module Isomorfeus class CLI < Thor desc "new project_name", "Create a new isomorfeus project with project_name." option :rack_server, default: 'isomorfeus-iodine', aliases: '-r', desc: "Select rack server, one of: #{Isomorfeus::Installer.sorted_rack_servers.join(', ')}." option :targets, default: 'web', required: false, type: :string, aliases: '-t', desc: <<~DESC Select targets to install. Available targets: web: Create web applications all: web Example: -t all - Setup project for all targets -t web - Setup project for web applications only DESC option :bundle, default: 'yes', required: false, type: :string, aliases: '-y', desc: "Execute bundle install: -y or -y yes, do not execute: -y no" def new(project_name) Isomorfeus::Installer.set_project_names(project_name) Isomorfeus::Installer.options = options begin puts "Creating project directory #{Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir}" Dir.mkdir(Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir) rescue if Dir.exist?(Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir) && Gem.win_platform? # this is a workaround for Windows being unable to delete existing app directories of test_apps # because of some node_modules puts "Using existing directory #{Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir}!" else puts "Directory #{Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir} could not be created!" exit 1 end end Dir.chdir(Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir) puts "within the project directory:" Isomorfeus::Installer::NewProject.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::InstallTargets.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::Gemfile.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::Bundle.execute Dir.chdir('..') end # desc "add_target target", "Add a target to a existing Isomorfeus Project." # long_desc <<~DESC # Add a target to a existing Isomorfeus Project. # \x5 # \x5Available targets: # \x5 native: Create mobile applications with Preact' # \x5 # \x5 Example: # \x5 isomorfeus add_target native - Add mobile as target to a existing project # DESC # option :yarn_and_bundle, default: 'yes', required: false, type: :string, aliases: '-y', # desc: "Execute bundle install: -y or -y yes, do not execute: -y no" # def add(project_name) # Isomorfeus::Installer.set_project_names(project_name) # Isomorfeus::Installer.options = options # Isomorfeus::Installer::InstallTargets.execute # Isomorfeus::Installer::Gemfile.execute # Isomorfeus::Installer::Bundle.execute # end desc "console", "Open console for current project." def console end desc "versions", "Show versions of important Isomorfeus gems, to be executed within the project root." def versions output = "isomorfeus command version #{Isomorfeus::VERSION}\nProject gem versions:\n" %w[isomorfeus-asset-manager isomorfeus-ferret isomorfeus-redux isomorfeus-preact isomorfeus-puppetmaster isomorfeus-speednode isomorfeus-data isomorfeus-i18n isomorfeus-mailer isomorfeus-operation isomorfeus-policy isomorfeus-transport isomorfeus-iodine isomorfeus opal-zeitwerk opal].each do |gem| o = `bundle info #{gem} 2>&1` o.each_line do |line| output << line if line.include?('*') && line.include?(gem) end end puts output end desc "test_app", "Create a test_app for internal framework tests." option :module, required: true, type: :string, aliases: '-m', desc: "Isomorfeus module name for which to generate the test app, eg: 'i18n'. (required)" option :source_dir, required: true, type: :string, aliases: '-s', desc: "Recursively copy files from source dir into app. (optional)" option :targets, default: 'web', required: false, type: :string, aliases: '-t', desc: 'Select targets to install.' option :rack_server, default: 'isomorfeus-iodine', aliases: '-r', desc: "Select rack server, one of: #{Isomorfeus::Installer.sorted_rack_servers.join(', ')}. (optional, default: iodine)" option :yarn_and_bundle, default: 'yes', required: false, type: :string, aliases: '-y', desc: "Execute bundle install: -y or -y yes, do not execute: -y no" def test_app Isomorfeus::Installer.set_project_names('test_app') Isomorfeus::Installer.options = options begin Dir.mkdir(Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir) Dir.chdir(Isomorfeus::Installer.project_dir) rescue puts "Directory #{installer.project_dir} could not be created!" exit 1 end Isomorfeus::Installer::NewProject.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::InstallTargets.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::Gemfile.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::TestAppFiles.execute Isomorfeus::Installer::Bundle.execute Dir.chdir('..') end end end