InvalidStateChange stop_reactor end client.connection.transition_state_machine :suspended end end end end end describe '#presence' do it 'returns a Ably::Realtime::Presence object' do expect(channel.presence).to be_a(Ably::Realtime::Presence) stop_reactor end end context 'channel state change' do it 'emits a ChannelStateChange object' do channel.on(:attached) do |channel_state_change| expect(channel_state_change).to be_a(Ably::Models::ChannelStateChange) stop_reactor end channel.attach end context 'ChannelStateChange object' do it 'has current state' do channel.on(:attached) do |channel_state_change| expect(channel_state_change.current).to eq(:attached) stop_reactor end channel.attach end it 'has a previous state' do channel.on(:attached) do |channel_state_change| expect(channel_state_change.previous).to eq(:attaching) stop_reactor end channel.attach end it 'contains a private API protocol_message attribute that is used for special state change events', :api_private do channel.on(:attached) do |channel_state_change| expect(channel_state_change.protocol_message).to be_a(Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage) expect(channel_state_change.reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end channel.attach end it 'has an empty reason when there is no error' do channel.on(:detached) do |channel_state_change| expect(channel_state_change.reason).to be_nil stop_reactor end channel.attach do channel.detach end end context 'on failure' do let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(log_level: :none) } it 'has a reason Error object when there is an error on the channel' do channel.on(:failed) do |channel_state_change| expect(channel_state_change.reason).to be_a(Ably::Exceptions::BaseAblyException) stop_reactor end channel.attach do error = Ably::Exceptions::ConnectionFailed.new('forced failure', 500, 50000) client.connection.manager.error_received_from_server error end end end end end end end