require 'rubygems' require "pp" require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','remote_lmp.rb') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','utils.rb') begin require 'sinatra/base' require "log4r" include Log4r require 'activesupport' unless ({}.respond_to? :to_json) rescue LoadError => e p < : {'' => { :proc => #, :process => { "123" => #, "456" => #, "789" => # } } } =end =begin rdoc $HOSTS => : [{ :ip => '' },{ :ip => '', :pids => %w[123,456,789] }] =end File.join(Lpmp::ROOT,'config','hosts.yaml') ) { |yf| $HOSTS = YAML::load( yf ) } if $HOSTS $HOSTS.each { |host|$HostClientObjs[host[:ip]] = {:proc =>[:ip]),:process => (host[:pids]==nil ? [] : host[:pids].inject([]) { |arr, var| arr <<[:ip],var) })} } end $Log = File.join(Lpmp::ROOT,'log','pull.log') File.join(Lpmp::ROOT,'config','log.yaml') ) { |yf| $Log.level = YAML::load( yf ) } $HOSTS end def ext_response(bool,msg='OK') =begin rdoc { "success":true, // note this is Boolean, not string "msg":"Consignment updated" } =end (bool == true) || (bool == 'true') ? "{\"success\":true,\"msg\":\"#{msg}}\"" : "{\"success\":false,\"msg\":\"#{msg}\"}" end def get_hosts_grid_store_data # attributes = [:cpu,:loadavg,:meminfo,:uptime,:df,:date] r = [] t = [] # p 'get_hosts_grid_store_data\'s HostClientObjs :' # pp $HostClientObjs $HostClientObjs.each { |key,obj| tmp = {} t << Thread.fork{ tmp.update({:cpu => obj[:proc].cpu["cpu"]}) } tmp.update({ :ip => obj[:proc].baseUrl, :hostname => obj[:proc].hostname, :loadavg => obj[:proc].loadavg["load"][0], :mem_total => obj[:proc].meminfo["MemTotal"],#.chomp(' kB'), :mem_free => obj[:proc].meminfo["MemFree"],#.chomp(' kB'), :uptime_total => obj[:proc].uptime["total"], :uptime_idle => obj[:proc].uptime["idle"], :disk_size => obj[:proc].df["size"], :disk_use => obj[:proc].df["use"], :date => obj[:proc].date }) # p 'get_hosts_grid_store_data\'s item :' # pp tmp r << tmp } t.each { |e| e.join } {:root => r,:total => r.size}.to_json end def get_host_process_grid_store_data(ip) # attributes = [:cwd,:exe,:root,:cmdline,:mem] r = [] # t = [] # p 'get_host_process_grid_store_data\'s HostClientObjs :' # pp $HostClientObjs $HostClientObjs[ip.to_s][:process].each { |key,obj| tmp = {} # t << Thread.fork{ # tmp.update({:cpu => obj.cpu}) # } tmp.update({ :pid => key, # obj[:process].pid, :cwd => obj.cwd, :exe => obj.exe, :root => obj.root, :cmdline => obj.cmdline, :memory => obj.mem }) # p 'get_host_process_grid_store_data\'s item :' # pp tmp r << tmp } # t.each { |e| e.join } {:root => r,:total => r.size}.to_json end # init config init_config =begin rdoc LPMP is server and provides json data for request from web page. =end class LPMP < Sinatra::Base set :static, true # set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/public' # set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/erb' set :public, Lpmp::PUBLIC set :views, Lpmp::ERB get '/' do erb :index end get '/hosts/grid/*' do # => this grid is hosts grid begin get_hosts_grid_store_data rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.inspect) end end get '/hosts/tree/*' do begin # [{text: 'Êý¾Ý±¨±í',children: [{text: '½Ó¿ÚÊýÁ¿±ÈÀýͼ',url: 'StatisticsOfIfaceNumber.jsp',leaf: true},{id:'StatisticsOfTaskId',text: 'ÏîÄ¿²âÊÔÂִζԱÈͼ',url: 'StatisticsOfTask.jsp',leaf: true},{text: '½Ó¿ÚÊýÁ¿ÖÜÆÚ±¨±í',url: 'MonthlyIFaceSummary.jsp',leaf: true}]}] children = $HOSTS.inject([]) { |chd, e| chd << {:text => e[:ip],:leaf => true,:cls => "file"} } [{:text => "HostsTree",:children => children}].to_json rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end get '/host/process/grid/*' do # => this grid is processes grid begin get_host_process_grid_store_data(params[:ip]) rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end # if request is for line chart # {:value=>"value1",:time=>123456} get '/host/proc/cpu/*' do begin if $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]] r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:cpu,*(params[:splat].split('/'))) {:value => r["cpu"].to_f,:time =>"%m-%d %Hh:%Mm:%Ss")}.to_json else ext_response(false,'request uri format : /host/proc/:method/params1/params2/params3/*?ip=') end rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end get '/host/proc/loadavg/*' do begin if $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]] r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:loadavg) {:value => r['load'][0].to_f,:time =>"%m-%d %Hh:%Mm:%Ss")}.to_json else ext_response(false,'request uri format : /host/proc/:method/params1/params2/params3/*?ip=') end rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end get '/host/proc/line_chart_store/*' do begin if $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]] tmp = {} r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:loadavg) tmp[:load] = {:value => r['load'][0].to_f,:time =>"%m-%d %Hh:%Mm:%Ss")} r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:cpu,*(params[:splat].split('/'))) tmp[:cpu] = {:value => r["cpu"].to_f,:time =>"%m-%d %Hh:%Mm:%Ss")} tmp.to_json else ext_response(false,'request uri format : /host/proc/:method/params1/params2/params3/*?ip=') end rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end # if request is for pie chart # [{:type=>"str1",:count=>"count1"}, # {:type=>"str2",:count=>"count2"}, # {:type=>"str3",:count=>"count3"}] get '/host/proc/meminfo/*' do begin if $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]] # p 'mark' r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:meminfo) # p 'r => :' # pp r t = r.inject([]){|a,e| # pp e a << {:type => e[0],:count => e[1]} } # p "t => :" # pp t "{'root':#{t.to_json},'total':'#{t.size}'}" else ext_response(false,'request uri format : /host/proc/:method/params1/params2/params3/*?ip=') end rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end get '/host/proc/df/*' do begin if $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]] r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:df) t = r.inject([]){|a,e| a << {:type => e[0],:count => e[1]} } "{'root':#{t.to_json},'total':'#{t.size}'}" else ext_response(false,'request uri format : /host/proc/:method/params1/params2/params3/*?ip=') end rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end get '/host/proc/pids/*' do begin if $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]] r = $HostClientObjs[params[:ip]][:proc].send(:pids,*(params[:splat].split('/'))) ( { |e| {:text => e["pid"],:leaf => true,:cls => "file",:qtip => e["cmdline"]} }).to_json else ext_response(false,'request uri format : /host/proc/:method/params1/params2/params3/*?ip=') end rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,'sorry,server exception. '+e.to_s+'; $HostClientObjs=>'+$HostClientObjs.to_s) end end get '/register' do ($HOSTS.push params[:host] ? {:ip=>params[:ip],:host=>params[:host]} : {:ip=>params[:ip]}) if params[:ip] begin File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'config','hosts.yaml'), 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( $HOSTS, out ) end init_config ext_response(true) rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,"can't read/write hosts.yaml") end end get '/reload' do begin ext_response(true,init_config.to_json) rescue Exception => e ext_response(false,"can't read/write hosts.yaml") end end get '/help' do <<-DOC
    Welcome using QianNvYouHun(倩女幽魂)
     -- also named LPMP(Linux Proc Monitor Portal)
    Any problem you could send mail to
     -- Author:CharlesCui@Alibaba
DOC end get '/test_chart' do <<-DOC Linux Proc Monitor Portal 一定要有个容器!

DOC end end class LPMPServer def'',port=16789) Daemon.start{! :host => host, :port => port} end end