require 'ninsho/authentication' module Ninsho module Interface def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def auth_hash Ninsho.resource_class.auth_hash end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :auth_hash def belongs_to_ninsho(*args) options = args.extract_options! associations = args.collect(&:to_s).collect(&:downcase) association_keys = associations.collect { |association| "#{association}_id" } #Set the belongs_to association by ActiveRecord associations.each do |associated_model| belongs_to associated_model.to_sym Ninsho.parent_resource_name = Ninsho.ref(associated_model.to_s.classify).get end end # Responsible for creating or find the record with the # omniauth hash def from_omniauth(omniauth = nil) self.auth_hash = omniauth end end end end