# stolen wholesale from capistrano, thanks Jamis! require 'fileutils' require 'json' module EY class DeployBase < Task # default task def deploy update_repository_cache require_custom_tasks push_code puts "~> Starting full deploy" copy_repository_cache bundle symlink_configs migrate symlink restart cleanup puts "~> finalizing deploy" end # task def push_code puts "~> Pushing code to all servers" EY::Server.all.each do |server| server.push_code end end # task def restart puts "~> Restarting app servers" roles :app_master, :app, :solo do restart_command = case c.stack when "nginx_unicorn" "/etc/init.d/unicorn_#{c.app} restart" when "nginx_mongrel" "monit restart all -g #{c.app}" when "nginx_passenger", "apache_passenger" "touch #{c.latest_release}/tmp/restart.txt" end if restart_command puts "~> restarting app: #{c.latest_release}" sudo("cd #{c.current_path} && INLINEDIR=/tmp #{c.framework_envs} #{restart_command}") end callback(:after_restart) end end # task def bundle roles :app_master, :app, :solo do if File.exist?("#{c.latest_release}/Gemfile") puts "~> Gemfile detected, bundling gems" run %|cd #{c.latest_release} && bundle install| end end end # task def cleanup puts "~> cleaning up old releases" sudo "ls #{c.release_dir} | head -n -3 | xargs -I{} rm -rf #{c.release_dir}/{}" end # task def rollback puts "~> rolling back to previous release" symlink(c.previous_release) FileUtils.rm_rf c.latest_release puts "~> restarting with previous release" restart end # task def migrate roles :app_master, :solo do if c.migrate? callback(:before_migrate) puts "~> migrating" cmd = "cd #{c.latest_release} && #{c.framework_envs} #{c.migration_command}" puts "~> Migrating: #{cmd}" run(cmd) end end end # task def copy_repository_cache puts "~> copying to #{c.release_path}" sudo("mkdir -p #{c.release_path} && rsync -aq #{c.exclusions} #{c.repository_cache}/* #{c.release_path}") puts "~> ensuring proper ownership" sudo("chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.deploy_to}") end def symlink_configs(release_to_link=c.latest_release) puts "~> Symlinking configs" sudo [ "chmod -R g+w #{release_to_link}", "rm -rf #{release_to_link}/log #{release_to_link}/public/system #{release_to_link}/tmp/pids", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/tmp", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/log #{release_to_link}/log", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/public", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/config", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/system #{release_to_link}/public/system", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/pids #{release_to_link}/tmp/pids", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_to_link}/config/database.yml", "chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{release_to_link}" ].join(" && ") end # task def symlink(release_to_link=c.latest_release) callback(:before_symlink) puts "~> symlinking code" begin sudo "rm -f #{c.current_path} && ln -nfs #{release_to_link} #{c.current_path} && chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.current_path}" rescue => e sudo "rm -f #{c.current_path} && ln -nfs #{c.previous_release(release_to_link)} #{c.current_path} && chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.current_path}" sudo "rm -rf #{release_to_link}" raise e end end # before_symlink # before_restart class CallbackContext def initialize(deploy) @deploy = deploy end def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk) if @deploy.respond_to?(meth) @deploy.send(meth, *args, &blk) elsif @deploy.config.respond_to?(meth) @deploy.config.send(meth, *args, &blk) else super end end def respond_to(meth) if @deploy.respond_to?(meth) || @deploy.config.respond_to?(meth) true else super end end end def callback_context @context ||= CallbackContext.new(self) end def callback(what) if File.exist?("#{c.latest_release}/deploy/#{what}.rb") Dir.chdir(c.latest_release) do puts "~> running deploy hook: deploy/#{what}.rb" callback_context.instance_eval(IO.read("#{c.latest_release}/deploy/#{what}.rb")) end end end end class Deploy < DeployBase def self.new(opts={}) # include the correct fetch strategy include EY::Strategies.const_get(opts.strategy)::Helpers super end def self.run(opts={}) conf = EY::Deploy::Configuration.new(opts) EY::Server.config = conf dep = new(conf) dep.require_custom_tasks dep.send(opts["default_task"]) end end end