# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory require 'metasm/main' module Metasm # A source text preprocessor (C-like) # defines the methods nexttok, readtok and unreadtok # they spits out Tokens of type : # :string for words (/[a-Z0-9$_]+/) # :punct for punctuation (/[.,:*+-]/ etc), any unhandled character # :space for space/tabs/comment/\r # :eol for newline :space including at least one \n not escaped # :quoted for quoted string, tok.raw includes delimiter and all content. tok.value holds the interpreted value (handles \x, \oct, \r etc). 1-line only # or nil on end of stream # \ at end of line discards a newline, otherwise returns a tok :punct with the \ # preprocessor directives start with a :punct '#' just after an :eol (so you can have spaces before #), they take a whole line # comments are C/C++ style (//...\n or /*...*/), returned as :eol (resp. :space) class Preprocessor # a token, as returned by the preprocessor class Token # the token type: :space, :eol, :quoted, :string, :punct, ... attr_accessor :type # the interpreted value of the token (Integer for an int, etc) attr_accessor :value # the raw string that gave this token attr_accessor :raw # a list of token this on is expanded from (Preprocessor macro expansion) attr_accessor :expanded_from include Backtrace def initialize(backtrace) @backtrace = backtrace @value = nil @raw = '' end # used when doing 'raise tok, "foo"' # raises a ParseError, adding backtrace information def exception(msg='syntax error') msgh = msg.to_s if msg msgh << ' near ' expanded_from.to_a.each { |ef| msgh << ef.exception(nil).message << " expanded to \n\t" } end msgh << ((@raw.length > 35) ? (@raw[0..10] + '<...>' + @raw[-10..-1]).inspect : @raw.inspect) msgh << " at " << backtrace_str ParseError.new msgh end def dup n = self.class.new(backtrace) n.type = @type n.value = @value.kind_of?(String) ? @value.dup : @value n.raw = @raw.dup n.expanded_from = @expanded_from.dup if defined? @expanded_from n end end # a preprocessor macro class Macro # the token holding the name used in the macro definition attr_accessor :name # array of tokens of formal arguments attr_accessor :args # array of tokens of macro body attr_accessor :body # bool attr_accessor :varargs def initialize(name) @name = name @body = [] end # parses an argument list from the lexer or from a list of tokens # modifies the list, returns an array of list of tokens/nil # handles nesting def self.parse_arglist(lexer, list=nil) readtok = lambda { list ? list.shift : lexer.readtok(false) } unreadtok = lambda { |t| list ? (list.unshift(t) if t) : lexer.unreadtok(t) } tok = nil unreadlist = [] unreadlist << tok while tok = readtok[] and tok.type == :space if not tok or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' unreadtok[tok] unreadlist.reverse_each { |t| unreadtok[t] } return nil end args = [] # each argument is any token sequence # if it includes an '(' then find the matching ')', whatever is inside (handle nesting) # arg cannot include ',' in the top-level # args are parsed with no macro expansion # convert any space/eol sequence to a single space, strips them at begin/end of argument loop do arg = [] nest = 0 loop do raise lexer, 'unterminated arg list' if not tok = readtok[] case tok.type when :eol, :space next if arg.last and arg.last.type == :space tok = tok.dup tok.type = :space tok.raw = ' ' when :punct case tok.raw when ','; break if nest == 0 when ')'; break if nest == 0 ; nest -= 1 when '('; nest += 1 end end arg << tok end arg.pop if arg.last and arg.last.type == :space args << arg if not arg.empty? or args.length > 0 or tok.raw != ')' break if tok.raw == ')' end args end # applies a preprocessor macro # parses arguments if needed # macros are lazy # fills tokens.expanded_from # returns an array of tokens def apply(lexer, name, args, list=nil) expfrom = name.expanded_from.to_a + [name] if args # hargs is a hash argname.raw => array of tokens hargs = @args.zip(args).inject({}) { |h, (af, ar)| h.update af.raw => ar } if not varargs raise name, 'invalid argument count' if args.length != @args.length else raise name, 'invalid argument count' if args.length < @args.length virg = name.dup # concat remaining args in __VA_ARGS__ virg.type = :punct virg.raw = ',' va = args[@args.length..-1].map { |a| a + [virg.dup] }.flatten va.pop hargs['__VA_ARGS__'] = va end else hargs = {} end res = [] b = @body.map { |t| t = t.dup ; t.expanded_from = expfrom ; t } while t = b.shift if a = hargs[t.raw] # expand macros a = a.dup while at = a.shift margs = nil if at.type == :string and am = lexer.definition[at.raw] and not at.expanded_from.to_a.find { |ef| ef.raw == @name.raw } and ((am.args and margs = Macro.parse_arglist(lexer, a)) or not am.args) toks = am.apply(lexer, at, margs, a) a = toks + a # reroll else res << at.dup if not res.last or res.last.type != :space or at.type != :space end end elsif t.type == :punct and t.raw == '##' # the '##' operator: concat the next token to the last in body nil while t = b.shift and t.type == :space res.pop while res.last and res.last.type == :space if not a = hargs[t.raw] a = [t] end if varargs and t.raw == '__VA_ARGS__' and res.last and res.last.type == :punct and res.last.raw == ',' if args.length == @args.length # pop last , if no vararg passed # XXX poof(1, 2,) != poof(1, 2) res.pop else # allow merging with ',' without warning res.concat a end else a = a[1..-1] if a.first and a.first.type == :space if not res.last or res.last.type != :string or not a.first or a.first.type != :string puts name.exception("cannot merge token #{res.last.raw} with #{a.first ? a.first.raw : 'nil'}").message if not a.first or (a.first.raw != '.' and res.last.raw != '.') if $VERBOSE res.concat a else res[-1] = res[-1].dup res.last.raw << a.first.raw res.concat a[1..-1] end end elsif args and t.type == :punct and t.raw == '#' # map an arg to a qstring nil while t = b.shift and t.type == :space t.type = :quoted t.value = hargs[t.raw].map { |aa| aa.raw }.join t.value = t.value[1..-1] if t.value[0] == ?\ # delete leading space t.raw = t.value.inspect res << t else res << t end end res end # parses the argument list and the body from lexer # converts # + # to ## in body def parse_definition(lexer) varg = nil if tok = lexer.readtok_nopp and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '(' @args = [] loop do nil while tok = lexer.readtok_nopp and tok.type == :space # check '...' if tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '.' t1 = lexer.readtok_nopp t2 = lexer.readtok_nopp t3 = lexer.readtok_nopp t3 = lexer.readtok_nopp while t3 and t3.type == :space raise @name, 'booh' if not t1 or t1.type != :punct or t1.raw != '.' or not t2 or t2.type != :punct or t2.raw != '.' or not t3 or t3.type != :punct or t3.raw != ')' @varargs = true break end break if tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ')' and @args.empty? # allow empty list raise @name, 'invalid arg definition' if not tok or tok.type != :string @args << tok nil while tok = lexer.readtok_nopp and tok.type == :space # check '...' if tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '.' t1 = lexer.readtok_nopp t2 = lexer.readtok_nopp t3 = lexer.readtok_nopp t3 = lexer.readtok_nopp while t3 and t3.type == :space raise @name, 'booh' if not t1 or t1.type != :punct or t1.raw != '.' or not t2 or t2.type != :punct or t2.raw != '.' or not t3 or t3.type != :punct or t3.raw != ')' @varargs = true varg = @args.pop.raw break end raise @name, 'invalid arg separator' if not tok or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ')' and tok.raw != ',') break if tok.raw == ')' end else lexer.unreadtok tok end nil while tok = lexer.readtok_nopp and tok.type == :space lexer.unreadtok tok while tok = lexer.readtok_nopp tok = tok.dup case tok.type when :eol lexer.unreadtok tok break when :space next if @body.last and @body.last.type == :space tok.raw = ' ' when :string tok.raw = '__VA_ARGS__' if varg and tok.raw == varg when :punct if tok.raw == '#' ntok = lexer.readtok_nopp if ntok and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '#' tok.raw << '#' else lexer.unreadtok ntok end end end @body << tok end @body.pop if @body.last and @body.last.type == :space # check macro is correct invalid_body = nil if (@body[-1] and @body[-1].raw == '##') or (@body[0] and @body[0].raw == '##') invalid_body ||= 'cannot have ## at begin or end of macro body' end if args if @args.map { |a| a.raw }.uniq.length != @args.length invalid_body ||= 'duplicate macro parameter' end @body.each_with_index { |tok_, i| if tok_.type == :punct and tok_.raw == '#' a = @body[i+1] a = @body[i+2] if not a or a.type == :space if not a.type == :string or (not @args.find { |aa| aa.raw == a.raw } and (not varargs or a.raw != '__VA_ARGS__')) invalid_body ||= 'cannot have # followed by non-argument' end end } end if invalid_body puts "W: #{lexer.filename}:#{lexer.lineno}, in #{@name.raw}: #{invalid_body}" if $VERBOSE false else true end end def dump(comment = true) str = '' str << "\n// from #{@name.backtrace[-2, 2] * ':'}\n" if comment str << "#define #{@name.raw}" if args str << '(' << (@args.map { |t| t.raw } + (varargs ? ['...'] : [])).join(', ') << ')' end str << ' ' << @body.map { |t| t.raw }.join end end # special object, handles __FILE__ __LINE__ __COUNTER__ __DATE__ __TIME__ macros class SpecialMacro def args ; end def body ; [@name] end attr_accessor :name def initialize(raw) @name = Token.new(nil) @name.type = :string @name.raw = raw end def apply(lexer, name, emptyarglist, toklist=nil) tok = @name.dup tok.expanded_from = name.expanded_from.to_a + [name] case @name.raw when '__FILE__', '__DATE__', '__TIME__' # returns a :quoted tok.type = :quoted tok.value = \ case @name.raw when '__FILE__' name = name.expanded_from.first if name.expanded_from name.backtrace.to_a[-2].to_s when '__DATE__'; Time.now.strftime('%b %e %Y') when '__TIME__'; Time.now.strftime('%H:%M:%S') end tok.raw = tok.value.inspect when '__LINE__', '__COUNTER__' # returns a :string tok.type = :string case @name.raw when '__LINE__' name = name.expanded_from.first if name.expanded_from tok.value = name.backtrace.to_a[-1] when '__COUNTER__' tok.value = @counter ||= 0 @counter += 1 end tok.raw = tok.value.to_s else raise name, 'internal error' end [tok] end end # the raw string we're reading attr_accessor :text, :pos # the backtrace information for current file attr_accessor :filename, :lineno # the unreadtok queue attr_accessor :queue # the backtrace (array of previous [filename, lineno, text, pos] that #included us) attr_accessor :backtrace # a hash of macro definitions: macro name => [macro def tok, [macro args tok], [macro body toks]] attr_accessor :definition # array of directories to search for #included <files> attr_accessor :include_search_path # a Proc called for unhandled #pragma occurences # takes the pragma 1st tok as arg, must unread the final :eol, should fallback to the previous callback attr_accessor :pragma_callback # hash filename => file content attr_accessor :hooked_include attr_accessor :warn_redefinition # global default search directory for #included <files> @@include_search_path = ['/usr/include'] def self.include_search_path ; @@include_search_path end def self.include_search_path=(np) @@include_search_path=np end def initialize(text='') @queue = [] @backtrace = [] @definition = %w[__FILE__ __LINE__ __COUNTER__ __DATE__ __TIME__].inject({}) { |h, n| h.update n => SpecialMacro.new(n) } @include_search_path = @@include_search_path.dup # stack of :accept/:discard/:discard_all/:testing, represents the current nesting of #if..#endif @ifelse_nesting = [] @text = text @pos = 0 @filename = 'unknown' @lineno = 1 @warn_redefinition = true @hooked_include = {} @pragma_once = {} @pragma_callback = lambda { |otok| tok = otok str = tok.raw.dup str << tok.raw while tok = readtok and tok.type != :eol unreadtok tok puts otok.exception("unhandled pragma #{str.inspect}").message if $VERBOSE } define '__METASM__', VERSION end def exception(msg='syntax error') backtrace_str = Backtrace.backtrace_str([@filename, @lineno] + @backtrace.map { |f, l, *a| [f, l] }.flatten) ParseError.new "at #{backtrace_str}: #{msg}" end # returns the preprocessed content def dump ret = '' neol = 0 while not eos? t = readtok case t.type when :space; ret << ' ' when :eol; ret << "\n" if (neol += 1) <= 2 when :quoted; neol = 0 ; ret << t.raw # keep quoted style else neol = 0 ; ret << (t.value || t.raw).to_s end end ret end attr_accessor :traced_macros # preprocess text, and retrieve all macros defined in #included <files> and used in the text # returns a C source-like string def self.factorize(text, comment=false) p = new(text) p.traced_macros = [] p.readtok while not p.eos? p.dump_macros(p.traced_macros, comment) end # dumps the definition of the macros whose name is in the list + their dependencies # returns one big C-style source string def dump_macros(list, comment = true) depend = {} # build dependency graph (we can output macros in any order, but it's more human-readable) walk = lambda { |mname| depend[mname] ||= [] @definition[mname].body.each { |t| name = t.raw if @definition[name] depend[mname] << name if not depend[name] depend[name] = [] walk[name] end end } } list.each { |mname| walk[mname] } res = [] while not depend.empty? todo_now = depend.keys.find_all { |k| (depend[k] - [k]).empty? } if todo_now.empty? dep_cycle = lambda { |ary| deps = depend[ary.last] if deps.include? ary.first; ary elsif (deps-ary).find { |d| deps = dep_cycle[ary + [d]] }; deps end } if not depend.find { |k, dep| todo_now = dep_cycle[[k]] } todo_now = depend.keys end end todo_now.sort.each { |k| res << @definition[k].dump(comment) if @definition[k].kind_of? Macro depend.delete k } depend.each_key { |k| depend[k] -= todo_now } end res.join("\n") end # starts a new lexer, with the specified initial filename/line number (for backtraces) def feed(text, filename='unknown', lineno=1) raise self, 'cannot start new text, did not finish current source' if not eos? feed!(text, filename, lineno) end # starts a new lexer, with the specified initial filename/line number (for backtraces) # discards old text/whatever def feed!(text, filename='unknown', lineno=1) raise ArgumentError, 'need something to parse!' if not text @text = text # @filename[-1] used in trace_macros to distinguish generic/specific files @filename = "\"#{filename}\"" @lineno = lineno @pos = 0 @queue = [] self end # calls #feed on the content of the file def feed_file(filename) feed(File.read(filename), filename) end Trigraph = { ?= => ?#, ?) => ?], ?! => ?|, ?( => ?[, ?' => ?^, ?> => ?}, ?/ => ?\\,?< => ?{, ?- => ?~ } # reads one character from self.text # updates self.lineno # handles trigraphs and \-continued lines def getchar @ungetcharpos = @pos @ungetcharlineno = @lineno c = @text[@pos] @pos += 1 # check trigraph if c == ?? and @text[@pos] == ?? and Trigraph[@text[@pos+1]] puts "can i has trigraf plox ??#{c.chr} (#@filename:#@lineno)" if $VERBOSE c = Trigraph[@text[@pos+1]] @pos += 2 end # check line continuation # TODO portability if c == ?\\ and (@text[@pos] == ?\n or (@text[@pos] == ?\r and @text[@pos+1] == ?\n)) @lineno += 1 @pos += 1 if @text[@pos] == ?\r @pos += 1 return getchar end if c == ?\r and @text[@pos] == ?\n @pos += 1 c = ?\n end # update lineno if c == ?\n @lineno += 1 end c end def ungetchar @pos = @ungetcharpos @lineno = @ungetcharlineno nil end # returns true if no more data is available def eos? @pos >= @text.length and @queue.empty? and @backtrace.empty? end # push back a token, will be returned on the next readtok # lifo def unreadtok(tok) @queue << tok if tok nil end # calls readtok_nopp and handles preprocessor directives def readtok(expand_macros = true) lastpos = @pos tok = readtok_nopp if not tok # end of file: resume parent if not @backtrace.empty? raise ParseError, "parse error in #@filename: unmatched #if/#endif" if @backtrace.last.pop != @ifelse_nesting.length @filename, @lineno, @text, @pos, @queue = @backtrace.pop tok = readtok end elsif (tok.type == :eol or lastpos == 0) and @ifelse_nesting.last != :testing unreadtok tok if lastpos == 0 # detect preprocessor directive # state = 1 => seen :eol, 2 => seen # pretok = [] rewind = true state = 1 loop do pretok << (ntok = readtok_nopp) break if not ntok if ntok.type == :space # nothing elsif state == 1 and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '#' and not ntok.expanded_from state = 2 elsif state == 2 and ntok.type == :string and not ntok.expanded_from rewind = false if preprocessor_directive(ntok) break else break end end if rewind # false alarm: revert pretok.reverse_each { |t| unreadtok t } end tok = readtok if lastpos == 0 # else return the :eol elsif expand_macros and tok.type == :string and m = @definition[tok.raw] and not tok.expanded_from.to_a.find { |ef| ef.raw == m.name.raw } and ((m.args and margs = Macro.parse_arglist(self)) or not m.args) if defined? @traced_macros and tok.backtrace[-2].to_s[0] == ?" and m.name and m.name.backtrace[-2].to_s[0] == ?< @traced_macros |= [tok.raw] # we are in a normal file and expand to an header-defined macro end m.apply(self, tok, margs).reverse_each { |t| unreadtok t } tok = readtok end tok end # read and return the next token # parses quoted strings (set tok.value) and C/C++ comments (:space/:eol) def readtok_nopp return @queue.pop unless @queue.empty? nbt = [] @backtrace.each { |bt| nbt << bt[0] << bt[1] } tok = Token.new(nbt << @filename << @lineno) case c = getchar when nil return nil when ?', ?" # read quoted string value readtok_nopp_str(tok, c) when ?a..?z, ?A..?Z, ?0..?9, ?$, ?_ tok.type = :string raw = tok.raw << c loop do case c = getchar when nil; ungetchar; break # avoids 'no method "coerce" for nil' warning when ?a..?z, ?A..?Z, ?0..?9, ?$, ?_ raw << c else ungetchar; break end end when ?\ , ?\t, ?\r, ?\n, ?\f tok.type = ((c == ?\ || c == ?\t) ? :space : :eol) raw = tok.raw << c loop do case c = getchar when nil; break when ?\ , ?\t when ?\n, ?\f, ?\r; tok.type = :eol else break end raw << c end ungetchar when ?/ raw = tok.raw << c # comment case c = getchar when ?/ # till eol tok.type = :eol raw << c while c = getchar raw << c break if c == ?\n end when ?* tok.type = :space raw << c seenstar = false loop do raise tok, 'unterminated c++ comment' if not c = getchar raw << c case c when ?*; seenstar = true when ?/; break if seenstar # no need to reset seenstar, already false else seenstar = false end end else # just a slash ungetchar tok.type = :punct end else tok.type = :punct tok.raw << c end tok end # we just read a ' or a ", read until the end of the string # tok.value will contain the raw string (with escapes interpreted etc) def readtok_nopp_str(tok, delimiter) tok.type = :quoted tok.raw << delimiter tok.value = '' c = nil loop do raise tok, 'unterminated string' if not c = getchar tok.raw << c case c when delimiter; break when ?\\ raise tok, 'unterminated escape' if not c = getchar tok.raw << c tok.value << \ case c when ?n; ?\n when ?r; ?\r when ?t; ?\t when ?a; ?\a when ?b; ?\b when ?v; ?\v when ?f; ?\f when ?e; ?\e when ?#, ?\\, ?', ?"; c when ?\n; '' # already handled by getchar when ?x; hex = '' while hex.length < 2 raise tok, 'unterminated escape' if not c = getchar case c when ?0..?9, ?a..?f, ?A..?F else ungetchar; break end hex << c tok.raw << c end raise tok, 'unterminated escape' if hex.empty? hex.hex when ?0..?7; oct = '' << c while oct.length < 3 raise tok, 'unterminated escape' if not c = getchar case c when ?0..?7 else ungetchar; break end oct << c tok.raw << c end oct.oct else c # raise tok, 'unknown escape sequence' end when ?\n; ungetchar ; raise tok, 'unterminated string' else tok.value << c end end tok end # defines a simple preprocessor macro (expands to 0 or 1 token) # does not check overwriting def define(name, value=nil, from=caller.first) from =~ /^(.*?):(\d+)/ btfile, btlineno = $1, $2.to_i t = Token.new([btfile, btlineno]) t.type = :string t.raw = name.dup @definition[name] = Macro.new(t) if value.kind_of? ::String and eos? feed(value, btfile, btlineno) @definition[name].body << readtok until eos? elsif value # XXX won't split multi-token defs.. t = Token.new([btfile, btlineno]) t.type = :string t.raw = value.to_s @definition[name].body << t end end # defines a pp constant if it is not already defined def define_weak(name, value=nil, from=caller.first) define(name, value, from) if not @definition[name] end # defines a pp constant so that later #define/#undef will be ignored def define_strong(name, value=nil, from=caller.first) (@defined_strong ||= []) << name define(name, value, from) end # does not define name, and prevent it from being defined later def nodefine_strong(name) (@defined_strong ||= []) << name end # handles #directives # returns true if the command is valid # second parameter for internal use def preprocessor_directive(cmd, ocmd = cmd) # read spaces, returns the next token # XXX for all commands that may change @ifelse_nesting, ensure last element is :testing to disallow any other preprocessor directive to be run in a bad environment (while looking ahead) skipspc = lambda { loop do tok = readtok_nopp break tok if not tok or tok.type != :space end } # XXX do not preprocess tokens when searching for :eol, it will trigger preprocessor directive detection from readtok eol = tok = nil case cmd.raw when 'if' case @ifelse_nesting.last when :accept, nil @ifelse_nesting << :testing raise cmd, 'expr expected' if not test = PPExpression.parse(self) eol = skipspc[] raise eol, 'pp syntax error' if eol and eol.type != :eol unreadtok eol case test.reduce when 0; @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :discard when Integer; @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :accept else @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :discard end when :discard, :discard_all @ifelse_nesting << :discard_all end when 'ifdef' case @ifelse_nesting.last when :accept, nil @ifelse_nesting << :testing raise eol || tok || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if not tok = skipspc[] or tok.type != :string or (eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol) unreadtok eol @ifelse_nesting[-1] = (@definition[tok.raw] ? :accept : :discard) when :discard, :discard_all @ifelse_nesting << :discard_all end when 'ifndef' case @ifelse_nesting.last when :accept, nil @ifelse_nesting << :testing raise eol || tok || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if not tok = skipspc[] or tok.type != :string or (eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol) unreadtok eol @ifelse_nesting[-1] = (@definition[tok.raw] ? :discard : :accept) when :discard, :discard_all @ifelse_nesting << :discard_all end when 'elif' case @ifelse_nesting.last when :accept @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :discard_all when :discard @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :testing raise cmd, 'expr expected' if not test = PPExpression.parse(self) raise eol, 'pp syntax error' if eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol unreadtok eol case test.reduce when 0; @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :discard when Integer; @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :accept else @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :discard end when :discard_all else raise cmd, 'pp syntax error' end when 'else' @ifelse_nesting << :testing @ifelse_nesting.pop raise eol || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if @ifelse_nesting.empty? or (eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol) unreadtok eol case @ifelse_nesting.last when :accept @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :discard_all when :discard @ifelse_nesting[-1] = :accept when :discard_all end when 'endif' @ifelse_nesting << :testing @ifelse_nesting.pop raise eol || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if @ifelse_nesting.empty? or (eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol) unreadtok eol @ifelse_nesting.pop when 'define' return if @ifelse_nesting.last and @ifelse_nesting.last != :accept raise tok || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if not tok = skipspc[] or tok.type != :string m = Macro.new(tok) valid = m.parse_definition(self) if not defined? @defined_strong or not @defined_strong.include? tok.raw puts "W: pp: redefinition of #{tok.raw} at #{tok.backtrace_str},\n prev def at #{@definition[tok.raw].name.backtrace_str}" if @definition[tok.raw] and $VERBOSE and @warn_redefinition @definition[tok.raw] = m if valid end when 'undef' return if @ifelse_nesting.last and @ifelse_nesting.last != :accept raise eol || tok || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if not tok = skipspc[] or tok.type != :string or (eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol) if not defined? @defined_strong or not @defined_strong.include? tok.raw @definition.delete tok.raw unreadtok eol end when 'include', 'include_next' return if @ifelse_nesting.last and @ifelse_nesting.last != :accept directive_include(cmd, skipspc) when 'error', 'warning' return if @ifelse_nesting.last and @ifelse_nesting.last != :accept msg = '' while tok = readtok_nopp and tok.type != :eol msg << tok.raw end unreadtok tok if cmd.raw == 'warning' puts cmd.exception("#warning#{msg}").message if $VERBOSE else raise cmd, "#error#{msg}" end when 'line' return if @ifelse_nesting.last and @ifelse_nesting.last != :accept raise tok || cmd if not tok = skipspc[] or tok.type != :string @lineno = Integer(tok.raw) rescue raise(tok, 'bad line number') raise eol if eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol unreadtok eol when 'pragma' return if @ifelse_nesting.last and @ifelse_nesting.last != :accept directive_pragma(cmd, skipspc) else return false end # skip #ifndef'd parts of the source state = 1 # just seen :eol while @ifelse_nesting.last == :discard or @ifelse_nesting.last == :discard_all begin tok = skipspc[] rescue ParseError # react as gcc -E: <"> unterminated in #if 0 => ok, </*> unterminated => error (the " will fail at eol) retry end if not tok; raise ocmd, 'pp unterminated conditional' elsif tok.type == :eol; state = 1 elsif state == 1 and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '#'; state = 2 elsif state == 2 and tok.type == :string; state = preprocessor_directive(tok, ocmd) ? 1 : 0 else state = 0 end end true end # handles the '#include' directive, which will insert a new file content in the token stream def directive_include(cmd, skipspc) raise cmd, 'nested too deeply' if backtrace.length > 200 # gcc # allow preprocessing nil while tok = readtok and tok.type == :space raise tok || cmd, 'pp syntax error' if not tok or (tok.type != :quoted and (tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '<')) if tok.type == :quoted ipath = tok.value if @filename[0] == ?< or @backtrace.find { |btf, *a| btf[0] == ?< } # XXX local include from a std include... (kikoo windows.h !) path = nil if not @include_search_path.find { |d| ::File.exist?(path = ::File.join(d, ipath)) } || @include_search_path.find { |d| path = file_exist_nocase(::File.join(d, ipath)) } || path = file_exist_nocase(::File.join(::File.dirname(@filename[1..-2]), ipath)) path = nil end elsif ipath[0] != ?/ path = ::File.join(::File.dirname(@filename[1..-2]), ipath) if ipath[0] != ?/ path = file_exist_nocase(path || ipath) if not ::File.exist?(path || ipath) else path = ipath path = file_exist_nocase(path) if not ::File.exist? path end else # no more preprocessing : allow comments/multiple space/etc ipath = '' while tok = readtok_nopp and (tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '>') raise cmd, 'syntax error' if tok.type == :eol ipath << tok.raw end raise cmd, 'pp syntax error, unterminated path' if not tok if ipath[0] != ?/ path = nil isp = @include_search_path if cmd.raw == 'include_next' raise self, 'include_next sux' if not idx = isp.find { |d| @filename[1, d.length] == d } isp = isp[isp.index(idx)+1..-1] end if not isp.find { |d| ::File.exist?(path = ::File.join(d, ipath)) } || isp.find { |d| path = file_exist_nocase(::File.join(d, ipath)) } path = nil end end end eol = nil raise eol if eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol unreadtok eol return if cmd.raw == 'include_next' and not path and not @hooked_include[ipath] # XXX if not @pragma_once[path || ipath] @backtrace << [@filename, @lineno, @text, @pos, @queue, @ifelse_nesting.length] # gcc-style autodetect # XXX the headers we already parsed may have needed a prepare_gcc... # maybe restart parsing ? if ipath == 'stddef.h' and not path and not @hooked_include[ipath] tk = tok.dup tk.raw = 'prepare_gcc' @pragma_callback[tk] if @hooked_include[ipath] puts "metasm pp: autodetected gcc-style headers" if $VERBOSE end end if @hooked_include[ipath] path = '<hooked>/'+ipath puts "metasm preprocessor: including #{path}" if $DEBUG @text = @hooked_include[ipath] else puts "metasm preprocessor: including #{path}" if $DEBUG raise cmd, "No such file or directory #{ipath.inspect}" if not path or not ::File.exist? path raise cmd, 'filename too long' if path.length > 4096 # gcc @text = ::File.read(path) end # @filename[-1] used in trace_macros to distinguish generic/specific files if tok.type == :quoted @filename = '"' + path + '"' else @filename = '<' + path + '>' end @lineno = 1 @pos = 0 @queue = [] else puts "metasm preprocessor: not reincluding #{path} (pragma once)" if $DEBUG end end # checks if a file exists # search for case-insensitive variants of the path # returns the match if found, or nil def file_exist_nocase(name) componants = name.tr('\\', '/').split('/') if componants[0] == '' ret = '/' componants.shift else ret = './' end componants.each { |cp| return if not ccp = Dir.entries(ret).find { |ccp_| ccp_.downcase == cp.downcase } ret = File.join(ret, ccp) } ret end # handles a '#pragma' directive in the preprocessor source # here we handle: # 'once': do not re-#include this file # 'no_warn_redefinition': macro redefinition warning # 'include_dir' / 'include_path': insert directories in the #include <xx> search path (this new dir will be searched first) # 'push_macro' / 'pop_macro': allows temporary redifinition of a macro with later restoration # other directives are forwarded to @pragma_callback def directive_pragma(cmd, skipspc) nil while tok = readtok and tok.type == :space raise tok || cmd if not tok or tok.type != :string case tok.raw when 'once' @pragma_once[@filename[1..-2]] = true when 'no_warn_redefinition' @warn_redefinition = false when 'include_dir', 'include_path' nil while dir = readtok and dir.type == :space raise cmd, 'qstring expected' if not dir or dir.type != :quoted dir = ::File.expand_path dir.value raise cmd, 'invalid path' if not ::File.directory? dir @include_search_path.unshift dir when 'push_macro', 'pop_macro' @pragma_macro_stack ||= [] nil while lp = readtok and lp.type == :space nil while m = readtok and m.type == :space nil while rp = readtok and rp.type == :space raise cmd if not rp or lp.type != :punct or rp.type != :punct or lp.raw != '(' or rp.raw != ')' or m.type != :quoted if tok.raw == 'push_macro' @pragma_macro_stack << @definition[m.value] else raise cmd, "macro stack empty" if @pragma_macro_stack.empty? if mbody = @pragma_macro_stack.pop # push undefined macro allowed @definition[m.value] = mbody else @definition.delete m.value end end else @pragma_callback[tok] end eol = nil raise eol, 'eol expected' if eol = skipspc[] and eol.type != :eol unreadtok eol end # parses a preprocessor expression (similar to Expression, + handles "defined(foo)"), returns an Expression class PPExpression class << self # reads an operator from the lexer, returns the corresponding symbol or nil def readop(lexer) if not tok = lexer.readtok or tok.type != :punct lexer.unreadtok tok return end op = tok case op.raw # may be followed by itself or '=' when '>', '<' if ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :punct and (ntok.raw == op.raw or ntok.raw == '=') op = op.dup op.raw << ntok.raw else lexer.unreadtok ntok end # may be followed by itself when '|', '&' if ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == op.raw op = op.dup op.raw << ntok.raw else lexer.unreadtok ntok end # must be followed by '=' when '!', '=' if not ntok = lexer.readtok or ntok.type != :punct and ntok.raw != '=' lexer.unreadtok ntok lexer.unreadtok tok return end op = op.dup op.raw << ntok.raw # ok when '^', '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '>>', '<<', '>=', '<=', '||', '&&', '!=', '==' # unknown else lexer.unreadtok tok return end op.value = op.raw.to_sym op end # handles floats and "defined" keyword def parse_intfloat(lexer, tok) if tok.type == :string and tok.raw == 'defined' nil while ntok = lexer.readtok_nopp and ntok.type == :space raise tok if not ntok if ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '(' nil while ntok = lexer.readtok_nopp and ntok.type == :space nil while rtok = lexer.readtok_nopp and rtok.type == :space raise tok if not rtok or rtok.type != :punct or rtok.raw != ')' end raise tok if not ntok or ntok.type != :string tok.value = lexer.definition[ntok.raw] ? 1 : 0 return elsif tok.type == :string and tok.raw == 'L' ntok = lexer.readtok_nopp if ntok.type == :quoted and ntok.raw[0] == ?' tok.raw << ntok.raw tok.value = (ntok.value + "\0\0").unpack('v') # XXX endianness else lexer.unreadtok ntok end end Expression.parse_num_value(lexer, tok) end # returns the next value from lexer (parenthesised expression, immediate, variable, unary operators) # single-line only, and does not handle multibyte char string def parse_value(lexer) nil while tok = lexer.readtok and tok.type == :space return if not tok case tok.type when :string parse_intfloat(lexer, tok) val = tok.value || tok.raw when :quoted if tok.raw[0] != ?' or tok.value.length > 1 # allow single-char lexer.unreadtok tok return end val = tok.value[0] when :punct case tok.raw when '(' val = parse(lexer) nil while ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :space raise tok, "')' expected after #{val.inspect} got #{ntok.inspect}" if not ntok or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' when '!', '+', '-', '~' nil while ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :space lexer.unreadtok ntok raise tok, 'need expression after unary operator' if not val = parse_value(lexer) val = Expression[tok.raw.to_sym, val] when '.' parse_intfloat(lexer, tok) if not tok.value lexer.unreadtok tok return end val = tok.value else lexer.unreadtok tok return end else lexer.unreadtok tok return end nil while tok = lexer.readtok and tok.type == :space lexer.unreadtok tok val end def parse(lexer) opstack = [] stack = [] return if not e = parse_value(lexer) stack << e while op = readop(lexer) nil while ntok = lexer.readtok and ntok.type == :space lexer.unreadtok ntok until opstack.empty? or Expression::OP_PRIO[op.value][opstack.last] stack << Expression.new(opstack.pop, stack.pop, stack.pop) end opstack << op.value raise op, 'need rhs' if not e = parse_value(lexer) stack << e end until opstack.empty? stack << Expression.new(opstack.pop, stack.pop, stack.pop) end Expression[stack.first] end end end end end